Like Minded Lushes December 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Mmm vomit in the purse, gotta love fur kids. Seems in our house either one of them is pooping, peeing or throwing up, I can't even imagine when kids are thrown into the mix ugh. That's a little while away though.

    Lushy weekend as usual but we checked out the venue I fell in love with for our ceremony/reception. Kyle liked it too so after we got the estimate for how many people we'll probably have we talked a bit when we left and he said to let the guy at the Manor know that we wanted to book it. We got the last available date for 2012. This place is amazing, if anyone is interested it's Lord Thompson Manor. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it haha.

    Fiancé is away for business part of the week so night drinks will be in order so that I can actually sleep. I can't sleep when he's not home, on top of it I"m getting sick and I never get sick so when I do, it's miserable.

    In boozy news, got a fantastic recipe for a Wintery/Christmas martini from our favorite local restaurant.

    1/2 plain or vanilla vodka
    1/4 amaretto
    1/4 Baileys
    garnish with nutmeg

    Soooo good!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Thanks for sharing..............
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ooh, Kat, that sounds lovely!!

    So, in addition to the vodka red bulls and beers, I also had 2 cups of sangria and a shot of raspberry vodka out of my cell phone flask. :laugh: I got the flask as a gift from my BFF at her bachelorette weekend--remember my trip to San Diego? So, as a joke, I took the flask, filled, natch, to the party. Somehow, it came out and was being passed around. Good times...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lord Thompson Manor looks beeyooteeful. Are you still going for an October wedding?
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Lord Thompson Manor looks beeyooteeful. Are you still going for an October wedding?

    It's even more amazing in person. I fell in love with the pictures and was sold as soon as we drove up to it and walked in the front door. They had a Maine coon cat hanging out and the cutest little Lassy pup.

    The only date they had available was October 7th which is also one of my best friends/bridesmaids birthday, so I was fine with changing the date. It's still a neat date and if anything means more since I'll get to celebrate with my best friend =] of course I asked her if it was okay and she seemed more excited than me haha. So we will be getting married October 7, 2012 =D everything about Lord Thompson Manor is anything but a cookie cutter wedding/reception venue, which is exactly what I wanted. Our guests will feel their at an amazing party instead of a super formal wedding. Plus the way the dinner is set up, we eat pretty quickly and then we gather in this amazing patio and all just mingle instead of just sitting at tables all night. There are fireplaces in all the dining rooms and bedrooms plus 2 outside on the patio and a huge fire pit. I could not of found a better place and the man I've been emailing and who showed us around asked if it was our first place and I said yes and provided what Kyle says, it will be our only. I certainly don't need to look around because I know I won't find anything nearly as beautiful. He said some couple had looked at 15 places!! I just could not see myself doing that, so for us it was one and done =} AND they pretty much take care of everything, hair, make up, food, they get the bar tenders and DJ or band, they have a photographer which we'll most likely use since she'll know the good spots to take pictures and there are about 13 rooms between the manor and their sister property the cottage house that most likely our wedding party will stay in. Also since we will do the ceremony there as well there isn't any driving to different places and we can have an after party after the reception there so we can all change into comfy clothes and keep drinking and eating around the fireplaces or fire pits, of course that will be a smaller number people, probably just us and our wedding party and some other friends but that's sort of the point. I'm so over the moon that we were able to get this place and that my fiancé loved it too. I said it was up to him since he's paying but that if he liked it, I definitely didn't need to look anywhere else and when we got back to his parents he said well if she likes it then we can make it work :heart: I said well you're getting married too and you should like the place and he said he liked it a lot, having 3 bars and a pool table room downstairs didn't hurt haha.
  • tapas71
    tapas71 Posts: 49 Member
    Yay! That sounds like a great venue!!! I bet it feels good to have that part done.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Yay! That sounds like a great venue!!! I bet it feels good to have that part done.

    Oh my gosh it does but especially since it also takes care of the music, photos, food, booze and ALL of that. Really all we have to do is talk with their planner so she can put together our "vision" which for me isn't flowers but lots of candles and plain white christmas lights =] I need to pick out a dress, I already picked out a wedding ring and know what I'm getting Kyle for his present and just need to get a cake which I already have an idea for =] More will come up but with all this being taken care of, 9 months to plan seems like cake now haha
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I have been alcohol free for 11 days and counting ... trying to make it to 21 on my cleanse .... wish me luck, I almost relapsed yesterday!
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Sydney, congrats on your son's college acceptance, that is fantastic! Cheers:drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Kat it sounds awesome.

    Zip- glad you made it over to this thread.:wink:

    wine tonight. no dinner just dont feel like eating.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I'm celebrating. College acceptance leters have arrived for my son (along with academic scholarship money). I take full credit for them. The wine is out. if you dont see me know why. :drinker:

    That is soooooo cool!! Congrats!!!

    BTW - Back to my lushy ways :love: White wine on Saturday....1 Bacardi on Sunday and I ran into a bottle of red wine tonight...Ahhhh...feel better! :glasses:
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Mmm vomit in the purse, gotta love fur kids. Seems in our house either one of them is pooping, peeing or throwing up, I can't even imagine when kids are thrown into the mix ugh. That's a little while away though.

    Lushy weekend as usual but we checked out the venue I fell in love with for our ceremony/reception. Kyle liked it too so after we got the estimate for how many people we'll probably have we talked a bit when we left and he said to let the guy at the Manor know that we wanted to book it. We got the last available date for 2012. This place is amazing, if anyone is interested it's Lord Thompson Manor. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it haha.

    Fiancé is away for business part of the week so night drinks will be in order so that I can actually sleep. I can't sleep when he's not home, on top of it I"m getting sick and I never get sick so when I do, it's miserable.

    In boozy news, got a fantastic recipe for a Wintery/Christmas martini from our favorite local restaurant.

    1/2 plain or vanilla vodka
    1/4 amaretto
    1/4 Baileys
    garnish with nutmeg

    Soooo good!

    I am definitely trying this! Any excuse to buy Baileys!
  • tapas71
    tapas71 Posts: 49 Member
    No drinks tonight . I also want to come clean and admit I honestly forgot to add my lushy treats the last 2 nights. Although I have been well under my calories, (the drinks would be fine) I forgot them.
    Thanks. I feel better now lol so much better, maybe I will have a drink!!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Sunday-1 egg nog and 4 beers
    Monday-1/2 bottle of delicious J. Lohr Cabernet
    Tuesday-I'll have to see how the day goes. Our washer broke friday, so I have to make a trip to the laundromat after the gym, it's going to be a long night and as far as could go either way, LOTS or none?? :huh:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Recap of last week:

    Only made it Monday and Tuesday with no drinks, but didn't do too bad the rest of the week. Went to lunch on Sunday with my drinking buddy and I ordered a beer as usual and she ordered a water??? I was like, what r u doing??? PREGGOS!! DUH! So happy for her and actually this will probably help my weight loss efforts :)

    This weeks goal:
    Monday: 0
    Tuesday: 0
    Wednesday: dinner with hubs probably have some wine (lets say 12oz)
    Thursday: 0
    Friday: dinner with a friend so probably wine, but I will try to limit to 2 glasses
    Saturday: xmas party wine and beer im sure
    Sunday: 0 now that I've lost my Sunday drinking buddy
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello Friends,
    I have been remiss with updating, but I can fix that right now.
    I've had a great week. Wine every night, 1/2 bottle, with these notable exceptions:
    Friday night I watched the U of Montana Grizzlies defeat their opponent in the quarterfinals of the FCS playoff. I watched at the health club and had a Widmer Hefe, followed by a maggie at home.
    Saturday went to dinner party and had 2 beers, followed by a snifter of Centenario Anejo tequila, and one of Grand Marnier.
    Sunday I went skiing and had 2 beers at the end of the day in the lodge.
    Monday wine with dinner, accompanied by a lovely young lady who proved to be pleasant company indeed.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sunday=0 drinks
    Monday=0 drinks, but it was close, I had a friend over and offered him a drink and if he had said yes I would have drank too, but he said no thanks!
    Tonight I should remain drink free but my one weeknight of drinking this week is Thursday, I think.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Drank too much last night...again. Oops. I think I'm just going to enjoy my drinks til Christmas/NYE is over! 2012 I can work on not drinking TOO much...but right now, I'm enjoying life & loving hanging out with the people who mean the most to me!! :)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I had too much as well bgrune but it allowed me to sleep even though the fiancé is away. Having a white cranberry cosmo skinny girl but had to spice it up with some sparkling cranberry juice because it's just not so yummy on it's own. So hopefully it will allow me to sleep tonight and then Kyle will be home tomorrow =}
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey lushes,

    I am still very lushy this week...whoever posted it, I think it will also be until NYE that I lush it up

    I am trying to get all the shopping and wrapping done by Wednesday of next week. I am going broke in doing so.

    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, who know? I have immunity for the contest. But, that defeats the purpose of the contest which is to moderate behavior. :ohwell: