Like Minded Lushes December 2011



  • harley_rose
    Monday 4 vodka and diet
    Tuesday 1 vodka and diet (daughter told me to get more because I was out but stayed strong)
    Wednesday none in the house going to try to keep it that way.. (will power I know it is in there)

    Wednesday shot in the foot.. I had 3 I believe isn't it amazing how the first one is gone before you can even think
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Harley, it's gone so fast because it tastes SO GOOD!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    First drink made :drinker: Going out tomorrow to celebrate one of my good friends birthdays = drinks, Saturday we were supposed to go to New York for the night to visit a friend but he forgot about some plans. We talked about still going for the day but I'd rather wait until we can spend a couple nights, not to mention we're going to see the venue I fell in love with at 2pm on Sunday and it's an hour from our house so it's probably better we just stay home this weekend. I cannot wait, with any luck we will book it right then and there and I will be on cloud 9 even if I don't get some amazing dress. This place is amazing and they do both ceremony and the reception so we save some money and they have their own James Beard celebrated chefs so we don't have to worry about a caterer. So excited :smile: Have a good night all!
  • tapas71
    tapas71 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello vodka! what's that? not yet!? I have to drive later... oh for the old days when there was just 2 other cars on the road and they had a drink in their hand too. Just jokin' drinking and driving kills, I know.
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    Lushes, I have a confession to make, I went for lunch in a pub today and for no good reason I didn't drink alcohol, I do believe I should be reported to the lush police as I'm sure that's an offence.

    Gasp!!!! What blastphomey! I'm just gonna have to have a couple glasses of wine tonight to get over this! I had two coor's light with my friend when we went out of nitrates......I dogs. I thought I did well, but now.........:shaking my head:........I have to make the world right again by drinking the wine that was meant for you. Karma's a *****! ;-)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    2nd drink made and found out we're not going out tomorrow because my best friend forgot about a meeting at work. Luckily our friend that we were going out for wasn't upset. Looks like the fiancé and I get a date night now (still SOOOOO weird saying fiancé) but getting a little easer to type. Haven't actually said it much but I've got a little over 9 months to do so =]
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0
    Wednesday, bottle of wine, so that makes 5
    Thursday, 3 glasses of wine

    Total: 8

    I am a single parent this week. Hubs and son went to Houston for football nationals to obviously bring home the championship.

    Since, I don't like sleeping alone. I need to drink wine - or - get a boyfriend. The wine is good company, quiet and doesn't do stupid *kitten* unless I allow it. Wine, it is...
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I might get banned from the Like Minded Lushes drinks all drinks in the near future. Hubby is having stomach issues soooo since he's not drinking I feel like it would be mean to drink around him :sad:

    Oh well - it will be better in the long run for weight loss....
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I might get banned from the Like Minded Lushes drinks all drinks in the near future. Hubby is having stomach issues soooo since he's not drinking I feel like it would be mean to drink around him :sad:

    Oh well - it will be better in the long run for weight loss....

    well since this is a no judging zone we won't ban you for not drinking. :laugh:

    I rediscovered Firefly sweet tea vodka and diet sunkist lemon last night. too tasty. :embarassed:
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    Uh oh!!! Blew it out last night! Whoops! Only had 3 drinks, but not any were low calorie. Plus drank a bunch of coffee (my other vice) with cream and sugar! Oh is another day, but it is Friday:drinker:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wednesday-16 oz wine
    Thursday- 8 oz wine
    Friday- need to do some cleaning and preparing for the hubs family xmas party at our house tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll have some wine
    Saturday- party at our house wine will be flowing and maybe some tang and tonics oh and I'm sure some good winter beers also...should be a great time!!
    Sunday- probably hungover :( maybe bloody marys will be a must!
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I was on a good streak of 0's until last night. My brother-in-law came to town last night for the K-State game, and he invited me to meet him & his friend for dinner. We went to Old Chicago. Had delicious beers (3), and yummy dinner. Then I bought some Blue Moon for my hubby to enjoy when he got off work. I also had about 3-4 of those. Feeling great today. Going to workout before my Christmas party tonight. Then will be drinking lots and lots of wine and eating yummy treats! :)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    4 drinks total last night. Rough start to the day today, one pup has stomach issues and our female not even a year old kitty is in heat. So, I had disarrono in my coffee =] definitely took the edge off. So the fiancé and I are getting back to being healthy before the New Year and we're making dinner tonight instead of going out. It'll be like our early date nights, staying in, making dinner and just enjoying each other :smile:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    0 last night. 0 tonight...I'm fighting a sinus infection. Blargh. :sad:
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    T.G.I.F. :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Feeling rough today after the holiday party for DH. I don't even know how much red wine I drank but then we ended up mini bowling nearby and I had a vodka soda, and then I took the morning off to get some rest and recover.
    Tonight is a friends birthday and we are meeting for happy hour. I am going to try and not drink beer, but it is so much more affordable. I am trying not to drink beer while on the Jamie Eason live fit trainer. I am not sure it matters, but...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Rough start to the day today, one pup has stomach issues and our female not even a year old kitty is in heat.

    I can relate. I woke up to see the cat had barfed in my purse! so gross...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Its Friday and I need alcohol. smiley-eatdrink043.gif
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Rough start to the day today, one pup has stomach issues and our female not even a year old kitty is in heat.

    I can relate. I woke up to see the cat had barfed in my purse! so gross...
  • MartiJJohnston
    Amy hope you feel better soon... I'm fighting the crud myself but it's not stopping me from drinking! :drinker:

    Having iodine injected into my veins for 2 different CT scans did NOT do anything for my hangover this morning. I've been WAY too lushy this week!

    Tues-6 beers (remember, in OK it's only 3.2)
    Wed-5 beers
    Thurs-no freaking idea + a Rumplemintz shot (to try to open up my chest)
    Fri-probably a little wine...