


  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, my name is Laura. I am a working mom of 3. My kiddos are 7.5, 4, and 7 months. I work in mental health--so I need to be in shape to keep myself out of danger. So I am working on losing the weight that marriage and child bearing has put on. I love softball and want to keep playing on adult leagues--but again, weight is a factor.

    I have been doing step aerobics, 30 Day shred, Couch to 5K, and resistance bands. I often have my kids doing the work out with me at home because my husband and I work opposite shifts to avoid child care.
  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a married stay at home mommy of a beautiful 15 month old little girl and handsome 4 week old twin boys! :D Before my fist pregnancy I weighed 236lbs and right now I am weighing in at 180lbs. I had an emergency c-section with the boys and it has left my tummy looking a little...odd to me lol. I've never had a toned body or anything but I would like to get in shape and stay that way. Three kids is going to keep me busy for a very long time and I always want to be able to keep up with them---and be proud of myself for staying healthy. I want to be happy with my body.

    I'm hoping that myfitnesspal will help me stay on track ( a problem I have really had in the past) and help me reach my goals. So far the baby weight has come off relatively easily but I don't want to stop there-I want to be a healthier happier me! Any and all motivation and support is appreciated---add me if you like! :)
  • KaitlynC1104
    Hello Ladies!
    So I am a young(er) mom of 2. An almost 3 year old boy who is the definition of terrible two's but can be the sweetest funniest thing when he wants to be. I also have a little princess who just turned 1 on the 9th of this month.

    When I first met B.D. as I will call him because well "it's complicated" I was a size 6/8 and 145-150 lbs

    When I got pregnant with #1 I gained 70lbs so I topped out at 210

    I got down to the 190's when he turned 1(yea 15 came off right after I had him)

    Then when he turned 1 in 2 months I got down to aprox 170.

    Then we got pregnant again, I'm high risk my first trimester and I didnt want to risk doing my usual workouts so I went back to being Fat and happy...look I love my wings and cake and cheese and food in general

    So I only gained 30lbs with my daughter (a lot better than 70) but now that she is one I am still stuck in the 190's
    I really would like to get back to my 6/8 self hell I'd like to get back to my 6/4 self.

    It just get so hard because my 2 year old is a picky eater and what he doesnt eat I hate to throw out so I eat it. How many of us eat that remaing chicken nugget or take a bite of the cereal bar or **** who hasnt had a late night sugar craving and gone straight to the scobby doo fruit snack box!!!

    So ladies I guess I just need motivation!!! I know I can do it I just need those fruit snacks to go away!!!:happy:
  • sopranomama
    sopranomama Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm an almost-34-year-old mom of a fantastic 18-month-old boy, and I've got some major work to do this year. I gained 48 pounds with my pregnancy, lost 33 of those pounds shortly after my son was born, and have been hanging onto the last 15 ever since. My husband and I are starting to think about trying for #2, but I feel like I owe it to myself to get in better shape first - I was overweight before my first pregnancy, and I'm afraid if I don't get my butt in gear now, it will be another 18 months and more weight standing in between me and my goal.

    I started a couch-to-one-mile running program back in the fall (I wish I was kidding, but there was NO WAY I could do the couch to 5K at that point) and I had some success, but between the extra weight I'm carrying and running on pavement, my shins and knees took a beating. I'm taking a break from running for the winter and doing P90X-3 with my husband for the next three months. My goal is to be in better shape so that when March rolls around I can finally do C25K!

    I've used MFP half-heartedly in the past, but I'm looking forward to really using it to stay accountable from now on. My only obstacle at the moment (other than staying out of the ice cream) is that my husband and I do the Once A Month Meals cooking thing, and I haven't had time to manually enter in all the recipes we used! Once I get that done, I should be able to do my daily log pretty easily. :)

    I'm definitely looking for support/motivation and to help others with the same, so please feel free to add me! :)
  • Cateart
    Cateart Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Cate. I've used MFP for a while, but didn't know about the social aspect of it! I've really been seeking support from others going through the same struggles, but none of my friends use MFP.
    I am a sahm of two boys (1&3). Before kids I was pretty happy with my body. I could maintain and lose fairly easily. I gained more weight with my first than I planned. It was a very difficult pregnancy that led to a lot of bed rest and er visits and then the added stress of having him at 30 weeks. I lost a good amount of weight from bf, but it still had 20 or so to lose when I became pregnant again. Because of my last pregnancy my doctors wanted me to take it easy durning this pregnancy too. So with little activity and eating lots of carbs (helped with nausea), I know I gained more than I needed to. I lost most of it pretty quickly, but now I had an extra 40 to lose on top of it. Then I went on anxiety meds and birth control and my weight went way up. I was back to where I was at full term! No matter what I ate or how often I went to the gym it wasn't putting a dent in it...even after I stopped all the meds.
    Then I found out I may be hypothyroid. I decided I need to take control of how I eat and be more active (duh, right?). I've read that sometimes gluten can be an issue as well as having glucose issues. So right now I am GF and avoiding high glycemic index foods. I'm 20 days in and am loving it! I feel like I have much more energy, better mood and I've already lost 10 lbs!
    Anyway, that pretty much sums up my journey so far. Just looking for other moms that might offer support/need support :) thanks!
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Katrina. I will be 39 tomorrow (EEK!). I'm a stay at home mom to 2 girls that are 6 and 4. I live in Michigan near Detroit with my husband of 7 years. In the next couple months I will be starting classes to be a medical transcriptionist so I can work at home. I would really like to get my fitness on track before I start that journey. I've been on MFP since 2010 and have gone up and down quite a bit. I've got about 50 pounds more to lose to reach my goal.

    I exercise at home by walking outdoors and doing DVDs. I have several Jillian Michaels workouts, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, Zumba, Winsor Pilates and some Yoga on iTunes. I also have a Total Gym type machine for strength training.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • Jennifer1885
    Hi! I just turned 42 this month and I am a mom to a 20 month old little girl. I tried to get pregnant for many years and she was quite a pleasant surprise when we gave up trying.

    I have lost 25 lbs before coming to MFP from breastfeeding (then ending a few months ago), having some dental surgery and did Nutrisystem for a short time period. Now I am ready to take the rest off.

    I don't starve myself and know I could eat better quality food. Trying to get on the treadmill before she wakes up in the morning. I stay home with her but also take college classes online.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I could use all the support I can get!
  • 5Jpantoja1a
    Hello All You Beautiful Mommas!

    I am a 26 year old married mother of 3. My oldest is a 7 year old boy followed by a 4 year old diva daughter and last but not least my 2 year old baby girl. I live in hot but beautiful San Antonio, Texas! I work full time in the data entry field. During the tax season I work an additional 4 hours a night as a data transcriber. So all in all I sit ALL DAY!

    I have had the mfp for several months but I am finally ready to buckle down and do this. I can no longer have children and am making 2014 THE YEAR :) I would love to do something I have always wanted to do and need to get in shape to do it.

    I do not diet or starve or deprive. I do however try to portion and say no to the cravings. I do not have a lot of time for workouts but I have been trying to dedicate some time each day to Insanity (Shaun T). I'm not always consistent but I will not give up. I look forward to the motivation as well as helping each and every one of you reach our goals.

    Friend requests welcome. Go Mommies :)
  • daisylady215
    Dear Momma,
    Super smart to try and get rid of the pounds before the second pregnancy! I am 5'9'' and was about 165 when I met my husband. I have aways been muscular, but after the first baby I found myself hovering at about 182-185 lbs. Baby #2 came shortly after and I have bounced back and forth for two years, fluctuating btwn 175-190 lbs (YIKES!) I am in it for real now, spinning, running and generally trying to avoid my danger zones -wine and salty snacks!! I am a nurse and work days and nights, no set schedule, challenging to say the least. You can DO this and will be so glad for it as the second pregnancy will be so much easier! BEST OF LUCK!
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm new here. I'm a mom of two, and hoping to get pregnant again in the next year. I'd love to meet (and enjoy) my goal weight for a bit before getting pregnant and I'd love to NOT gain upwards of 60-70lbs this time!
    I was a fortunate woman before babies, I ate whatever I wanted, wasn't particularly active and was always slim, so this having to work for it business is hard for me and I've become very lazy. Hence my 20lbs weight gain.
    I'm ready now though. I have asthma and want to do the C25K as a personal goal. I've also joined a zumba class and do the 30 day shred, as well as logging food and watching portion sizes.
    I do eat for comfort and I really really do love all food. Good, bad, ugly. I eat when I'm happy, sad, angry, name it. I've realised that I've always done this, but luckily my metabolism had always made up for it...until I hit about 30.

    I'm 34, 5'4"
    sw: 149
    gw: 130/135
  • tharley
    tharley Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I am Tanis and I live in Greeley, CO (north of Denver). I have pretty much always been overweight, but need to get myself together and lose some weight/become fit, especially to be a good influence on my 2 year old little boy. My goal is to run several miles (or just 1) without keeling over, and being able to play sports with him when he is a bit older without dying. I work 36 hours/wk at a desk job with people with disabilities. I am very much a "peer-pressure motivates me" kind of gal, so this group sounds excellent. I really need to know others are in my same boat and somehow make it work. I hope everyone is doing well and succeeding in their fitness goals. Cheers!
  • ehobby0816
    ehobby0816 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Elizabeth, I am 21 and a mother of two, ages 15 months and 3 years. I am currently 136.8 and want to get down to below 120, and hopefully drop atleast 10 or 12 more pounds by April this year because of a family beach trip. We went last year and I hate the way I looked at 146lbs. I felt horrible and decided I would do something about it. I have fallen off the wagon but I am doing my best to stay on it this time! I live in Georgia and am currently a stay at home mom but am changing that as soon as I graduate in May.
  • NewFitMum13
    Hello Everyone!

    Im Marcy and a new mom to a gorgeous 7 month old! I've been trying to loose weight since b4 i got preggers. I did however loose 20lbs before i got pregnant but then gained 60 lbs. I lost all my pregnancy weight plus 6 lbs and im still trying to loose another 40-50 lbs. kudos to whoever started this group I think all us moms need some sort of support outside of our homes!

  • HSnyder1984
    HSnyder1984 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am a mommy to 2 beautiful children. My daughter, almost 10, and my son, almost 6. I gained a LOT of weight with my first pregnancy and never managed to loose it all after I had her, with my second I decided that wasn't going to happen and took better care of myself. After I had him I managed to drop to smaller than I was when I got pregnant....but over the last couple of years the weight has slowly crept back and now I find myself larger than I was on the day I went into labor with him. I am recommitting to MFP and hoping to receive some support from busy mommies like myself :)
  • RG678
    RG678 Posts: 3
    Hello Everyone! I am Ruth and I am the proud mama of a wonderful little 3 year old, turning 4 in 2 months an awesome 1 year old girl. I have bee struggling with my weight for many years. I lost about 70 lbs back in 2006 on WW. I met my husband and have since gained and then some. I had lost all my baby weight.. but some how 20lbs found me again. Right now I started to eat clean as I kept reading all of these articles that truthfully scared me. I'm totally not an advocate for it or a pusher to each their own.. just letting you know what I decided to change this time around. I want to lose a total of about 114 lbs. Here is to all the mamas out there! And here is to the beginning of my journey!
  • JeniFairchild
    JeniFairchild Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I am a 43 year old mom of an awesome 8 year old son. Looking for support and accountability in my journey to get rid of my extra weight. FR me if you want support back!:happy:
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Amanda and I am from New York. I am married and have three children (7, 5, 1). I have been struggling with weight for the majority of my life. After my second child was born I was really close, like 15 pounds close to my goal weight. I was so happy with myself. However, I graduated college and lost the ability to go to the gym on a daily basis. Then I sprained my ankle and then got pregnant. So the pounds crept back on...who am I kidding they got slapped back on me almost over night it felt. I have been struggling for the past year to get my butt in gear. I want to lose 90 pounds, but wish I was able to go back to the gym. So in the meantime I utilize what I have at home. I would like to have more support from everyone here so feel free to friend request me :) Good luck everyone on your journey!
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Hi all, I'm a 37 year old mother of a 9 and 6 year olds, I work full time at a desk job and over the last 2 years have seen my weight balloon up. I started with mfp last year but never really followed through so giving it another go along with the fitbit, hoping to lose 30-40lbs. Determined this time but need all the help I can get!!!!:laugh:
  • kmorring2014
    kmorring2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am Kim, going to be 31 on the 31st of March, mom to a wonderful 15 month old little boy. I am a computer teacher at a private Christian school in southeastern Virginia. I have been working on losing weight since my son was born and had dropped 126 pounds on Thanksgiving. However, with the holidays, I gained 17 pounds and haven't been able to get them back off...until now! I started MFP on Saturday and have dropped nearly 4 pounds since starting (13 more to go to get back to where I was at Thanksgiving).
  • SunshineUK
    SunshineUK Posts: 2 Member
    Hey.. im Trace sahm to 3 kiddies 7,4,3 very active sometimes find it hard to keep up.. struggling with weight good 10 years.. im epileptic and ive put more weight on in last 4 years since they uped my meds by hell of alot.. feel free to add me as a friend :) only been on MFP for couple days...