Low-Carb hostility on MFP



  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    There are a lot of ignorant folks on here and they like to bash anything they don't understand. If you are following something you feel strongly about and it works for you don't let others ruin it for you. I find that when I comment on things I just put the science/medical device behind it and people STFU!!!!! I know people that can lose weight just by counting calories. For me that doesn't do it. I have to do High Protein/Low Carb. They always assume it's Atkins, which it's not. I follow a plan that my Dr. and her team set up. They are specialized in weight loss, so I trust them! OBVIOUSLY it's working as I've lost a ton of weight and don't feel starved! Oh yeah and my levels are all good too cholesterol, thyroid, etc. Before I ate like this it was all out of whack. Let someone try and dispute THAT!!!!!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    So good to see this thread...I not only low carb but I also zig zag (which raises a few eyebrows) . People need to understand not everything will work for everybody. Best thing in the world for me was discovering what Macro's were! Love Playing with my Numbers!!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    "Sugar from fruit is healthy sugar". Uh no, it's not. It may carry nutrients along with it, but it's still sugar and will set off an insulin spike for me.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I've newish to the message boards, and it has been a bit of a shock to see the backlash against low carb dieting. Apparently anyone who does LC has to defend their choice and even come up with a medical justification for it. I *do* have a medical reason for it (PCOS), but why should I have to defend it at all? Lots of wrong information is being thrown around about LC as if it is fact.

    I don't really have a question here, just happy to see there is a supportive group.

    It's ridiculous on the forums. I posted a Primal Blueprint question awhile back asking for only people doing the Primal Blueprint to comment and had a TON of nasty people comment. Most of which are still overweight anyway. Hmm. Ironic. lol
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    "Sugar from fruit is healthy sugar". Uh no, it's not. It may carry nutrients along with it, but it's still sugar and will set off an insulin spike for me.
    It's ridiculous on the forums. I posted a Primal Blueprint question awhile back asking for only people doing the Primal Blueprint to comment and had a TON of nasty people comment. Most of which are still overweight anyway. Hmm. Ironic. lol

    RE: Sugar... agreeing with you wholeheartedly... I have no more than one combined serving of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and black berries, and its probably twice per month when I do. Thankfully its a 'sweet' I can handle without feeling every muscle in my mouth going "DAMN YOU THATS TOO SWEET!" LOL

    RE: Primal question... the fanatics out there are more cranky than my PMS.... I swear...
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Of course if someone posts that they're in deficit but not losing, it's "Oh, you've gone into starvation mode".
    Not "Hmm, well maybe this calorie deficit thing isn't the whole answer, maybe something else is going on here". No, lets evoke the all-powerful get-out clause of starvation mode, also known as "you're doing it wrong." Eat less, but not too much less, and move more, but not too much more, and if that doesn't work, try eating more, or maybe less, and moving more, or differently, but always always blame yourself, never the diet. And if a low carber comes along and says wait a minute, just try cutting your carbs and eating when you're hungry, the thread descends into an argument.

    This made me laugh SO hard, because it's true! I am hypothyroid with adrenal problems and other hormone issues, I've done a ton of reading and am following something like the Primal Blueprint lifestyle... after two days I feel great! Calories in/out stopped working for me two years ago so now it's time to try something that MAKES SENSE! Glad to be a part of this group :-)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    What I just LOVE are the people who ask if we've got some medical condition that requires us to restrict our carbs, as if that's the only acceptable reason.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    What I just LOVE are the people who ask if we've got some medical condition that requires us to restrict our carbs, as if that's the only acceptable reason.

    This is my favorite one and it comes up EVERY EFFING TIME.

    Grains make me feel like *kitten*. I don't need a note from my doctor or a pubmed study to justify why I don't eat them. Drives me up the wall.

    It's a lifestyle choice, so what?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hello there...
    Wanted to inform you guys about something that was reported in... after reviewing MFP's policies, unfortunately I had to censor something based on the following rule:

    6. No Intentionally Hurtful Topics
    Topics which are started with the intent to belittle others, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. This includes stalking a poster through the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, or spreading gossip or rumors.

    While the thread in itself is perfectly fine, unfortunately because there were two names specified in a post, those names had to be censored due to the fact it falls under the "past events gone sour" portion of the rule. The remainder of the post is fine and will stay in the thread.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Low carb works for me I followed the Dukan diet attack phase for 7 days and lost a stone (14lb) and then modified it slightly to suit me with a few more carbs
    Then some MFP nutrition scientists posters came along and said its not healthy to loose so much in so little time EXCUSE ME ive kept that weight off and lost a bit more (over the festive period I did go AWOL and put some weight back on but back on the Dukan for 2 days and im 7 lb down on my gain )
    Ive not researched the Atkins but been told that fat levels in it are not good for you and as my diet suits me I will stick to it :bigsmile:
  • evansproudmama
    Nice to meet you all!
    My favorite LC myth I've seen around here is that LC makes you tired and sick. How stupid. When I did even EXTREME low carb, I felt absolutely fine, in fact I felt better than usual. I am an avid exerciser, and I was able to work out with no problem whatsoever. What a stupid load of crap.
    Absolutely! I feel tired and fatigued when I am eating carbs!! It's a shame that the majority of society have bee brain-washed into this hogwash. There are a lot of over-weight people who give up because their diets don't work eating "healthy". Even doctors are in denial that low carb is an answer for some people. I am just lucky that my doctor has a sister that is obese and insulin resistant and her only solution to lose weight was low carb - so, my GP supports what I am doing and my dietician is guiding me.

    Still, I have bad thyroid issues and I'm not losing like many do on low carb -- but it's ok -- I am losing - just slower than most.

    OMG I could not agree with you all more!! When I have my "cheat" day and enjoy something like french fries or pizze I regret it so bad the next day I feel so good on low carb lots of energy to play with my son after working 10 hours!!!
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    I am ashamed! Even though I used Atkins to lose 50 pounds back in 2002 and felt GREAT! A few years later after putting a few pounds back on (not all and certainly not more which is what everyone tells you to expect when you go off of LC) I decided that I NEEDED oatmeal and fruit and that Atkins was probably unhealthy. So I tried Clean Eating (lost very slowly), low calorie (slow and painful), Ideal Protein (loved it but after I cheated once I just couldn't stick to it and it's expensive). Finally I thought why mess with success. I remembered how great I felt when I was on Atkins and how great my loss was and I decided to go back to Atkins.

    Prior to starting Atkins just a few days ago, I had extreme foot pain, joint achiness and most disgusting (get your barf bag), lots of morning congestion and phlegm. Gross! This morning I realized that I didn't have any congestion and I thought to myself, "REMEMBER THIS! when you are tempted to go off of it or start to listen to naysayers, remember that you always feel way better on VLC"

    I hope I do remember and don't get freaked out about the myths that I have creeping heart disease due to my high fat diet. Oh yeah, and no energy - so not true. And that my brain won't be able to function (stupid myth).
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    What I just LOVE are the people who ask if we've got some medical condition that requires us to restrict our carbs, as if that's the only acceptable reason.

    This is my favorite one and it comes up EVERY EFFING TIME.

    Grains make me feel like *kitten*. I don't need a note from my doctor or a pubmed study to justify why I don't eat them. Drives me up the wall.

    It's a lifestyle choice, so what?

    Me too! Donuts are like poison to me...give me the worst heartburn but I can eat bacon and spicy food all day long and it does not bother me a bit!
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    I guess I'm so new here I haven't run into the "hostiles." I found this place right away. People need to get ove themselves and realize we all have something in common - we're struggling with weight issues. And my low-carb in no way affects your low-fat! Actually, I've had no negative reactions form people in "real life" when I mention my LC diet.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    It's ridiculous on the forums. I posted a Primal Blueprint question awhile back asking for only people doing the Primal Blueprint to comment and had a TON of nasty people comment. Most of which are still overweight anyway. Hmm. Ironic. lol

    Yeah, that thread in particular was ridiculous. At least it helped me connect with some Primal peeps like you even with the trolls in full effect.
  • aschnitz151
    aschnitz151 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for posting! I recently noticed a ton of animosity towards low-carb. I'm in my second week of Atkins and I found instantly that I was NOT tired or weak, but that I had more energy because I was sleeping better at night. Are there any low-carb groups on the site? I'd love to join!
  • jennyshipman79
    jennyshipman79 Posts: 20 Member
    I really know after trying almost every other type of diet out there, that low carb just works for me. I am currenrly following South Beach, which I had done before a few years ago and lost 30 pounds. I just hit my 30 pound loss again today due to low carb eating. I am hoping to lose another 85 pounds and I know I will with keeping it low carb. And it is totally true about cheating with bread or french fries and then feeling awful the next day. I don't think anyone should have to explain their personal choice of what type of eating plan works for them. To each their own. As long as you are not supporting an eating disorder, everyone's needs are unique.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Or here is a wicked one...

    The fact that people just dont understand that most of us who are on the LC wagon, are doing so under the advisement of our healthcare providers...

    Ive got three doctors all backing me up... two of which I used to work for, so basically I get the red-carpet treatment when I go in! LOL!

    Same here!! I got sick mid 2010 and continued until summer 2011 until they figured out that I'm allergic to wheat and had candida. So my doctor told me I need to go low carb.

    I got down to 189 lbs, but stopped LCing (bad, bad decision) and went back up to 227 lbs. I did stay gluten free, but I ate crap!!! So I'm back to LCing and now I'm losing again!!!!

  • michelby09
    michelby09 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm new-ish to this group as well and thought I'd chime in (even though I'm kinda late). I rarely ever say anything on the boards bc I'm afraid of what people will respond with regarding my LC choice. We all are different; we have different needs, different doctor's orders, etc. If I'm asking a specific question, I want an answer to that question, not that I'm doing something wrong! I'm LC'ing because I have diabetes, and I want to live to have children and be healthy, not because I want to lose 100 lbs in a month and cave in to "fad" diets. People really need to relax on these forums, because it's not motivational at all to ask a question and get ripped apart for the decisions I make.

    /end rant
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    The one thing that should be a good relief for all of us in the 'low carb-intake' family is that MFP DOES recognize it... it is definitely a course of medical treatment backed by SEVERAL of the medical societies out there and when you combine that with specialists who took the time to learn the nutritional aspects of medical care (which is why I love my Endocrinologist), it double duty on good sound advice....

    Ive actually chatted a couple of times with the fellow MFP mods, Steven about things like this... trust me... we are definitely welcomed to be here....

    If there is going to be any *kitten*-chewing.. its going to be for a luscious hunka-chunka beef and not done by anyone who wants to harp on our low-carb journeys!!!!!!!!!!! LOL