Low-Carb hostility on MFP



  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    My advice for questions is to ask them on your wall if you are friends with several LC'er's as well as on these LC specific forums. I get a lot of great advice from my friends on here!
  • seahorsewahine
    seahorsewahine Posts: 14 Member
    We all just need to suddenly stop calling it LC and switch to LOW GLYCEMIC! Will they whine then?

    I too have PCOS and have found that restricting my carbs down to nothing backfires everytime...but if I consistently stick to LOW GLYCEMIC foods I lose weight and feel a ton better. I do indulge in a "medium" glycemic food every day usually and once a week or so a "high glycemic"....but even so the low makes a huge difference.

    You would be surprised what is on the High and medium glycemic lists! I went to college in Hawaii and their eating habits are very different. In 4 years I gained over 40 pounds...while snorkeling all the time, surfing, hiking up and down mountains, yoga and the gym 3 times a week each, plus...plus...I was extremely active But, guess what is on the "HIGH GLYCEMIC" list... pineapple, white rice, mango, cantelope, corn, ketchup, etc etc.... no wonder I turned into a rollie pollie! I had a friends husband give up just white rice (which they eat at each meal) for lent....he lost 40 pounds during lent! Ridiculous that food can do that too us.

    Being mildly lactose intolerant, Atkins would be torture for me. But I do use the shakes as emergency breakfasts to get protein without carbs. The whole thing is that you need to talk to your doctor, eat WHOLE foods, and listen to your body.
  • jessicaann05
    We all just need to suddenly stop calling it LC and switch to LOW GLYCEMIC! Will they whine then?

    I agree!

    Hi -- I'm new here. I have had PCOS for over 10 years. So happy to have found this group!
  • ccfinnan
    Recently read an excerpt from that book in Reader's Digest and bought the book for my kindle. I've been LC since 1/5/2012 and have already lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks and feel so much better. I have plenty of energy for working out and I'm also sleeping great too!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    We all just need to suddenly stop calling it LC and switch to LOW GLYCEMIC! Will they whine then?

    Another term I read recently dubbed it "low insulin", rather than LC. Because it's the insulin, esp insulin spike, that's bad!
  • skyelorry
    Hi everybody, I'm new today and another low-carber. I can't really put a label on my diet, except I suppose it's Atkins with added vegetables and a little bit of fruit every now and then.

    Because of my health problems I have to limit sugar anyway, and I worried when on Atkins several years ago about the high levels of fat I was eating, which is why I stopped it in the end. But with the help of my GP and dietician I'm now doing what I feel happy with and what will hopefully work for me (watch this space!).

    LC suits me because I don't feel hungry when I eat mainly protein, I don't have a sweet tooth, it's simpler knowing which foods you either can or can't eat rather than having to weigh everything, and to put it bluntly I get bored and lose heart when counting flippin' calories! In any case I understand that when done properly, the amount of daily calories consumed on a LC diet are around the same as other diets anyway.

    So, I'm looking forward to getting know you all and getting on with the big task ahead.
  • skyelorry
    oops I think I posted on the wrong topic! :blushing:

    I expect I'll soon find my way around here, lol! :laugh:
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Yes Low Carbers do not get a warm welcome for the most part.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    What I just LOVE are the people who ask if we've got some medical condition that requires us to restrict our carbs, as if that's the only acceptable reason.

    This is my favorite one and it comes up EVERY EFFING TIME.

    Grains make me feel like *kitten*. I don't need a note from my doctor or a pubmed study to justify why I don't eat them. Drives me up the wall.

    It's a lifestyle choice, so what?

    Me too! Donuts are like poison to me...give me the worst heartburn but I can eat bacon and spicy food all day long and it does not bother me a bit!

    Oh my gosh! It wasn't till after switching to low carb I realized what Carbs really did to me. I would eat a doughnut and have the WORST heartburn ever! but I would blame it on the coffee, or something else. The Doughnut was never the cause. Now I know the truth! I LOVE LOW CARB EATING!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    It was an article in the readers Digest that completely changed my mind about Low Carb eating. i was just doing Atkins to shed the weight quickly then was planning on going back to low fat low calorie, because I didn't think Atkins was healthy, but after reading that article in the Feb 2011 Readers Digest, I bought the Atkins book, and I'm a firm believer in the science behind the diet.
  • kckrahn
    kckrahn Posts: 52 Member
    Couldn't agree more. They are usually thinking about low carb/low fat -- which is somewhat dangerous. But Low Carb, Moderate Protein and High Fat is the combination that will drive your body to burn fat as fuel.

    If they bug you, tell them to read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Traube. It's *not* a diet book -- it's a scientific/research book that contains all the statistics about low carb dieting and why calories in/calories out doesn't work for at least 50% of overweight people.

    If you are losing weight on the standard, so-called healthy diet - containing fruit, veggies, whole grains, etc. that's great. But if you can't lose weight on that type of diet than low carb is your alternative.

  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    If you are losing weight on the standard, so-called healthy diet - containing fruit, veggies, whole grains, etc. that's great. But if you can't lose weight on that type of diet than low carb is your alternative.

    But if you lose 100lb on low carb, that's all water weight right? ;)

    I did LC a few years back, lost 40kgs (90-ish lb) and then moved onto low-cal, gained it all back on 800cals/day. PCOS and more recently coeliac diagnosis means this will ALWAYS be it for me, but honestly my body just likes cheese and bacon (and loses on them) wayyyy better than rice crackers and apples.
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member

    I'm actually starting to find that it's not worth me reading anything other than the Success threads. Yesterday I came across a thread where someone asks what to say to a colleague who's trying to steal her weightloss thunder. The poster is losing weight what she calls "the right way" (low cal and exercise, I suppose), but this nasty colleague is low carbing and losing weight faster than she is.

    The thread is PAGES long and full of people offering mean things to say to the low-carb woman, catty remarks and put-downs. Loads of stuff on how she's on a "fad diet" that "won't last" and she'll "gain it all back".

    Then there's this rant thread where a guy goes on about how people losing weight should eat "normally". His point is that people can eat whatever they want in moderation and shouldn't listen to people who tell them to "eat clean". There follows a slew of responses saying yeah, I eat fries and pizza and milkshakes and ice cream and still lose weight, and stopping eating them is unnatural and unsustainable and blah blah blah. All I see is a bunch of sugar addicts defending their habit- that was me less than a year ago! Can't live without ice cream. Any diet that cuts out a food group is unhealthy (as if sugar is a food group!). Ugh. When did we decide that food made in a factory out of manmade chemicals is natural and OK? Weird. Depressing.

    I feel more and more like an outlier on MFP. It now seems patently obvious to me that this way of eating is, for a lot of people, the best, easiest, and most painless way to lose weight and get healthy. I don't WANT to eat pizza and doughnuts anymore, and I was the pizza queen before. I don't feel deprived, and I certainly don't feel hungry. I realise I will have to stay moderately low carb forever to maintain the weight loss, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Does anyone on any diet really think they can just go back to how they ate before and be OK?

    I did post it somewhere, but it bears repeating: increasingly, I feel like it is impossible to explain to people who don't need this kind of diet just what a miracle it is for those who do need it. My partner has not gained or lost a pound in 20 years. He can eat mounds of mashed potato washed down with ginger soda or beer. He will never understand what it is to be carb sensitive, to blow up like a whale when you so much as look at sugar, and he certainly will never know the happiness that I feel now I'm off the sugar rollercoaster. That's why I don't argue back on MFP- some people will never get it. In my opinion, they should just be thankful they don't *need* to get it, and shut up. :)
  • chrisil25
    I'm on day 4 of atkins and have already lost 5 lbs. It is true that alot of people gain the weight back after they lose it on atkins but that is because they just start binging on carbs again. No matter what diet you go on, if you begin to eat twinkies again, you will gain the weight back. Even a lot of the biggest loser contestents gain the weight back. The big myth is that if you eat and orange you are going to blow up. Eventually you can eat carbs, just not a million of them.
    Atkins works for me because I am terrible with portion control. I cannot just have a little pasta, or 1 cookie. With atkins i KNOW that I can not eat any of it so it is much easier. Just last night there were home made cupcakes in my house. Normally I would have tried to eat one, and would have wound up eating 3. Since I knew I could not have any I totally stayed away and had a 1/2 of an atkins bar instead. I haven't been nearly as hungry as I usually am either. I would normally snack on some grapes or oranges and would still be hungry and would wind up over eating.
    My friend is cutting back on what she eats and is exercising and she's lost 1 lb in 3 weeks. I've lost 5 in 4 days. Yes it's water weight but so is the initial weight loss on any diet.
    Go ahead and give it a try. You have to be prepared and have a house full of stuff you can eat. I sauteed shrimp with butter and garlic last night over a bed of lettuce. Make hard boiled eggs. I also found pre packaged deli chicken and roast beef with no carbs that I snack on when I open the fridge.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I think it's funny that when we say "I don't eat flour or sugar" it's "crazy" but it's totally normal for someone to say "I could not LIVE without [pasta][cookies][chips][popcorn][sweets]!"

    Like...really? You are that addicted to a food that your life would not be worth living if you had to go without it? And I am crazy? Yeah.
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    I've had a few battles w/ some "broscientists" or whatever the heck you want to call them. You know the guys - pics of their six pack abs and then you look at their diaries and it is loaded with protein shakes and oats. Ick. There's one, name withheld, who will spit all kinds of references out saying why LC is bad if someone says they do LC and that it's "ketogenic/metabolic/whatever" and he says Taubes' book is junk. BUT THEN WILL TURN AROUND ON ANOTHER POST AND SAY IF YOU WANT TO DO LC AND CAN LIVE WITH IT THAT IS TOTALLY OKAY. :explode: :grumble: Just as long as you're not "misrepresenting the science of it all". Wtf, who cares about the science. It works. Let it be man!!!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    oh yes, I have met that guy. At first I was tempted to argue with him, but quickly figured out there was no use.
    I've had a few battles w/ some "broscientists" or whatever the heck you want to call them. You know the guys - pics of their six pack abs and then you look at their diaries and it is loaded with protein shakes and oats. Ick. There's one, name withheld, who will spit all kinds of references out saying why LC is bad if someone says they do LC and that it's "ketogenic/metabolic/whatever" and he says Taubes' book is junk. BUT THEN WILL TURN AROUND ON ANOTHER POST AND SAY IF YOU WANT TO DO LC AND CAN LIVE WITH IT THAT IS TOTALLY OKAY. :explode: :grumble: Just as long as you're not "misrepresenting the science of it all". Wtf, who cares about the science. It works. Let it be man!!!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member

    I'm actually starting to find that it's not worth me reading anything other than the Success threads. Yesterday I came across a thread where someone asks what to say to a colleague who's trying to steal her weightloss thunder. The poster is losing weight what she calls "the right way" (low cal and exercise, I suppose), but this nasty colleague is low carbing and losing weight faster than she is.

    The thread is PAGES long and full of people offering mean things to say to the low-carb woman, catty remarks and put-downs. Loads of stuff on how she's on a "fad diet" that "won't last" and she'll "gain it all back".

    Then there's this rant thread where a guy goes on about how people losing weight should eat "normally". His point is that people can eat whatever they want in moderation and shouldn't listen to people who tell them to "eat clean". There follows a slew of responses saying yeah, I eat fries and pizza and milkshakes and ice cream and still lose weight, and stopping eating them is unnatural and unsustainable and blah blah blah. All I see is a bunch of sugar addicts defending their habit- that was me less than a year ago! Can't live without ice cream. Any diet that cuts out a food group is unhealthy (as if sugar is a food group!). Ugh. When did we decide that food made in a factory out of manmade chemicals is natural and OK? Weird. Depressing.

    I feel more and more like an outlier on MFP. It now seems patently obvious to me that this way of eating is, for a lot of people, the best, easiest, and most painless way to lose weight and get healthy. I don't WANT to eat pizza and doughnuts anymore, and I was the pizza queen before. I don't feel deprived, and I certainly don't feel hungry. I realise I will have to stay moderately low carb forever to maintain the weight loss, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Does anyone on any diet really think they can just go back to how they ate before and be OK?

    I did post it somewhere, but it bears repeating: increasingly, I feel like it is impossible to explain to people who don't need this kind of diet just what a miracle it is for those who do need it. My partner has not gained or lost a pound in 20 years. He can eat mounds of mashed potato washed down with ginger soda or beer. He will never understand what it is to be carb sensitive, to blow up like a whale when you so much as look at sugar, and he certainly will never know the happiness that I feel now I'm off the sugar rollercoaster. That's why I don't argue back on MFP- some people will never get it. In my opinion, they should just be thankful they don't *need* to get it, and shut up. :)

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I could have written that post myself! :flowerforyou:
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    I'm actually starting to find that it's not worth me reading anything other than the Success threads. Yesterday I came across a thread where someone asks what to say to a colleague who's trying to steal her weightloss thunder. The poster is losing weight what she calls "the right way" (low cal and exercise, I suppose), but this nasty colleague is low carbing and losing weight faster than she is.

    The thread is PAGES long and full of people offering mean things to say to the low-carb woman, catty remarks and put-downs. Loads of stuff on how she's on a "fad diet" that "won't last" and she'll "gain it all back".

    Then there's this rant thread where a guy goes on about how people losing weight should eat "normally". His point is that people can eat whatever they want in moderation and shouldn't listen to people who tell them to "eat clean". There follows a slew of responses saying yeah, I eat fries and pizza and milkshakes and ice cream and still lose weight, and stopping eating them is unnatural and unsustainable and blah blah blah. All I see is a bunch of sugar addicts defending their habit- that was me less than a year ago! Can't live without ice cream. Any diet that cuts out a food group is unhealthy (as if sugar is a food group!). Ugh. When did we decide that food made in a factory out of manmade chemicals is natural and OK? Weird. Depressing.

    I feel more and more like an outlier on MFP. It now seems patently obvious to me that this way of eating is, for a lot of people, the best, easiest, and most painless way to lose weight and get healthy. I don't WANT to eat pizza and doughnuts anymore, and I was the pizza queen before. I don't feel deprived, and I certainly don't feel hungry. I realise I will have to stay moderately low carb forever to maintain the weight loss, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Does anyone on any diet really think they can just go back to how they ate before and be OK?

    I did post it somewhere, but it bears repeating: increasingly, I feel like it is impossible to explain to people who don't need this kind of diet just what a miracle it is for those who do need it. My partner has not gained or lost a pound in 20 years. He can eat mounds of mashed potato washed down with ginger soda or beer. He will never understand what it is to be carb sensitive, to blow up like a whale when you so much as look at sugar, and he certainly will never know the happiness that I feel now I'm off the sugar rollercoaster. That's why I don't argue back on MFP- some people will never get it. In my opinion, they should just be thankful they don't *need* to get it, and shut up. :)

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I could have written that post myself! :flowerforyou:

    I think I saw this post too...and while it's okay that the person posted it, I have to keep in mind that for myself, that advice is pishposh. I went out and bought a tub of nutella and some white bread. I've been eating sandwiches all week. I haven't felt sicker! I need to get back on the horse so to speak. It's okay if i have what I want like once a week or less, but daily? come on!
  • vonnywaft
    Yay! Totally agree with everything said in this thread. I try not to argue with them too much but I worry about people being misinformed and put off doing something that might be the healthiest option for them so I do get stuck in sometimes. never works though, someone always comes along and disgrees!