Like Minded Lushes- January 2012



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    May I reccomend the Pom green tea? :wink:

    :laugh: What's that? Porn green tea? Sounds like it would get your heart rate up without any exercise :wink:
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Kate, I think I will attempt a "baby" workout. LOL. I'm not too bad on calories for the day! We'll see how I feel once 5 o'clock rolls around!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Even with being exhausted from TOM, I got in a killer Legs and Back work out and it makes me feel slightly better about caving to my random cravings today. I sweat almost as much during that work out as when I ride my bike. It is a beast of a work out. Though, one thing I do get during TOM is my lack of tolerance for pretty much everything so when Tony says "he's a psycho, I want you to be a psycho" I almost yelled at the TV and said "How about you bleed for 7 days and try this work out!" I'm pretty sure bleeding for 7 days, not dying and still doing P90X is being a psycho haha. In any case, no dinner for me, lack of appetite kicked in and I kind of just want to unwind with some booze! :drinker:
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Teehee so yeah, no alcohol this weekend. I had a six pack on Tuesday night (I think?). It was the day before the cast so when ever that was. Does being on pain meds count for this group still?

    If you need me, I'll be on the couch.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    May I reccomend the Pom green tea? :wink:

    :laugh: What's that? Porn green tea? Sounds like it would get your heart rate up without any exercise :wink:

    IF, only my life were that exciting....good job on the workout tho and enjoy the sham-pag-ne

    Bunny, awwww, I with ya on the drugs over here....
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    ZOMG, Amy!!! I love you as Wonder Woman!! I was WW for Halloween when I was in Kindergarten.

    I think there is a direct correlation between the number of drinks I've had to the number of ! I use.

    When I was in MD last weekend, I got to experience the gloriousness of the WANT.

    I registerd for the Colorado Dirty Girl, I don't know real names. Remember sillygoose? Anyway, she wanted to get a team together for the Dirty Girl race (like Warrior Dash, but for chicks only) and we're on the Mile High MFP group together. I'm excited about that.

    So ^that^ comment stems from Kim's picture of her at the Warrior Dash.

    There you go...a glimpse into the inner workings of my mind.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay, I do better when I plan and gear up for a plan. So Monday I will start the no booze thing again. :noway: I would like to detox for two whole weeks but I don't know.:ohwell: I haven't been exersizing or logging food lately and it shows.:grumble: So being the Exel spreadsheet junkie that I am I, planned out my weight loss and exersize plan. and sunday I will plan out the food for the week and log it. This is the method I used when I lost all the weight before but I had to tone down the exersize since I just don't have all day to do it anymore. I am starting to get motivated again to to this. I want that healthy - I don't even want the junkfood- feeling again.:love:

    But tonight is Washington Red Apples. stopped at the liquor store and picked up Crown and Pucker had the cranberry juice at home. Yeee Haaaaaaaw!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hope everyone had a lovely friday!

    So, husband is going to stop drinking for a I'm going to join him. Last night was our swan song, so we did it up!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    well when i got ready to make the red apples i just didnt feel like drinking so i didn't. weird.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Bottle of Korbel last night and it so was not as good as the $5 stuff I fell in love with at the bridal salon haha. I'm even cheaper than I thought. Also tried out something I read about a hangover prevention, having a glass of the Emergen -C before going to bed and ... no hangover :smile: Just tired because it's that TOM. It's snowing here for only the second time this winter and it looks so pretty outside. We've had a nice Saturday so far. We had a healthy breakfast even though we have decided that Saturday would be our "bad" eating day and our night to go out to dinner. Then we read on the couch for a bit and get this, with the TV off! It was fantastic haha. Now I continue reading my mag while the fiancé puts laundry away and cleans. It's so nice when the other half helps out around the house :smile: It's definitely letting me be stress free for the time being which is good considering almost anything sets me off during this time. Think I'll make some tea and just catch up on my mags. Kyle will definitely have earned some video game time after all this help =] My box of wine from my wine club came yesterday so maybe some wine tonight if the weather continues and we can't go anywhere.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so the red apples are awesome I have had way to much so far and plan to have more. making steak au poivre with rainbow chard and roasted potatoes for dinner. I love the decadence before the dance so to speak. I will be heading to grandmadom late monday night most likely tuesday. oy, need another red apple.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Got in a great bike ride and have been good food wise today so ... booze me now!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Well, even tho I am deaf in one ear, cough like a 50 pack year smoker and my voice is hoarse like a phone sex operator....the lush emerged.

    I had dinner reservations for over a month for a 6 course dinner. The entrees were perfect and each was matched with a wine.

    Salad with 5 herb vinegarette and blue cheese
    Fried walleye with spicy remoulade & wilted spinach
    Pasta carbanara
    Curried Pork tenderloin with horseradish remoulade and pureed carrots
    Filet Mignon with mashed poatoes
    Lemon Bundt cake with apricot glaze

    Stopped at a VFW that hubs and I like and ended up joining the post. I had 3 and 1/2 beers there.

    Now, I am in misery. I have not have any liquor in nearly 2 weeks; nor, have I eaten that much food at one sitting. I will probably be miserable all day as well. My tummy is NOT happy.

    Saturday, 3 mixed wines & 3.5 beers
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Fri - 5 beers and 2 root beer schnapps
    Sat - 3 beers, 1 scotch, 3 root beer schapps...................why did I find this again..............oh yeah, winter memories as a trigger.....Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm...roooooot beeeer!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    So, didn't have anything last night :huh: Had dinner and then just didn't open any wine or make any drinks. Very unlike me for a Saturday but this health kick is kicking in. I did however have some cinnamon whiskey in my coffee this morning but have not had anything to eat yet. Yesterday was our "bad" day so today is back to being healthy. It's noon and I'm not hungry at all :noway: and I am taking full advantage of my work out rest day. Football soon but in the meantime, magazines.

    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - Champagne & wine to celebrate wedding gown
    Wednesday - 0
    Thursday - 0
    Friday - Bottle of Korbel
    Saturday - 0
    Sunday - Cinnamon whiskey in coffee so far, who knows once the fiancés team comes on. Could be drinks either way.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So today is my last hurrah before I start healthy again. I have my exersize planned for the week. I have my food planned for the week. So today anything goes. I am not sure what that will entail but it could be fun. Crown in the coffee so far.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    So today is my last hurrah before I start healthy again. I have my exersize planned for the week. I have my food planned for the week. So today anything goes. I am not sure what that will entail but it could be fun. Crown in the coffee so far.

    Fiancé and I picked Saturdays for our hurrah days. However last night after working out hard on my bike I found I didn't want to have anything unhealthy but I need to let Saturdays be the unhealthy day or I know I'll have a hard time saying no at other times. So I went with a salad with balsamic and a small steak grinder with a little cheese and very light on the mayo and after that I didn't want to add calories so I stayed away from the booze. Have a fun hurrah day!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I've been remarkably good all week and was rewarded by a nice drop on the scales to the bottom of my maintenance weight, but I probably undid most of the good work last night with a range of Chinese food, accompanied by rose, white and finally ending with a little red wine! Drank lots of water in between so luckily didn't feel too bad this morning.
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    Teehee so yeah, no alcohol this weekend. I had a six pack on Tuesday night (I think?). It was the day before the cast so when ever that was. Does being on pain meds count for this group still?

    If you need me, I'll be on the couch.

    Oh my! What hapened?! (maybe i missed this from earlier thread)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    One glass of moscato (to finish the bottle) and then one diet coke and coconut.