Whats on your menu today?



  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Breakfast: 2 eggs w/ tbsp or so of homemade salsa, bulletproof coffee (coffee w/ butter and coconut oil. Sounds gross, tastes amazing). I was too full to eat my bacon :)

    Lunch: still full from breakfast, so I only ate half my taco salad: lettuce, red bell pepper, roasted chicken leftover from laat night, a wholly guacamole 100cal pack, homemade salsa

    Dinner: chicken "pasta" primavera with bacon: chicken tenders cut into small pieces cooked in olive oil with diced nitrate free bacon. Then sautee yellow squash, zucchini, red bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, asparagus with lemon juice, lemon zest, fresh parsley and some red pepper flakes to taste. If you have pasta eaters in the fam you can serve over spaghetti or lenguine. Top with lots of parmesan cheese (I skipped the cheese tonight). So good!

    Snack: the bacon I couldnt eat at breakfast
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lunch- Salad box with lettuce, cucumber, egg mayo, smoked salmon.

    Dinner: Home made herby pork meatballs with a creamy 'alfredo' style sauce and courgette/zucchini ribbons (Like Pasta!) and some chopped mushrooms added.

    Snacks: Pepperami stick (A UK pepperoni snack) and a mini smoked cheese portion.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Breakfast: bulletproof coffe, 2 pieces of bacon
    Lunch: chicken "pasta" primavera -- basically the yum veggie parts of pasta primavera
    dinner: beef fajitas on cabbage leaves w/avocado and salsa
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lunch: Mixed leaf salad with spiced turkey pieces, feta cheese and marinated olives.

    Dinner: STEAK NIGHT!!!!! I cannot wait! A big *kitten* steak topped with gremolata served with creamed spinach gratin & grilled portabello mushroom. Plus a good glass of red wine :o)
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Steak yummmmmmmm

    Today was EXACTLY the same as yesterday -- it was "eat the leftovers so we can grocery shop" day :laugh:
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Today is a little less boring :-)

    b: bullet proof coffee and chia seeds
    l: chicken taco salad w/wholly guacamole and salsa
    d: slow cooker coconut ginger pork roast (pork shoulder/butt roast, onions, fresh sliced ginger, coconut milk, cumin and coriander slow cooked on low for 10hrs). Garnished with lime wedges and fresh cilantro
    Snack: celery and almond butter
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lunch: Smoked mackerel fillets, mixed salad leaves, lemon juice and marinated artichokes.

    Dinner: BBQ: 1x Bratwurst, 1x Salmon Burger, 1x pork loin with salad.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Breakfast - Chia patties w/ ricotta cheese, butter, and sugar free blackberry jam

    Lunch - Not sure yet but I will have fresh blackberries on the side.

    Dinner - Crockpot short ribs (YUM), steamed asparagus, which I then sautee in a little olive oil and garlic, and a spinach salad

    Dessert - fresh strawberries and sugar free whipped cream
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Break-fast (5pm) Left over boneless grilled pork loin chop

    Dinner: Humm, forgot to really plan something. Maybe a quick Lowcarb pesto pizza. Or some of the marinated chicken thighs from last night. Actually, some chia patties sounds nice and a stuffed zuchinni.

    Desert: Coconut Pie from The Swedish Diet http://www.locarbhifat.com/ Have to come up with something nice to top it with.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    The usual monster spicy scrambled egg/cheese/spinach/bacon extravaganza around lunch (maybe before, I feel the need ...).

    For dinner it will be homemade rissoles (large and fatty) and much salad to make up for my relative lack of greens lately.

    I'll probably snack on some raw nuts and cheese in the middle somewhere more to get me nutrients than hunger.

    I had garlic bread and ice cream yesterday so it ain't all low carb poster child :)
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Ugh not even gonna discuss yesterday but today is a new day

    Breakfast: fresh ground pork sausage I formed into patties with ground sage sprinkled on top, 2 eggs fried in bacon fat, and about 1/4 cup of cherry tomatoes from my garden fried in the same bacon fat

    Lunch: leftover coconut-ginger pork

    Dinner: shrimp kabobs with bell pepper and mushrooms. The teriyaki sauce I have is low carb, but has added sugars so thats out. Instead I'm mixing up some gluten free tamari (did you all know most soy sauces have WHEAT in them...I didn't until recently), some hot chili oil, and some fresh ground wasabi root I picked up at an asian market for some kick. I'm going to throw a couple slices of pineapple on the grill too and have one along with my kabob.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Had an AWESOME sale on Chicken thighs and drumstick multipacks! Only .99/lb!!!!!

    Lightly seasoned with sea salt, paprika, garlic, black pepper, cumin, a thin slice of onion on top that had a light coating of olive oil to help further crisp up the skin.

    Ribbons of Zucchini, orange bell pepper strips, gahhhhhhlic, melted butter and some parmesan

    EDIT: Gonna try to post a picture.... 8-D

  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 294 Member
    Fantastic steak and feta greek salad for lunch; and made a hamburger, onion, and bacon stuffed butternut squash sprinkled with a little parmesan for good measure (instead of the onions carmelized in balsamic). Recipe and picture here: http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/entrees/beef/bacon-beef-butternut-squash-2/

  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    since it's not as hot this week, i plan on making cream of zucchini and broccoli soup!
    this is also a great way to use up broccoli/cauli stems if you normally don't eat them. i keep a bag in the freezer because my kids don't like them, and i hate to waste them.

    onion, chopped
    zucchini, chopped
    celery, chopped, if desired
    potato, chopped, if desired
    (potato makes it thicker/creamier. if your plan allows for more carbs, add it, if not, you're better off leaving it out.)
    cauliflower, chopped
    broccoli, chopped
    homemade stock/broth or 1 can of chicken stock/broth
    (i make it homemade with a rotisserie chicken from the deli, so good! and easy!)
    cream! i never tried any other type of 'milky' liquid though. i imagine milk would work.. never tried almond milk though.
    half stick of butter or bacon fat.

    ok i never really measure stuff, i just use up what veggies are 'going bad' but it's probably like half a cauli, 1 or 2 things of broc, 2 zuch, maybe a yellow squash. and of course extra stems.

    i'm also not going to tell you to add salt and pepper because if you like those, you'll add it, lol.

    throw the chopped onion in with the butter/fat, let get all melty and yum,
    add in the potato (if using) zucchini and celery. the celery doesn't give it much flavor, since you're gonna use a stick blender anyway, you won't even notice it. it's fine to leave it out.

    add the stems of the broc/cauli too, since they take a while to cook. add in the stock/broth and cover and let the stems get all soft. add the cauli and broc. i don't let mine cook too much (i hate overcooked broccoli!) add the cream if you need more liquid now. once to the done-ness you want, take a stick blender to it, and get it all pureed (or not pureed) as you want.

    you can top with cheese or bacon or.. anything you want! i love mine super thick (less stock and cream), then i add some sour cream.. mm.

    anyway i think it is about 200-250 cals per serving (6 total) and 10 total carbs, 7 net after fibre. i did plug it into MFP recipe thing, and those were the totals i got from just guessing... this time i make it i will definitely measure/weigh everything.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Lunch: Goats cheese salad with lettuce, cucumber, a small amount of leftover herby roasted peppers/courgette/onion. With home made mustard vinaigrette.

    Dinner: 2 salmon fillets, marinated in thai green curry paste and baked with lots of fresh coriander (Cilantro) served with courgette (Zuchinni) and chinese cabbge.

    Snack: pepperami salami stick, emmental cheese slices.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Today I was super low on my carbs to speed up getting back into ketosis

    B: bulletproof coffee with coconutmilk
    L: the last of the slow cooker coconut ginger pork. Sad its gone..I could eat it every day
    D: london broil, sliced zucchini and yellow squash, 2 bacon wrapped jalapenos (I'd normally stuff with cheese but I'm avoiding dairy). All drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with steak seasoning and thrown on the grill.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Breakfast (Shock horror!! I ate breakkie!!)- 1 sausage and bacon 'cupcake' (Sausage meat, bacon, herbs 1 tbsp ground flax, 1/2 egg, herbs, seasonings mixed together & baked in muffin cases). Like stuffin' muffins'....

    Lunch: Chicken Tikka chunks with mixed salad leaves.

    Snack: 2 mini bavarian smoked cheeses.

    Dinner: 2 x lamb steaks slow cooked and topped with Chimichurri sauce, served with watercress and spiced turnip fries.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    B: fresh ground pork sausage, leftover grilled zucchini and yellow squash from last night, a serrano pepper from my garden and fried egg on top of it all
    l: shrimp kabobs
    D: spaghetti w/ julienned zucchini as noodles and a meat sauce. It was easy to do now that I bought a mandolin slicer. I shoulda got one of these years ago!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    B: Coffee with heavy cream, 2 big cups
    L: Scrambled egg/bacon/spinach/cheese extravaganza (I am, amazingly, not bored with yet)
    D: A big pile of cayenne peppered up minced beef with veggies and salad

    65% fat, 10% carb, 35% protein ... Pretty much what I need to keep doing :)

    Probably more fat as I just can't be bothered to log (or measure) the cream ... It doesn't seem to be significant in my progress.