2nd Trimester



  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I've been checking out daycare enrollment... Holy Cow! So expensive! I'm 2 1/2 hours away from my closest family members which is usually fine but right now I really wish my mom and sisters were closer :(

    I'm hoping to find an in-home daycare provider but no luck yet. This is so tough!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    SUCH a fun party....AND, the verdict is: it's a...........................................GIRL!!! Was totally shocked. So, come October we will be welcoming our second daughter- Jovie Kay. Very shocked (I was sure it was a boy) but excited:)

    YAY!!! Congrats! I can't wait to find out! July 18th :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I've been checking out daycare enrollment... Holy Cow! So expensive! I'm 2 1/2 hours away from my closest family members which is usually fine but right now I really wish my mom and sisters were closer :(

    I'm hoping to find an in-home daycare provider but no luck yet. This is so tough!

    Go online to your local social services dept and they should have a list of qualified in home daycare providers as well as centers. That is how I found my in home day care for my first one.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I signed up for birthing class and I found out it's free...so even better. We are doing an 8hr Saturday class on October 3, so a little over a month before the due date! Hopefully my husband doesn't get too bored! I also need to start looking into daycare. My parents live about 30 minutes away and are willing to help, but I need a back up, so I need a day care that won't mind various hours.
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Hey ladies my time has come to move in!!! Should be 14 weeks on Thursday but had my NT scan today and the baby is measuring 13w 1d, doctor said is no problem. Everything is looking great and the doctor gave me a 90% that it is a GIRL!!! So excited :bigsmile: This will be my second, DD is 2 years old, I'm due 10 days after DD birthday so she'll be 3 when baby sis arrives!!! Can't wait for December!! It has officially become my favorite month lol both my queens are December babies :love:
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    I signed up for birthing class and I found out it's free...so even better. We are doing an 8hr Saturday class on October 3, so a little over a month before the due date! Hopefully my husband doesn't get too bored! I also need to start looking into daycare. My parents live about 30 minutes away and are willing to help, but I need a back up, so I need a day care that won't mind various hours.

    Don't worry I took that class with my last pregnancy it goes by quickly they even show you a video of an actually birth, so prepare Hubby for that one lol.

    The hospital I plan to give birth offer two sibling classes. One to prepare them for a newborn in the house and the other is if the sibling will be at 3 years old at the time of birth the class prepares them to be present at the BIRTH!!! I'll be signing up for both classes in a couple of more months. Hoping this baby arrives at a decent time so Big Sis can be there!!! :heart:
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    Hello 2nd Tri Friends!! I'm freshly 2nd tri at 12 weeks 6 days.. I had my ultrasound last week - which was great.. heartbeat of 170!! That little baby was squirming like crazy - apparently doesn't like his/her pic taken lol. I'm anxious to get my baby bump - right now all 4 pounds that I've gained are belly, but it's not a cute bump for sure - it's more like a blob! lol. I'm def having some body image issues, but I guess that comes with the territory. First trimester I was soo exhausted - I'm getting a little better now, and I'm anxious to get back to the gym!! Baby coming Dec 20th!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    jessdeweerdt : welcome! This trimester has been great for me so far - belly gets bigger and harder, and you start to see that round shape coming through, i'm at 16 weeks and i've seen big changes already!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    jess- Your energy will come back! Slowly but surely. And before you know it, you'll feel almost normal again! It's such a nice feeling to not be so zombie-ish. :) Oh body image issues. I'm 20 weeks 2 days and I'm still in the in-between stage. I look pregnant if you know I'm pregnant, but if you don't know, I just look a little thick. I'm coming to terms with it finally, but it does take a while. Some of the ladies on here have said it best, you're growing a person! Be proud of the miracle and be thankful our bodies are allowing us to do so. :) That helps me. Oh- and welcome to the second tri!

    pc- congrats on your second girl! Your December is going to be full of excitement!

    blink- thank you! I just looked that up and there are a ton of listings of qualified/registered daycares. Very helpful. Thank you!

    6 days until my ultrasound :) Another fun update- we decided on our crib (buying from BRU) and found a matching dresser and crib table on craigslist (along with a nice pack n play, extra crib and high chair) for under $200. I'm really pumped and hope the CL thing works out. I have to have my MIL pick it up because it's 2 hours from me (only 45 minutes from her).

    Have a great day ladies!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Jess - I know what you mean I just want to start showing!! I'm 14 weeks and still feel bloated lol when I lay down I can def feel the bump tho so I know it can't be long now lol!!
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies, Emily here popping in from the 3rd trimester board to ask you all a huge favor!

    I have an assignment to do for my Pysch class and the topic I picked was "Do women change their health behaviors in pregnancy". I just have a quick survey that needs taking, it will only take a couple of minutes to do. It's anonymous and doesn't ask for any personal info that would identify you. I apologize in advance for the format, I didn't realize I only got 10 questions for free, so had to get creative in fitting them all in!

    Here's the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GJZ8S92

    I really appreciate it ladies!

    Thanks in advance!

  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hey ladies, Emily here popping in from the 3rd trimester board to ask you all a huge favor!

    I have an assignment to do for my Pysch class and the topic I picked was "Do women change their health behaviors in pregnancy". I just have a quick survey that needs taking, it will only take a couple of minutes to do. It's anonymous and doesn't ask for any personal info that would identify you. I apologize in advance for the format, I didn't realize I only got 10 questions for free, so had to get creative in fitting them all in!

    Here's the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GJZ8S92

    I really appreciate it ladies!

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Emily, is it closed? I tried to go do it, but access denied..
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hi girls - I have a question..

    Does anyone feel like they get cramping in the lower abdomen alot? I do, it's not unbearable but it's not so fun either.. I'm just wondering if I should call the OB about it or just wait till my next appt..

    I also heard that between 14-20 weeks the baby grows double its size, so maybe it's just my insides stretching... thoughts?
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    As far as I know, it is normal. Your baby is making room and your uterus is expanding. I would worry if it is sharp shooting pain or persistant aches that don't resolve after a few hours.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Hi girls - I have a question..

    Does anyone feel like they get cramping in the lower abdomen alot? I do, it's not unbearable but it's not so fun either.. I'm just wondering if I should call the OB about it or just wait till my next appt..

    I also heard that between 14-20 weeks the baby grows double its size, so maybe it's just my insides stretching... thoughts?

    I've gotten a lot of stretching - sort of hurting - feelings in my lower abs because of the stretching of the uterus. I also have been getting the sharp pains along the sides which is round ligament pain from the two large ligaments that run down the sides of the uterus to hold it in place.

    I felt Baby S on the OUTSIDE last night! It's easier if I'm on my side because it sorta stretches thinner. Couldn't wake my husband up fast enough so he's still waiting to feel him.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi girls - I have a question..

    Does anyone feel like they get cramping in the lower abdomen alot? I do, it's not unbearable but it's not so fun either.. I'm just wondering if I should call the OB about it or just wait till my next appt..

    I also heard that between 14-20 weeks the baby grows double its size, so maybe it's just my insides stretching... thoughts?

    I do get mild cramping and pain once in awhile and my nurse that it is perfectly normal due to the stretchhing.
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies, Emily here popping in from the 3rd trimester board to ask you all a huge favor!

    I have an assignment to do for my Pysch class and the topic I picked was "Do women change their health behaviors in pregnancy". I just have a quick survey that needs taking, it will only take a couple of minutes to do. It's anonymous and doesn't ask for any personal info that would identify you. I apologize in advance for the format, I didn't realize I only got 10 questions for free, so had to get creative in fitting them all in!

    Here's the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GJZ8S92

    I really appreciate it ladies!

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Emily, is it closed? I tried to go do it, but access denied..

    Hey, I'm so sorry, I forgot to come on here and let you ladies know that I've already got enough replies! Thank you so much for going to take it though! Hope you have a great day!
    P.s. Sounds like your pain is round ligament pain!
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Hi girls - I have a question..

    Does anyone feel like they get cramping in the lower abdomen alot? I do, it's not unbearable but it's not so fun either.. I'm just wondering if I should call the OB about it or just wait till my next appt..

    I also heard that between 14-20 weeks the baby grows double its size, so maybe it's just my insides stretching... thoughts?

    Besides the uterus stretching remember that our organs are being pushed back and up!! Here's a link with the before and during pregnancy organ place http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6ywlJ40sAbI/SaYLOfDFYpI/AAAAAAAAACU/uxmlm4Lh5As/s320/Pregnant+Organs.PNG
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    You're definitely not alone with the lower ab pain- I also get pretty rough pains when I sneeze. Those are pretty bad. I talked to my dr. about them and, of course, completely normal. I'm stretching and growing and baby is making plenty of room for her/himself!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hey ladies figured it was time for me to officially move over from the 1st trimester board. I will be 14 weeks on Saturday and the nausea has finally gone away. I too get cramping and pains in the lower abdomen and sometimes on the side of the stomach and my doctor says its stretching. He told me not to worry about pains unless they interrupt my sleep or I have bleeding. This is my second child and I still haven't started showing yet, but I am not complaining. Had my N.T. last week and everything came back normal still have another round of blood work for it, but I definitely feel more positive about since I do feel a little on the old side to be having another one. Also found out at my last appointment that my placenta is forming on the backside instead of the front so I should start feeling the baby any day now.