NY Cheesecake morph



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    nice :) Is that 8 cupcakes?

    It's BS we don't get the best of the best cream cheese hey!

    TBH I had never bought cream cheese in my life until this recipe. It's pretty damn good just mixed with dark choc pb BTW :smile:
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Yep 8 cupcakes, and agreed, we dont get any of the really really low fat stuff, such a bugger, or stuff like the cool whip

    Was looking at the marshmallow cake recipe last night too, might give that a go!

    Where do you get dark choc PB? God that sounds awesome
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    www.usafoods.com PB&CO make it. They have AWESOME flavours!
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Oooooh, I can go there too, its not that far from me :D I forgot about them, wonder what other goodies I can get while I'm there, just have to stay away from tootsie rolls and red vines while I'm there, as I have zero self control when it comes to them!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    lucky! I have to order online. If they were close to me, I'd be stocking up on cherry coke zero.

    Sorry for off topic BTW.

    I'll post pics of my choc swirl ricotta style cheesecake tonight :)
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    OMG yum! These came out so good, might have to eat all the rest tomorrow!

    Choc swirl sounds awesome too!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    so I found some musk essense in the cupboard so I made a choc/musk cheesecake. Mixture is tops.

    Used 7" pan this time & rose very nicely. Sunk a little bit much thicker than last time.

    Cooked at 140C for about 40mins then down to 100C for half an hour or so.

    Out of the oven

    Macros for this one are

    1048 cals 147P/45C/34F

    Difference is because of ricotta instead of cream cheese & cottage cheese instead of ffgy.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    OMG I love musk! Was it yummy?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    OMG I love musk! Was it yummy?

    only eaten the mixture & that definitely was! Had to go in the fridge overnight & I fast until lunch time ish. I'll be eating half of this post workout tonight :D
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Expecting a review tonight then! (And a piece in the mail :D)
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I have to try Riccota! Have too

    I think this weekend I will make cupcakes and a pie. Pumped
    One of ricotta and one with cc
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Musk? *off to Google*
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Ok so I did mine in an 8-9" pan, if came out of the oven looking tall but then sank whilst cooling :(

    Anyway heres a pic of a slice which comes out at 108kcals/14grams protein per serving (I cut it to 8 servings)


    I made a little berry/agave mix and sprinkled organic cocoa on top

    When I had the mix in the bowl I had to refrain myself from drinking it!!

    When mixing, did you mix it quite a bit? Maybe overbeaten? Usually that's the cause of the collapse.

    Sorry I didn't see that you replied. I avoided using any electric mixer to try and prevent over beating. Maybe my arm is stronger than I thought!!

    I'll try less mixing next time. I've also read that rubber spatulas are the best for mixing (I used a metal spoon). Or maybe thats just uber- anal!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Picola - your pic actually looks really good. The even texture from top to bottom is nice in the picture. I doubt you overbeat it by hand, maybe just a fluke. Use the electric mixer next time and see what happens. The batter can withstand quite a beating.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    choc/musk cheesecake (with ricotta instead of cream cheese)

    Tasted great. That was with 1tbspn of musk essence. Probably half of that required I reckon. Also used electric mixer this time. It collapsed a bit even with cooking at low temp & leaving for ages at 100C. I think I'll go back to hand beating for next one.

    3 quarters of this cake GONE in one sitting :happy:
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Looks good! I've never heard of musk here in the states, but that's not to say it doesn't exist. Sounds like a spice?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    musk sticks

    Like these

    NO IDEA how to explain the flavour haha. Tastes like pink weird stuff haha.
  • patriotmom2271
    patriotmom2271 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the invite gp. The "fat girl" in me would make and eat one of these for EVERY meal. BUT since I'm working on everything in moderation, I will have to settle for making one and having a nice LARGE slice BEFORE the husband and 16 year old son get ahold of it.
  • patriotmom2271
    patriotmom2271 Posts: 20 Member
    It looks like pink weird stuff too...LOL
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Like bubblegum...it's hard to explain but I'd say it would taste just as you have described. Haha