Level 1

I started Level 1 , on monaday and just completed my second workout.
Love it so far, my upper arms and chest are really feeling it now, and it feels sooooo good to have that feeling.

Im going mostly on measurments rather than weight as aiming to gain muscle as well.

im so far planning on 5 days on and 2 off, see how that goes.

good luck


  • mikaela_b
    Hi, I've just started the 30DS too - great to find this group at just the right time! I did level 1 yesterday and today, and I'm planning on doing a workout 6 days per week (I'll probably keep it two weeks for each level, to make it easy for myself to remember).
  • regisgraceful
    Starting today. I have never made it to level 2 because I seem to always quit. Hopefully this will keep me motivated since my wedding is only 9 months away and I haven't lost a pound towards my - 40 lb goal
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi :smile: just what i need day 1 level 1 here i come lol.
  • snowwhite168
    snowwhite168 Posts: 4 Member
    Got up early and completed day 2 of shredding. Now that i'm at work i can definitely start to feel the aching kicking in which isn't all that pleasant with my arms and legs but i'm loving the ache in my stomach. It feels solid. haha.
  • LaineyK83
    Just starting this again today ( well i did start on Saturday ) but here goes again ... I already aware its going to hurt as took days to get over the 1 day of it let alone full 30 days!

    Lets hope it works as I need it!
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    Just started yesterday. Was a pretty good workout and I like it so far....just hope I stick to it. I took a before picture and in 30 days I will take an after picture.
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    Got up early and completed day 2 of shredding. Now that i'm at work i can definitely start to feel the aching kicking in which isn't all that pleasant with my arms and legs but i'm loving the ache in my stomach. It feels solid. haha.

    hah my stomach feels the same, and thats only after one day!
  • jkutz24
    Perfect, I am starting this today! No time like valentines day to start focusing on yourself!
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    I have already done day 1 but that was over 2 weeks ago. Going to re-start day 1 again and see how i get on. I know it killed me the first time so ill see how i get on & hopefully start seeing results at day10.
  • mronda32
    mronda32 Posts: 35 Member
    I started the 30DS before and never finished it ......SOOOO hopefully I will find the motivation to complete it this time with all of you!... I'm about to start the DVD now!
  • acwatters
    acwatters Posts: 9 Member
    I started a few days ago and did day 4 today. I run every second day and will do this on the off days - but it's been 2 on 1 off the last few days due to a variety of things that came up and meant I couldn't run. But need to run tomorrow. I started with 2 tins of beans and yesterday and today I've been using the bars from hubbie's hand weights. They weigh half a kilo (1.1lb) each I think. In a few days I might actually put a weight on each one but it would be a big jump so want to wait until I've done this much first.
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    I started this yesterday.
    I am amazed at how sore I am today. My chest and my legs are on fire.

    The plan is to do this at least 5 days a week. I will also do additional cardio. Yesterday I jogged for 15 minutes but some days I will go to Zumba class or to Curves.
  • nesstle
    Sounding good people! Remember pain is the indicator of fat burning and muscle enhancement, more muscle = more calories burned!
    More calories burned = faster track to bringing out the person you feel inside!!
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group where I can share my love of 30DS with other like-minded people! Today will be level 1, day 4, & so far I'm loving it! Yesterday, day 3, I noticed the workout seemed to be a little easier which means I'm making progress! I seriously thought I was going to die on Saturday when I started it. I noticed I gained some weight on the scale since starting but I'm only 3 days in so I'm not too worried - most likely water retention in my muscles because they've been shocked into action & need to repair themselves!

    Welcome to everyone & I hope we all have a successful journey with 30DS!
  • qnbeezzz
    qnbeezzz Posts: 13 Member
    I'm getting ready to start day 2 in a few minutes. I'm hoping I'll be able to push just as hard, but I still feel wobbly on my legs due to the additional exercises I did yesterday.
  • kujotx
    I started yesterday, today will be day 2. I am so sore today, but I am already feeling great. I love how I feel when I do find the motivation to work out. I plan on doing it everyday for the 30 days. Hopefully I get great results.
  • runderhi
    runderhi Posts: 52 Member
    Hey ladies - today was day one for me - I did it and didn't need a break and most importantly I didn't keel over afterwards !!! This week will be hard though as my shift for the rest of the week up to Sat nite is 10am to 9pm so need to start it about 8.15 am and I am NOT a morning person :( But I am committed and I hope I can do this :)

    My measurements today -

    44 waist
    47 hips
    234 lbs

    Good luck to all you ladies xx
  • Marlena627
    Just finished my level 1 day 1 workout. I can already feel it in my arms and legs.
    What is everyone logging this as in the exercise tracker?
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    Just finished my level 1 day 1 workout. I can already feel it in my arms and legs.
    What is everyone logging this as in the exercise tracker?

    I do circuit training general. that is what I found others on this site were doing.
  • Marlena627
    Thank you.:smile: