Level 1



  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    Day 5 complete - I am starting to feel great!
  • nesstle
    I'm new to this so a little nervous, I'm starting the 30ds on Monday but also going to do Hip Hop Abs as well, going to do this for 6 days in a row then rest for 1 then carry on.

    Currently my measurements are:

    Hips - 44"
    Arm - 14"
    Thigh - 26.5"
    Waist - 35"
    Weight - 179lbs
    Height - 5ft 9ins

    Has anyone tried the 30ds along with hip hop abs? I want to loose approx 30lbs for September, If I keep exercising like this does anyone think I'll reach my goal? Plus I want my thighs to get down to 23", would this be a realistic goal?

    Plus if anyone would like to add me as a friend and start this with me on Monday that'd be great - plus would help with the motivaton :happy:

    Hi, I have done hip hop absin the past, didnt really stick with it though, im just doing jillians stuff for this month, see if there is a differnece, and then will continue with some other dvds she has, i suppose i coud always add in hip hop abs to
  • nesstle
    Day 7 down! only 3 days of level 3 left now :) and just 23 in total! its feeling great, i feel stronger and better for it
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm starting the 30 day shred today...can you add me as a friend to motivate each other?? Thanks guys!!
  • dublinrose
    dublinrose Posts: 10 Member
    Starting this today. I have done it a few times over the past year or two but never gotten past level 1. Never had any motivation so I am delighted to find this site!

    First day was okay, got through it fine but feeling tired now. Looking forward to seeing the result though.
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    This afternoon will be day 10, level 1 for me! So I'm done with level 1 after today! I'm pretty stoked. I definitely think my love handles have shrunk a bit since starting 30DS. I find that every day, I try to push myself harder than the day before. I'm up to 8lb dumbbells for the chest flys and rows. My fiance has weights but the only options are 4lbs and 8lbs and I don't think I'm ready for 8lbs on the anterior raises w/side lunges or the bicep curls. If we had 5 or 6lb weights I could probably upgrade, but oh well. Happy working out everyone!
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    D6 today - needed to take a break yesterday to be with family, my uncle passed and it was his funeral so didn't feel like doing much but visit and be around family. But back at it today to make sure I can continue to get healthier
  • erinliz
    erinliz Posts: 43 Member
    Started today!

    Beginning measurements:
    Neck - 13.5
    Chest - 42
    Waist - 38.5
    Hips - 43
    Bicep - 12
    Thigh - 21.5
    Calf - 15

    Weight 174 lbs
  • millikenhomeschool
    I started today as well. I'll take measurements tomorrow. It was fun. My legs are a bit sore. But, it feels so good to be sore. I know I worked hard.
  • amayv
    amayv Posts: 3
    Hi everyone!! I started day 1 today and thought I was going to DIE! I haven't worked out like that in such a LONG time and needed to take a couple of breaks (even though I know i wasn't suppose to). I'm glad to see a group of people that have the same mindset as me. I'm excited to keep on going and determined NOT to give up! my arms and legs still feel like jell-o and I know I'm going to wake up sore tomorrow morning...but I'm gonna get it done!!! Good luck everyone!
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Level 1, Day 6 done. I have to admit, it was nice to have the weekend off from it! Looking forward to getting back into this week, though. Kind of scared for this week to be over...not looking forward to level 2. Need to take these next 4 days and try to change my mindset about level 2!! :)
  • nesstle
    day 8 done , 22 to go. was feeling a bit cant be arsed doing it today but came to this group and read all the people doing the same thing and made me get up and do it!! thanks guys
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Couldn't get myself motivated to get up early and do Day 6 yesterday morning, but after reading posts here, did it as soon as I got home from work. I am determined to see this all the way through!

    Managed to get up early today, so that's Day 7 done!!!

    Keep up the hard work all, it will be worth it!!!
  • qnbeezzz
    qnbeezzz Posts: 13 Member
    I'm starting day 8 in a few minutes. I'm looking forward to Level 2. My least favorite part is the squat and press. At least it is at the beginning so I can get it over with! I'm excited that I can see and feel a difference! I'm determined to make it all 30 days! Everyone keep up the great work! :happy: 15709761.png
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  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    L1D7 completed this morning. I think I'm getting a head cold, so the cardio was a little rough for me and may not have put all my effort into it. Still broke a sweat, though.

    I get head rushes when going from laying down and getting up (ex: moving from push ups to the squat-n-press), does this happen to anyone else?
  • qnbeezzz
    qnbeezzz Posts: 13 Member
    It happens to me too. Sometimes I get pretty dizzy and have to force myself to not jump right up. I have a hard time with my head doing crunches. I'm not straining my head or neck, but laying on the floor puts too much pressure on my head. I have really bad sinuses. 15709761.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    I just completed L1D6. I feel like a jerk because I took 3 days off. I wont do that again!
    I did notice that I was able to power through the entire workout without cusing Jillian out ;)
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    I completed day 3 of level one today, and am soooo sore, but it is totally worth it. It is easier and easier to get through the 20 minutes each and every time that I go through it. It is awesome.
  • nesstle
    Day 9 down, looking forward to last day on level 1 tomorrow, only 21 days left :) stoked I got this far
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Well done on getting to Day 9. I did Day 8 earlier! Can't decided if I'm excited about moving on to Level 2 or not!

    Keep up the good work all! :-)