Daily Chat Thread



  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Nancy, great job on the deadlifts!
    Manic, a great big hug and WAHOO for 10 years cancer free!! :drinker:
    Red, with all the work you put into lifting, there's no way you'll make it to bikinigeddon without loving your body, not only for the physical difference but also, for the hard work you know it's capable of!

    I hit my 2nd day of >100g of protein yesterday, without even trying that much. It's very clear that as long as I'm mindful of my eating, I accomplish my macros pretty easily. I just need to stop having so many lazy moments.

    I lifted this morning and am on track with my goals so far this week! Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and can easily get to about 120g of protein in a day as long as I plan ahead and include all of the following: protein powder in a shake, hummus, some kind of nuts, egg, beans or lentils, cottage cheese, cheese and Greek yogurt. I usually let myself be a bit more lax about protein on my Saturdays and Sundays; I figure it just isn't as easy for someone who doesn't eat meat, so two days a week is fine.

    I did my stage 1 workout A amraps this morning and felt like it should have gone better but I was just so tired. We will see how the one for workout B goes on Friday. I am looking forward to starting stage 2 next week.

    Like someone else above, I have also put on weight since starting NROLFW, about five pounds. My measurements were the same when I did them a few weeks ago but I definitely feel and look stronger.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Manic Congrats! I understand if some have special circumstances but just wondering about those who eat a normal omnivore diet and sitll have difficulty with this. Also I am still settling what a good protien intake is generally and when making muscle gains. I've read really 15% of calories is adequate to make muscle.... Yesterday read a warning regarding red meat etc. and there it stated a healthly women really needs about 59 grams a day on a 2,000 caloirie diet. I eat way more than that anyway so I'm not really worried about my protein intake compared to my overall caloire intake.

    I'm giving myself a 3/3 although I'm late posting. I lost a pound this week as planned! :happy:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Manic - 10 years, that's awesome. Well done.

    I'm still here, quiet, slogging away at a horrid assignment. Due in tomorrow so maybe I'll get more chatty then, hahaha

    Lifted yesterday - got my squats back up to 57.5kg (128lbs) and lat pulldowns back to 46kg (102lbs). Not really focused on back squats much this year so good to see I am not too far off my best (60kg). Lat pulldowns I have to be careful with as they make my elbow worse when it's bad. Yesterday was low reps and no DLs (the other cause of my bad elbow). My pulldowns were one weight stack off of the max weight - hurrah! Hmmm..... then it's probably pull up time again..... :-/

    And in the BEST NEWS EVER - Ben & Jerrys have come to Adelaide! Woohoooo! I so miss that ice cream, used to eat it all the time in the UK (which is probably why I was FAT lol). I got a tub of Triple Caramel Chunk for Mothers Day.... and it's all gone :blushing:
    Man it was good.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Under calories today, 135g of protein and 18 glasses of water :D
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, thanks so much for sharing your story with us! :heart:

    Jo, I'm doing my own slogging away at work :sick: I feel ya, Girl :ohwell:

    Last week was a 1 or 2 out of 3 :laugh: I dunno. Let's say 1.5/3. :grumble:

    I overate today. Work is so stressful right now. I skipped my run on Monday. I skipped my run today. I could say I need the break. I could say my allergies are hurting me. However, controlling my fitness helps me feel like I have control over everything else :ohwell: I have gotten in two days of lifting. Will run on Friday and lift on Saturday.

    I'm really down on overeating two days in a row. At least. Maybe I need a break. I might just be rebelling. I'm tired of the measuring tape telling me I'm getting bigger :cry:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello all
    Runzalot are you measuring during TOM? I swear my waist increases every month.

    Wow lots of impressive lifting going on in this group.
    Barbell awesome dls!
    Nancy nice job- the mixed grip is great- and I also try to plan my workout so Im using my freshest grip on the first lift which is always the one Im trying my hardest to improve.
    Jo nice squats
    Manic congrats on your ten year anniversary.

    I am pretty frustrated with my lat pull downs. I injured my lats but my pt said I could continue lat pull downs. But I haven't seen much progress in 4 weeks even though my injury feels healed. Generally I can do 4-5 reps at 90 or even 100 lbs but I can't do a longer set so I drop down to 80 to finish out 10 or 12.
    Any thoughts?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sorry I forgot to say these are kneeling lat pulldowns
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Great job on the challenge ladies! We still have two more weeks- let's rock it!

    I'm 2/3 this week- with the little one having surgery I decided not to log for a few days and I skipped one workout. Giving myself a 2 because the days that I did log , my protein averaged 165 grams/day and my cals were great. And I didn't go crazy the days I didn't log.

    Lift on ladies- I will get caught up soon!
    DAMN GIRL you look good!! and I remember you when. YOu should do seminars, like really!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Bikinigeddon. ... so I made a bucket list for the summer and the main thing on it for me is to finally wear a bikini without shame. I'm buying there bikini June 21 and call this momentous day bikinigeddon. I either have to get a great body or accept the one I have. I've been working on acceptance for twenty some years and I'm still failing so its gonna have to be the body. Any who I did my final a workout last night and two tabata complexes. I was exhausted by the end of it. I used the bar for my lunges and rows but I don't have the DOMS I thought I would have. Its still early though. I'm lifting again tonight officially finishing stage two. I'm ready for the body recomp to start in on my stomach now. Hopefully stages 3&4 make it happen.
    I did it last summer. IT WAS AWESOME!! I may never have my HS body back and what the hell was I complaining about) but I really like the one I have.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hidy ho, I did a double workout tonight. I missed it last night because hubby didn't get home until 9:40, and I will miss out tomorrow because it is my younger son's birthday, he's 7 :)

    I'm wrecked, but I'm hoping to sleep like a rock. Let me tell you, doing a bridge on a swiss ball with no weight is probably the most intense hamstring WO I have ever done. I'm doing basic training one and those last three reps of the 15 rep sets are killing me. Talk about humbling.

    I feel like a fat bloated pig this week and I'm eating like a horse damn TOM. I save calories all month just for this week. On the bright side, double workout means I worked off the 2 extra donuts :blushing:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hi all!

    The beach is awesome. The diet not so much. AND TOM arrived today. great.:grumble:

    Thanks ladies. Yeah I am pretty proud of the 10 years. My last radiation treatment was August 20 so it really won't be 10 years until then . Did I mention I was pregnant with my baby when I was dx and went through radiation. :D She is perfect and will be 10 in September.

    Who is doing the 120 RDL!! That is some great #'s.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I will take a 2/3 for last week's performance and a 1/3 for this week.

    London is awesome! We leave, today, for Paris!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Manic- You are so very strong, and you SHOULD be proud! I was able to push out my deadlifts @ 120lbs for Stage 4 8reps for 3 sets, by using the mixed grip that Beeps suggested, and I don't go ant lighter if I'm doing RDL's instead of a full DL's. I could have probably pushed out another 5lbs., but I didn't want to push to exhaustion that early in my workout. I also upped my lat pulldowns to 100lbs, b/c I didn't have grip fatigue by the time I got to them!

    Beeps- I agree when I went to London I loved it!!! I got to see Tommy in there theater district while I was there, and the open air markets are amazing! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, thanks- you're so sweet! I think we've both come a long way. I admire YOU for being so consistent in spite of all the obstacles you've had lately. I was telling my husband a few days ago I should just take the plunge and get my personal training certification. Mainly because I would love the education for myself. Also, from what I can tell, there's very few trainers out there telling women that they don't have to eat 1200 cals/day and do an hour of cardio a day to get the body they want! You should do it too!
    Are you talking about the supine hip extension? Those things are no joke! How can such a simple exercise be that hard!? Happy birthday to your son!
    Nancy, that's great! I wish I could keep my RDLs at the same weight as regular DLs. A few more lbs and I will be there.....
    Beeps, I'm jealous!
    Manic, enjoy!
    My diet is out of whack today! Been running around all day and I haven't made great choices. Blah.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    May not get a workout in today as there are tradies all through my house. And they were late arriving :grumble:

    I normally eat to a 16:8 IF, but screw this, I need chocolate or something. Actually, I need icecream, but we're all out. Maybe I'll just make an early lunch lol

    Miss Polly is locked in the laundry so she doesn't freak out and run away when they start cutting stone for the wash basin in the guest ensuite.

    So far this morning I've read emails and started an 'discussion' with my BIL on Facebook. A political 'discussion'. This isn't going to end well :glasses:
    Well, technically, he posted first, so he started it :devil:

    The more I think about it, probably best to make some food, probably bake a cake and get off Facebook :laugh:

    I shall get some lifting in tomorrow while the husband takes the boy to footy (AFL - Aussie Rules football).

    Yeah. I'm gonna bake a cake.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    The more I think about it, probably best to make some food, probably bake a cake and get off Facebook :laugh:

    I shall get some lifting in tomorrow while the husband takes the boy to footy (AFL - Aussie Rules football).

    Yeah. I'm gonna bake a cake.

    I made cookies to end my already messed up day! Sweets make everything better!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Carrot cake in the oven (packet mix = easy)

    And from scratch, what the hell, throw in all the brown sugar, apple & cinnamon muffins waiting to go in :)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    We all rock ladies! Aye? Wohoo!!

    Dna/Barbell, in a desperate need to meet my caloric goal tonight, I am happily nibbling on a double fudge chocolate cake...yum!! Let's toast cakes and cookies!! lol!!

    Coming down cardio high today...I think I may have to replace the battery in my HRM...it has served me so well!!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    So, I really hurt my back dead lifting on Wednesday morning. I've been to the chiropractor twice and had a massage. It's been rough. And I am SO MAD AT MYSELF! I must of rounded my back. My back tweaked and pinched my sciatic nerve and my psoas muscle took the brunt of it. First night was so painful that I simultaneously wanted to pass out and throw up at the same time. Doing much better today although still not able to do my regular duties--I am too slow to walk the DD to school, the dishes are piling up, and I've been reactionary eating (aka. take out pizza and whatever else is lurking in my fridge and cupboard).

    My chiropractor doesn't want me to dead lift anymore. Is there another exercise that can be subbed?

    I know it was my form that caused my situation, however I am re-thinking how I should proceed. I won't go back to the gym until I am able to bend, twist, lunge without pain, but even then should I decrease my weight on all my lifts or just dead lifts? Forget dead lifts altogether? I would like to continue with this program...I love it and love lifting.

    I think I need to be less aggressive about putting more weight on--maybe slow down that process a little? Do you add weight every time you hit the gym?