Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Runz, woohoo!

    I came on here for yall to talk me down! I am panicking. My skirts and shirts are tight so I decided I would use today as my weighing in once a month. I have GAINED 3.5 FREAKIN POUNDS!

    What's the problem? I have increased calories based on scooby calculator and increased protein. Is it true that my body can't handle that much cals? I always gain weight when I increase calories. :sad:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    JamacianLady: Glad to hear your motivation has kicked in! Awesome feeling once it does. Keep going.

    I had a trainer session yesterday. I am getting a plan to together that has two days a lifting included and see them once every month or two. I may do some remedial stuff to combat left side weakness overall. My range of motion is really good right now though so I can't complain. (I have left shoulder issue and noticable lack of strength on that side)

    I Have 5k event tomorrow morning so it's a "rest day" which really means heavy housework day.....

    We have a new Whole Foods Market walking distance from my house now. Really nice but I have to watch it budget wise I could easily start spending too much there. I've already been there everyday since they opened. For those who may not know the name it;s a whole food store with all kinds of rules of what they carry based on sustainability and health, etc. Around here their nick name is Whole Paycheck. :laugh:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, I don't know how much weight I've gained. I know I have. The batteries in my scale died way back and I haven't bothered to replace them. So, now I only have the measuring tape and my clothes which all say I've gained :noway: I've been up and down all over the dang place. Today, I'm down. Tomorrow, it's anybody's guess. I've been playing with my calories to see what works for me. I'm telling myself to give any changes 3 weeks before I try something new. Give it time.

    Also, I've noticed that since I'm eating more, I can definitely lift more. I can also push through HIIT and the BWM. In the end, I really think this is going to pay off.

    I enjoyed a strawberry shortcake earlier and it's twice the calories I thought it would be! :embarassed: ... :drinker:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't mind weight going up as long as it isn't fat but there is no way that is muscle gain in such a short time. And my clothes are tight! I am not giving up this time. It's frustrating though. I don't want to starve myself to lose weight or get smaller. I am always hungry, irritable, and thinking of food. Never in a good mood. I want to be able to eat and look like y'all! Why can't it be like that for me? I mean , 1400 calories is not a lot!!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Manic, 1400 cals is hardly anything, IMO I think you should definitely be eating more than that.
    Scales are horrid things. Now I have been doing my frequent weigh ins to calculate my required calories, I have watched my weight fluctuate up and down by 5lbs - that's a lot. I have watched this over 3 months now. My average weight is about the same, perhaps 1lb heavier now than when I started (but remember my goal is to gain). I have increased my cals to 1950 now and the weight is still pretty static. I think I'm smaller than you (height and weight) and those are quite large numbers for me. To give you an idea, this time 18 mths ago I was only eating 1400 cals and my weight now is only about 3lbs heavier than back then. Now I'm eating much more..... and the scale doesn't really change. My advice? If you really want to calculate cals then pick a number to start with, eat that for 3-4 weeks, weigh in same time every day and record your weight. Then you can actually see the trend and act on that, not just one scale reading. Then you can increase/ reduce cals as needed.

    Sorry all, I've not posted much. I have been here, working out, but life is too busy to post! Today is my 500th day in a row on MFP though, lol, at least I'm managing to log! Hahaha. Taking my husband to combat this morning - should be a giggle, hehee.

    Have a great weekend xxx
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I don't mind weight going up as long as it isn't fat but there is no way that is muscle gain in such a short time. And my clothes are tight! I am not giving up this time. It's frustrating though. I don't want to starve myself to lose weight or get smaller. I am always hungry, irritable, and thinking of food. Never in a good mood. I want to be able to eat and look like y'all! Why can't it be like that for me? I mean , 1400 calories is not a lot!!!!
    I don't know who y'all is, but I'll post a picture of my cellulite. Just for you. :flowerforyou:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    My new swimsuit! I can't believe I found a one piece that fit from top to bottom AND it was the first suit I tried on. I found it at JCPenney. Who knew. I haven't been there in years. It's a size 10.


    Those are 24 inch thighs.

    My natural waist is 26 inches. 33 inches at the belly button.

    Hips are 42.25 inches today. They've crept up to 43 a time or two since February.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Runz, I would love to look like you. I am a very FATTY size 12. My saddlebags are huge :sad:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, you don't look like a fatty to me. We women are so hard on ourselves.

    I read something really cool in the Facebook group the other day. It was something about how we need to focus more on what we CAN do regarding fitness, i.e. lifts that you couldn't do before, miles you couldn't run before.... as opposed to what fitness can do for our physique. Like Kennedy, Ask yourself what you can do for fitness rather than what fitness can do for you. And we all know that fitness does quite a lot for us but we like to torture ourselves mentally when it doesn't fit what we see in the media.

    Who's that chick with the "What's your excuse" meme? She can kiss my *kitten*.

    So, when I look in the mirror and my butt is sliding down my thighs, I have to tell myself, "I can do everything with my son and I'm not on the bench complaining that my back hurts." That right there really should end all of my mindless criticisms. Everything else is noise :ohwell:

    This week, I was struggling with work and TOM and slogging through a boring Stage 3. Last year, I let myself slow down and that just made it worse. This week, I delayed only one day and couldn't believe how much better I felt yesterday.

    Who around here keeps saying to focus on the inputs? That's been in my head a lot :flowerforyou:
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey guys :flowerforyou:

    I think I need to find a way to stay on track with my lifting. I am new to it and so far I am really struggling to get a proper routine going. Just to give you an overview of where I started and where I am now...

    Oct 2013 I was 196lb and did very little exercise (except the odd walk or hike) and overate a lot. I decided to refocus on my health and 7 months on (May 2014) I am 166lb (a 30lb loss). I take a really challenging yoga class, walk a lot more, do some gym cardio and the occasional swim. I still have a decent amount of fat on my belly to shift but it is gradually going. My aim is to reach around 147lb by Christmas (although if I am heavier due to muscle mass that will be ok).

    I definitely feel fitter and have much more energy than when I began, but now I would like to get stronger so I a, starting to lift :bigsmile: .

    I kind of settled on NROL4W as it is a straightforward programme for beginners like me. Although I also looked at Strong Curves which has a few signature moves that I like. My intention is to do NROL4W 2 times a week and some of the Strong Curves moves on a 3rd day (if doable).

    After a few false starts, today I will be completing week 2 of stage 1, so it is very early days.

    Before I contemplated lifting I aimed for 1500 cals and ate back a good portion of my exercise calories, giving a nice steady loss of around 1lb a week.

    Since starting NROL I aim to eat around 1600 on non lifting days and 1900 on lifting/workout days. I eat a vegetarian diet, so protein intake is something I am working to increase. I have taken measurements and BF% all along and I will continue to do so, hoping that the inches will continue to drop, even if the scale doesn't.

    I'd love to hear about your early days in lifting and any tips you may have for a newbie lifter.
    Did it take a while for you guys to find yourself into a nice routine with your lifting?
    I have seen a few of your posts with 1/2, 2/2 or 3/3. Is this workouts per week done or does it relate to other goals?
    And did anyone else find the prone jack knife really difficult?

    All advice welcome :smile:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Hi, Weejo! Welcome to the group.

    Those numbers we post 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 refer to goals we have set for ourselves. We all set three goals and post how many of them are met each week.

    You calories look fine to me. I would pick one program and stick with it. New Rules is going to drag on forever if you only do it twice a week. Three times really makes a difference. If you read back through the thread, there's been a lot of discussion about "I want to lose... wedding/bikini/such and such a date." Most of us decided that those kinds of goals do more harm than good. What I'm trying to say is: Focus on the program right now. Day by day.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey guys :flowerforyou:

    I think I need to find a way to stay on track with my lifting. I am new to it and so far I am really struggling to get a proper routine going. Just to give you an overview of where I started and where I am now...

    Oct 2013 I was 196lb and did very little exercise (except the odd walk or hike) and overate a lot. I decided to refocus on my health and 7 months on (May 2014) I am 166lb (a 30lb loss). I take a really challenging yoga class, walk a lot more, do some gym cardio and the occasional swim. I still have a decent amount of fat on my belly to shift but it is gradually going. My aim is to reach around 147lb by Christmas (although if I am heavier due to muscle mass that will be ok).

    I definitely feel fitter and have much more energy than when I began, but now I would like to get stronger so I a, starting to lift :bigsmile: .

    I kind of settled on NROL4W as it is a straightforward programme for beginners like me. Although I also looked at Strong Curves which has a few signature moves that I like. My intention is to do NROL4W 2 times a week and some of the Strong Curves moves
    on a 3rd day (if doable).

    After a few false starts, today I will be completing week 2 of stage 1, so it is very early days.

    Before I contemplated lifting I aimed for 1500 cals and ate back a good portion of my exercise calories, giving a nice steady loss of around 1lb a week.

    Since starting NROL I aim to eat around 1600 on non lifting days and 1900 on lifting/workout days. I eat a vegetarian diet, so
    protein intake is something I am working to increase. I have taken measurements and BF% all along and I will continue to do so, hoping that the inches will continue to drop, even if the scale doesn't.

    I'd love to hear about your early days in lifting and any tips you may have for a newbie lifter.
    Did it take a while for you guys to find yourself into a nice routine with your lifting?
    I have seen a few of your posts with 1/2, 2/2 or 3/3. Is this workouts per week done or does it relate to other goals?
    And did anyone else find the prone jack knife really difficult?

    All advice welcome :smile:

    HI Weejo. I am still a newbie. Second time trying Phase 1 and almost done with it. I don't have any problems doing the jack knife. I am more struggling with getting push ups to the floor. My newbie advice is to review a lot of you tubes or have a few trainer sessions to help you get the deadlift and squat form correct before you get too heavy so that you dont pull your back. Good luck!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey guys :flowerforyou:

    I think I need to find a way to stay on track with my lifting. I am new to it and so far I am really struggling to get a proper routine going. Just to give you an overview of where I started and where I am now...

    Oct 2013 I was 196lb and did very little exercise (except the odd walk or hike) and overate a lot. I decided to refocus on my health and 7 months on (May 2014) I am 166lb (a 30lb loss). I take a really challenging yoga class, walk a lot more, do some gym cardio and the occasional swim. I still have a decent amount of fat on my belly to shift but it is gradually going. My aim is to reach around 147lb by Christmas (although if I am heavier due to muscle mass that will be ok).

    I definitely feel fitter and have much more energy than when I began, but now I would like to get stronger so I a, starting to lift :bigsmile: .

    I kind of settled on NROL4W as it is a straightforward programme for beginners like me. Although I also looked at Strong Curves which has a few signature moves that I like. My intention is to do NROL4W 2 times a week and some of the Strong Curves moves
    on a 3rd day (if doable).

    After a few false starts, today I will be completing week 2 of stage 1, so it is very early days.

    Before I contemplated lifting I aimed for 1500 cals and ate back a good portion of my exercise calories, giving a nice steady loss of around 1lb a week.

    Since starting NROL I aim to eat around 1600 on non lifting days and 1900 on lifting/workout days. I eat a vegetarian diet, so
    protein intake is something I am working to increase. I have taken measurements and BF% all along and I will continue to do so, hoping that the inches will continue to drop, even if the scale doesn't.

    I'd love to hear about your early days in lifting and any tips you may have for a newbie lifter.
    Did it take a while for you guys to find yourself into a nice routine with your lifting?
    I have seen a few of your posts with 1/2, 2/2 or 3/3. Is this workouts per week done or does it relate to other goals?
    And did anyone else find the prone jack knife really difficult?

    All advice welcome :smile:

    HI Weejo. I am still a newbie. Second time trying Phase 1 and almost done with it. I don't have any problems doing the jack knife. I am more struggling with getting push ups to the floor. My newbie advice is to review a lot of you tubes or have a few trainer sessions to help you get the deadlift and squat form correct before you get too heavy so that you dont pull your back. Good luck!

    Both push ups and prone jack knifes are hard to do correctly. Use a mirror to check your form and keep trying - you'll get there :-)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky your program sounds good.
    Runza you look good. You are making progress- it is a slow process. It does help to focus on inputs.

    Weejo I think lifting 3x a week is important - if you do strong curves once a week and new rules twice- that sounds good just realize that you will need more than six months to finish new rules.

    I am doing new rules supercharged basic training 3: I have an A workout with rack dls and front squats. And a B workout with combo row dls, kneeling cable chops and Romanian dls.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    new rules supercharged basic training 3
    What? :tongue:
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Good advice guys, I will do my best to step it up to 3 times a week. one way or another.

    I did a short yoga routine after my nrol routine tonight. It seems like a nice way to unwind and stretch have out my back. Then a few minutes in child's pose and I was totally chilled out.

    And I had my first protein shake. I added a couple of raspberries and a few pieces of banana and it was surprisingly lovely.

    Final thought for the day - goodness those swissball crunches really pack a punch! :0)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    WHEW!!!! I am down 2 pounds this am. So that once a month weighing might not be a good idea especially if I am having a bad day. I think I will stick with the once a month weighing and then if I find the scale is up , I'll weigh a few more times to see if things are changing.

    WElcome, weejo.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    This week, I was struggling with work and TOM and slogging through a boring Stage 3. Last year, I let myself slow down and that just made it worse. This week, I delayed only one day and couldn't believe how much better I felt yesterday.

    Oh thank you, thank you!! Just what I needed to hear this morning. :flowerforyou:

    I feel like crap, I'm not sleeping properly because my son isn't sleeping properly and I'm a little stressed over some things and today's session.... well, I kinda went through the motions until I hit the intervals, which then proceeded to kick my butt. Usually it's the other way around. I forced myself through it with the mantra "It's only one freaking minute, it isn't going to kill you - move".

    Next time I do the Stage 3B workout, I'll up the weights on the rdl/row (they were way too easy today) and maybe substitute the lat pull downs for pullups or something. But then again, my brain might be back in the right head space by that stage... maybe :wink:

    Hi weejo :smile:

    Prone jack knife was extremely difficult for me when I first started - I had a dodgy weak core (thank you dear children!), so it was slow and steady process. Pay close attention to form or you will end up hurting something (or head butting the floor... which, of course I never did.... much :ohwell: )

    So long as you're lifting 3x a week, it should be fine.
    Although, that said, I did try mixing programs at the beginning and I just got confused... but that could just be me LOL

    I do everything at my own pace and very slooowwwllyyy, so I will still be going with NROL4W for a very long time yet. I just want something that keeps me active, makes me stronger and fits in with my schedule. This does it perfectly for me. Well, that and having a weights setup in my garage makes me look hardcore :glasses: :laugh:

    Oh! And with form, yep, watch YouTube, read books, talk to a trainer - whatever works for you - and learn, learn, learn and then practice, practice, practice :bigsmile:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    This week, I was struggling with work and TOM and slogging through a boring Stage 3. Last year, I let myself slow down and that just made it worse. This week, I delayed only one day and couldn't believe how much better I felt yesterday.

    Oh thank you, thank you!! Just what I needed to hear this morning. :flowerforyou:

    So glad I posted something helpful! :flowerforyou:

    I had planned to run yesterday but ended up spending the day working on a garden project.

    Today, I lift.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    I lifted yesterday.


    Am out of town next two days - will lift again on Wednesday.