Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    OMG I love celebrating with wine! :drinker:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps you look great and I like the dress too.

    I slept in again - I will try to get in a workout tomorrow. I have to get my cars blinker fixed.
    And go to accupuncture and hang out with my mother inlaw .
    She's great and we will do something fun with the kids my DH is working the whole weekend.

    Nice numbers everyone.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Beeps, you look great, I love the dress, too bad it rained.

    Dna, I don't envy you with that many little ones sleeping over, they will be a lot of chatter, but they will have fun. The cake sounds delicious, but my boys would just want icing & not as much cake.

    My week has had a cruddy ending, I got to work & my car decided it didn't want to restart. I spent the day worried and anxious to get home. I work almost 40 miles from home & the idea of being stuck out there on a Friday evening when my kids at home has been nerve wrecking all day. I did make it home & I'm scheduled to go to the mechanic tomorrow morning, hopefully its nothing too bad I was planning on taking the family to a Christmas in July celebration. The idea of cooler things sounded great since its been around 106 all week, but that probably wont happen now. :sad:

    And while you lovely ladies are sharing your lifting victories, I'll share my little one. I was happy with myself Monday when I deadlifted 75lbs so today I thought I'd see how much I could lift. I was deadlifted my weight (115lbs) and then I lifted 125lbs. I only tried the one time since it was at the end of workout, I was tired & I didn't want to do the workout to begin with, I just wasn't in the mood.
    I hope everyone has a good weekend :drinker:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    jo, your comment made me go look at the S&P phases. I did NOT know about those 15 reps at the end! :sad: Thanks for ruining it for me :tongue:. NOW I can wait.

    Oh, and CONGRATS on your exam results!!!

    cowgirl, squatting bodyweight is a dream of mine. I got so close before nerves made me back off. Going to slowly work my way back up when I start the next phases of Supercharged.

    beeps, I LOVE the dress and your arms look spectacular.

    ali, congrats on the PR!

    After a bad (diet) start to my week, I tried to salvage it, but it just wasn't meant to be. I even prelogged my food several days and had to end up overwriting it with other stuff I hadn't planned. For example, one day I was so absorbed in playing a game with my daughter, I end up forgetting I had food on the stove, and it BURNT :noway: . Nothing went my way this week. Including exercise. But I know there are going to be weeks like this so not going to get too down about it. I'll do what I can today and hope for the best tomorrow. If not, then next week I'll try again.

    Have a good day ladies!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Save me from obnoxious ten-year-olds.
    Anyway, Beeps that party looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland. so cool and you look awesome.

    Cowgirl, way to go. I'm so sick of this high rep stuff.

    I'm with you Ali. I have about a 40 mile commute also. You just reminded me I need to re-up my AAA.

    Jamaica, this too shall pass.

    I had a decent week food and exercise wise, but I'm exhausted. I feel like I've been going non-stop all week. Yesterday I took the boys to Six Flags after work. We ended up staying until nine. I came home crashed and slept until 9:30. Today, I have an afternoon House-warming retirement party, and tonight is GNO with my cousins. I have a feeling all of the cals I saved this week will get used.

    Did I mention DOMS? Yeah, I got those. Must have worked pretty darn hard Thursday.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice lifts Ali

    Jamaica tough start- that's the great thing about tomorrow you get to start again.

    I am having a major life changing realization here so I wanted to share it with you gals.

    As you all know from my constant complaints about my health - I have had a very sick time for the past year and worse the last few weeks. I am going to try to live life in the moment from now on. It's a cliche but I'm tired of being sick and worrying about it. I need schedules and planning etc but I am going to try to enjoy each moment. It helps me to feel calmer and happier.

    Can you guys remind me of this when I get down or blog about feeling bad?

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Aw Pmag *big hug*
    We will totally remind you!

    How the heck are you all DLing so heavy? I haven't gotten past 85lbs, so just over half my weight. I feel like I have so far to go!

    Stage 5 of the book has been going well. I have an increased my weight on pretty much every exercise from stage 3. Diet has been crap though; my birthday was on Thursday and we are still celebrating today ;)

    Must get serious again after tonight!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    jo, your comment made me go look at the S&P phases. I did NOT know about those 15 reps at the end! :sad: Thanks for ruining it for me :tongue:. NOW I can wait.

    I know right? Totally ruined it for me too :laugh:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I lifted yesterday and I'm lifting again tonight. I want my 2/3 :tongue:

    DS is having his first sleepover tonight. I'm out of calories and won't be having any wine :sick: :laugh: I made them cookies that we will have at 8 with popcorn and a movie. I'm going to fix dinner in a bit. Meatball subs.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    All children up at 5am to play Minecraft (which including running commentary :noway: )

    We fed them bacon & eggs, pancakes and hot chocolate/babycinos. The husband got a call that he's apparently on sound at church this morning... oops, he didn't check his email lol. So he's gone to church, one child has been picked up, and I'm taking the rest to the park shortly. The cat is hiding under my bed :laugh:

    Sam mentioned DOMS... yeah. After a big workout on Friday, and then yesterday I realised the only time I sat down was to drive to and from the supermarket... I woke up at about 1am with freaking sore legs.

    I prepped a heap of food yesterday and the husband cooked it up - gluten-free pizza & garlic bread (so yummy - has chia, quinoa, sunflower seeds and more in the base), and we made the gluten-free KFC chicken from the Gluten Free on a Shoestring website (omitted the chilli powder for the kids though lol and we made it in the air fryer, so a little less calories). Sorry, the only veges were the ones on the pizza and the carrot & snowpeas with the sweet potato dip... it was all about the food, and wine and good times :drinker:

    The cake was a hit, and the girl's suggestion of no icing and just fruit with a sprinkle of icing sugar was awesome. Because the cake was sugar free, it was just about perfect.

    So tired, but more peeps coming for lunch (when they pick up their girls), so the big weekend shall continue!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I lifted yesterday and I'm lifting again tonight. I want my 2/3 :tongue:

    Nevermind. If my quads had a face, they'd look like this :noway:

    I tried. I ended up going for a run. I can run with broken legs.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I didn't lift today either but I did yoga.

    I am going to start eating more low glycemic index/low glycemic load foods to my diet. It's supposed to control postprandial blood sugar.

    Running on broken legs? Sounds painful!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member

    Nevermind. If my quads had a face, they'd look like this :noway:


    I'm sorry but this cracked me up, I've been there, I know this felling well. But I needed the laugh.
    I got up early and dragged my oldest son with me & spent an hr at the mechanic to find out I got a crappy battery last month with was a big relief. I was expecting having to get a new starter & I was going to walk the 2 miles home with my son & walk back when it was done, seemed like a good chance to get him active & away from the games. But 2hrs after we left home we headed but with a new battery & still made it to Christmas in July & then school shopping. I got no exercise today & my diet was mostly a slice of a little frozen pizza I took from my son & a small bag a jelly beans we shared. Tomorrow will be better.

    As a side note don't get a car battery from Walmart even if that's the closest place to you when your car dies, apparently they suck, but we all already knew this.

    Dna I sympathize with the minecraft I have 2 11yr olds in my house (my nephew lives with us) and this is all the time, if they're not playing they are watching video of someone else playing. And why do they have to yell everything thing that they do.:grumble:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Don't think much dinner will be getting eaten tonight - I'm stuffed full lol

    Pmag, I eat mostly low-GI due to PCOS/pre-diabetes/family history of diabetes. The difference it can make is amazing.

    Did I mention my brother came for lunch yesterday? He is a doctor (qualified GP, Obstetrician, and surgeon - he's an over-achiever lol) so I got him to check my diastasis, which I had been ignoring like a proper head-in-the-sand ostrich...

    He told me to start wearing my tummy tube again (yeah, it's sitting in my drawer somewhere) or get a brace and to stop crunches & jack-knife movements immediately. Yes, I knew that they aren't good for it, but once again, I'd been ignoring it and plowing ahead like usual... I may have lost the exercises the physio gave me several years ago :ohwell: (actually, she pretty much sucked.. told me I had a separation, wear the tube, engage core and here's some exercises on a piece of paper) so I'm getting the Lose Your Mummy Tummy book (Tupler Technique) and I'll substitute those exercises in for the abs stuff at the end of the workouts. 12 weeks they say to start seeing good results. And I'll be a good girl and wear my tube. It'll give me extra warmth over winter anyway...

    If I start grumbling about the tube, someone give me a clip around the ear and tell me to get over it. Actually, even though it's pretty stretchy, I should probably check to see if it still fits... I was a little bit bigger back then... I may have to get a brace thing anyway...

    But I'm allowed to keep going with the heavy lifting :bigsmile: Just keep making sure my form is good (which it is :) ) and take it slow (which I do lol).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    dna, that stinks. I'd never wear something like that either. I had a small separation from my 3 pregnancies (the youngest was 10lbs 7oz when she was born), but blessedly it has improved from all the core work. Hopefully you can see good results with the new program.

    Ali, I hate it when things like that happen. All we can do is try to just roll with it.

    pmag, I read an interesting article on Alan Aragon's site about glycemic index just yesterday: http://alanaragon.com/glycemic-index
    I personally think it's always good to moderate foods that are sugary and processed (high GI), but he does raise some interesting questions if you can muddle through the lingo. I hope you are feeling better!

    runz, I am the opposite. I cannot do cardio with soreness, but if I warm up and start lifting, I feel better. But quad soreness is the worst.

    Beeps, love the dress! And you look amazing as always!

    I got my lifting in yesterday. It was the "B" workout. I don't feel it as much as the other two. I added in some plank with pull-downs, tricep kickbacks, and hanging leg raises. I also am considering switching my core exercises to the beginning of the workout instead of the end. I feel like that "activates" my entire body or gets it warmed up better (if that makes sense). I also have trouble doing planks at the end of the workout when my arms and shoulders are already tired.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone. I started stage 3 this morning and had the usual issues with the new moves that people talk about in the stage 3 thread. Question...is it reasonable to substitute the BMW (and the HIIT in stage 2/4) with a high impact zumba class 2-3 times a week in between NROL days? 3a takes so long and I am doing the zumba anyway for fun and calorie burn. What do you think?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hi everyone. I started stage 3 this morning and had the usual issues with the new moves that people talk about in the stage 3 thread. Question...is it reasonable to substitute the BMW (and the HIIT in stage 2/4) with a high impact zumba class 2-3 times a week in between NROL days? 3a takes so long and I am doing the zumba anyway for fun and calorie burn. What do you think?

    *My opinion* The BWM and HIIT are quick. Tough yes, but quick. If they are a challenge to you, you should tackle them, I'd only skip them to save time if they were easy and not worth my time. You can get a BWM done in 2 minutes, It's not a big deal.

    HIIT is longer, yes. But it's still not that long. I too was pushed for time and instead used the HIIT as my warm up and then went on to the lifts. Do what works for you, but just make sure you aren't making excuses.

    Zumba is NOT my thing so I won't comment on it.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    Nevermind. If my quads had a face, they'd look like this :noway:


    I'm sorry but this cracked me up, I've been there, I know this felling well. But I needed the laugh.
    I got up early and dragged my oldest son with me & spent an hr at the mechanic to find out I got a crappy battery last month with was a big relief. I was expecting having to get a new starter & I was going to walk the 2 miles home with my son & walk back when it was done, seemed like a good chance to get him active & away from the games. But 2hrs after we left home we headed but with a new battery & still made it to Christmas in July & then school shopping. I got no exercise today & my diet was mostly a slice of a little frozen pizza I took from my son & a small bag a jelly beans we shared. Tomorrow will be better.

    As a side note don't get a car battery from Walmart even if that's the closest place to you when your car dies, apparently they suck, but we all already knew this.

    Dna I sympathize with the minecraft I have 2 11yr olds in my house (my nephew lives with us) and this is all the time, if they're not playing they are watching video of someone else playing. And why do they have to yell everything thing that they do.:grumble:

    This isn't quoting correctly:
    THat's a whole lot of walking so it counts as exercise.

    I avoided minecraft as long as I could...But as soon as the PS3 and iPad came into the house, it was game on.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hi everyone. I started stage 3 this morning and had the usual issues with the new moves that people talk about in the stage 3 thread. Question...is it reasonable to substitute the BMW (and the HIIT in stage 2/4) with a high impact zumba class 2-3 times a week in between NROL days? 3a takes so long and I am doing the zumba anyway for fun and calorie burn. What do you think?

    While the BWM is tortrue, do it! If you don't have time to do it same day, fine, but do it. It's more than cardio, it's strength and endurance building too. Now I'm a zumba queen, and still hope to become an instructor. Will I skip hit and say,"well, I'm doing zumba tomorrow." YES, should I, NO. REally the intervals as he lays them out are ten minutes. just get it done. It's set up that way for a reason, go with it, and then do the zumba anyway because it's hella fun.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Hi everyone. I started stage 3 this morning and had the usual issues with the new moves that people talk about in the stage 3 thread. Question...is it reasonable to substitute the BMW (and the HIIT in stage 2/4) with a high impact zumba class 2-3 times a week in between NROL days? 3a takes so long and I am doing the zumba anyway for fun and calorie burn. What do you think?

    I agree with the others, do the BWM & HIIT. The Zumba counts as extra cardio. They really are over quite quickly once you get the hang of it. I actually use a couple of Fitness Blender HIIT videos now because I need the focus they give (my mind is often off with the fairies). They have some good 7-15 minute ones that will do their best to kill you. In, done, out & over with. I choose one depending on what I need that day. But I have that luxury working out at home.

    I am being a good girl and wearing my tube today... even wore it to bed last night like I'm supposed to :grumble: Good thing I have two. Although wearing it while lifting this morning really gave me that extra physical reminder about tightening the core as much as possible, so that helped.

    And... I'm going to do something I really don't do.
    I'm going to take a 'before' photo of my stomach. Front on and side shot. Sucked in and not :sad:
    It's my focus right now, try to bring those muscles as far in together as I can, and I'll get my brother to check it again in a few months time.

    Right, I have to have a shower and get these kids to the park to meet friends. School's back tomorrow!! Their last day of freedom :laugh: