Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Today, I lift!

    Instead of walking (alone) last night, I decided to hop on my bike and just ride!!


    I don't think I have been on a bike, alone, and without kids, in, ohhhhhh, fourteen YEARS??!?!


    yes, my butt FROZE after only 40 minutes, but that is okay....it really was super-fun and the numbness cannot be helped (don't even try and advise....I have tried every single bike seat out there and right now, the cushioning on this seat is literally 4 inches....it's just some body response I have).

    Good for you, Next week I am looking forward to some ME time while my daughter is at day camp. We are staying in a cabin in the same park as the day camp so once I drop her off at 9:30am I am on my own until 3:30pm! Hiking, biking, reading, napping, whatever I want to do. I won't be home and compelled to clean etc.....
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky that sounds amazing.

    Beeps good for you getting on your bike. It always evokes childhood for me.

    Thanks for the link Sam enjoy your rest.

    Mo you are working hard! You are going to see amazing results.

    I have been not exercising as much as I'd like but I had an NSv today: my mother-in-law complemented my muscles!

    I have a crazy week lots of time commuting for work and lots of relatives staying with us for my youngest daughters birthday. I have only gotten her a tshirt so far...

    My goals for the week are at least 2 lifting sessions and at least 2 cardio sessions. And at least one chronic pain treatment.(my physical therapist canceled today at 5:30 am for a 7 am appt...
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Sorry I'm MIA at the moment. It's my girl's 11th birthday today and I'm feeling a little snowed under with work.

    I'm reading, but not able to take a lot in - sooooo tired.

    But I was 3/3 last week, which is good. I may have made my goals a little simplistic lol
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    I was watching Mark Ripptoe Starting strength for squat critques: Are you squatting below 90 degrees? Sticking your chest out with with elbows back? He has the lifter hold thier breath pressing up which braces your spine, maybe try that? Try not squatting down too far.

    Nope, nope and nope! I don't have a big range of movement with my squats so I am not even able to get parallel. It's not weight related - doesn't matter, as soon as a bar is on my back I can't go low.

    Definitely not holding my breath - a big exhale is the only thing that gets me back up, lol. I will check my chest next time but I don't think I do that. I may have to watch that video - is it on youtube?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,980 Member
    rocky503 - a vacation....and a daycamp for the kid(s)....omg, that WOULD be a slice of heaven! ENJOY!

    Pmagnan - YAHOO for a m-i-l comment! THAT ROCKS!

    dnamouse....you can always CHANGE your goals, once you are meeting them/exceeding them on a regular basis.

    jo_marnes - what muscles are you working when you squat? I am asking to determine if those are the muscles you want to be working?? I used to squat because I thought it worked my glute muscles. It doesn't (for me). So, I have chosen exercise moves which work my glute muscles and rarely squat anymore....and, when I do, it is always a wide-legged squat (like a bowler squat or a squat where I hold the weight at chest level).

    I could get below parallel at the back squat...I had to really work hard on the valgus knee thing....and even THEN, it really worked my quads! I just could not get my posterior chain to fire!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I struggle with squats too. I had to dial back in my weights last year and am finally working back up. I had some flexibility issues when I started lifting that probably hindered my progress. But I didn't know enough to recognize it.

    Pmag, you're still being consistent and putting effort into taking care of yourself. Every week doesn't have to be perfect- you're still trying and that's what counts!!!

    Beeps, I've found I had to squat a very particular way to get my glutes to fire. I have short legs,but the arms and torso of a tall person. I definitely think individual body mechanics play a role in how well one can squat.

    Busy day today, but I will lift!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,980 Member
    ...I think, because i don't squat, I look LESS STRONG than everyone else in the gym! Meaning: to me, the backsquat is the MOST BAD-*kitten* move in the ENTIRE gym....and I don't do it!


    Deadlift, fine. Bench press, fine. But squats??!?!? Really and truly, for me, that SPELLS OUT "BODYBUILDER" - and I LIKE THAT.

    The chicks who squat get MY BAD-*kitten* label....100%.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I have been lurking here lately but fooling myself by thinking that if I don't take the time to post something then I am not really avoiding writing my thesis!
    Anyway, I would also love to see that video of squatting. I was doing front squats the other day in the gym and a huge bodybuilder guy there basically laughed at me and told me that my squat form was awful (but he said it in a nice way!). Apparently I lean too far forward when I squat. And I tried paying more attention to sticking my elbows out and resting the bar on my shoulders and my wrists STILL hurt! I am finished front squats now but I think if I do them again it will be without the push press and hold the bar with my arms crossed. - i saw someone else doing that at the gym and it looked much easier.

    Yesterday I technically finished stage 4 so on to stage 5 tomorrow. But one of my B workouts didn't get finished because i wasn't feeling well so i was thinking of repeating it next week. That is if I manage to lift at all. I'm not sure, but I might have hurt my shoulder and back. I noticed my shoulder was sore when I was going to bed on Tuesday (which was a rest day) and I realised my back was sore too when I tried to do deadlifts on Wednesday. I finished my workout but with much lighter weights. Now I'm wondering if I should take a break for a couple of days to recover. I'm pretty sure I didn't injure myself lifting but have no idea how I did do it.

    wow, thats a lot of information all about me! how is everyone else doing! :smile:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh Beeps, you don't give yourself enough credit.
    DouMc, there's lots of good videos on YouTube if you search "squat form".
    Totally failed today on my 3rd rep of my last set of box squats with 145lbs. Went down to the box and couldn't get back up. Fortunately I had taken the time to make sure the safety rack was at the appropriate height for me to lean forward and let the bar roll off my shoulders. Lol!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The one video I posted a while back mentioned putting heels on small weigh plates to open the angle of the foot more for a deeper squat. I can actually get down lower than the rack allows and I need to start using the power rack, but I tend to leave that for the guys lifting 300+ lbs. Squats are quads and deadlifts are hamstrings.

    I actually did get to zumba last night and I probably would have been better off staying home. I did something to my knee, but no idea what. There was no "ouch I hurt myself" moment. I came home took a shower and said, "hmm that doesn't feel right." and then limped through work today. Not good because I had to run interference on a kid who was going ballistic throwing chairs and punching people. I really need hazard pay for this job.

    So today I will go to the dentist and have an enforced rest day, I promise.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    sunshine, air conditioning is a luxury where I am. My gym doesn't have any, can you imagine how hard it is to push yourself dealing with all that heat?

    sue, I know HOW to get the protein, it's just actually getting it all in that's hard. I don't LOVE meat so when I eat it, I might eat a 3 oz piece of chicken breast for example and am full and not want anymore. I've been hitting my goal of 25% though, so I'm ok with that, it's much more than I used to eat. One day I'll get to 30%.

    For lower body, I recommend Strong Curves. Great program. Cowgirl can attest to that.

    cowgirl, i didn't realize it was RAW chicken <blush>. sorry, I usually log my cooked chicken so I assumed that's what that was. 3 oz for me is like about half of a chicken breast. Sometimes I can force 4 oz, but that's it. And you are NOT a glutton, I just don't love meat all that much, especially the healthy parts like the breast.

    pmag, nice compliment! It means even more to me because me and my future MIL are not even on speaking terms right now.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Regarding squats, wanted to address this separately. Not because I'm any expert, but because I've done a lot of reading and watched tons of videos on proper squat form.
    I don't have a big range of movement with my squats so I am not even able to get parallel. It's not weight related - doesn't matter, as soon as a bar is on my back I can't go low.

    Definitely not holding my breath - a big exhale is the only thing that gets me back up, lol. I will check my chest next time but I don't think I do that. I may have to watch that video - is it on youtube?
    Jo, I would implore you to drop your weight and ensure you go to parallel or even a little below. I say a little below because a lot of times when we THINK we're at parallel we're not quite there yet. Stopping before you get to parallel puts serious pressure on your knees and not enough pressure on where it should be (quads, glutes, calves, hamstrings). And that spells big trouble in the long run as it pertains to your knees. If you can't even get to parallel with just the bar, it's probably a flexibility issue as cowgirl mentioned. A lack of ankle and/or hip flexor flexibility is usually the issue. Maybe you can youtube videos to find how to improve on both.

    True story, one day I was in the gym and saw a guy squatting some really heavy weights but not getting to parallel. I watched him for a while, wondering if I should tell him he needs to go lower or not. Eventually I tell him, explain to him about his knees and told him to decrease the weight if it was too heavy to go parallel. He never took my advice, just smiled and nodded. Anyway, about 2 months later he shows up at the gym the same time I do and comes over to tell me that it looks like I was right. Because he didn't take my advice and now his knees were seriously hurting even when he walked.

    As for your breathing, you should take a deep breath before you go down, hold it and let it out forcefully when you're about 1/2 or 2/3 way up.
    I used to squat because I thought it worked my glute muscles. It doesn't (for me). So, I have chosen exercise moves which work my glute muscles and rarely squat anymore....and, when I do, it is always a wide-legged squat (like a bowler squat or a squat where I hold the weight at chest level).

    I could get below parallel at the back squat...I had to really work hard on the valgus knee thing....and even THEN, it really worked my quads! I just could not get my posterior chain to fire!
    ...I think, because i don't squat, I look LESS STRONG than everyone else in the gym! Meaning: to me, the backsquat is the MOST BAD-*kitten* move in the ENTIRE gym....and I don't do it!
    beeps, I agree with you on both counts. First, the squat works my quads more than my glutes too. But there are two types of squats, high bar and low bar. Low bar definitely hits your glutes more. That being said, I don't do it because it hurts my back. Maybe my form wasn't right, but a lot of people complain about their back hurting from it. So I stick to my high bar squats but add hip thrusts and glute bridges so that my glutes get sufficient work.

    Second, I think the back squat IS the most bad *kitten* move in the gym (well except for the pistol squat which I've NEVER seen anyone in my gym do). BUT, I haven't done the back squat in months and people STILL look at me in awe when I use heavy dumbbells to do the things required of me in Supercharged. So people will still admire your strength whether or not you do back squats.

    doumc, yea, the front squat is a more upright squat and requires a really strong core. The key is to practice and practice some more, and to work on strengthening your core.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam, sorry you had to deal with that kid. I know how stressful that is :sick:

    Somebody mentioned heat. I don't belong to a gym anymore so I have to do all my running outside. Here in south TX, the humidity is over 90% every, freakin' day :sick: :sick:

    I am balls to the wall for my goals this week. I think I'm gonna make it! I slept through my alarm this morning but I eventually rolled out of bed and got my 4 mile run done anyway. Such a great feeling even with all the humidity :drinker:

    To celebrate, I took photos :wink:

    A fun, pulling my exhausted self together photo.

    Glad I got it done photo.

    Um. I really am stronger than I look photo.

    Those are 42 inch hips. That sounds so obnoxious :blushing:

    Yesterday, I took Suzie Homemaker photos.

    Suzie Homemaker still in her pajamas, drinking wine at 4 in the afternoon but she has muscles photo.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,980 Member
    I LOVE THOSE RUNZALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You look AWESOME!

    Thank you, so very much, for posting them.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,980 Member
    On another forum, somebody said this about NROL4W:

    "I was reading about that book on Amazon and people seemed to be saying it was hard to do at home without a bunch of equipment, do you agree with that?"

    Because i do *(and always have done!) all my work-outs at the gym, I have NO idea if this is true or not....

    So, for you women who are doing NROL4W at home:

    a. do you need a bunch of equipment?
    b. did you already own that equipment?
    c. if you didn't, what would you buy, and where?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,980 Member


    I FINALLY made it to 115 lbs on my deadlifts!! THAT IS RIGHT, ladies, NO LONGER do I have to remove the 35 lb plates, after my hip thrusts, to put on 25 lb plates (plus some...) to do my deadlifts....and back again.

    Finally, finally, finally, I can keep the 35 lb plates on (I'm at 155 lbs on my hip thrusts) and just move other plates on/off!

    THIS IS A HUGE TIME-SAVER....and I am SUPER excited about this!

    Now, all of a sudden, a 125 lb deadlift doesn't look like it is too too far off. YAHOO!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    On another forum, somebody said this about NROL4W:

    "I was reading about that book on Amazon and people seemed to be saying it was hard to do at home without a bunch of equipment, do you agree with that?"

    Because i do *(and always have done!) all my work-outs at the gym, I have NO idea if this is true or not....

    So, for you women who are doing NROL4W at home:

    a. do you need a bunch of equipment?
    b. did you already own that equipment?
    c. if you didn't, what would you buy, and where?
    That is awesome news about the deadlift, Beeps! I'm gonna get there someday.

    I lift at home. The entire point is to lift heavy. If I can't do something as written in the book because of equipment, Google is my friend and I do something else. I like arm curls.

    I use a standard bar that I bought from Amazon. It's about 10 or 12 lbs. I have a collection of metal weight plates and four dumbbell bars that we got from Academy. Because of the size of the plates, all of my deadlifts are at a deficit. That's fine. I have a pull up bar from our P90X days. I don't have a squat rack so I have learned how to clean the bar and do front squats. No bench at home but some exercises do just fine on the floor. Some I don't do at all. YTWLs... Give me a break :sick: . The pictures I posted are in the front living room. The most formal room in the house is littered with my weights. Who cares. They are very easy to put away for guests.

    There are so many ways to train that I don't think it matters if you deviate. I am definitely getting stronger. I can't tell that I'm losing any fat and I'm still a little squishy but... my DH thinks I'm bada$$ :blushing: My DS thinks I'm bada$$ :blushing: and I feel really, really good. My sister believes that no one else on earth over the age of 21 has as much energy as I do :laugh:

    Almost forgot. I also don't use a ball. I've done mountain climbers, side to side planks, burpees...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,980 Member
    Thanks, runzalot....it totally doesn't surprise me how RESOURCEFUL you are!

    I remember when I was first learning to lift free weights, i was a youtube.com FIEND....I searched rippetoe stuff and a whole bunch of other stuff just to watch and watch and watch and watch.

    i should do that again....I bet I'll be COMPLETELY reinvigorated!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Runza your photos are great ( ps I have smaller boobs and wide hips).
    I like the apron and flex look!

    Jl thanks for all the squat info.

    Beeps squats help me to feel. Bad***, but you really look bad***. I bet plenty of people at your gym look at your shoulders, or your deadlift or your intense workouts and think correctly that you are a bad***!

    Hope no one is seriously injured.

    I am planning to lift with my dad tonight---he's 72 and a model of how to age .
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Regarding squats, wanted to address this separately. Not because I'm any expert, but because I've done a lot of reading and watched tons of videos on proper squat form.
    I don't have a big range of movement with my squats so I am not even able to get parallel. It's not weight related - doesn't matter, as soon as a bar is on my back I can't go low.

    Definitely not holding my breath - a big exhale is the only thing that gets me back up, lol. I will check my chest next time but I don't think I do that. I may have to watch that video - is it on youtube?
    Jo, I would implore you to drop your weight and ensure you go to parallel or even a little below. I say a little below because a lot of times when we THINK we're at parallel we're not quite there yet. Stopping before you get to parallel puts serious pressure on your knees and not enough pressure on where it should be (quads, glutes, calves, hamstrings). And that spells big trouble in the long run as it pertains to your knees. If you can't even get to parallel with just the bar, it's probably a flexibility issue as cowgirl mentioned. A lack of ankle and/or hip flexor flexibility is usually the issue. Maybe you can youtube videos to find how to improve on both.

    True story, one day I was in the gym and saw a guy squatting some really heavy weights but not getting to parallel. I watched him for a while, wondering if I should tell him he needs to go lower or not. Eventually I tell him, explain to him about his knees and told him to decrease the weight if it was too heavy to go parallel. He never took my advice, just smiled and nodded. Anyway, about 2 months later he shows up at the gym the same time I do and comes over to tell me that it looks like I was right. Because he didn't take my advice and now his knees were seriously hurting even when he walked.

    As for your breathing, you should take a deep breath before you go down, hold it and let it out forcefully when you're about 1/2 or 2/3 way up.
    I used to squat because I thought it worked my glute muscles. It doesn't (for me). So, I have chosen exercise moves which work my glute muscles and rarely squat anymore....and, when I do, it is always a wide-legged squat (like a bowler squat or a squat where I hold the weight at chest level).

    I could get below parallel at the back squat...I had to really work hard on the valgus knee thing....and even THEN, it really worked my quads! I just could not get my posterior chain to fire!
    ...I think, because i don't squat, I look LESS STRONG than everyone else in the gym! Meaning: to me, the backsquat is the MOST BAD-*kitten* move in the ENTIRE gym....and I don't do it!
    beeps, I agree with you on both counts. First, the squat works my quads more than my glutes too. But there are two types of squats, high bar and low bar. Low bar definitely hits your glutes more. That being said, I don't do it because it hurts my back. Maybe my form wasn't right, but a lot of people complain about their back hurting from it. So I stick to my high bar squats but add hip thrusts and glute bridges so that my glutes get sufficient work.

    Thanks for your advice all. Funny I have never had any issues with my knees with squats at all so I don't think that is the issue. It is flexibility without a doubt. I probably should do something about that.... if only there were an extra day or so in my week! Gah

    My glutes are definitely the area I feel it most - sure my quads hurt at the time, but my glutes is where I get DOMS (i.e. like right now!!). I only get DOMS in my quads if I've done Body Pump and that's a reasonable weight for serious reps. I do tend to have more of a wide leg stance for that though, I think so I can go lower. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I should try that with my heavy squats - I don't consciously choose a set stance - I go with what's comfy. But I'm wondering if I'm subconsciously narrowed by the presence of the squat rack bars etc. I will definitely look at this next time.

    As for the breathing, I breath in on the way down and out on the way up. That's it. I'm not going to overthink it. It works for me. If I start thinking about breathing too much I'll start making it more complicated than it needs to be and get worse at it, lol. Gotta keep it simple ladies, this brain can't take much more :laugh:

    Also, what is high bar and low bar?

    Anyways.... today is a 'rest' day for me. I use inverted commas as I am helping at the school and studying for the most part, but no gym. Did P90X plyo yesterday - forgot how many squats THAT had too.... ouchy!