Daily Chat Thread



  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    hello everyone. I'm erica, and I'm new. Just read the nrol book and did day one today.

    When do you ladies like to do cardio? Just on off days, or after lifting?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Welcome new people!! Erica, I used go running on the days after lifting when I was in stage 1 but I found in stage 2 that my legs were too tired and needed the rest time so I normally only walk now. In the later stages there is interval sessions after the workouts so I do that and then take it easy on my rest days. I'd say do whatever feels good to you.
    I am 1/3 and I ate pizza cake and champagne today. The cake was worth it!!!

    Tomorrow is a new week

    If you are going to go over then this is definitely the way to do it!
    Started stage 5 today. Have I mentioned that I hate the BWM? Because I do! I nearly convinced myself not to bother with it and then I decided that I would only do it once. But I am bad a quitting once I start something so I did it twice. I do feel great after it (about 10 minutes after it when the heart rate has calmed down!) but doing it is pure hell!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    DouMc....I feel sorry for my former self who used to give BWM the "good ol' college try"....it was futile!

    I never got better at it. I sucked at it always. I don't do it anymore....that BWM is H-A-R-D.

    Congrats for getting it in-and-done.

    My *kitten* hurts from my lifting at lunch....this is a good thing...
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi new peeps,:flowerforyou: I love the girls in this group, they are helpful & welcoming. Erica, I'm just about to finish Stage 1 and I've been doing Cardio when I have free time ( sadly my last hr at work lol). Sheilaq14 I'm glad to have someone to do Stage 2 with.

    Doumc, what are these BWM's you speak of and are they dreadful? They sounds dreadful.
    Pizza and cake sound great, but I'll take rum over the champagne.

    Another busy weekend, but I think I am just about done school shopping for DS and the yard looks great. Still not sure how I ended up with such a big lawn when I live in a desert, but the storms & the kids inthe sprinkler have been making it grow like crazy. It is nice to have some green to see since EVERYTHING here is a shade of brown.
    I am starting my week or 2 of less workouts more food to see if that gets things back on track. Hope everone is having a good start to the week.:smile::smile: :smile:
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    @runzalot: Thanks! That really was the most accurate description that I could find for it. I have taken horrible progress photos in non flattering clothes as well so I feel your pain. However based on the picture you have as your avi you already look amazing and the progress photos would just be showing how much you've added to your awesomeness.

    My goals for this week are to do 3 days of lifting at least 3 but hopefully 4 days of yoga and to keep drinking a gallon of water a day. I've noticed that when I drink anything less than a gallon I start to put weight back on so I've been drinking up. Hope you ladies have a great lifting week!
  • NiccoleG
    NiccoleG Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Niccole! I am in the middle of stage 5. Although I like the results of this program, I find that the workouts are a bit long for my taste. I can't really complain though, my butt has never looked this good and each week I say bye-bye to a bit more of
    my stubborn back fat!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sorry jo, I'm the typical type A/detail-oriented/left brained type of person. I analyze EVERYTHING (sometimes too much) before I do anything and sometimes forget that not everyone is like me. Don't overthink your breathing, just do what you've always done, SQUAT. However, it would be remiss of me to not try to convince you again that parallel is the way to go. Your knees may not hurt now, but you're young, you never know what may happen later on. To work on your flexibility, you only need like 5 minutes or so a day. If you youtube "flexibility for squats", you'll find videos that are as short as 2 mins. I've done quite a few of them and I find that they really work.

    High bar vs low bar squatting is not something anyone NEEDS to know about to squat (unless your like me), but here is a pic of how the front, high bar and low bar squats look at the bottom position. It's taken from the bible of strength training that was mentioned before: Starting Strength by Mark Ripptoe.


    Thanks for this. Now I'm going to sound really stupid, but what part of the leg are we looking at to be parallel? Because I have always looked at the front/ top (i.e. my quads should be parallel) - but they aren't in that picture. I think that pic looks like my upper legs. I guess my problem is that the squat rack at my gym faces the mirror - so I don't get a side on view.

    I definitely do the high bar though, my shoulders have worse flexibility than the rest of me and I don't think I could hold the bar well in the low position.

    I tried the low bar for squats today- it was awkward. For depth, I video myself with my phone and I always just look at the knees in relation to my acetabulum/hip joint. The acetabulum should be even with or lower than your knees. I naturally want to stop at a few inches above that point- I have tight hip flexors and I have to really stretch and push myself to get parallel.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    My stressful week/weekend is over thank goodness! I only met 3 of my goals- HIITX2, liftedX3, and I drank lots of water. This week I will kill all of my goals!

    Someone mentioned the front squat push-press. It is a great move, but it is very awkward to start with. I personally love those movements now, but it took me lots of practice. Make sure you keep those elbows parallel to the floor and your chest up during the front squat.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Hello ladies, and a warm welcome to the new.

    Checking in at 2/3 today.

    I am just about to run out of 100% Whey Protein Isolate, and will need more.

    My NSV - I underwent iLasik procedure this past Thursday!! Even though my vision was not that bad, I cannot begin to say how wonderful this new world looks!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hi all,

    I have not been having a good week re: workouts. Up all night Sat for a birth, still got to combat Sunday and then decorated my house for 7 hours. Then Sunday night woke up at 3am in AGONY with my shoulder... I'm talking tears and unable to move.... took until pain killers kicked in for me to sleep. Monday was therefore a right-off, no clue what happened with my shoulder. Was tight and v painful all Monday but could tolerate hubby rubbing it by Monday night, and feels much better today. Today I decided not to go to combat as want to make sure shoulder is 100%. Turns out that was a good idea as was called to another birth. Then helped in kids canteen all day as manager couldn't go in (sick). Quick food shop before coming home and decorating, cooking, making birthday cake for my 8 yo, 25 cupcakes for his class, taking them all to scouts etc. Hubby had football tonight so I had to do all 5 lots of homework with the kids and bed/ bath time. Then back to making our dinner and finishing painting. Sat down at 9.30pm exhausted.

    Not sure what to do tomorrow. Not feeling inspired to lift- hoping that'll change by the morning. Tomorrow I have to clean the house ready for the birthday and get ready for going away this weekend. Oh, and ice the freakin' cakes. Then I have parent- teacher interviews at the school and then the youngest goes to Joeys (Scouts for 6-8 yr olds) in the evening. Oh, and at some point I am supposed to do MY study?!

    Anyways, back to the squats.... sorry, was having a blonde moment with the quads being parallel thing. YES, the are parallel in the pic, but if you look at them from what would be the front on view, its kinda hard to tell as there is that natural curve in the leg. I need to have a side on view. I need a quiet day in the gym where I can film it discretely- kinda feel weird about doing that, lol :blushing:

    Hi to all the new people too! Sorry, I am too tired to reply to everyone's posts.... you are ALL doing a fab job:drinker:
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Jo, my goodness, I would be shocked if you weren't exhausted, perhaps a day to rest especially if your shoulder still isn't right. I hope it isn't anything too serious.

    bepeejaye, how was the iLasik? Its something I've been interested in but scared to do. Does it hurt or is there any down time? My vision is not good, & I hate my contacts & glasses.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Wow @ lasik! I'm glad the whole world looks great!

    jo - I HATE it when my exercise is compromised...I totally hate it.

    Ali_momof2 - I had my cataracts out last year and now I've been contact lens free for nearly that long....it's totally awesome!

    I lifted today - that's 2 in a row, baby! BOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Beeps- totally with you.... I hate it too. And you've guessed it.... last night I was called in for a birth at 1am. Have had a total of 3 hours sleep. :yawn:

    This week is a total write off - can't lift until next week what with my boys bday and going away. I could go today but it will be a crap session seeing as I'm tired and then I'll feel even worse about it.

    It's not like I haven't been keeping myself busy..... I've just been busy doing things other than lifting. :grumble:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yay for LASIK, Bepee!

    Beeps, you inspire me. Think I'm going to try for 4X lifting this week!

    Jo, sounds like a rest day in is order! Gosh, you make me feel bad for feeling like MY life is busy. You're superwoman!

    My food was horrible today. Only 75 grams of protein (20%, I think). But I am way under on cals. I was trapped at work with nothing to eat until 1:45 (granola bar) then I finally made it home to some ham and tabbouleh at 3. Oh well. Got lots of water and walking today.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo you are one busy day, and your job is unpredictable to say the least. I know it's frustrating, but just get it done whenever you can.

    Bepee, my husband is dying to get lasik. I really need to start expendable fund and get on that. So glad it's working for you.

    Welcome to the new ladies!!

    I am completely exhausted. I took the kids to six flags after a lame weekend of watching mommy be sick. Eight hours of nonstop fun and horrible theme park food lol.

    Tomorrow (weather permitting as it was cool today) lounging by the lake and them the gym :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, yall! I missed yall.

    I have had a LOT going in my life. Lifting and eating right have been on the back burner. It all seems to be falling in place for the good (except with my daughter. Nothing new or changed with her)

    My lifting will be on hold for another 7 weeks. Next week I will have an hysterectomy . Hopefully, this will help with my mental well being! The hormonal roller coaster has had me down for a few months along with the daughter situation and other personal issues.

    MAYBE after our last summer trip in September I can get back on track. In the meantime , keep lifting!

    Don't forget about me. I'll be back.:wink:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Manic I hope your surgery goes well- why are you having one? Tell your doctor how important exercise is to you....

    I have been busy but I am on track with lifting- I am on lower intensity workouts per my physical therapist. I've been trying to convince myself it's worth a few lousy workouts it will be better in the long run but I don't like lifting light weights twenty or fifty times/ it seems silly. But I don't want to lose the habit and I've already had two rest weeks in the past month- so more lifting in am as well as pt.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Jo...oh no! Yes, I agree with resting the shoulder....if you have to lift, maybe do only leg workouts that do not require much upper body movement?

    Thank you all about my new "laser lids!" lol!!

    Ali, nope...no pain whatsoever...I kept expecting it but...nope...zulch...nada!
    I have been contemplating it for about 6 years....in this time, I have watched 5 colleagues at work undergo it, and they became my guinea pigs :laugh: So I watched them and tracked their progress....because they all went to the same renowned doctor...then finally I decided it was time....and I wish I had done it sooner!! It all turned out to be a very pleasant time for me...starting with the extremely knowledgeable and experienced doctor, his staff...their service, the latest technology...the pre-consultation, etc...everything...!

    The first order of business - I was treated to an expensive pair of polarized sunglasses...I have been promised that would happen, if I ever got the procedure. Second order of business - went to the MVD Express to have the corrective lenses restriction lifted from my Driver's License - and I passed!! Wohoo! What a wonderful 3D world this is!!

    Manic, I hope all goes well :flowerforyou:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Sounds like everyone has a lot going on! Funny, isn't stuff supposed to slow down and be more relaxed in the summer? Not here either. My sister is going to have her baby soon so everyone is excited about that; a first cousin for my boys and it took her a long time to get pregnant. In the span of the last three weeks my 3 year-old has decided to stop napping, stop using his soother (was just using it for sleep), has moved into his big boy bed AND has decided he is done with diapers. I have had my hands full! Luckily my five yeat-old has been a big help but all this combined with trying to keep up with workouts (success!), my birthday (fun!) and summer activities, and I haven't had much downtime. Consequently, I took a few days off from tracking, which of course turned into about a week of binging. BAD. I've been on track the last few days and feel SO much better. I wish food wasn't such an issue for me :( I found an app that has been really helpful with identifying underlying feelings and distracting me when I feel the urge to binge, so that's good.

    Off to do my last stage 5 workout today and then I will probably skip to level 7. Not sure what to do when I'm done this program: debating the Rules for Abs. Anyway, after today I may take a week off of lifting before starting stage 7 as my gym is closing and the new one opens this weekend. I want to go in there a few times to just do cardio and maybe abs, check things out, before I start stage 7. The set up there looks very different from my current gym.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey, yall! I missed yall.

    I have had a LOT going in my life. Lifting and eating right have been on the back burner. It all seems to be falling in place for the good (except with my daughter. Nothing new or changed with her)

    My lifting will be on hold for another 7 weeks. Next week I will have an hysterectomy . Hopefully, this will help with my mental well being! The hormonal roller coaster has had me down for a few months along with the daughter situation and other personal issues.

    MAYBE after our last summer trip in September I can get back on track. In the meantime , keep lifting!

    Don't forget about me. I'll be back.:wink:
    BEst of luck with the surgery. Hopefully things will even out for you a bit.