Daily Chat Thread



  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Sue, how is the PT going? Sounds like its really tough but at least you still get to lift!

    Sunshine, I'm with you on stage 5. I did my second 5A today and if you ignore the BWM I actually quite like it! I attempted using 2x30lbs dumbbells for the bench press and nearly got a dumbbell in the face! :laugh: I also nearly fell off the bench because when I was sitting down I was more focused on getting the dumbbells up so I missed the center and nearly feel off the side! :laugh:

    I attempted doing that workout yesterday. I went to the gym and did all of my warm up exercises plus a warm up set of the first exercise and then when I picked up the heavy dumbbell for my working set I got palpitations! I couldn't do anything then and had to go home! Such a pain in the *kitten*!! :grumble: :explode: Today I managed to get most of it done but because the gym closes early on a saturday I unfortunately didn't get to do the BWM. I won't have time for it tomorrow either so it looks like I'm just going to have to skip it. Darn, what a shame!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry ladies to be such a downer. I've spent most of my morning sleeping and crying. My 27yo cousin just lost her husband of 6 years. Far too young to be a widow and now a single mother. They are such a beautiful family, and my heart weeps for them. 2014 just needs to be over. At this point I'm buying condolence cards in bulk. 8 funerals this year so far. I don't think I've attended 8 in my entire life. I need no sympathy, but Katie needs all the love and prayers she can get.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    On no Sam, that's just awful :( What happened? I am so sorry.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Sorry ladies to be such a downer. I've spent most of my morning sleeping and crying. My 27yo cousin just lost her husband of 6 years. Far too young to be a widow and now a single mother. They are such a beautiful family, and my heart weeps for them. 2014 just needs to be over. At this point I'm buying condolence cards in bulk. 8 funerals this year so far. I don't think I've attended 8 in my entire life. I need no sympathy, but Katie needs all the love and prayers she can get.

    So sorry to Hear this. You're right 2014 has been a rough year, I too have been to a lot of funerals this year and some of them for people who were pretty young. Sorry for your family member! Xo
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thank you ladies. Apparently there was some kind of accident at work and he was electrocuted. She's just so far away in Arizona.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ladies who use fitbit garmin or other calories tracking devices. How do you log those in? the garmin doesn't sync yet and a friend wants to know how to set up her diary and calculate burn. SHe pasted the forum she was reading and it was just WAY too technical to actually be helpful and she a tech weenie lol
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    I forced myself to get through stage 2 A today, despite having very sore glutes from B. I am really glad I did, felt like a had a good and productive session. I actually really like the move I thought I would dread when looking ahead from Stage 1, the front squat/push press. Imagine, me doing a power move--makes me feel tough and strong! Still can't get parallel on static lunge move but doing my best. All my front and back squats are *kitten* to grass, but these one-legged moves are very difficult for me!

    Lift on ladies, we got this!

    This gives me hope for Stage 2 :flowerforyou:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Welcome to the lovely newbies if I've missed you. Sorry, my brain's been fried the last week with work :smile:

    Sam, I'll send much love and prayers Katie's way (if she doesn't mind a stranger doing so :flowerforyou: ). 2014 has been in a love/hate relationship with me. So many changes happening and so much going on, I don't know if I like it. Maybe it's just a sign of getting older and things just naturally evolving.

    I started Stage 6 this morning. Just went through it slowly with the basics and light weights (okay, except the pulldowns... I added an extra 10kg to that, still too light :ohwell: ) to get everything right. I think it could start getting nice and painful once I add proper weights lol I need to adjust a couple of things in the B workout because I'm not allowed to do any crunches at all, but my physio exercises book came on Friday, and I think there's a few things I can substitute, so that's good.

    Damn I'm gonna have smokin' guns at the end of this Stage :wink: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I'll be adding a bit of HIIT onto the end of the workouts though - just to kill myself a little more :wink: Didn't do it this morning because I took it nice and easy, and I'm also lined up for a jog this afternoon if the weather holds out.

    Oh, if you ever wanted to see anything funny, you should watch me do pull downs. I weigh 39.5kg/87lb. Current pull down weight sits at just over 50kg/110lb... the stupid thing keeps wanting to pull me back up with it so I have to wrap my legs tight around the bench :tongue: :laugh:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    DNA massive pull downs!!!

    I will also send supportive thoughts to Kate.

    I had a good work out today - I'm doing back squats again .. At less than 50% of my best but still it felt good to be in the gym today. I am working out with my dad. He's leaving on Wed and I will miss him and my mom.

    My nutrition has been all over the place but I am happy to be back lifting 3x week. I also had a pretty active day - we walked, hit some golf balls and I did some (quick) yoga tonight.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    sam, how awful. I can't even imagine the pain of that loss. Sending up some prayers for Katie.

    DNA, thats freaking awesome! That means you can do pull ups then?! That's a goal of mine that I'm really far from reaching right now.

    Ok, here's the report on my week. My plan was:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 2 days of HIIT cardio.
    3. 1600 cals on non-lifting days, 1800 cals on lifting days. This averages to TDEE-17%.
    4. 26% of cals should be from protein
    5. 6 cups of water daily
    6. 3 days consisting of 20 mins of stretching
    7. No eating after 8 pm.
    8. Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.
    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check
    4. No! 22%
    5. Check
    6. Check
    7. No
    8. No

    Poor week as it pertains to sticking to the plan. I DID lose 1 lb though. Although half of it was lean mass. I think the low protein contributed to that.

    This week I'm sticking to the plan except I'm adding a 9th. No junk food (chips, cake, sweets, ice cream, cookies) allowed 3 days of the week. One of the reasons I didn't meet my protein goal this week was because I used up my calories on junk before getting in all my protein. I find this becoming a trend for me and it needs to stop NOW.

    Oh, and for anyone interested in yoga (beginners), I found this great 30 day challenge on youtube. I started it tonight, but I don't think I'll be able to do consecutive days. Will do it as often as I can.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Pmag, that's awesomeness. Remember, 50% is better than nothing.
    DNA, thats freaking awesome! That means you can do pull ups then?! That's a goal of mine that I'm really far from reaching right now.

    Yep, I can do pull ups. Just a couple at a time though. I'm following the layout for Stage 6 and just doing the negatives really, really slowly to build up some more strength. In all honesty I think they kill more than just rapping out some quick pull ups. I hold the top for a good 15-20 seconds and then slowly lower. You have to remember that I don't weigh much lol so I don't have as much weight to lift up and down :smile:

    I'm a 3/3 for last week :bigsmile:

    1. Lift 3x a week - yep
    2. Cardio min 2x week 30 mins - yep
    3. Meal plan & healthy snacks - did very well, even packed a salad for the school fete which saved me from buying lovely deep fried fatty foods (I don't like them much anyway lol) Getting back in the swing of planning meals which is saving me time, money and means we eat nice and healthy :smile:

    Didn't get for my jog this afternoon as my buddy has a sick kid, so came home and did a kick boxing + HIIT Fitness Blender workout while the kids did their homework. I think it's my current favourite cardio workout.

    Just have to get through the next week and a half and things might start slowing down a little - school musical Mon & Tuesday next week. I think my girl won't be going to training on Tuesday morning...
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all,

    I go away for a weekend and it's like I've missed an entire month! Busy ladies! :smile:

    Sam - so sorry. Thoughts are with all of you :flowerforyou:

    DNA - nice pull downs. I got to bodyweight with mine and found myself fighting the leg bar too much to stay down. Now I do kneeling pull downs - I much prefer these, have you tried them?

    Rewind to my squats..... I had squat day today and attempted to note my form. First off, I found it VERY hard to judge with a front on, wide leg position. My legs are at such an angle that it is hard to assess whether they are parallel. I changed to side on out of the rack just to get a feel of where parallel was. So, the result is that I can get parallel with weight up to bodyweight, but not over bodyweight. Thank you to those pulling me up on my form here - I appreciate it. From now on you will be known as my cyber- spotters :laugh: I will back off the weights a bit and aim for the greater range of motion.

    On the downside, I am totally OVER my stupid hormones and bloat. I am having my third period in 4 weeks and today weigh the heaviest in 3 years :grumble: Having this stupid implanon out on Friday, can't take it anymore. I know I'm trying to gain, but the 3kg in bloat I am currently carrying has GOT to go.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    3rd period in 4 weeks?!?!! Ruh roh.....

    Sam, sorry for your funeral-binge. Awful!

    DNA mouse - you rock! The end!

    It is holiday mondy here....so, i will mix it up at the gym with a little cardio, a little weights.

    No eating though.....cut is firmly "on".

    (I tried on the dress for the sept wedding i am attending....i have work to do!)

    Go lift heavy stuff, gals!

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    whoa, y'all have been busy bees this weekend!

    YEA!!! I went to the gym today!!! I did SLDL, glute bridges, walking lunges and back hyper-extensions. No where near my PRs and I didn't even care, it was form focused and it felt GREAT!!!

    Sam, I am so sad for you and your family. What a difficult year this has been for you all. You're each in my thoughts and prayers. :heart:

    DNA that's awesome!! Congrats on the big pull down numbers AND on doing pull-ups. I was doing about that on the pull-downs but never had enough strength to do an unassisted pull-up, only on the assist machine. I read on T-nation (I think) that using bands instead of the assist machine was a better way to get to an unassisted pull-up. When I'm whole again, I'll have to try.

    Beeps I'm with you on the food, no eating! I want to get down 15 by the end of the year.

    Welcome to the new folks! I love how active this board stays!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning! I'm here because my girl woke up with a headache and a slight temp so I kept her home from training this morning... I hope she's well enough for school as I have to work :ohwell:

    I am soooooo sore this morning LOL Good sore, just all-over sore :laugh:
    Rest day and back to it tomorrow :happy:

    Jo, I've done the pull downs while standing before when I couldn't be bothered moving the bench into position. That works pretty good because I still have to stand on tippy toes to reach the bar to pull it down :wink: That way I plant my feet solidly on the ground.

    Cold! I'm cold! We got teased with warmer weather at the end of last week and now it's cold again. Stupid August. Stupid wind. I'm hanging out for the sun to come back properly.

    Meanwhile my son is in shorts and a t-shirt - nuts I tell you! Nuts!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    It has been a good low-calorie day...diet coke is my friend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member