Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I had a good energetic day today. No idea why. I had nothing but fast junk food all day though my macros were decent. I aldo made it to an intense zumba class with a substitute instructor who was trying to kill us. It was awesome and may have been at least a little of a wake up call for my muscles.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm still here!

    LoveToWrite, funny, I enjoy a good step up. Way more than push-ups or squats anyway :pensive:
    I am halfway through Strength and Power 1 and really liking it. Such a great workout.
    I got a great compliment today at the gym. A trainer who I see there almost every time, but whom I've never spoken to beyond a quick hello, stopped me while she was working with a client to tell me how great I look, how much my body has changed in the last two months since she started working at the gym, and how great it is to see me pushing myself. It totally made my day and also pushed me to pick up a heavier dumbbell for my next set, and I killed it :D
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Awesome compliment Pudding!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Long day and kind of off night at the gym. I didn't have any little pony tails for my hair as the sides are still shoulder length and get in the way. Then I hadn't charged my iPod so it wouldn't have lasted the whole sessions, so I went without my music. Tried to get increases on most of the lifts since it's the last one for Stage 3 but I skipped a couple things. An okay time considering but could have been better overall.

    Stage 3 - B4

    warmup with squats, 3x5 @ 110 - these were okay but it starts feeling heavy on shoulders above 100

    bar romanian deadlift/bent over row 3x6 @ 80 - okay for deadlift but hard to row

    goblet squat 3x6 @ 35 - still pretty easy
    wide grip lat pulldown 3x6 @ 80 - tried again but it's heavy, don't think I will get to 90 any time soon

    back extensions 3x6 @ 25 - had the plate already there so went with it, more challenging this time
    YTWL 3x6 @ 7.5 - kept this time as I didn't want to go to 10 yet, maybe stage 5

    prone cobra 1 @ 70, 1 @ 90 and 1 @ 120 - struggled, realized it wasn't improving so forced myself to try for longer on the last one but blah

    deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 1x5 @ 175 - left calluses started aching during these and could barely do the 175

    Yeah, I skipped the crunches and flexions. Oh well.

    Now to post the difference from well, 7 workouts ago, then maybe sleep. I'm doing a 10 hour shift at work for mother's day. Fun times.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Dawn, don't stress the crunches and flexions lol
    I can't do crunches (diastastis) so I didn't do them. I subbed in other core exercises that I could do without hurting myself :smile:

    I made it through my Mother's Day/Birthday yesterday by making myself a birthday cake and doing three loads of washing :lol: Cake must've been good because the kids demolished half of it :wink: That leaves half for the bible study crew tonight :smile:

    Insane amount of work to do, so just saying "Hi!" and running away again. I'm reading, but my posting will be slack-as this week while I catch up on orders and the paper work that comes with them :smiley:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a TOTAL re-feed weekend....it was my first eat-up time in 5 weeks (of calorie deficit) and I decided to really enjoy every morsel. Every bite. I had things that I really wanted to eat and I savored them. Friday was a maintenance day, and I went WAYYY over maintenance for both Saturday and Sunday.

    Today it is back to my "re-transformation" (re = "repeat")....5 weeks left and back to calorie-deficit for the next 5 weeks. I likely will fast, today....but I do have a protein bar with me if that seems too challenging.

    It was nice to feel satiated. And I was headache free this weekend! also nice.

    I did bring my clothes to work, today, but am unsure if I will work-out....I do feel super sleepy.....

    Have a great week, all!

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys are doing well! Hope everyone enjoyed thier Mother's Day weekend! I also overdid it yesterday, but enjoyed every bit :). I skipped the gym on Friday, was busy runnig errand and didn't feel like going. I got a good lifting session today and felt great. Upped weight on y WHT, and felt so good :). My knee is still not right, the step up/reverse lunges and single leg back extensions definitely showed that. Seeing a PT/chirp tonight in hopes of finding a way to strengthen this knee (hurt in December! Come on already!!) and my lower back (which I've been babying a bit, and is doing better). Ok, enough whining. I'm heading to Maui in 2 weeks! I want to be healthy. I'm planning to keep lifitng until I go, but see the temptation to relax now, but I must push on! I want to be my strongest and most fit, so I need to step it up!

    Pudding-WTG! Awesome!!
    DNA-busy season!
    Beeps-gla should enjoyed it!
    Dawn-great workouts!
    Sam-you're doing well! Glad for the energ burst!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    dna - Yeah, I don't feel too bad about skipping crunches. hehe. I'll probably do deadlifts and such instead from now on as I want to increase my weights on that and from a box just doesn't quite cut it for increasing my traditional deadlift.

    julie - good luck with the knee.

    Couch to 5k Week 9 Day 1 is done.

    I jogged 30 minutes. Woot! Though, based on steps I'm not at 3 miles yet but still. I made it a whole 30 minutes and it was easier than friday cause it wasn't hot out and I hadn't done heavy leg lifts the night before, though I did work almost 10 hours yesterday. Definitely moving hamstring/glute accessories to saturday instead of doing them thursdays. It's not so bad jogging 30 minutes and hopefully I can increase the time as I have a month until my first 5k.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Today I am exhausted - worked a lot lately. Had 2 rest days from working out which is unheard of for me but must have done some good as got all my reps today. Even on the RDLs I managed to power through butt cheek cramp. Seemed to take ages at the gym today but was glad I put the effort in.

    Nice job Dawn! See how far you've come?! Incredible!

    Hmm yes, Jamaica is AWOL. Hope she's well.

    Rest that knee Julie

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I did over four hours of exercise today! Lifted for an hour. Stretched. Walked briskly (alone) for two hours. Stretched. Then a gf called and we went walking (briskly) for an hour. Stretched.

    My hips are ON FIRE! Kept my calories to 1,500....should be a scale loss day!

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-you cray! That's a lot of activity! No wonder you hips are on fire! Lol!
    Jo-Good for you!! Rest is as important as the lifting (so the experts say) and I agree, I always lift better after a bit of rest.
    Dawn-great job! Hitting that 30 min mark is wonderful!

    I did some cardio today and lifted yesterday! Good progress too :). I'm sore today.
    Dr says no more DLs for a while. :( Says since I've repeatedly pulled this same muscle from DLs I need to get straightened out first. Makes sense, and I've been skipping them anyway to let it heal. I can still squat, carefully ;). And hip thrusts-and I got up to the big plates on them this week finally!

    Less than 2 weeks til Maui...yay!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Thanks. It does feel good to make progress somewhere at least.
    Beeps - That is a lot of walking. Nice work on that.
    Julie - Thanks.

    Rough day at work with someone calling in sick. We are always short handed and I had other stuff to do that I couldn't work on because I had to cashier instead. Made for a kind of blah evening but luckily things got better once I went to the gym. Tomorrow will be sad at work as it's the boss man's last day since they are changing store managers at random on us. I have to do some baking tonight still so I'm gonna be really tired tomorrow too.

    Stage 4 - A1

    warm up with 3x5 @ 65 low bar squat - I usually do high bar but am going to work on low bar on day A this time around.

    front squat/push press 3x8 @ 60 - my left shoulder was grumpy during these. I might separate and do front squat then do OHP next time cause I can't hold it right when doing both combined.

    step up 3x8 @ 25 - not bad
    one point db row 3x8 @ 25 - only fell over on occasion

    push ups 3x8 on the floor - okay, I did them first but I wanted to try. I need to work on form but managed all sets on the floor (no knees either cause those never worked for me and my pudgy stomach)
    static lunge 3x8 @ 50 - used small step instead of the classroom one and the fixed 50 barbell

    plank 1x60... I started a second set and gave up. I'm going to maybe do these at home and work on them as I'm struggling to keep going when I do them at the gym for some reason.
    horizontal cable wood chop 1x8 @ 15 and 2x8 @ 40 - two different cable machines as during my second failed plank attempt, someone took the one I had been using. I don't know how the weights are set up but yeah they ended up feeling around the same though on the one it was at 15 and the other 40.

    shrug 3x10 @ 30 - okay
    assisted chin up/negative 2x3 @ 10 - I did slow drop downs then pull back up but only a few.

    Now to worry about those cookies for work.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    OMG - it is a REST DAY TODAY!!

    Thank goodness....
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Yay rest day!

    Cardio day for me. Couch to 5k, week 9 day 2. Just one more 30 minute jog after this and I'm officially done with the program even though I'm actually jogging just over 2 miles. I checked my fit bit at start and stop of the jog and it's around 5,000 steps taken in those 30 minutes. For me, 10,000 steps is a little over 4 miles. So, I'm closer to making it 5k but not quite there yet. Good thing I still have a month before my first 5k attempt.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    HEy ladies! Things are starting to calm down a little. Finally started strength and Power stage 1. It's a tough workout, but I was really surprised I wasn't more sore. I'm on a time crunch at the gym, so I haven't done free zone yet.
    Deadlift: 6x105
    DB Bench Press 35s I was very proud I got them up.
    Front squat 6x 70
    Assisted Pull ups 6x105
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited May 2015
    Not a bad day overall since I didn't have work. Packed a couple things, wrote some in a story and then went to the gym late. It went okay though I did sweat a lot tonight, my right knee and elbow acted up on occasion (knee during lunge and elbow during prone snatch thing). I warmed up on the treadmill for a little while first too because I'd spent a few hours on the computer before going since I ended up writing over 3,000 words on a story today.

    Stage 4 - B1

    warm up low bar squats 3x5 @ 75

    wide grip deadlift from box 3x8 @ 115 - not bad, ending weight from stage 2

    bulgarian split suat 3x8 @ 25 - slipped a little on one side but okay
    underhand lat pull down 3x8 @ 80 - I swear I thought I moved it to 70 but must have read it wrong but it felt fine

    reverse lunge from box 3x8 @ 25 - not bad but right knee got cranky
    db prone cobra snatch 3x8 @ 7.5 - okay though don't like them

    and I skipped the rest so...

    bench press 2x8 and 1x7 @ 85 - will repeat next week
    deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 1x5 @ 155 but struggled and had to change grip in middle of set

    That's it. I do, however, do 8 reps per leg instead of splitting it to 4 left and 4 right on the one leg lifts, so maybe that makes up a little for not doing some of them. lol

    I like some of the lifts but I'm a little antsy to work on something else, I must admit. Though I should look at stage 7 to see what it involves since I don't have that written down. I figured I could get the book back by then as my coworker has my copy. I'm definitely skipping stage 6 because I want to work on my deadlift sooner instead.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I lifted, today! BOOM!
  • sarahharas5
    sarahharas5 Posts: 256 Member
    Hi ladies. I've just started stage 1. I've done the first two workouts so far and am super sore!!
    But honestly, I was just hoping for some success stories. After doing research on lifting I keep coming across stories of ladies doing this program and after 6 months they are at the same weight with minimal inches lost. I still need the scale to move!
    Sorry, I'm feeling kind of whiny. Have you any of you seen the scale move and how long until you started seeing results? Maybe I just got stuck on one depressing thread. I started to go through a more motivating one I have bookmarked and that helped some.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day - C25k Week 9 Day 3.

    I'm officially done with the 9 week program. I jogged 30 minutes three days this week. It's nice to have made it but at the same time I have to push further because 30 minutes isn't 5k in distance for me. Now to work on getting up to 3 miles by June 15th.

    @sarahharas5 - I think part of it depends on your starting point and goals. The book wasn't big on pushing for a calorie deficit, or at least what I remember from the nutrition part that I didn't follow at all. I'm not done with the whole program but I've lost weight consistently along with inches because of lifting and being in a calorie deficit the whole time. But my starting point before this and lifting was in the (morbidly) obese range. In fact, I'm just now after losing over 50 lbs, almost to "overweight". Someone with less to lose will have less wiggle room in the calorie range and may see changes at a slow pace. So, take my "success" with a grain of salt cause you have to consider the starting point. Before lifting/walking I was 211 lbs. I did 12 weeks of Stronglifts after a couple months of walking. I started NROLFW after at around 174 lbs and now I'm in stage 4 and weigh 157. I'm also only 4'11.5" in height, hence the still just barely obese but almost overweight at my current status. I take monthly measurements and for the most part have lost a little every month though it varies from where on any given month. Most of my excess is in my stomach so I'm hoping that continues at a good pace while chest and hips can be slow but it will go from wherever it wants to go. Starting point, body fat percentage, water, there are so many variables that means there are also different forms of success and it will not be the same for everyone. Hope that helps a little at least.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Sarah, firstly welcome!
    Ditto to what Dawn said, it does really depend on your overall individual goals.

    I didn't follow the food part of NROL4W, because it didn't fit with my lifestyle, and that's a big thing for me. I did however read it fairly thoroughly and make some changes along the way.

    I am also really short lol and I am at maintenance weight, and was actually below my current weight when I started lifting properly (had done bodyweight and high reps prior). But I wear smaller clothes now 1.5 years later. It's just a couple of kilos but that makes a difference on us shorties :smile:

    The most important thing to remember is that it is slow, and that's okay. I would recommend a bit of cardio in addition to the lifting if you have weight to lose. But remember that the scale is only one measure, and it's not always a good one.

    I'm on my phone and it's being silly, but look at your long term goals and work out what success would mean to you. And adjust accordingly. But whichever way, lifting or some form of resistance training is always s good idea :smile: