Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @leesagreen86 - Nice work. That is great progression for stage one.

    Cardio day for me. Jogged 30 minutes. It was cooler than last time even though I did it after noon cause I fell back asleep after alarm went off this morning. Friday, my goal is to start the jog before 10 am since I may lift weights earlier in the day so won't be up past 1 am this time.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Beeps, you're awesome! Not sure where Sue & manic have been.

    Welcome Leesa, great numbers.

    I've always been concerned with my bum & thighs and my stomach but since starting this new challenge I've decided I want nicely toned arms & shoulders too. Tank top season is here and I want to look as strong as I feel.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Yup, they are definitely AWOL. Time for some MFP stalking to find out what they're up to I reckon!

    This past week I have tested my 1 RMs, up almost goal (June deadline) except for DL and squat (due to injury/ form issues). I'd be happy except for the fact I busted my ankle at combat on Sunday :-( Currently it's strapped, can't bear weight on it otherwise. Lifted upper body yesterday and DLs went ok. X ray and ultrasound next week. Feel like I'm getting old :s

    Might still combat today and just bounce less..... :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Lifted. Walked outside for two hours. Hair salon. Killer dress packed. Off to Event tomorrow. BOOM!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ali-I want it all too! I'm a pear and can see improvement faster in my upper body since it's leaner, but my lowe half is my real challenge. Enjoy those hikes! :)
    Beeps-have fun! Fully expect pictures!
    Jo-nice on the PRs! But no! Hope it's not broken...actually, often breaks heal faster and better than sprains. Hope it's better, and don't over do it! I'm right the with you in injury-ville :(.
    Welcome leesa! You're off to a great start!
    Dawn-you're doing great! Rest is good too, so don't overdo it :).

    Well, my love hate relationship with DLs and my sore low back is finally explained. Evidently I have a severely compressed (ie not even visible on x-Ray) disc between my L5 and S1 vertebrae. I guess it's not really a pulled muscle after all, but most likely the nerves and muscles reacting to the disc-aggravated by DLs. So, not quite sure what that'll mean. The dr was surprised I wasn't in agony, or having any pain down my leg from it. And my pelvis is way off, over a cm discrepancy, adding to the fun. :( I need to find another dr. who takes my insurance, but at least I've got some info now. Fwiw. Hopefully weight lifting will be part of any treatment plan ;).

    I'm not gonna worry about it till I get back from vacation. Got some lifting in today, but think I'll just do some cardio tomorrow :). Then I'm taking a break for a few weeks B)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - I know. :wink: My rest day is Sunday, just have work then. 8 hours of cashiering cause cashier is on vacation, oh joy. At least you found out about the reason though no bueno on the actual cause. Enjoy your break.

    Jo - Nice work on 1 rm. Good luck with the ankle. I haven't busted anything but know on the getting old sentiment. I creak so much that I may need to buy some joint vitamins.

    Ugh. Had an off night. Good news is I've packed a little and done a couple moving related things. But ended up going to gym in evening, cause coworker had family things so we didn't lift together. It was rather busy for late thursday night and I couldn't get to the squat racks until the very end. So, it was all out of order and more of a flustercluck(to rearrange for online posting purposes, lol). Had some rough patches and some okay ones. Hopefully I'll be able to jog before 11 am tomorrow. We'll see.

    After a 15 minute warmup walk on treadmill since I didn't spend 6-8 hours on my feet beforehand...

    Stage 4 - A3

    step-up 3x8 @ 25 - kept same, elbow is tad cranky with dumbbells lately
    one point db row 3x8 @ 25 - little better

    static lunge rear foot elevated 3x8 @ 50 - same as before
    push up on db 3x6

    front squat/push press 1x8, 1x6, 1x8 @ 60 - no cage or safeties, used fixed bar over in db area and struggled a bit since had to clean off the floor at the beginning of each set

    finally the squat racks were free so for fun I did high bar squats - 1x5 @ 95 and 3x5 @ 115 and then decided to not do bench, wood chop or curl

    That's it for that one.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day

    Went at 11 am but since it rained last night and is cloudy today, I ended up wearing my sweatshirt. So, no worries of getting too hot and I don't work till later so that makes it okay. Monday I work at 2pm so can't jog late. I jogged a whole 33 minutes this time. I was going to go for 32 but when adjusting the playlist it ended up at 33 instead. Not bad though knees got a little tired during. Getting closer to 5k.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    hey all
    I am still struggling a bit but hopefully will fit in some lifting over the holiday. I lost some weight unintentionally and I am still having poor appetite and insomnia. We will get some hiking in this weekend and I will bike to work on Tues.
    I am not interested in supercharged any more. I asked for Strong Curves for Mother's Day but did not get it. So I will have to buy it for myself.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hope you are okay, Pmag!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I got to the gym -I am weak and I am not posting any numbers.
    I am off to buy strong curves to get motivated.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Pmag, go slow chicky and take it easy on yourself xxx
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So yesterday I did 200 squats. Then a night shift. Now I can't walk. And there is no milk for my coffee :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Pmag - I hope it picks up for you. Don't get too down on yourself.

    Jo - wow, that's a lot of squats and nothing for coffee, quite a shame.

    Tonight was better than Thursday at least. Work was the usual, boring since I had to cashier but we had a lot to do with not quite enough people. That will be all weekend though. At least tomorrow is rest day, though I should do dishes and pack some.

    Stage 4 - B3

    warm up low bar squats 3x5 @ 95 - I was going to do 90 but adding 25's is easier. Went fine.

    wide grip deadlift from a box 3x8 @ 125 - okayish but my left hand calluses weren't happy.

    bulgarian split squat 3x8 @ 25 - kept it the same
    underhand lat pulldown 3x8 @ 80 - still manageable but heavy

    reverse lunge from box 3x8 @ 25 - same as before but knee wasn't as cranky
    db prone cuban snach 3x8 @ 10 - meh, will stay at this weight

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - okay but heavy
    good morning 3x10 @ 55 - slight increase and felt it
    hip thrust 3x8 @ 40 - kept this one the same, might need to try different spot for these

    2 more sessions left for stage 4 but I've also got moving coming up so we'll see how it all goes.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Hi Pmagnan!

    Go LIFT those heavy things.....you are heavy-lifting legend around here....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Awesome squatting, jo! Wow!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Great job, Dawn!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    No lifting for me, today....hope to squish in a walk before son's ball game.

    The weather here is perfect.

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I wouldn't be able to squat 200 times so high five for even trying to walk afterward ;)

    I am starting Strength and Power 2 tomorrow and am a little confused about the whole Workout A/B/C/D issue. I see the exercises for Workouts A and C are the same, as well as those for B and D. But there is also a main big lift for each of those four workouts, and they're all different (A is squat, B is pull, C is hinge and D is push). So, when I get to workout C for example, I will have both Romanian deadlifts and single leg Romanian deadlifts in the same workout. Is that going to be insane? I'm just not sure how to organize it.

    Also, I need a dynamic stability exercise. Do I use the same one for each workout, or do I alternate one exercise for Workouts A and C, and one for B and D? I was leaning toward the latter, doing a plank with pull down for A and C, and a side plank with pull for B and D. Do I do the same for the two exercises in the free zone of each workout? For the free zone in S&P1 I didn't alternate exercises and just did a bicep curl/tricep extension combo throughout, and I kind of liked that always being a constant.

    Not sure why I am finding this so confusing but hopefully someone who is on or past S&P2 can help me out (dnamouse?)! :smile:

    Hope you all had a great weekend. Weather was great here and I enjoyed some treats. Clothes are fitting well, I've been getting lots of compliments, and I have five pounds to drop in about three weeks to meet the next round of my Dietbet. Totally doable!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yesterday was just work and oh was it boring. Had customers but lots of slow times, which makes being stuck cashiering even worse. And I get to do it again in a couple of hours.

    Cardio Day

    I jogged 30 minutes at the park. Lot of people there cause of the holiday and all with some setting up a big bbq event thing near the baseball field. It went okay but my legs were a little tired still. Minutes 10-25 were the hardest then by 30 I felt like I could keep going.

    Not sure how my schedule will go the rest of the week. I would like to keep to how I've been doing but my mom gets here tomorrow morning to help me move. Means I'm sleeping on the couch until June 1. I still have work every day except Thursday and Friday so I might be able to gym tomorrow cause mom will be in bed after 10:30 anyways. But the long jog Friday on the day we rent truck and move big stuff may not happen. Will have to wait and see.
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    Been slacking on the posititve feeds and vibes of my fellow lifters. You are all doing great. I am finishing up Stage 4 this week after a few set backs. I feel myself getting stronger and more confident in my lifting abilities and in the way my body is shaping. I actually bought a two piece swim suit for vacation in 2 weeks and this is a first. Feeling strong and sexy ladies!!!

    Hope you all are having a great holiday today *kitten* well.