Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Lifting done. Cardio done.

    That is four days in a row....that has to be a record (for me)!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Good job Beeps.

    I went to the gym mid afternoon this time since I was over near there to run errands anyways. Plenty of people but not to the point where it affected my workout. Started the next stage, though I may skip next thursday because for some reason I thought the 5k was the 15th. It's on the 12th so I may not want to lift then run next day, even if it's at 9pm (5k) since I have been a bit sore lately. For now, working through stage 5.

    Stage 5 - A1

    high bar squats 3x5 @ 125 - hefty but okay, should be back to 135 soon, which is fun with the big plates

    one arm db snatch 4x4 @ 30 - easy enough

    one leg db romanian deadlift 3x4 @ 30 - struggle with left side still
    bar bent over row 3x4 @ 80 - hard but good that it is just 4 reps

    db one arm overhead squat 4x4 @ 12.5/25 - okay
    db incline bench 4x4 @ 27.5 - not bad either

    reverse wood chop 4x4 @ 15 - used the one with the lower numbers cause other was in use

    bench press 4x5 @ 85 - challenging
    bicep curl with bar 3x8 @ 30 - eh

    Overall, not bad.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    ooooer Dawn! Stage 5! Almost there :smile: Were you going to do 6?

    I have a head cold thingy floating around. It's not really effecting me working out, I'm just taking it easy through the sessions, but I'm wiped out by the end of the day. The cold change in the weather isn't helping things along either.

    But, we have a long weekend coming up. I intend on sleeping in a little Saturday morning and probably head to the boy's footy game if it's not too windy.
    Hmmmm....looks like Schuler and Cosgrove have a new book called Strong coming out on November 10 :)

    I must look into that. I do like the way they set things out.
    But I'm also happy to rotate through Supercharged too, changing up the workouts to suit my current whim.
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Lifting done. Cardio done.

    That is four days in a row....that has to be a record (for me)!


    My girl is up to her 4th Supercharged session. She's actually really enjoying it and asking about when we are doing one next. We've scheduled them into her week so they don't interfere with homework, swimming etc. She's supposed to do one this afternoon, but I'll see how she feels. She has youth group tonight and today is a basketball gala day - 4 games straight. It won't hurt to skip a day and take up where we left off next scheduled day.

    The boy comes in and does stuff when he feels like it. But he's 8 and has less attention span than a gnat lol

    He informed me the other day that he doesn't think he actually sits down in class - unless its a formal test. He just does his work standing at the desk. I asked his teacher and she confirmed it. I love his teacher! She works really hard with all the different abilities in the class and she encourages the kids to move in between lessons (they get up and do Zumba and things like that lol), so that they get the wriggles out. It seems to work with my boy because he is just a fidgeter. His brain is fast-wired and he moves constantly.

    And there endeth my lunch break.

    Be good everyone, and be strong, awesome and amazing :smiley:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aww, hope you feel better soon though good it isn't affecting things much. Neat stuff on the kids though, they do seem to keep busy and active from what you post. As for stage 6, I have decided to skip it. I'm getting antsy to move on to something else and while I do have interest in strength gains, the things I want to increase on aren't really pull ups or push ups. I would rather get back to bench pressing on a regular basis and work on getting my deadlift to 225 instead. So, I'll jump into stage 7 after this one and search for what I will do next. Well, once I get a glimpse at the book again. I didn't write down stage 7, so will need to ask my coworker so I can write those down.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jogged 40 minutes today and according to fitbit got a little over 3 miles. Yay! Just in time for the 5k, which is in one week. Now to eat food cause hungry.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Right here. Right now.

    5 days. In a row. Lifting + cardio. Nearly 15 hours. BOOM! ZOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Looks good.

    Not a bad night overall, though a late one. Went to the gym after work, which was a busy shift since we are still a bit short staffed. I had plenty to do at least. Some people at gym but it's far quieter on Saturday nights compared to Tuesday, so I like it.

    Stage 5 - B1

    warm up with low bar squats 3x5 @ 105 - it always seems more challenging past 100 on squats, so far at least.

    romanian deadlift/bent-over row 4x4 @ 80 - heavy but okay

    goblet squat 4x4 @ 40 - not bad though as I move up the dumbbells are a bit awkward to hold at the heavier weights.
    wide grip lat pull down 4x4 @ 80 - heavy but okay as well

    back extension 4x4 @ 25 - okay and hung from assisted chin up machine between, which is nice on my shoulders

    YTWL 1x4 @ 10 and 3x4 @ 7.5 - 10 was too heavy on the T in particular, so still at 7.5 for now
    did wrist curls between sets

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - same as before, okay but feels heavy
    deadlist 1x5 @ 135 - wasn't planned but it was set up and squat rack/cage were both in use
    good morning 3x10 @ 50 - had to clean the fixed weight bars cause squat rack was taken still
    hip thrust 3x10 # 50 - challenging and awkward, need to try regular bar next time

    And I'm done for now. Tomorrow is rest day.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all, I'm here, kinda working out and taking it easy - one more week of 'rest' until hopefully my ankle is better and body is fixed. feeling ok.

    Have been walking and doing bodyweight stuff mostly, a few days lifting lightish weights... doesn't tend to hurt my ankle. Avoiding combat. Hoping to get to the 30 min class Thurs if pain free between now and then.

    Got my body fat % check in on Thurs too. Going to see the difference between Feb and now.... kinda scared as I have gained weight and pretty sure it's fat and not muscle. Not looking forward to having to cut cals :| Especially in winter and my body seems to want to eat shitloads and hibernate :/
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It's a cardio day. I jogged 30 minutes. It was tough getting up early enough and by 9am, when I was jogging, it was still hot. Need to make myself get out of bed earlier and maybe nap after jogs. Hard part will be after gym days since I lift at 11 pm so don't go to bed till around 1 am. 5k is friday though and afterwards I can take a small jog break while I search for a new location to use.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    Hey all, I'm here, kinda working out and taking it easy - one more week of 'rest' until hopefully my ankle is better and body is fixed. feeling ok.

    Have been walking and doing bodyweight stuff mostly, a few days lifting lightish weights... doesn't tend to hurt my ankle. Avoiding combat. Hoping to get to the 30 min class Thurs if pain free between now and then.

    I hope everything checks out "okay" really soon.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I lifted yesterday. Followed up with a hike.

    I lifted today. Followed up with a hike.

    Now for a patio afternoon....with a keyboard and a good book.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Overall, not a bad day. Had a short shift at work but kept busy even with the photo machine not able to print as we are waiting on tech again to fix it. Went to gym afterwards without my iPod cause my ears are a bit irritated at the moment and they don't like the earbuds. I prefer listening to my own music while lifting but it wasn't too bad without. Next lifting will be Saturday, after 5k on Friday.

    Stage 5 - A2

    one arm db snatch 4x4 @ 35 - Really heavy but I also didn't do squats as warm ups beforehand.

    db one leg romanian deadlift 4x4 @ 30 - struggle on left still
    barbell bent-over row 4x4 @ 80 - still heavy

    db one arm overhead squat 4x4 @ 12.5 & 25 - not hard but not super easy either
    db incline bench press 4x4 @ 27.5 - might be able to try 30 next time

    reverse wood chop 4x4 @ 15 - eh

    high bar squat 3x5 @ 130 - not bad since was warmed up at this point, almost back up to the 45's

    overhead press 2x8 @ 55 and 1x5 @ 60 - think I prefer the lower reps for OHP

    Now to work out some things before Friday's 5k. Then bed time.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Great numbers, Dawn!

    I did a long, outdoor walk this morning....the rain is coming and I decided to squeak that in. The gym calls for tomorrow. For today - ZOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Lifted today! BOOM!

    Walked today! ZOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Where is everybody?

    Good news - had my body fat % retested yesterday. Although my weight is up by 2kg, my body fat % is down. Was 18.5%, now 16.9% apparently! I am quite stunned. Hooray for the lean gains!! I know it's not completely accurate, but at least it probably means my weight gain isn't all fat. It was weird because the areas where I feel bigger are the parts that have lost the most fat from the skinfold site - so maybe I'm just 'bulkier' there now. Who knows. Anyway, goal achieved. Thinking about what next.....

    Bad news - rested 2 weeks from combat and did half hour yesterday. Woke up with bad ankle. FFS.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Its cold. I'm considering hibernation.

    Finished Hypertrophy today. Taking next week off lifting and just gonna chiiiillll. Probably literally.

    Did I mention I'm cold?


    Damn I just wanna eat everything in sight but I'm not actually hungry. Time to get up off my backside and get back into the studio. At least it's kinda sorta warm-ish up there.

    I'll take my coffee strong and black today, just a hint y'know... :sunglasses:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    dnamouse wrote: »
    Its cold. I'm considering hibernation.

    Damn I just wanna eat everything in sight but I'm not actually hungry. Time to get up off my backside and get back into the studio. At least it's kinda sorta warm-ish up there.

    I'll take my coffee strong and black today, just a hint y'know... :sunglasses:

    Oh my god, me too. How cold is it for you? Surely I'm colder here in SA. It was 4 degrees this morning... wtf?!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Hot here. Though last night was chilly in the apartment as we had a fan set up in the kitchen window to get some cool air in at night. But it's not quite as hot as it was two days ago. I had to turn off my fan in my bedroom cause I was too cold to fall asleep. However, days ago it was so hot and miserable.

    Getting ready for my 5k. Have to do nails and stuff still (neon so have some decorations for my nails) then get ready. The race doesn't start until after 9pm but I couldn't go pick up my packet due to work, so I'll have to be there early for that. Will be fun though I know no one going so am a little anxious.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Tonight I jogged in a 5k. Woot!! It was interesting though I went way too early. I wasn't sure with traffic, parking, check-in and such, so I went early and spent hours wandering around in the city. Also was not sure where anything was happening or the start line. There was music playing from some radio station dj thing so couldn't understand what the drag queen said when instructions happened once got to the waiting point for things to begin. I kind of wish I knew someone there and wasn't alone. Hard pinning number to self and getting glow sticks to cooperate. But fun overall. So much neon, glowsticks and rainbows since it was a Neon Glow run for Pride. I did jog the whole way, which was a nice path along the river. My number was 200 but I'm pretty sure I wasn't that number in reaching the end. It wasn't time or anything but I did it and that's what counts. Now I can say I've done a 5k. :sunglasses:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hurrah, well done Dawn :-) Congrats