Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here, having a tough week with work and family stuff. Had already designated this as a deload week which has worked out well as have been exhausted and distracted. Mon/ Tues no workouts (but did 3 at the weekend), lifted yesterday which was a struggle. A walk and combat planned today though my ankle is giving me a bit of grief - will have to see how I go. Tomorrow is lifting and am away for the weekend with my eldest and his sporting stuff so missing my classes. Back to normal next week after a recharge I hope.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Just saying hello *wave*

    Feeling a little sensitive at the moment, which may or may not be the rainy weather, or the fact I hurt my foot (it's much better today, but a few more days rest may be required), or because I've had several snarky comments lately about my body. Yeah. That.

    Bought a cheapy suspension system from Kmart, so just waiting on my foot to feel better before I play around with it. I thought it would make a good addition to my regular lifting for something different every now and then.

    I hate rainy days. I just feel sad :(
    Last day of school for the term today though, so I'm going embrace my introversion, hibernate for a while and do my best crazy hermit impression.
    Especially when yesterday someone at school told me they were happy I hurt my foot, because then I could 'fatten up'.... look at my profile pic... do I look like I'm skin & bones?

    They can all go get stuffed.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    *waves hi* I like rainy days, then again gray is one of my favorite colors. And really? That person is lame and yeah, can stuff it. I hope your foot is better soon.

    Yesterday's do nothing but computer stuff rest day, and cook/clean, ended up being a 6 hour cashier shift. Today, I went to the gym before work and after I toss stuff in slow cooker, will be going to work freight. Fun times. It was a little rough on the power day today with super heavy squats. I dropped down the weight on deadlift to do more than one set but 185 and above just feels super heavy. I could blame on low fuel past two days and period started yesterday, but 185 always feels heavy even though I've done more.

    Day 6 - lower power

    squat 3x5 @ 175 - barely made it up on the 5th rep of each set, was very close to a fail. I haven't left the bar on the safeties yet, so one of these days.
    deadlift 1x3, 1x4, 1x3 @ 185 - dropped down since requires more reps but 185 is so heavy still.
    leg press 3x8 @ 215 - slight increase, need to start setting up on lower safety spot soon instead of regular than using toes to push it up enough to undo the safety.
    leg curl 3x8 @ 60 - okay, nothing unusual
    rotary calf 4x10 @ 70 plus the little extra weight thing - meh, calves...

    Now for work with bento in tow. Having dairy today so mmm and might make it above fat goal for once, I've been hitting a bit low lately.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I have weights like that. They are doable but feel heavy.

    Eventually they get less heavy, but it's a random time frame, and usually the more impatient I am, the longer it takes lol

    First day of school holidays and you better believe I slept in.

    Which meant the husband had to literally run to the train :naughty: because I am his alarm clock :wink:

    There is a tv & electronics ban in this house for two.whole.weeks. (except of course for my work computer lol)

    My children are relearning how to connect over board games :grin: and I'm trying to deal with the noise lol
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    5 mile jog. Tad tough today but yesterday was lower power and freight day, so my thighs and back were a tad sore before even got started. Glad I changed Saturday to a rest day.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Morning cardio. Just over 3 mile jog and will lift weights after work. So far think that combining my weekend to the same day, making Saturday a rest one was a good idea for sure. Though struggled to sleep and dozed off after alarm clock went off so started a little later than intended today.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    7 - Upper Hyper

    incline bench 4x10 @ 60 - doing okay so far
    bench db fly 3x9 @ 12.5 - little more comfortable this time
    seated row 3x10 @ 60 - dropped it down a little but still a challenge by rep 10
    one db row 3x10 @ 22.5 - okay
    db lat raise 3x8 @ 10 - little better than last time
    seat db curl 3x10 @ 15 - eh, think I like seated less than standing for curls
    cable tri extension 3x10 @ 50 - not bad

    Now to finish a little writing, then get some sleep.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    HI dnamouse! Pfffttt, to anybody who comments on "getting fatter". Ummmm, no.

    Eye surgery is over! It was a gong show and I won't say more.

    Recovery has me ONLY able to "walk"....Saturday I did 60 minutes, Sunday I did 90 minutes and today I have done 120 minutes.

    I totally want to drop 5 lbs during recovery because then I am BACK to pre-Europe weight! And, seriously, there is nothing to prevent me from walking 5 hours per day.....I just need to grab my backpack and do it.

    Go lift heavy things, ladies....while I am jealous of your lifting prowess, for now, I will take a ZOOM! for myself:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I ended up doing 4 hours of walking yesterday! And, my right achilles is pretty sore today. Boo.

    Still, I'd like to get 2 hours of walking in-and-done, today....will wait until it warms up a bit, it is a chilly 3 degrees right now!

    I kept my calories low, yesterday, and favoured only protein and veggies....3 or 4 more days of that and my (bad) carb-cravings should be reduced to NIL.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    2 mile jog this morning. Later after errands and such will be lower hyper at the gym.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here, sorry been quiet. Life is challenging at the moment. Still lifting, still getting my combat in. Today is DL day :)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I've been Mia for a few days too. My back is hurting so. I haven't lifted since Saturday :(. But I am seeing a chiropractor and dr and hope they'll help. I felt better before I saw them! Boo

    Beeps-hang in there! Sorry your surgery was disappointing, hope the walking gets you to your goals. :)
    Dawn-you're doing well girl.
    Je you're all keeping up the fun lifting! I finished the 6 weeks of my split routine on Friday, not sure if I'll stick with it or move to something else. Anyone do wendler 5/3/1? I'm interested in it, or maybe Jamie Eason's program? I'm resting til I can move without Lots of pain. :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - good to see you. Hope the back feels better soon.
    Jo - Nice to see your post as well. Profile picture is inspiring with that bicep. :wink:
    Beeps - that is quite a bit of walking. You sure can zoom.

    Gym tonight for me. Gone through each set of exercises twice now in PHUL and so far, liking it.

    day 8 - lower hyper

    front squat 4x10 @ 70 - managed okay, slight ache in wrists
    bar lunges 3x8 @ 55 - tried in squat rack since not busy and wasn't too bad there
    leg extension 3x10 @ 65 - okay, nothing special
    leg curl 4x10 @ 40 - not special here either
    seated (rotary) calf 3x10 @ 70 plus one of the little extra weights - eh
    standing calf 2x8 @ 45 - tried this just for fun, might do the standing on power days as it's not that bad and i foresee getting bored of the seated calf if I have to do it every lower day

    Tried to take picture at gym hoping my tiny definition would be visible in legs but I'm terrible at this picture thing. Oh well. Tomorrow is rest day from work and exercise, but that means I'll be on the computer all day. Goal is to do a big push on novel edit and query letters. I want to submit to a few agents before the month is over.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Dawn- yes please take a photo and post here.

    It has been a LONG time since motivational photos are on here....it used to be a regular "thing".

    I found it so uplifting!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Okay. Here is the one I posted on the "halp, lifting made me supah bulky" thread. I found using tiny pic web site makes the images not take up the entire page, which makes it easier to post now. Though I could probably have used the setting that is a bit bigger than this one, but still, it works. Beginning of September 2014 compared to September 20th 2015. Stronglifts and NROLFW, calorie deficit and some cardio all were helpful.

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi, I just started to read the book and would like to get started Oct. 5th. Dawn you look amazing!!! Did you follow the eating plan in the book?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Hi there.

    I did not follow it at all. I mostly used the book for the workouts because I already had some familiarity with lifting, and had followed stronglifts for 12 weeks before starting up the program. I had already spent a few months eating in a deficit and just kept following that. Plus, I have dietary limitations due to minor allergies (dairy) and figure my meals partly around my changing work schedule. I drink protein shakes on occasion (non-whey protein powder) but not based around when I lift as I don't feel like a shake at midnight, which is when I'm done on two of the days a week. How you approach diet also depends on your goals and where you're at in the process. I was obese and working towards the overweight range when I started stage 1. The decision on diet would probably be different for someone who has a little less to lose.

    Basically I'm more of an "if it fits" style with a focus on protein cause I struggle to get .8 per lean body mass a good part of the time. I still have candy a few days a week and eat whatever I enjoy, just try to follow serving guidelines more (one serving instead of the whole box of candy) and mostly keep within my calorie limits.

    For the most part I didn't need the whole "women can lift" focus, but what it did do was push my out of my comfort zone. I never would have done some of the lifts before as I'd never heard of them. Some I liked, one arm dumbbell snatch and such. Others I hope to never do again, YTWL and prone cuban cause having my face up against the bench is not pleasant. It was interesting to say the very least. :wink:
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Dawn, Thank you for your answer. I have a lot of wight to lose and my main goal is not to lose muscle while I am losing weight. I have never lifted before but I am learning. I am excited to get started. :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Good luck. Lifting and nutrition are a big help. It seems super slow at times. I do recommend pictures, measurements and having some non-scale related goals to focus on. Having all of those can help when it seems like not much is happening. Plus, looking back after a few months gives a different picture than just seeing day to day or even week to week.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Dawn, that's freaking awesome!!

    Yes, let's have some photos people! (I'll find some later lol)

    Maybe we could have daily or weekly themes or something? Get some action happening around here :)

    (or maybe just so I can have something to read while I'm procrastinating... its okay, I'm also waiting on a customer's email, so not entirely being slack lol)

    Welcome Mysticlizard :smile: