Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-I'm a Bret C fan too! I was just watching his advice on changing the form of WHTs...his videos are really helpful, and his articles are so good too! I can't do DLs so I do the WHTs instead.
    Glad you're back to work out so well! Kutgw!

    Pmag-I've been thinking of you, sorry for the depression. Hope things continue to improve for you :).

    Jo-I've had those days! Just a little break from everyone needed me...I'd miss it beyond a few hours, but would be lovely. The gym is my escape too, unless they go with me. ;) thanks for the squat info. Working on that form. Goblets help me, and bench/box squats.

    Dou-good to see you! Hope you're getting some good lifts in.

    DNA-we did a vow renewal in Maui for our 15th. Loved it!!

    Dawn-good job adding in the run. Hope you love dress shopping! Good lifts!

    I'm doing well, got my lifting in yesterday and the day before . Added weight or reps and managed the crowd! Planning to run today. I'm dropping cals for a few weeks to hopefully shed some fat, so I won't panic if my lifts don't improve. Not gonna stay lowered forever, 6 weeks probably. I need to make some sacrifices in the kitchen to get this weight to budge.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I am so totally trying those push-ups! They look painfully fun lol

    Struggling to get going this morning, but I have coffee on board and I will make it. I worked an extra hour yesterday afternoon, so at least I'm a little bit ahead today.

    Jo will appreciate this... husband texts me on his way to work... Magpie season has started early :confounded:
    Stupid birds.

    Spring in Australia. Where you don't carry an umbrella in case of showers, but because the birds want to kill you... :wink:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Good workout Julie - love good gym days.

    Dou - have your DLs ever hurt in the past?

    dna - hahahaha, poor bloke. I thought the same today though as I saw a crazed magpie attacking its reflection in the mirror of a parked car :D They are bloody weird creatures.

    I tried the new way of thinking with squats - was good with depth at lower weight but as soon as I get to around bodyweight I start to tip forwards - can't stay upright enough. Annoying. Upped on leg press today but the whole workout was a bit crappy - bad night sleep is to blame I think. My old gym is having a squat seminar next week - not sure if I can make it but maybe it will help.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Squats are my achilles heel....which is exactly why I have escaped to WHT!! Too many things "go wrong" in my squats and I DO have hip-problems....

    Anyway, I am trying to decide whether to go lift (4th day in a row) or go for a long walk....it is smokey out, so lungs won't like the walk, but my body is tired and I think a rest day (from lifting) is probably good.

    Decisions. Decisions.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I will check out those pushups
    School has started so things are a bit more hectic. so far so good
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-I'm so with you...I lean too far forward too. Goblet squats are helping, but I can't go nearly as heavy...I guess I need to take the time to retrain my form. It's frustrating, I get it! Hang in there, we all have bad days, but there are good days too :).

    DNA- we don't have magpies, but there have been way more bird suicides lately...they just randomly fly in front of our cars. Very odd! And my cat brings us a bird every now and then to show us he loves us. I'm not big on birds!

    I got my 4 lifts, 1 run goal met this week. Hah! Even in an over crowded gym where I had to wait for several different machines and did my DB bench press and DB flyes in the middle of the floor on a randomly misplaced bench! I'm glad I got it done, and hope it becomes a new routine, not a fluke I managed it 2 weeks in a row. Hoping it'll become commonplace to hit it 5 days straight. :) I feel good! I dropped cals a few days ago and am doing well with that. Would dearly love to be down 10 lbs of fat in a few months...jeans weather should be here by
    November. I'd like mine to be looser than they are now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    I got my 4 lifts, 1 run goal met this week. Hah!


    I lifted four times this week, too (BOOM!)...and walked four times. Plus, I have cardio Saturday morning, too. ZOOM!

    I could do three of those push-ups this morning. 4 sets. I followed them directly with DB bench press....and was pretty bagged by the 4th set of those.

    I went up in weights on my bi's/tri's and my DL. I went up in weights on my reverse DB lunges, too.

    None of this is to celebrate, as the weights are still lower than my June #'s (pre-eye-injury)....but, I only have one week of lifting before off for (another post-surgery) break, so I am trying really, really HARD.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ooh I like the weekly summary going on.... well done beeps and Julie. By Sunday it will be 3 x lift, 1 x HIITand 2-3 x combat for me. Hopefully only 2 x combat as I really should give my body another day off. Next week's schedule is a little crazy and will have to workout mon/tues/wed/thurs as my day off will need to be Friday. If tomorrow isn't a day off that'll be 10 days in a row LOL. Annoying trying to juggle shifts and 2 gyms lol. Combat at the new gym today. Usually I do combat at my old gym on a Sunday.... and I'll miss it if I don't go. Will see what happens in the morning.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Great Julie and Beeps.

    I'm a bit behind as the last two days were quite busy. Lifted before work yesterday, rushed to finish decorating cake and such, worked close shift, then finished a couple of things before bed. Today, I got up at 5:30 am, was at the park before 6:30 for long jog. Got coffee, then went to work for a short shift after which I got dressed up and walked around a mall for a little bit just to get out and do something. Now I'm going to rest my poor feet (pesky girl shoes) and order a pizza. Plus I have chocolate cake. Later maybe I should post somewhere a picture from last year and one from today since it has been a year and I've lost almost 70.

    Thursday's Lifting: Workout B

    low bar 3x5 @ - not bad at that weight

    OHP 1x4 and 2x5 @ 70 - Struggled the first set, had a guy waiting for me to finish using the squat rack, but the other sets weren't bad.

    deadlift 1x5 @ 195 - barely. I almost didn't get the last rep. Was lucky the guys using the spot let me in as they were going to spend an hour doing I'm not sure what, maybe snatch or power clean, I didn't wait around to see. Since I just had the small amount of reps to do, they let me.

    Lat pull down 3x12 @ 70 - okay but challenging by the end.

    Morning Jog = 4.5 miles. My longest jog so far and it wasn't too bad. I might consider myself a "runner" at this point, since I got up at an unsightly hour just to get the jog in before working the shift I took for a coworker. So sleepy now.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Weekly summary?

    This week I lifted on Monday, but my afternoon run was cancelled due to sick kids (not mine).

    Tuesday I got bored and did a 30-ish minute light cardio circuit.

    Wednesday I lifted AND walked around the stupid shopping centre getting the boy's arm cast off.

    Thursday I fiddled with the cardio circuit to the point I think I've found something that I like and might put into regular rotation.

    Friday I lifted, ran to the train station, walked around the city, ran back from the train station AND took two kids grocery shopping after school... I should get a medal for that :wink:

    Today (Saturday) I have sat on my backside at footy, and wrangled two children (one very cranky) around yet another shopping centre that we went to on a whim of the husband. And now I need more freaking coffee, but it's almost 2pm and if I have too much caffeine I won't sleep tonight.

    Tomorrow (Sunday), is a 3 hour teaching session at church in the morning and I have to clean my house at some stage over this afternoon and tomorrow.

    And then it will be Monday again :bawling:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I am down 0.8 lbs since monday....I have to eek out another 0.2 lb loss if I want my STAR for week one of my Fall Back Challenge! BOOM!

    Also, i got my cardio workout in and done this morning. ZOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted weights last night but by 1 am didn't feel like updating everything. I was going to run today but yeah, went back to sleep even though it's still cool outside am skipping it today. I have to rework my schedule this week cause 5k is on Saturday and I don't want to jog 4.5 on Friday then. Still trying to decide on closer gyms. One is 24 hours but minimal equipment and can't be very loud when doing things like deadlift. Not PF type but still, he said to consider others, though there is rarely more than 5 people there at any given time. But it's also not set up for that kind of lift. I'd have to take the bar from the one power rack or one of 2 benches, which means it's also not set up if I want to try some olympic lifts in the future. Also the better deal is with longer "contracts" so that's a downside too. The other one is more lifting focused, lots of different equipment for such with both cables, plate-loading, couple power cages and mat in front of one for deadlift. It's decent priced but not 24 hour so limited in time frame. Also, didn't appear to have a ton of people there when I checked it out once so far middle of day. Everything else local either is so small it doesn't even have a squat rack or it's super expensive plus not 24 hour. Anyways, on to last night's lifting...

    Workout A

    high bar squat 3x5 @ 165 - kept to this weight, still a struggle at the very end.

    bench press 2x5 and 1x4 @ 95 - struggled and failed on the last set. Think I got my feet better placed using two plates on the floor so I could get my heel down. Still don't get my shoulders to stay cause most of the time when I get the bar off the rack, then it messes up how I'd tried to set up my shoulders and back. So, still a work in progress.

    bent-over row 3x5 @ 85 - feeling heavier but still manageable, we'll see how it goes past here.

    seated row 3x8 @ 70 - hadn't done in a while, so heavy but managed.
    incline db bench 3x8 @ 30 - not too bad.

    Then it was after midnight already as got out of work a little later last night compared to others so left. Trying to decide if I should lift on Monday or Tuesday. Going to move Friday's jog to Thursday instead of lifting that day. Saturday is the hero 5k, so get to dress up as a super hero. Should be fun.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I biked two days
    I coached soccer twice- but once did not involve much movement, so it does not count.
    Now I have plantar fasciitis. So I am going to have to lift this week.
  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    I am starting this tomorrow. I have read the book, started the workout about 2-3 years ago but got sidelined by an injury. I am totally spacing on how the daily workouts go... Can someone dumb it down for me. Not understanding the logs at all!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    Saturday is the hero 5k, so get to dress up as a super hero. Should be fun.

    Awesome! Who are you going as?

    Josiereside1 - best way is to just start in my opinion... you'll figure it out easier when you do it. I haven't been doing NROL for a while so can't remember the workouts off the top of my head but someone here should be able to help :)

    DL day for me today. Good job I still love 'em despite the form issues....
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Welcome Josie! Just follow the workouts in the book. You will alternate A and B workouts, log them on the sheets and keep,progressing. The different stages have separate threads here so reference them as y get to the stage.

    Jo-hope your DLs went well! Great workouts this week!
    Dawn-how was the 5k?
    Beeps-you're doing great! Good loss and workouts!
    Pmag-sorry about the plantar facitis :(. Hope you enjoy your lifting this week!

    Enjoying my retract weekend. Back to the gym tomorrow :).

    Kutgw ladies!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi everyone, just a quick check in. I have been crazy busy lately. Our lease ended in our house on Saturday so we had to move out but we haven't found a new house yet so we had to move everything into my parents house and at some point during the week (hopefully, presuming I find somewhere to live) we have to move everything again. What makes it even more annoying is that where I am moving to is a 3 hour drive away so I have to drive down there to view houses and then move everything so I am spending a lot of time in my car this week. And we have two cats who are not at all impressed with being moved around so much. :angry:

    Jo, my back has never actually hurt during deadlifts (although I did hurt it in the past doing squats) but it just feels weak and gets tired very easily so I am afraid of hurting it. Saturday was squat day and it was feeling particularly tired so I ended up dropping my weights way down so that I could do them without hurting myself. I think I need to do some exercises specifically to strengthen my lower back.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    dou - maybe you should video/ get advice on your form. Maybe you need to tweak something if you are feeling it in your back during the lifts. It's a hard move to get right.

    I was working on mine today - no back rounding, even at heavier weights than I have been doing (not max though). However, my hips were coming up first, not the bar. Have done more reading, hopefully know how to solve. Let's just hope one day I manage to fix all these issues and actually manage a good one!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Got my lifting done, today.....i did not drop a pound, so no "star" for me this week for fatloss....but, I do get one star for getting 3+ workouts in!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Dou - good luck with all of that.
    Julie - 5k is on Saturday. :wink:
    Jo - my sister suggested Huntress from Birds of Prey. The outfit is black and purple, so easy enough to manage and I have a purple makeup stuff to do the "mask". Just need to make something to cover my bright blue running shoes.
    Beeps - Good job getting in the workouts.

    Ended up lifting after work since my schedule is different this week. Will run 2 miles in the morning after I make myself get up, though the shorter run and current cooler weather means I don't have to get up as early as before. And tonight was different. Some of the usual people though. The one guy I see every night that I lift was there though I still don't know his lifting program. But he asked to work in on the leg press, so that was the first time anyone has really worked in on any lift at the gym with me.

    Workout B

    low bar squat 3x5 @ 145 - easy enough, I should increase next time

    ohp 3x5 @ 70 - repeat since I failed on one set last time, managed okay this time around

    deadlift 1x5 warmup up RDL style @ 135 and 1x5 regular @ 200 - no fail but it was heavy. Need to not wear a shirt I bought a year ago cause it got in the way just a little. Getting closer to that 225 goal.

    leg press 3x8 @ 210 - not too bad actually, though hit the safety things on bottom a couple of times, I don't have that much room to move it cause I'm short

    good morning 3x12 @ 60 - also easy enough

    rdl 3x10 @ 90 - same as before, not much room left in the fixed weight bars for increasing
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 80 - still awkward

    Now for some sleeps and probably soon back to tracking food again. Almost out of chocolate cake.