Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Well, today, I Lift!

    First time in about seven weeks.....so, I will take it a bit easy. I don't want DOMs!!

    And, I will lift thurs and fri, as well. Saturday is cardio. I did go for an hour walk with a gf last night....even jet lag didn't stop me!

    I will step on the scale on .saturday to see how much damage I have to undo.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-you're right back at it! Good for you! Hope you not too sore!

    Dawn-doing great! I'm doing a 5k on thanksgiving and beginning to think about it. I haven't runway appreciable distance in ages...hit sprints here and there, but not 3 miles! Kutgw!

    Jo-glad to hear you're shopping gyms. A good fit is really motivating! Good for you films your form. I should do that on my squats...

    Sam-I'll be with you in pain land tomorrow!

    Got in a good lower body workout today! Missed yesterday with mom drama :(.

    Added a bit of weight to my leg press and WHTs! Wht- 3 sets 125lbsx8, leg press 3 sets 185lbsx10. Feeling a bit better :) . Added to leg curls, and calf raises too, added curtsy lunges, and did some ab work too. Stretched for a bit and am glad for that! I'll still be sore tomorrow. I was limping a bit leaving, my right knee is still not 100%. The leg press and curtsy lunges really challenge it. Good day, love the added endorphin rush and sense of calm of lifting days!

    Happy hump (pump) day!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Worked with a different trainer today. She's more of a here's a menu, you're smart, put it together. Her stuff was more like Lou and Alwyn, so I made a follow-up appointment with her. I really want someone to says, "Here's a week worth of workouts, have it. I somehow ended up with three extra sessions on my account. So I thinkI'll just use them up. The new trainer had me working with slides and a TRX setup. All I can say is, "All I want for Christmas are slides and a TRX setup."
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Finally had a cardio day. Got up and jogged 3 miles this morning.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    zOOM! dawn!

    samntha - well, a new trainer should help START-YOU-UP in your lifting desires!!! BOOM!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Good work girls!

    I did Zumba this morning with my BFF. Fun! Then I did my upper body lifting...I'm so wiped out now! I haven't felt well all day :(. Fasted probably wasn't the best idea in retrospect, but on upper body days I just feel achy-my shoulders and upper back. Double whammy today. I plan to actually add in some cardio next week. Should help with losing this layer of fat I still have from vacation and not being back on track soon enough afterwards. Have w good weekend all!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Nice work. I keep meaning to try zumba at the gym but between the schedule and how packed the room always is, I haven't made the attempt. I'm used to small town wyoming class, so just a small group. Though they also do water zumba at the pool closer to wheeI actually live. Might be worth a day pass some time if I ever buy a swimsuit. Good luck your goals.

    My schedule is all off since I don't plan to lift like normal tomorrow since I'm doing the 5k. Was going to lift today instead, figured a few compound lifts and some arm/shoulder accessories wouldn't be too bad. However, I don't know what I did at work yesterday but my right shoulder hurt all night and still is problematic. Looks like a few days off from lifting to rest it a little.

    5k is tomorrow and getting the registration was blah. Long drive to location for packet pick-up, terrible traffic both ways and it was at a store in a shopping center that was super busy. Long line too as there are so many people attending this thing. They have two set times for the runs and will be doing "waves" every few minutes for each one. I'm doing morning as have to drive all the way up there and will be better to beat the traffic. So have to get up super early for the long drive tomorrow. Just need to figure out what to eat tonight and get everything situated.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Bubble Color Run!

    I jogged most of the 5k. Had to slow down in spots to get around the walkers, so many people there, and at the bubble spots. It was fun though. My white shirt now is speckled in colors, kind of like the easter candy that is the white eggs with pastel speckles on them. My socks got the most cause I had white knee hi ones on. I was earlier in the day, so the beginning bubble spots were only up to my knees foam wise, then hips but the last one was about shoulder height on me. Fun times had by many. Now I'm tired so may shower, eat then nap. I also have donuts as my treat for today. mmm donuts
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well done Dawn..... though I can't imagine much worse than being sprayed/ bubbled/ foamed with colours as I run..... can't get into those concepts.... neon run, colour run... blah - why can't people just run? I'm more likely to do a True Grit or obstacle themed thing but when I went to do one it cost $200 to register! Far out, no way I can afford that kinda money AND fundraise.

    Fair to say I have been struggling with cutting my cals this week. Hasn't helped that my kid had his bday and now there is a tonne of chocolate in my house....
    I've also increased cardio and so I don't know if it's all a bit much at once.... will chat to my trainer this week. I'm not going over by too much but I am hungrier. But then I'm also a little bit run down and have been very busy physically aside from planned exercise. So maybe it is just a combination of things.

    The gym shopping may have given me a result.... found one I like with excellent combat but the instructor was only covering for their normal one. So have got a free pass to use when the normal instructor is back so I can check her out. The staff were nice and helpful and knew the people I train with sometimes at my current gym which was nice. The weights are not as awesome as where I am now but I don't think anywhere will be - my gym now is the newest, government-paid-for, made-for-Olympic-level-swimming establishment in SA so it's all new, top of the range stuff.

    Anyway, combat this morning (current gym). Best go get more coffee..... happy weekend everyone :-)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I'm not much of a runner so I figured I'd sign up for fun events. Didn't image it would feel easy to run 3 miles ever let alone this quick. Plus, the bubble one was like 20 dollars for the registration. I'm looking forward to the hero run on September 5th. I need to work on my outfit still but it's smaller. I don't have to drive up to Portland for it. Plus, the money goes to a children's organization.

    ooo I should make coffee! That is what I haven't had today, though the part of bacon maple donut I had earlier was delicious.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Bacon maple donut? That sounds pretty incredible....

    Combat was heaps of fun today... some old tracks but good ones. Was tough.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Afternoon lovelies!
    Sorry I've been a little MIA, been busy again!

    Currently hitting my head against the bench reading about how Paleo cures every.fricking.thing... I have issues. I know that crap makes me mad, but I still read it.

    In other news I have found an accredited brand new university degree - online! Yay!! A real one through La Trobe Uni, not associated with naturopathy in any way and fully accredited by the Aussie Nutritional Society.

    Bad news? Husband doesn't finish his Masters until June next year so I have to wait one.whole.year :cry: Oh well.

    Did my first S&P3 today - the wave was interesting!

    Am now refueling with coffee and a snack plate before my jog this afternoon.

    My house is spiffy clean. And I learned my lesson last week when I wasn't here for bible study and left the husband in charge... the boy child's baked goods box is now safely tucked away in the cupboard away from sneaky little fingers. They cleaned out his fresh stash (my son has Coeliac Disease & is lactose intolerant, I bake goodies every weekend for school) when I forgot to put the container away and left it on the kitchen bench.... and.... left crumbled up cookies and muffins all over the rumpus room floor. To say I almost had conniptions is an understatement. Especially as their mother knew about it! My kiddo was left with 3 mini apple muffins and 4 cookies :disappointed: I had to bake again - the flour mix I use is not exactly cheap.

    Ahhhh.... *calm blue ocean* :wink:

    Okay, I still have a few things to achieve before heading off to pick the kids up and go for my weekly jog/walk/run/debrief.

    Be good! :smiley:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I lifted this morning. My good friend Joan was at the gym. It was fun talking to her UNTIL she DL 260....while I was doing 95. Aaaagggghhhhh!!!!

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Good job Beeps!

    DNA-my dd and Dh are gf also, and I would be livid if guests ate all thier gf stuff. Brownies are the most likely to be taken...gf bake mixes are expensive!!

    Dawn-good job on the 5k!! I'm doing a thanksgiving one, but haven't run miles in ages. I'll start working on that soon. Good for you!

    Jo-hope you find a good fit! You're doing great, and cutting calories while adding cardio is tough. I'm trying something similar and also find myself hungry...

    Lifted today, and yesterday! Yay! I don't like upper body day, though. My shoulders have an odd, weak discomfort to them...but I'm excited I've been hitting it more often. Planning cardio tomorrow, then lift Wednesday and Thursday. :smiley:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Oh yeah, gotta work on my squat form. I'm leaning forward too much. Sigh.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    My butt hurts lol
    A deadlifts session followed by a 4km run is an interesting combo :wink:

    My house is clean and I must work, but thought I'd check in on you lot first :smile:

    Beeps, 95 is better than 50, which is better than 10, which is better than nothing, unless you're doing bodyweight exercises, in which case, they are better than sitting on the couch :wink:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well I'm doing a quick 180 on the whole cutting thing..... check in with PT for measurements etc today. Weight is down nearly 2kg since I weighed in last week (stupid scales), body fat is down 0.8% and most measurements are down. With the exception of flexed arms (hurrah - muscle!) and suprailliac which is always a dodgy measurement on me for some reason. So, PT says carry on eating more and just add in one HIIT per week. Okey dokey, bring on the food...... :D
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Have fun getting ready for your 5k and good luck with the squat form.

    Beeps and DNA - Good job.

    Jo - ooo fun. I like the idea of bulking cause food. mmmm

    I'm back to regular schedule. Jog this morning and will lift after work tonight. Shoulder is fine, but aggravating it at work put a slight stall in my lifting. Looking forward to tonight though have a feeling deadlift is going to feel heavy as it has been lately. I blame the deficit. lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Thanks julie and dna....jo-go eat something for me, too! BOOM!

    I need to do a Sept-Dec challenge of some sort. Haven't figured out "what", yet...but i have a couple weeks to figure it out.

    Today was a walk with a gf....ZOOM!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys sound good!

    DNA-sore butt is good!
    Jo-you dropped that in a week? Wow! I'll be checking your diary! God job on the losses.
    Dawn-glad youre back to routine.
    Beeps-wish it was cool enough here to go for a nice long walk.

    I'm doing well. Lifted Sunday and Monday, did some intervals on the treadmill tonight. All good. On target for 5 workouts this week (4 lifting). Hoping to add a bit of muscle...since trying to lose fat wasn't going well. Maybe if I can manage to gain muscle without gaining fat I'll be leaner eventually? :)