Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    Beautiful! I want to go to Iceland soon.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    This past year I've found it very hard to stay motivated. For three years I was good with eating consistently and getting in my workouts, three lifts a week and one class for fun if time and energy permitted. Lately, I'm down to two lifts and one class a week and not at all consistent. Now, I've been out of the gym altogether for over three weeks, and scratching my head for how to find my enthusiasm and get back on track. I had just finished Supercharged S&P 1 when I stopped. I want to finish the program, and know that I will have to dial back the weights a bit. Ideas?

    YEs, I will be reading this thread and responding because I missed you all and Ithink is part of my lack of enthusiasm.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Dawn, thank you for keeping the thread alive. We need some new blood here ladies. I haven't logged in in nearly a month and I only missed 54 comments and the majority of those were from Dawn. Two years ago, I would have missed a thousand, and that isn't an exaggeration. So let's go forth and spread the word.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    edited July 2015
    Just popping in to say hello. I haven't been lifting at all lately but I've been doing the Bodyshred so I wanted to see what the results would be from that without extra lifting. I've also started running only on the weekends, why I chose to start in the summer in this heat is beyond me but I'm nutty like that. I think my fitbit has taken over my life. Seems like my goals lately are to see just how many steps I can get in a day while still getting my work done. I've gotten over 23000 and my legs are sore. I think I will be stuck at my weight forever. I know, I should ignore the scale, I've lost inches here & there but is even 1 lb staying off too much to ask for? Anyway I hope you are all doing great. I'm glad Dawn is here keeping this thread alive. Welcome Janie & the other newbies, I know I'm late with that. Beeps you're pics are awesome! Julie I love the snorkling pic too. :)<3
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Keep up the good work Ali!! I know what it feels like, I think all do, to stare at a scale that never moves. My question is, How do you feel? I think at some point we do reach our ideal weight, just most of us don't realize it because it wasn't what we thought it should be.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, you had me at Iceland.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Iceland is so beautiful!! I am soooo glad we did five nights there. We only saw a smidge of the west peninsula. We will go back one day to do the south (volcano) part....likely on a stop-over to the netherlands/Denmark/Norway (just hubby and me).

    Kids have been great!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »
    Dawn, thank you for keeping the thread alive. We need some new blood here ladies. I haven't logged in in nearly a month and I only missed 54 comments and the majority of those were from Dawn. Two years ago, I would have missed a thousand, and that isn't an exaggeration. So let's go forth and spread the word.

    I thought this too! A good number have gone MIA.

    Beeps - hols look great.
    Ali - weight loss is like waiting for a bus. Nothing happens and then 3 come at once. Keep up the good work.

    I'm enjoying lifting at the moment - nice to see some improvements - certainly keeps the motivation up. As does the stranger approaching me at the gym for tips to work on her arms because she "hardly ever sees definition like mine on a woman". Hurrah for me and my masculine arms hahahhaa :D
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    I am with you Sam, struggling to re-find and maintain my motivation! I am slowly getting back to more consistency at the gym. I am shooting to lift twice and do 1 class/week for now. I'm. To flowing any plan anymore, just hitting main lifts each time I lift and tracking the weight and reps I use. Maybe starting another program would help? Not sure if I'm up for that though?

    Dawn-are you just lifting to lift? Or are you following a plan now? Sorry if I forgot!
    Beeps-amazing!! Beautiful!! Enjoy it all!
    Jo-go with your bad ripped arms!
    Ali-so nice to see you! Come post even if you're not lifting much. I'm with you on the weight loss :(.
    DNA-hooray for bday celebrations! My dd just turned 12 a few weeks ago. Hope you're feeling better!

    Im off to lift. I've got my diet back under control, which is a good thing! I went away for a few days this week,nut hiked one of them ;). So I did the class Monday, hiked Wednesday, and will lift today. Kind of getting my 3x a week in. ;)
    I may revert to SL for a bit, but my back won't tolerate DLs. May replace to with WHTs and see how that goes?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yay more posts! I mean, Hi. :grin:

    Beeps - Those are some great pictures. Hope you are having fun and enjoy the vacation.

    Samantha - Thanks. I do post a lot cause I have 5 days a week between jogging and lifting, so glad I have somewhere to post though look forward to seeing others posting more for sure.

    Ali - I have a fitbit too. I have gotten 25k I think once with a cardio morning followed by a hectic freight shift but I can't seem to get any more than that. Most of the time it's 15-23k except days off when it's less. The steps do work well as motivation and it got my stepdad walking a lot too so he could try to stay caught up with me. Keep up the great work and other progress, pesky scale or not.

    Julie - Oh, I'm loosely following SL 3x5 with accessories while I decide my next program. I've got several listed and am trying to figure which would be the best. I like a few 4 day ones but not with the long commute to current gym. Many options but hope to figure something out in early August.

    Will post my workout later since I am going to the gym after work. For now, I'm pondering lunch and ways to get enough protein for today without dairy (le sigh). Pesky allergy. That and I'm actually writing. I finished a novel chapter last night field by a little beer and chips. The west coast truffle fries kind tasted like sour cream & onion to me and the greektown gyro kettle chips were just weird. Need to try biscuits and gravy along with the reuben one next.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Alright, went to the gym after work. However, I need to remember to not leave my protein shake at home cause I forgot it today. Plus it was a short shift so I didn't take a break. The only thing I ate from 3 pm until midnight was a leftover cupcake. Now I'm trying to drink the protein shake before bed, bleh. Must not forget next time. Not a bad workout though considering I was a bit low on fuel.

    Workout B

    low bar squat 3x5 @ 125 - felt okay with this one

    ohp 3x5 @ 70 - barely made it through as they felt heavy

    deadlift 1x5 warmup @ 135 and 1x5 @ 165 - heavy but okay-ish

    clean 3x8 @ 50 - eh, not bad
    front squat 3x8 @ 65 - some were better than others, last set went decent

    Called it a night after that. Have a longer shift tomorrow and it's middle length jog day so get to wake up early. Oh goodie. I skipped last time so need to get up and do it this time. Switched my playlist a bit so have it charging to make sure iPod is ready to go.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I don't know how you girls do it without a solid program to follow - I like flexibility but don't achieve much when I don't follow a plan. I like my new program as I've not done an upper/ lower split before and it seems to be suiting my body. Each workout (upper A and B, lower A and B) has a good lift and a challenge... plus a good few things I haven't done before or not done for a while. I like that if I meet my rep range (6-8 generally for big lifts) then I get to increase. I like the 3 sets rather than the 5 in SL. I am getting DOMS and getting recovery. All good.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    *shrugs* I did accessories along with NROLFW as well. Some of them I do to work on weaker areas and a couple I do as I want to eventually do certain lifts that I can't do quite yet. I do like the 3x5 versus 5x5 though I could probably have kept going on 5x5 for squats, but with bench and OHP, I can lift a little more if just doing 3 sets. I've looked at a few upper/lower splits, wendler, ICF and some other options, just haven't made up my mind quite yet as I'm still looking to do just 3 days a week and there are some lifts I can't quite do (dips, chin-up, power clean, and such). Hopefully I will pick and follow a little closer to program soon but I'm not too jumpy so that helps for now.

    2.5 mile jog this morning. Went okay as jogged near apartment though there are more people out in the area due to some type of festival going on. Yesterday included a parade, which I didn't know about until I tried to get to the grocery store and apparently it had just ended so all the people were trying to leave. Took me like half an hour to go a short distance. Hopefully no problems today but I may need coffee before I venture to work.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    2 mile jog this morning. Going to check out gyms in the afternoon and see if any of the nearby ones are good options.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    DL day yesterday.... and form still reasonable. Leg press - weight up. SLDLs - weight up. Couldn't do my standing calf raises as some muppet was squatting in the smith machine despite 2 free racks :s So did sit up/ push up combo as legs were f***ed anyway lol. Stiff this morning.... not a workout day for me.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    My head cold is back - pfft.

    Work and then gym time. That should make me happy :smile:

    Squats today for me. I am currently having issues with squats. Not sure why exactly yet, but I will get to the bottom of it (get it... hehe... :sunglasses: )

    And then I'll come back and post something so we can have something more to read :smiley:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm Baaaa--aaaackkkk!

    And I am totally having a chocolate biscuit with my coffee.

    Because it's delicious.

    I also have celery.

    Because I'm weird.

    And I'm okay with that.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Oh, and I added weight to my squat and it was fine.


    I need to find the Nerf gun and get the cat off the kitchen bench....
