Daily Chat Thread



  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Stephie - I think that KonMari method looks good! I've been trying to get my husband to declutter his stuff for a while now. CLutter makes me crazy, yet it's all over my house! Argh!

    Today was NROLFW Stage 1, workout A

    Legpress (sub for squats) - 10 @ 95, 100, 105
    Pushups (decline on step with no riser) 8x3
    SEated Rows - 8@45x3
    Step ups - 15@50, 10@55, 10@57.5
    Prone Jackknife - bw/15, bw elevated hands/15x2
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Super - map quest says the drive is roughly 13 hours. Pretty far from northern oregon to southern california, though short than when I moved out here from southeastern wyoming. I'll probably do the drive in one day if possible.

    Jo - nice with the team. Glad I didn't get any rashes. Knee is still getting color from the bruising but the others are drifting away.

    Stephie - the folding sounds nice. I'm too lazy for that effort as I don't fold at all. I just shove it all in the drawers. hehe

    Julie - Yep, it's very quick. Crazy but maybe will help cause it's going to be very hard leaving my current coworkers. Going to cry. Have a lot to do and I hope the change is worth it all. Oh and welcome back!

    Quick lifting session. Went to see about possible cancel of membership. It's one of the gyms with a contract, so have to get that all figured out. There is a location somewhere there but the city is bigger and it wouldn't be close to the studio apartment and no idea where we're going to move once my sister and I find a place to live closer to where I will be working. The gym says it has to be 25 miles away or further to cancel, so we'll see what he has to say on it when the gym owner is back next week. Not on program yet and throat is sore so wasn't quite up for gym but lifted anyways.

    squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 155 - very slow, no belt

    good morning 3x10 @ 95
    front squats 2x5 @ 95 - hands didn't like these and hurt, right one in particular

    cable kick back, single leg - 3x8 @ 40

    elliptical for 25 minutes while watching food network

    I was going to run tomorrow but am taking over a morning shift as a favor for a coworker, so I'll work then go up to Portland for an errand and donuts. Maybe run on Friday and do upper body lifting tomorrow night instead.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    I was able to get in a lifting session after work today. I did the Strong Phase 1 Workout A again today. It was pretty good. I moved up to the 30 lb weights for my goblet squat and the 3 pt dumbbell press. I am a weird one in that I'd like to "feel it" tomorrow. I've been doing Body Pump so moving to Phase 1 "seems" easy to me. I know it will be better for me - but the transition makes me feel guilty. Plus I was only doing Body Pump 1 day a week and I'm trying to lift 3 days a week like the book suggests. :)

    I am glad to see everyone is doing well this week. :) So far so good. I am hopeful to see a loss on my next weigh in this Sunday. :) I re-read the nutrition section in the Strong book today to motivate myself to not worry about the number on the scale. :)

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi all! Finally some warm weather here.

    Sherry - good job on Stage 1!

    Dawn - so exciting about the move. I sort of enjoy the process of finding all new places to go, places to eat, places to shop, etc. It will be nice to be close to your sister as well!

    Supermel - wow, crazy good step ups!

    Julie - glad your trip was so much fun! Looking forward to seeing what you pick for your workouts. FWIW, I was/am a total newbie and don't find Strong overly complicated. But I'm the type who likes a bit of complexity to keep myself mentally engaged and from getting bored. YMMV!

    Stephie - I bought and read the KonMari book like a year ago and have been too lazy to actually do it so far! It sounds so wonderful. I sort of wish someone would come and just do it for me. I feel like I drown in mountains of laundry every week and can never find anything. Funny how the yoga works different muscles or works muscles differently.

    Kim - welcome to Strong!

    Anyway, yesterday I ran in the morning, 2.4 miles.

    Today I finished Stage 5.
    Workout B, #6
    Suspended fall outs 2x15
    Reverse lunges 4x8@60 lbs barbell
    Inverted rows 4x8 on TRX
    Kettlebell swings 4x8
    Single arm dumbell press ups 4x8@17.5 was super psyched I got all the reps
    Intervalsx10 minutes

    Happy almost Friday!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    And I have a cold. It's minor, mostly just sore throat with a little congestion but blah. Affects my runs and lifting a little. Also, calories are going to be up and down leading up to the move, I can already assume. Random invite out with coworkers and I'm going to take more of those invites because I'm going to not see them in person for months, if ever. So, barbecue tonight though not a lot because I don't feel well. I'm meeting for coffee and stuff with some next week and one I need to go out to sushi with again (plus pick his brain about video stuff cause I need to make a thing for my youtube channel). Who knows what else. But I'll try to walk/run and lift along the way, hopefully feel better asap. Must pack too.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Dawn, I hope the cold does one soon!

    Loads of positive stuff on this thread,. Lovely to see!

    Second day of strong for me today. Thought I might miss squats so did some kettlebell squats to start, then powered my way through the session. Liking the core and balance work and can really feel my muscles working!

    Hoping to get in the squat rack tomorrow for a SL session....I don't think I can do *just* strong at this Stage.

    NSV to report.....I sat down and noticed that my thighs didn't splodge out as much as before! Also, poked myself in my side and it felt pretty firm....I didn't lose my fingers in my softness!!!

    Keep on keeping on, ladies! You rock x
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 591 Member
    TGIF! Hitting the gym today. Tried to workout at home yesterday but was only able to do a few crunches and planks. I try to do body weight exercises when I am home, but my 3 year old wants to help, lol!

    Today is SL B and I have been doing pretty well with squats at 135lbs and think I may start off with that tonight and see if I can up the weight on the last set or two.

    I really need to start working on my abs/core. Do any of you have any suggestions for the most efficient exercises for your abs?

    Thanks!! :)
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Dawn -Sorry to hear you have a cold. I do too. It started with a sore throat last saturday, then the congestion started. Kudos for putting in the cardio, though. I can't even force myself to do it when I'm congested. I didn't realize you were in Oregon. I love it there. I visited Portland once when I was 22 or 23. Beautiful place. I have family in Southern California. I'm sure you'll love it there. Different kind of beauty. I'm excited for you!

    Sherry - Good job so far!!

    Aigre - Killer session! nice!

    Kim - You're rockin' it!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    TGIF! Woohoo for long weekend here in the US!

    Dawn - hope you feel better soon!

    Kim - Strong and SL!!! Wow, you are going to be working hard!

    Italiana - hi!

    Supermel - Thanks!

    Ran 2 miles today at 5 am. Made it back and snuck in and made the coffee before anyone else woke up. Love that feeling!

    Going away to my parents' beach house for the long weekend. Think I'll take tomorrow as a rest day since it's been a while, and then Sunday will be a 3.5 mile run near the water. So Stage 6 will have to wait until I get back home on Monday.

    I started looking through the book again looking at Phase 3 today. Wow, it looks hard. He stops assigning individual exercises and just gives general directions like "pull (vertical)" or "Push up or press". I don't do that well with ambiguity, so I'll have to plan everything out ahead of time I think.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    edited May 2016
    I really need to start working on my abs/core. Do any of you have any suggestions for the most efficient exercises for your abs?

    Thanks!! :)

    Squats. Deadlifts. Bench. All compound lifts will improve core strength when performed correctly. My core is strong and I do no specific abs focused work.

    Of course, Planks and Push ups are simple faves and there are many variations.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Stage 5 of Strong done and off to the Dominican for a week with my husband, our two boys, and two other families. I'm hoping to work out a few times at the resort's gym but more to keep myself feeling good and to make the return home to routine easier than for any other reason. My diet has been not great the past few weeks - just too busy getting ready for the trip - so I've got to tighten things up once we are home.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Enjoy your holiday! The weights will still be here when you return!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Pudding - Enjoy the holiday!

    I didn't lift today or run. Eh, things are off schedule right now. I worked 8 am shift, which is unusual for me. Then I had to go up to Portland yet again. But I'm going to do some exercise tomorrow. It's a challenge with no set program and my work being different than usual since I was doing only close shifts. I have 2 close shifts then an open before my days off. And I need to start packing. So much to do but I'll get there. Throat is a tad sore and some sniffles but the cold didn't get bad, which is good.

    I'm considering Texas Method for now until I get schedule figured out. I prefer lifting 4 days a week but right now 3 days might be a better option as I don't know what my schedule will be like at a store that is open 24 hours. Once I get settled in and get a gym membership there (so might have a break depending what happens though technically there are anytime fitness places there, still need to check about getting out of contract thing), then I can get a final say on the lifting program. And will have to find a place to run there too.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Schedule has been off lately. I did a 20 minute jog this morning along with some walking. Then stopped by work to drop something off and got asked if I would mind clocking in early. So, instead of working 2-close, I started work at 11:30 am. Didn't even have my work shirt with me. Stayed until 9:30, which made for a long day. Ended up skipping the gym and I'll have to figure out lifting tomorrow maybe or something. Need to pack too. Have a close shift, then an open shift before my days off, but will get there.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys are all doing well!! Great to see!!
    Pudding-have a blast on your vacation!!
    Dawn-hope you're feeling better and things are falling into place with your move.
    Jo-how's your move and transition going?
    Kim-how's the hip?
    Aigre-thanks! Glad to hear your feedback on Strong.

    I lifted Friday and it felt great! Hit all my PR weights which made me happy :) did a full body, compound, cover all the bases session and have been in so much pain since! Good, but feel like a newbie again! Gonna lift today then plan to relax. Dh wants to hijack my day with his unaccomplished to do list, but I'm not gonna let him! ;)

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Ooh, Julie well done on hitting all those PRs!! Have you recovered from your travels?

    The Hip is doing alright.... Still very aware of it, but I'm back to lifting the sort of weights I was lifting before the injury. So I am very encouraged.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Thanks. Nice work on the PRs. I'm feeling a little better cold wise but had other struggles.

    Kimi - good to hear on the hop and lifting. Nice work.

    So tired. After the rough day yesterday (which included struggles like having a bottle of wine break that I then had to clean up), I was tired but when I tried to sleep, nothing. No sleep last yet. Was at the gym before 5 am. Did the natural thing after no sleep and deciding to lift weights after having a long day that included 25,000 steps. I decided to try a squat challenge. I'd seen it from Alan Thrall and a couple others with the intention of doing it some time later on but randomly decided since it's Memorial day and I was in the gym, why not? So, I filmed equating my body weight (135) for 22 reps and will post on youtube with links to the Lift for the 22 that the challenge wants to bring awareness towards.


    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x22 @ 135 and 1x8 @ 135
    - filmed the 22 set, did the 8 extra for fun afterwards in a different set

    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185 and with belt 2x3 @ 215

    cable bicep curl 3x10 @ 60
    tricep pushdown 3x10 @ 70

    30 minutes on elliptical

    Then I walked outside at the park cause the places I wanted to try breakfast fast food from weren't quite open yet with the holiday and all. Sadly, since I hadn't gotten stuff from their breakfast in like 10 years Burger King no longer had the item I enjoyed. No more cimi-minis. Struck out at Taco Bell too as had to pick something other than the waffle taco I'd heard about. Got dollar items and they were eh. Donuts are better.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi all!

    We have the day off today. Got back from the beach last night, all dirty and tired, but had a blast. I ran 3.5 miles along the water, which was beautiful but unexpectedly hot. Then we hiked another 3.2 miles with some friends. Of course my son refused to walk most of it and my husband and I ended up carrying him most of the way. Feels like that should burn some extra calories!

    Today I started Stage 6
    Valslide spiderman push-aways - WTF!! I must be very weak or completely uncoordinated or both, but couldn't do these at all! I was laughing at myself trying and falling on the floor.
    Split stance cable chop - 35 lbs each side
    Deadlift - I had never done real deadlifts from the floor before, so started light. Did 8@60lbs, 8@80lbs, and 8@90 lbs. I'm still working with a 10 lb bar which was DH's from high school, and it's tough to get it the proper height for deadlifts. I had read to set it on a plate but I needed 3 to get it to 8 inches, and then it was rolling all over the place and slipping. I'm seriously trolling the rogue site right now thinking about the right time to ask DH if I can buy a whole new set :)
    Bench press - supposed to be incline, but I haven't got an incline bench, so just did regular. Used DBs since too lazy to switch everything out from the deadlift 3 times. 3x8@25 lbs each arm.
    Suspended lunge - working on balance and depth, so didn't add any weight yet, 3x8
    Dead stop row - 3x8@30 lbs
    Intervals x 10 minutes

    Pudding - have a great trip!!
    Dawn - you sound busy! We moved just under a year ago and I hope not to do it again for many many years. Good luck with everything!
    Julie - woohoo for PRs! You know what the means, right? Time to add more weight?!!? :)
    Kim - glad your hip is behaving!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Hey girls! I'm home from my wonderful 2 week European whirlwind!

    I want to hear a "report" on this, please!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »

    NSV to report.....I sat down and noticed that my thighs didn't splodge out as much as before! Also, poked myself in my side and it felt pretty firm....I didn't lose my fingers in my softness!!!

    Keep on keeping on, ladies! You rock x

    The word "splodge" has been added to my vocabulary. Awesome!