Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    The Lumineers, Panic at the Disco, Fitz and the Tantrums, Garbage, and others. Red Hot Chili Peppers were the closing band but an issue arose involving the hospital, so they weren't able to perform. Weezer ended up as the last band, which I was okay with as I like pretty much all of the groups that played. And not on the list who also performed was Blink-182. It was pretty cool. I never go to any concerts or anything so it was a fun experience for me.

    Good grief! Once upon a time, Red Hot Chili Peppers would have been their own arena-band....and maybe even Blink-182.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    Good lifting, jo_marn and Aigre. And, nice walking, kimi.

    Today, I did my lower body workout....and then I did go walking with a gf....but now my whole lower body is complete DOMs-ridden, so I probably did a little too much.

    Have to hang out at my daughter's lacrosse game, tonight....but might have to make sure I get up and down a bit or I feel like my whole body will freeze up!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - lol. Many of them still do their own concerts/arena types. This was just a specific festival that does several groups. I guess the station has been hosting this for 25 years now. I have the little booklet they had out that showed some of the pictures from previous years and they've had quite a variety. I believe RHCP are doing a concert soon in LA as they mentioned it during the announcement about not being able to perform that night.

    I might put up some of the clips I got that day on my youtube LA video. It's going to take me a while to edit all of the sections of video but at the festival my phone battery was low so I kept the filming to around 10 seconds on the bands, which will be fine on copyright levels.

    Super - It took me a little bit to remember Garbage as I knew I'd heard them before but couldn't quite place. I hadn't heard much from them in a while but the rain song. She performed well, high energy and bounces back from things cause had a slight fall off stage situation happen. Just turned it into singing to someone in the audience.

    Aigre - that is cute. I like their music too. Have a couple songs on novel playlists. I know songs more than I do the people that play them, to be honest.

    Kimi - It was fun. I like getting out more now that it's nearing summer for walks too. I also should watch my sugar a little cause I have candy several days a week, hmmm.

    Jo - nice on the lifting. Everyone now and then my deadlift will go to crap, then later I'll do better than I thought.

    Home but don't work for a few days. I do need to get ready for the 10k, which is Saturday. I decided to lift today instead of run, so tomorrow will be my last run before the race. Then I'll lift upper body Thursday. I have a general idea for new program but need to figure it out. Also, have a possible schedule for lifting/running. But things could change because boss is supposed to put in my transfer request and if it goes through, I don't know when the move will happen. eeek

    Today's lifting:

    low bar squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 3x6 @ 135
    good morning 3x10 @ 95
    one arm db row 3x8 @ 35
    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 185
    face pull 3x8 @ 70

    Then elliptical for 20 minutes. Now I'm just doing online stuff and later will go home for foods plus need to do laundry.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am so sad to hear about Manic :( What happened? That made my heart drop reading that. I haven't been on here much lately. So awful :(

    I LOVE Garbage! They're one of my favourites and I've seen them a bunch of times. Shirley Manson is a force!

    I'm still working my way through Strong. I'll finish stage 5 next week, just in time to have a week off while we vacation in the Dominican with our two boys, two other couples, and they each have two kids as well. We will see how relaxing that is!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Beeps - hope you feel better. At least you know you did something!

    Dawn - I'm excited to hear about the obstacle race. I would be so intimidated by that! What happens if you can't get past an obstacle, do you just have to drop out?

    Pudding - you are about at the same place as me in the book! I am looking forward to Stage 6 which seems to be higher weight/lower reps than Stage 4 or 5 has been.

    Went out and ran 2.5 miles at 5 am this morning. Loved it. I might be a secret cardio bunny.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Couldn't get to the gym yesterday but managed a quick lifting session this morning. Squats are back up to 62.5kgs and rows at 45 kgs so I feel like I am returning to where I should be. Onwards and ever upwards.

    I'm starting to notice some definition and shape changes too. Helped out by all the walking I expect.

    BF is still at 36.5% though which is quite disheartening . I'm making a good start with reducing sugar, am at a reasonable deficit, and can't realistically and sustainably cut out much more without it impacting on me negatively (I used to be bulimic so need to keep things in check there).

    Hoping the blobby bits naff off soon..I have holidays to buy clothes for!!!!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Lifted today, stage 4, workout A

    Squats: 2 x 15 @ 30kg - 15 reps are the devil
    Assisted chin ups: 2 x 8 @ 68kg
    Step-ups: 2 x 15 each side 18"step, no additional weight
    DB bench press: 2 x 15 @ 10kg

    Suspended plank: 2 x 30 seconds
    Bird dog: 4 x 15 seconds

    I keep opening the stronglifts 5x5 app and thinking about switching... I really dislike the high rep stuff in Strong, and although I'm sure it will improve looking ahead I just wonder if returning to Stronglifts would be more beneficial to me.

    Decisions, decisions.

    On a positive note, nutrition is back where it should be and today I weighed in at 193.2lbs, back in February when I started low carb I was 211 so things are definitely moving in the right direction
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Stephie - Nice on getting back on track with nutrition. I wish I could say I've lost some weight, but I'm still hovering at the same 157-160 that I started out with. As long as I'm losing BF, I'll be happy.

    kimi- As long as you're seeing some changes, I'd think you're on the right track.

    aigre - nice run

    pudding - Sounds like a fun - and well deserved - vacation!

    beeps - sore now, but stronger later!

    Planning on throwing down stage 1, workout A over lunch today - squats, pushups, rows, stepups, jackknife. Had my physical therapist watch me squat and deadlift yesterday. She gave me some good tips. I have a super arched back (lumbar lordosis), and I tend to use my lower back to compensate for a different center of gravity/balance. I don't hinge quite right and I overextend my arch when I do the deadlift lockout. I'm going to try negative dl with a deloaded bar to try to get my form down.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - good question. I have seen posted online for some that there are just penalties or alternative things you have to do. However, this one seemed to talk more about how people help each other through every thing. Guess I'll find out Saturday.

    Stephie - Nice that things are moving in the direction you want. It's hard to decide on programs at times. I don't care for higher rep ranges but there is some benefit. I need to decide my program for the summer. hmmm

    Today I just jogged about 3 miles at the park. Not quite a 10k but figured a run would still be good. Plus, checked out around the time I will be doing the obstacle course, 11am, and it's a tad warm. Hoping for some clouds this weekend. Also, weighed myself this morning and basically around what I was before leaving. Been trying to get below 130 but sitting mostly between 132-136 (monthly cycle caused a bit of a spike this month). Today I was at 134 so not bad post vacation.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Kim - nice lifts! And great to know that things are changing for the better!

    Stephie - I looked at Stronglifts before I bought Strong too. I have obviously never done it, but I did like how it was a pretty linear progression and therefore easy to see progress. I don't necessarily mind the high reps, but it's hard to quantify progress when things are switching up so much. I think Stage 4 was the worst in that regard, Stage 5 seems a little better. And Stage 6 gets down to low reps.

    Supermel - that's nice you have someone to look at your form and give you tips!

    Dawn - can't wait to hear how it goes!

    Today I did Strong, Stage 5, Workout A, #5
    Kind of a tough day, as we are trying to sleep train my daughter and she cried so much for me last night and I didn't get much sleep. She was crying in the night and I was hungry and ended up eating 2 mini snickers bars. Sigh. Then she woke up in the middle of the workout and wanted only me, so I had to take a pause in the middle to cuddle for a bit. This ended up taking 1.5 hours with me being slow and tired and the break in the middle.
    Valslide mountain climber 1x40, 1x30
    SL RDL 4x8@35 lbs
    Pushups 4x8@~20 inches off floor
    Front squat. Ugh. I still struggle with these and had the silly idea of videoing myself doing them. I seem to lean too far forward, especially when I get tired, which explains the feeling that I'm always close to the bar rolling off the front of my arms. So I did 2x8@40 lbs, then 2x8@30 lbs trying to get the form better, but not sure it worked. I feel like such a wimp on my squats compared to what everyone else does, but I really can't get down low and maintain any semblance of form at a higher weight. I'm frustrated that I can't even do a good squat with an olympic bar weight this many months into this. Plus the video just reinforced to me how unhappy I still am with my body, so blah.
    Double handle cable pull backs, or whatever these are called, 4x8@65 lbs
    Intervals x10 minutes
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - I was doing stronglifts before I started Strong, but my nutrition was all over the place and I wasn't seeing results (clearly due to my eating, not because of the workouts).

    I'm sorry you had such a bad night and then a frustrating workout, those things always go hand-in-hand for me. Hopefully your daughter will sleep better tonight.

    I think I am going to switch to stronglifts for a little while at least. My squats are horrible and rubbish and squatting 3 x a week will be good for me.

    Plus having only 5 lifts to concentrate on means that I might manage to get some form back for those. The only thing I question is the rows, starting strength uses power cleans and I am slightly tempted to use those instead of the rows but we shall see. They look quite difficult to learn.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Today was one of those days where I wanted to do absolutely nothing at all. It cooled down outside but we had a fan going all night in the window, which made the apartment very chilly and giving no desire to get out of the comfy, warm bed. I didn't want to work out and considered skipping, but after dropping off a couple of things at goodwill, I went to the gym anyways.

    random upper body

    bench press 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 75, 3x5 @ 95 - been a while since I had done bench
    seated row 3x8 @ 80
    cable bicep curl 3x8 @ 60
    tricep pushdown 3x10 @ 70
    pallof press 3x10 @ 40

    Now to do stuff on computer at starbucks though my netbook is struggling to do anything. It doesn't like my earrbuds right now so watching youtube on my phone while I type this. I've noticed lately that I have been sore more from the last couple of weeks of lifting. I also haven't had bcaas, hmmm. Might need to remedy that. Didn't do cardio since tomorrow is freight day at work and Saturday is the 10k. I still need to do laundry. Had days off from work but the roommates have had stuff in the washer and dryer the whole time. Hopefully I can get it done tonight along with a little cooking. Cause yay food. I'm focusing a little more on carbs this week, not a ton but just getting enough and of course that protein. Pre-race my little carb boost is just veggies and breads. I don't care that much for pasta and can't have some of the types that involve dairy like pizza. So, I do a little more bread. Plus, I have a discount email for a deal on bagels for this weekend. Yay bagels!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I am grumpy.

    Crappy squat day. Then I overheard someone talking about working to failure and I thought 'hmmmm..... I guess I don't really do that much'. So then I tried it with my next set of split squats and got almost DOUBLE freakin' reps. I have been slacking and wasting effort and time. :s

    So. Concerted efforts to do better are required.

    Also, I need a trainer. Someone who will push me AND correct my form when it is *kitten*. I defo need a spotter with bench. My progress on that is terrible and I am sure it is my fear of dropping it on my face more than anything else. Gah. I wish I had funds for a trainer!!

    I am on holidays in a few weeks (until July). So I am not starting anything radical until after that. For now, I am going to concentrate on working to failure and improving my squat depth. I have used another trick I saw someone using at the gym - setting the guard rails at a height that the bar will reach when I am parallel (yes - my depth REALLY sucks). Now I have something to aim for with the bar and if I can't manage it, I can just leave the bar on the rails.

    My diet has also been poor (too much wine) which does nothing to help. Have been stressed with move, new job and Uni. That said, my body fat went up the last time I stopped drinking alcohol ..... go figure!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »

    AND correct my form when it is *kitten*.

    Now this happens??? FFS.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Oh yeah, I get a lot of *kitten* in my posts. Frustrating!

    Did stronglifts today

    Squats: 5x5 @ 30kg
    Bench: 5x5 @ 25kg
    Rows: 5x5 @ 30kg

    Felt nice to get back to basics - although I need to figure out a decent warm up, and definitely some glute activation stuff before squats.

    I'll run this for a little while and see how it goes
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    Lol @ the word "kitten"....lol

    I need to dump poundage before my surgery....so, I will likely find a "diet challenge" to join here, on mfp, to make sure that happens. Sucky, but true. The thought of them having to push medical instruments through FAT, to get to the MASS, grosses me out.....so, fat depletion is my #1 goal right now. I will keep lifting so that it is FAT being shed, not muscle, but otherwise, mostly air and water diet for me. For short-term, I can totally do this!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Jo, you are certainly NOT slacking and wasting effort and time. Just look at the results you have gotten already!!! We could all perhaps do differently, but there is this thing called "real life", you know, that we all have to get on with too. Don't be so harsh on yourself!

    I had a rubbishy trip to the gym this morning before work - couldn't get on the squat rack, so ended up doing a squillion front squats with the kettlebell. Don't get me wrong, it is still work, and I can feel the muscles protesting now, but it is becoming more and more "normal" for the rack to be in use and whereas before I might miss out once in a while, or just had to join a queue of one or two others wanting to use it, now I am lucky if I get on there once a week!

    I'm guessing its everyone wanting their beach bodies. Hey ho! In other news, I did bench 40kgs and DL 75kgs, so I have to be content with that. The hips are doing ok, so I'm happy to carry on doing what I am doing!

    Foodwise, I've had a pretty successful week. Along with all the extra walking that my fitbit encourages me to do, I've managed a healthy deficit every day, and my sugar intake is way lower than previously. I've not yet got rid of the cravings, but I'm starting to recognise where the hidden nasties are, and to make better choices overall. Not low-carbing....I'm still fitting pitta bread, pasta and potatoes in as well as fruit and veg, so I'm hopefully starting to achieve something sustainable.

    That said, I am at a ball tomorrow night where I shall make the most of the food and drink on offer and forget absolutely everything I have learned in the last few days!!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Agre with the others. You do awesome and have made such great progress. We be 'mirin often (however, that is spelled).

    Kimi - ooo have fun at the ball.

    Beeps - take care of yourself. You'll be fine and we'll have high hopes of speedy recovery when the time comes.

    Well, I got 2 hours of sleep. Going to be a long day. Did, however, have plenty of time to go get bagels from Einstein Bros Bagels as they had a 6 bagel and tub of cream cheese deal for 6 dollars. Sharing with the roommates but a couple of them are for me (not the cream cheese though). Will have one tomorrow, before the run. Fun part about pre-run, and what I discovered by talking to others pre-meet, is the embracement of carbs. mmmm carbs I need a pre-carb shirt, plus one about donuts, maybe fries and I really want a Kirby shirt. <3
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Good luck with the run Dawn - I always found choc brownies would help!

    I lifted yesterday, then did our local 'Grueling Games' which is an obstacle course (like Tough Mudder or True Grit). Was great fun actually, despite the fact I am still finding mud in places it shouldn't be!! Today my knees are bruised and sore - friction burn from crawling under cargo nets in long dry grass! Think I should be combatting today as otherwise it's DL day and my squat DOMs are not feeling enthused....

    Had a chat with a PT this week also. He runs my new gym and is also an exercise physiologist - hopefully will fix a few issues for me
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Well I went to the ball and my dress fitted me beautifully! Hurrah!! Danced my feet off so all calories negated I reckon!!

    And my dress fit. Beautifully. Did I mention that? Well, it did. Fit me, that is. Beautifully.