Daily Chat Thread



  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    @suelegal and others - Sorry to hear about your friend. She and her family will be in my thoughts.

    @Beeps2011 Yikes! Why are they going to take all that for something that is most likely benign?

    Today was the end of week 3! Did Stage 1, Workout A. Three sets of each Squats, pushups, seated rows, stepups and prone jackknife. Deloaded squats from 105 to 95 because a guy at the gym on Weds said I was squatting lower with my right side. It's amazing how much lighter 10 lbs off feels! I watched closely in the mirror and took a vid of myself. I don't think I'm necessarily squatting lower on the right. I think it might be that I'm pushing up harder or faster with my left after I hit the bottom and may need to strengthen my right leg more. But if I do have a deeper squat on the right, I may need to strengthen my left. OR deload further and find a gym buddy to help me with form.

    Was unhappy with pushups. Did 10 at 0 degrees for set one and half of set two, then had to drop my knees on the second half and third sets. I've been trying different arm positions so I'll blame it on that. Previously, I think my elbows were sticking out too much so I've been trying to keep them close - SO MUCH HARDER!

    Also had to deload to 40 from 42.5 on my third set of rows to hit 10 reps + fail.

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @jo_marnes congrats on the Deadlift!! Superb weight. :-)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks ladies - that PB was 1.85 x bodyweight - goal is 2 x so gotta add another 7.5kg. Seems a long way off!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Woot! Awesome deadlift. That 2xbw can feel so far away but you'll get there.

    Plans changed a little here. Have music festival thing tomorrow and am going to lift on Sunday. Unfortunately means I won't be meeting sister's friend who also follows me on instagram, but maybe some other time. I'll have to check out barbell brigade alone but will be nice to use some equipment not available at my little, commercial gym.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Saturday scheduled cardio for me. ZOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I lifted and did combat today.... tomorrow could be interesting!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Circuit training, 4 miles on the crosstrainer and went for a brisk 2 mile walk.

    Now suffering from a bout of can'tbebothererdtomoveoffthesofa...
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted over at Barbell Brigade.

    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x5 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 155
    OHP 1x10 @ 45, 3x6 @ 65
    power cleans - eh, I messed around with these. Couldn't do them with the 10 kg plates but was nice to have a platform area and the options.
    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185 and 2x3 @ 225

    It was a good place to lift. Not crowded on a Sunday, lots of equipment available and loud from the music. Got stuff done and tomorrow I fly back to Oregon.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Well, I have just had the privilege of meeting the very lovely @suelegal for a coffee while she is on her whistle-stop trip to the UK! Amazingly she was visiting just 100 yards or so from my office, so it was a chance that just couldn't be turned down. Such a shame we didn't have longer, but I had nipped out of work and had to come back to my desk....and they have a date with the English tradition of fish and chips at the seaside this afternoon!

    Sue, when you get to read this - thank you!! It was a pleasure to spend time with you both :)
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Kimi - how fun!!! Glad you two had a good time :)
    Sue - hope you enjoy the rest of your trip
    Dawn - glad you're enjoying your holiday
    Jo - hope you're not too sore today!
    Beeps - workout on a saturday - you're my hero!

    Back from the gym, bit of a dodgy one today. Nutrition has been absolutely shocking over the past week so I thought I would go back to IF this morning to try to get myself back in the low carb groove. It meant that my workout was rubbish though and I felt really faint which I guess is because my body isn't fat adapted now like it was before. Gah

    Suspended side plank - 2 x 20 sec each side

    Deadlifts - 10, 8, 8 @ 60kg - I did 3 x 8 @ 70kg not long ago so this should have been more than doable. Was seeing spots though so didn't attempt to get all 10. Felt it entirely in my quads so something was seriously off with my technique - I think possibly being too much over the bar and not sitting back enough?
    Pushups 3 x 10 on smith machine level 5 - getting better, didn't want to push it in between the deadlifts

    Side lunge and touch - 3 x 10 each side no added weight, but made sure I got nice and low, quads were very fatigued by this point
    Low cable row - 3 x 10 each side @ 31.6kg

    Then 5 lots of sled pushes (sled + 20kg), supposed to be 10, but meh.

    Will try again tomorrow!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Well, I have just had the privilege of meeting the very lovely @suelegal for a coffee while she is on her whistle-stop trip to the UK! Amazingly she was visiting just 100 yards or so from my office, so it was a chance that just couldn't be turned down. Such a shame we didn't have longer, but I had nipped out of work and had to come back to my desk....and they have a date with the English tradition of fish and chips at the seaside this afternoon!

    Sue, when you get to read this - thank you!! It was a pleasure to spend time with you both :)

    I love that you two met!! And, I totally love a GREAT DATE REPORT!! Wooohoooooo!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Stephie, I think I need to dump carbs, too. If I can make it through three-days of total low-carbing it....I can usually keep it up for 2- or 3- WEEKS. THAT might help witH BLOAT!

    I did lift, today....chest/back/shoulders/bi's and tri's....tomorrow is legs/glutes and abs. BOOM!
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    @DawnEmbers - awesome squat and deadlift weights!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @lwhayes820 - Thank you. :-)

    Back from visiting my sister in LA. Today was just airport and such, though did get a little macchiato from a steampunk coffee place before heading up, so that was fun. I have a sunburn, with the right shoulder more red than the left. That music festival was the issue, as forgot sunscreen, then cause I was in shorts and it lasted until after 10 pm, I also got very cold late in the day. It was fun though. Got to see many groups and I'll have to post something on my blog about it. I knew most of the bands, which is why my sister accepted the assignment as it's more my kind of music than hers. Got to see smaller bands including Nothing But Thieves, who are from the UK, first out in the hot sun (that caused my sunburn). Later on the big stage it was many groups including: The Lumineers, Panic at the Disco, Fitz and the Tantrums, Garbage, and others. Red Hot Chili Peppers were the closing band but an issue arose involving the hospital, so they weren't able to perform. Weezer ended up as the last band, which I was okay with as I like pretty much all of the groups that played. And not on the list who also performed was Blink-182. It was pretty cool. I never go to any concerts or anything so it was a fun experience for me.

    Now I have some days off before back to working. I need to go on a run tomorrow because the 10k terrain run is Saturday. Also, will do a little lifting. I think I know what program I'm going to follow, just need to sort out the accessory details and plan times along with running schedule. I may be picking a different half-marathon, pending a possible transfer.

    Lots going on and hope everyone is having a great week.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @lwhayes820 - Thank you. :-)

    Back from visiting my sister in LA. Today was just airport and such, though did get a little macchiato from a steampunk coffee place before heading up, so that was fun. I have a sunburn, with the right shoulder more red than the left. That music festival was the issue, as forgot sunscreen, then cause I was in shorts and it lasted until after 10 pm, I also got very cold late in the day. It was fun though. Got to see many groups and I'll have to post something on my blog about it. I knew most of the bands, which is why my sister accepted the assignment as it's more my kind of music than hers. Got to see smaller bands including Nothing But Thieves, who are from the UK, first out in the hot sun (that caused my sunburn). Later on the big stage it was many groups including: The Lumineers, Panic at the Disco, Fitz and the Tantrums, Garbage, and others. Red Hot Chili Peppers were the closing band but an issue arose involving the hospital, so they weren't able to perform. Weezer ended up as the last band, which I was okay with as I like pretty much all of the groups that played. And not on the list who also performed was Blink-182. It was pretty cool. I never go to any concerts or anything so it was a fun experience for me.

    Now I have some days off before back to working. I need to go on a run tomorrow because the 10k terrain run is Saturday. Also, will do a little lifting. I think I know what program I'm going to follow, just need to sort out the accessory details and plan times along with running schedule. I may be picking a different half-marathon, pending a possible transfer.

    Lots going on and hope everyone is having a great week.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    The festival sounds great - shame about RHCP though. I saw them live about 4 years ago and they were amazing.

    I went to the gym yesterday after work but it was really busy again and I couldn't get near the squat rack or the bench press rack, so had to do another impromptu routine involving kettlebells and lat pull downs etc. I still managed a solid workout for almost an hour, and lifted a total of over 6000kgs so I consider it a reasonable alternative, but I am getting a tad frustrated with not being able to squat!!

    I'm trying to reduce added sugar in my diet - not low carbing as such, because I have done that before and it is unsustainable for me and our lifestyle at home, but I have always been a sugar fiend, and it really does make me feel "meh" so the time has come to sensibly reduce it.

    So, breakfast today is oats, cashews, coconut, with ginger and cinnamon. Mixed with almond and coconut milk and microwaved for 2 mins to make porridge. First time, and it is yum. Just sweet enough to satisfy but not so sweet I will continue craving sugar immediately after (I hope!)

    Its a big portion, though.....500 calories or thereabouts, so I think I need to rework my spoon sizes! That said, I am fairly sure I won't need to snack too much before lunchtime, as it is really really filling!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Love a catch up! Anyone who wants to visit sunny QLD is welcome to drop in ;-)

    Kimmi - where are you? We are in UK next month (originally from there).

    Dumping carbs sounds *kitten*. Just tweak your macros.

    Dawn - glad you had a good trip.

    I lifted today. Noticing an improvement in reps and weight for the past 2 weeks. Something is going right! Managed to up my regular DL for reps weight despite big DL last week (which will often set me back for a week or so). Got all my bench reps today despite being sore. Need to re-focus/ change up my training a bit..... need some goal focus. Just haven't had time to work it out. Will get there.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Jo, I am in Norwich. Love my part of the UK. Where are you from/heading? Lifting sounds good....that goal will appear. I'm hopefully heading for the gym after work. Whether I get a squat rack will remain to be seen!

    Just been out for my lunchtime walk - having my fitbit certainly helps me get some additional miles in. Quite often I won't leave my desk at lunchtime, so being encouraged by my little gadget to get out and take a brisk walk, whatever the weather, has got to be good on so many levels!

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hello all!

    Sorry to have been MIA lately! We made a trip to Washington DC this weekend to see my sister in law's new baby (6 weeks old). He is awfully cute and cuddly, but I have no desire to go back to that stage. I didn't do any exercise except for walking around a lot, though. We went to the National Zoo and the Air and Space Museum. The museum was a little over my kids' heads, but it will be fun to go back to once they are a little older. And SIL was glad to get out of the house I think!

    Kim and Sue - how fun to have a "date"! So jealous of the English fish and chips. Has to be my favorite food ever and they don't make it the same over here.

    Stephie - I have an off workout every once in a while too. I'm sure you'll get back to it.

    Beeps - Even thinking about low carb makes me sad.

    Dawn - sounds like a fun lineup of bands. Love the Lumineers. My little almost 2 year old goes around the house singing "oh oh phelia.." It's pretty cute.

    Anyway, yesterday after we got home I went out for a run. 2.75 miles at about 11 min/mile pace. Windy and sunny and cool.

    This morning I did Stage 5, Workout B, #4
    Suspended fall out 2x15
    Reverse lunges 3x10@ 46lbs each side
    Inverted rows 3x10 on TRX
    Kettlebell swing 3x10@25 lbs
    DB Single arm push press 1x10, 1x8, 1x6@17.5 lbs
    Intervals x10 min

    Of note, I weighed in at 148 lbs this morning, which is the lightest I've been since having my son in 2011, and finally into a normal BMI range. About 6-8 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. But oddly I don't feel very thin. I still estimate my body fat is about 30-35%. I could easily lose another 20 lbs. I took the weekend as a nice break from the deficit, but now back to the straight and narrow. At least until my daughter's birthday party on Sunday!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    @DawnEmbers That band lineup sounds awesome!! I didn't know Garbage still performed lol. I wouldn't have been sad to not see RHCP - hate their music. Used to like them, but too overplayed on the radio.

    Sounds like everyone's week is going well so far. Keep up the good work ladies!

    Today is an off day for me. Physical therapy at 1:30 to talk about progress on strengthening my VMOs (to help alleviate plica syndrome).