Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Kim-yay!, good for you getting right back to it!!! Hope your hip does well with it :).

    Aigre-the fasting does get much easier over time. This is week 8 for me, and I am managing so much better now. I always have coffee and cream in the morning, and then wait as long as possible to eat. I do alternate day fasting. Great workout!! Strong sounds like it's got lots of neat new moves to check out :)

    Dawn-thanks for the explanation, reminds me of sl a bit. I'm not a fan of cleans, but so many people do them. Looks so dangerous to me!! Let me know what you think of them as you do more of them :). Thanks for the link. Gonna go check it out in a minute. :)

    Beeps-yay! So glad work is better. I LOLed at your bus trip! Wow! New appreciation for silence I'm sure ;). I like a split myself. May try strong in the summer.

    Pudding-go try on a few suits, there are some really cute higher waist suits that are really adorable and would cover your skin. I think you should go for it!!

    I'm doing well. Looking smaller and feeling good. Planning 2 lifting sessions this week, and most likely won't get in a 3rd. All day volleyball again Saturday, and Mother's Day on Sunday, and I leave Monday for my trip!! So excited!! Trying on clothes, buying new things (but reconsidering them, not sure now is the time to change my typical look ;)), and getting stuff done. :smiley:

    Hope you're all doing well! My Monday contained a flat tire! But dh saved the day and it could have been so much worse. Reminded me to count my blessings!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Boo to the flat tyre, Julie but yay to feeling and looking good!!

    My hip is doing alright. I dare not run on it yet and am having to focus really hard on form with the weights to make sure I don't do more damage, but it's definitely feeling better.

    I did 3 Miles on the crosstrainer before work this morning... I could feel previous workouts in my legs so it was slower than usual, but I did it. Will try and go for a work in my lunchbreak too as the sun is shining today.

    I've ordered myself one of the basic fitbits...the one that can clip to a bra strap etc. I have a desk job and am aware that if I don't make the effort, I really don't move enough. hoping it will just encourage me to step away from my desk more often as a matter of habit. Time will tell!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Good afternoon lifting ladies

    I'm afraid I have had no time to check in but I will catch up hopefully tonight - I'm sure you are all smashing it.

    Today was the first day of Strong stage 4, workout A

    I kept my squats light (30kg) and really tried to get my form correct. I feel like I am making slow progress.

    Did assisted chin ups for the first time ever, I am sure my technique wasn't great as I could pretty much only feel it in my biceps, but nevermind - and I did them at 68kg assist!! Haha, I have a LONG way to go there!

    Step-ups - bleugh
    DB bench press, had to drop half way through a rep on each set, oopsie, I guess I overestimated my strength for 15 reps!

    On a plus point one of the personal trainers said I'd lost weight, so yey for that!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good morning! Happy rainy Tuesday from Boston! It's fun how there are so many UK people here :)

    Stephie - I was doing my assisted chin ups with a 100 lb resistance band. Still was having trouble! And they come back in Stage 6. I'm hoping as I get lighter they'll get easier :) Woohoo for people noticing your hard work!

    Kim - I have a love/hate relationship with my Fitbit. On one hand, it does motivate me to say, walk a few blocks to a different building rather than take the shuttle. On the other, it sometimes motivates me to do odd things, like wait until the change of the hour to get up and do something so that the steps will be counted in a different hour. I would suggest turning off that feature.

    Julie - oh goodness, I think I'd die with alternate day fasting! I wouldn't be able to sleep I think. I'm having enough trouble just getting through the mornings. Tonight I'll have to cheat a little since I won't be home until 8 pm and I am NOT skipping dinner.

    Anyway, today ran 2 miles on the treadmill. Officially finished C25k, moving on to a novice 8k Hal Higdon program, which ramps up from 2 miles to 5 miles over 8 weeks. Recorded a new low weight this morning, just tenths away from a normal BMI, so happy about that.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Aigre - That's awesome!! Nice job on being almost there! Keep it up! I tried C25k once...got two or three weeks in and knee problems kept me from finishing.

    Julie - there is NO WAY I could fast. I love to eat. Especially at work because I can do it alone without my kids nagging at me to get this or that. ;)

    Kim - I like my fitbit HR, but after using it for a few weeks, I don't use it a lot anymore. It does serve as a fantastic reminder to get up and moving, though. When I start doing intervals based on HR, I'll probably start wearing it again so I can easily monitor HR without having to grab the handles on the equipment.

    Beeps - I love that you have your workouts planned for the week! Own it, girl!

    Does anyone know why the reps in stage 1 of NROLFW decrease after the first two weeks? Just wondering.

    I started exercises to strengthen my VMOs last week - hurts sometimes to bend my knees, go up and down stairs, and they ache after sitting for long periods of time and sometimes fail when I get out of my chair. I had an MRI done on one knee and now have three different prognoses from the radiologist, orthopedic doc, and the physical therapist. Respectively, they say a possible MCL tear + bone contusion, MCL swelling + bone contusion that could either be the result of stress fracture or a set of micro-fractures, and maybe an old MCL tear + bone contusion but the problem is really plica syndrome. I'm inclined to believe the physical therapist because she did a more more thorough exam on my left knee than the doc did and actually isolated the pain. Any thoughts on this? Anyone else have trouble with their plica?
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    AigreDoux - congrats on finishing C2K - I know so many people who give up on it - I think you're the first I know who officially finished! Good luck with the next step!

    SuperMelinator, the knee sounds rubbish. I had ACL reconstruction 3 years ago after a ski accident where I also had a compression fracture of my shin, so I feel your pain. do as the therapist tells you, and you will be fine....but it takes time. Frustrating, but so worth it in the long run. I now have very little problem with my knees (just my damn hip now!!).

    The reps decrease in NRstage 1 because the weight should be increasing significantly. More weight, less reps. Even more weight, even less reps. Weight is the key with this programme, rather than doing endless reps at a lower weight.

    I didn't get out to do my walk at lunchtime, as I had other errands that needed doing. My fitbit has arrived, though, so that is set up and attached to my brastrap. I've only gone for the basic "fitbit Zip" as I wasn't sure I wanted to spend money on something if it was just a flash in the pan. I've got a Garmin forerunner, for example that lives in the cupboard....it used to be well used when I was marathon training, and I could use it for so much more, even now, but in the cupboard it stays. Nice and cosy!

    So, just the basic one to encourage me to move a bit more for now. We shall see how it goes. Only problem with it being on my bra is that it looks a bit odd when I am trying to sneak a peek at how many steps I've done....!!! I'm wearing a dress, though, so no waistband to clip it to.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    edited May 2016
    I guess I've been lifting heavier weights almost every time I lift, but always trying to hit 15 reps. Hmm...that begs the question - how do you know when to increase weight?

    Kim - basic fitbit is probably good. Like I said, it's mostly a reminder to keep moving. I can't imagine have a knee surgery and the pain and rehab that would follow. Ugh. Glad yours doesn't give you problems anymore. At least I know there's hope! haha!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Supermel-I always increased the weight when I finished all the reps pretty easily. I thought failing at almost the recommended reps was a good weight. I anxiously wanted to add weight and still want to do that ;). Not that strong yet, but still working on it!
    I blew out my right knee a head and a half ago. My medial collateral and lateral collateral. I opted not to have surgery, and am doing pretty well. Still hurts from time to time, swelled after hours and hours on my feet, but overall I'm glad I just worked through it. After resting it for a few weeks first ;).
    And my fast is 500 cals, so not a total fast. But it sure was hard to get used to!

    Kim-glad you knee healed so Well! I'm sure your hip will come around. You're doing great!

    Aigre-good job on the running!! Wtg! I did c25k a few years ago. Just never liked running enough to stay with it, I'm a walker ;). And I do have some trouble sleeping on my fast days. I'm surprised by how much energy I have on those days.

    Stephe-nice on the compliment from the trainer! That's impactful! You're doing great!!

    Finished upper body today, not as peppy as normal though. Hit the same weights, but not quite the same number of reps :(. I look ok and my clothes are getting looser, so I'm happy. I'll be switching up programs in the summer :).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Wow, I missed a lot in a short time.

    Julie - hehe. Yeah, fun isn't the general word used though at least it wasn't a brazilian wax. I kind of like the cleans but the small commercial gym doesn't have the best equipment for it. The only gym with the types of plates better for such is a cross fit one and that's too expensive for the membership. Will have to make due with what is available.

    Beeps - It doesn't look that bad. I like the upper/lower split too but haven't tried any others. Do like full body just not sure when to do some accessories I would prefer to keep doing.

    Nice job all with the lifting and even some cardio. I like the 3-5 rep range far more than 15, in fact, never cared much for going above 12 reps in general.

    Aigre - Awesome on finishing C25K.

    No lifting today. The wax appointment was fine yesterday. Ended up early so got done far sooner than planned. Got breakfast/lunch at the bakery which included a delicious croissant. Only fail was I like their mini macaroons so thought I'd try the big one. Did not notice it was covered in coconut, so I will have to give that away cause eww. Today I work later than usual so I walked to a discount grocery store that is nearby since the weather was so nice, then walked further just for fun. Am going to fun on treadmill after work though and am getting a small Starbucks frapp cause I can and haven't had one in many months. Tomorrow is day off and lifting.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Sorry no time to catch up with posts! I have however made time for lifting/ combat. I'm still here. Just busy. Loving your efforts, will get back soon I promise!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited May 2016
    Dawn - yum, I love coconut, I'll eat the macaroon!

    Julie - which program are you looking at for the summer?

    Supermelinator - sorry to hear about your knee! Frustrating to have different opinions on what is wrong. Hope it feels better soon.

    Kim - have fun with the fitbit! LOL on peeking inside your dress to check the count :)

    Jo - sorry things are busy, but good for you for getting your workouts in!

    Today I did Stage 5, Workout A, #2
    Valslide mountain climbers: 2x30
    SL RDL: 3x8@30 lbs I really like these for some reason
    Push ups: 3x8 off bar guessing about 24 inches off the floor
    Front squats: 3x8@36 lbs, feeling better about these, but still sort of hate them. Feel like I can make some progress during this stage though.
    Double arm cable rows: 3x8@60 lbs. Hard for me to not use my body weight to pull against these.
    Intervals x10 min
    Got home late and didn't sleep well last night and it definitely affected my workout this morning, especially the intervals. But I've got chicken thighs marinating for dinner tonight so all I need to do when I get home is stick them in the oven and cook some rice and veg, so looking forward to relaxing a bit tonight!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - I'd let you have it but going to give it to a coworker. Never liked coconut. To the point that it's part of the story grandma has to bring up every time we're together eating somewhere. Every time. Yeah.

    So tired... again.

    After short cashier shift last night, where I stood in one spot more than normal due to a stint shadowing in pharmacy, I went to the gym for some cardio on the treadmill. Only 20 minute jog but also some walking. Plan is to do my longer runs on Thursdays.

    Then last night happened yet again. 2nd night in 7 days of no sleep. Becoming an issue and I'm not sure what is going on. Since I was awake, I was at the gym (again) at 5:45 am for the lifting session I had originally planned to do in the early afternoon. For no sleep and such, it went okay. Couple other females there in the morning and one did some lifting with dumbbells, plate and kettle bells. For fun decided to try a higher weight than normal on sumo deadlift and used belt. I might post a couple videos on instagram during the day as I'm wondering around or sitting at Starbucks getting more coffees later in the day.

    elliptical warm up for 10 minutes

    low bar squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 3x6 @ 135 (no belt on any squats)

    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185, 1x1 @ 205 and 3x1 @ 225 (belt on any above 200)
    PR as had previously done just 195 on sumo

    db shoulder press 3x8 @ 20

    20 minutes elliptical for fun

    Then since I made this decision last no sleep day, I followed through and had breakfast at McDonald's, which is right near the gym. Haven't eaten there in years and the thing I like from breakfast isn't served all day. mmm Mcgriddle. Went with egg whites and sausage but think next time years from now if it's still available, might just do the egg whites and no sausage. The guy seemed to struggle enough with the no cheese and change in egg so just went with the sausage. Plus, not like the calories from one sandwich is that much of an issue. Think I'm going to wander around the mall and some stores, then spend time at Starbucks. It's going to be a long day.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Well, I figured out why I'm so low energy this week. Mother Nature decided to pay a visit WHILE I was at the gym today. But I didn't know it until I finished my workout and went to change my clothes! I was mortified! I hope no one noticed!!! I had to rinse my clothes in the gym shower!

    NROLFW, Week 2, workout A
    Squats 12@115, 12@125
    push-ups 2x12@0degrees
    seated row 2x12@40
    step-ups 2x12@60
    back extension 2x12@15

    HITT 10 mins
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dang Mel! You're strong lady!! I'd be mortified too, that's awful!! I've had it come, but could tell and take care of it. :#

    Dawn-lol at your food discussions! I'm with Aigre, I love coconut!! Yum! Hope the sleep improves!!

    Aigre-I hate front squats too! I switched to back squats in my current routine ;). I'm not sure yet which program...possible Strong, but I want to look around a bit :).

    Glad you're keeping up your workouts (and sanity) in the midst of chaos. Hang in there!!!

    I'm enjoying being slimmer finally! Clothes shopping when things look good is WAY more fun!! Wrapping up details for our trip and getting excited!! Upper body lifting yesterday and I'm so sore! Yay! I'll have 2 weeks off from lifting, but lots of eating and walking! Metabolism boost I hope ;).
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Good morning everyone! Still raining here in Boston.

    Dawn - even with no sleep, still an awesome session!

    Supermelinator - those are great numbers since you are just starting out!

    Julie - I hope you find some fun new clothes for your trip! I haven't shopped for clothes in forever since I never liked the way I looked. Consider the trip a "diet break" :)

    2 mile run this morning on the treadmill. Was angry the whole time, since my nanny made us change our wifi password which then caused me to lose access to my AppleTV which I use to play HGTV re-runs while I run. Steaming about it made the time go by faster, I guess, since all I had to stare at was the blinking lights of the treadmill or the blank TV screen. Luckily my parents have a spare AppleTV remote and my dad works not too far from me, so I will pick it up this afternoon to regain the ability to reset the password. Mom and Dad to the rescue!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - that is very frustrating!!! Mum and Dad are always the rescuers :) I would have used that as an excuse to not run though, so good for you for getting it done

    Dawn - you're a machine. I hope you've gotten some sleep, I know my gym days are terrible when kaitlyn's been up more than once

    Julie - new clothes are so exciting! I constantly try to buy new clothes and end up in denim skirt/ band t shirt / hoody pretty much the entire time anyways. Sigh. definitely need to be braver

    Supermelinator - great workout, I hope TOM is being kind to you

    Today was Stage 4, workout B for the first time

    Suspended side plank - 2 x 20 secs each side - these actually went better than I had imagined, they are very difficult though!
    Rope pull cable lift - 2 x 10 each side @ 32.8kg - I have no clue where I felt these working, I guess my back mainly?! Will have to check form

    Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 40kg, took it easy today, was tired and didn't feel like pushing it too much. I used double overhand grip which was nice, feels much more stable. I think I'll use double overhand as much as I can in the future, only switch to over/under for the heavy sets
    Pushups - 18" box, 12, 10, 8 and then I tried some pushups on an aerobic step - I got 4!! I was so excited!!

    Side lunge with touch 2 x 12 each side @ 10kg, 1 x 12 @ 12kg these were good. I didn't feel them too much while I was doing them, but boy my legs are tired now so they definitely worked something!
    Low cable row 3 x 12 each side @ 32.8kg

    All in all quite a good session, looking forward to tomorrow!

    I'm also in a food tracking challenge (that I actually started) in the low carb group which is also going well. I really want to get some of this weight off. If I was 170lbs (the lowest weight I've seen as an adult was 167) I know I'd be much more comfortable in my own skin.

    My long term goal is 140, but I'm pretty muscley so I'm not sure that is realistic.

    Have dropped weigh-ins to once a month to try to stop the binge cycle I tend to repeat if I have a bad weigh in.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks everyone. And for those curious about last night and sleep, I did sleep even after cold brew, energy drink, latte, and such. I think I ended up getting around 12 hours of sleep last night since I stayed in bed late this morning. Thank goodness for 2 days off from work in a row and usually not needing to get up early anyways as I'm a closer.

    Super - eesh, nice timing on that one but do what you gotta do. Great work on the lifts.

    Yesterday was kind of odd food wise and rather random but also carb based, oddly enough. I had the McDonald's and ended up having a coffee cake along with soy latte when I did get to Starbucks in the afternoon. I also ate a fair amount of fruit. Banana at Starbucks but also later on an apple, thick circle slice of pineapple and a fruit cup from Safeway (berries and mango chunks). I may be okay with blueberries now, which I didn't care for them before. Since I didn't want to sit around exhausted all day, I instead walked. I spent a few hours in a mall but only purchased a cold brew coffee. I tortured myself by going in the delicious looking candy shop that had so many gummies, creative chocolate bars, marshmallows and neat/beautiful truffles. Then I went in William & Sonoma, so cooking stuff I want but can't afford and don't have room for at all in apartment with all the roommates. I also walked around Fred Meyer, then later after a short nap that was less than 2 hours,Target, Walmart and Safeway. Got some powerade, drank a small one that did have calories (more liquid calories than usual during this day) and ended up getting over 20,000 steps for the day. Unusual for a day that didn't involve work or a long run. So, I walked a lot. Didn't track all and eh, it was a rough day and just not concerned at the total. It'll be fine. I'm looking forward to doing light tracking in LA as I do feel the tracking food, worrying about macros, it can be a little tiring all of the time, whether dealing with insomnia or not. Even on bulk, will have to keep track but it's good to take little breaks sometimes.

    Rambling aside. Today I just did a short run and some walking outside at the park. Legs were a little tired but not bad otherwise. It was mid-day and rainy yesterday made for a humid day today with the warmth. Cardio will be in the morning very soon when I start the half marathon training. In fact, most workouts (unfortunately) will be shifted to early day, but I think once I pick a program, that will work the best so I can write/decompress/read and sleep. Workouts after work then trying to run early the next morning was a struggle last year and trying to not go that route this time.

    Working on youtube video editing and should have the powerlifting meet up soon. At long last. :wink:

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    TGIF, everyone!

    Stephie - I also had fun with the side lunge and touch in Stage 4. Otherwise I think it was one of my least favorite stages so far. I'm liking Stage 5 more.

    Dawn - Doesn't even sound like THAT many calories. I'm sure it will all even out in the end. Can't wait to see the video of the meet!

    Today was Stage 5, Workout B, #2
    Suspended fall out - 2x15 These are weird, and put a little bit of strain on my left shoulder. Not so sure what to think of them.
    Reverse lunge - 2x12 each side @36 lbs. I guess I'll keep my lunges going along with my squats, that way I don't even have to change the weights.
    Inverted row - 2x12 one level down from last time
    Kettlebell swings - 2x12@25 lbs
    DB overhead press - 2x12@15 lbs each side
    Intervals x10 minutes

    I can definitely feel my cardio improving over the last few months. When I started the HR based intervals at the start of Stage 4 (beginning of April), I would complete about 0.45-0.5 miles in 10 minutes (running when HR got to 65% MHR, walking when HR got to 85% MHR). Today I did 0.62. I know a tenth of a mile or whatever doesn't seem like a huge difference, but I am running longer and walking less and my heart rate is recovering much more quickly. So I'm happy about that, even if the weights aren't coming along as quickly as I would like.

    Have no plans for the weekend, really, since my DH is working and the weather promises to keep being gross. Happy Mothers' Day!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - I'm mostly confused by the continuous rep and set changes - feel like it's difficult to judge what weight will be suitable. I keep forgetting to mention that you're doing really well getting those intervals in - I pretty much always skip them which is not the right attitude!!!

    Dawn - I am excited to see your meet!!

    On a positive note my squats went better today :) I pretty much decided to forget everything I think I know and just squat down deep and stand back up. So that's what I did!

    Squats - 3 x 10 @ 40kg
    Assisted chin ups - 3 x 8 (was supposed to be 10, but I managed 8 in a row today which I was pleased with) @ 68kg assist - haha, That's like 75% of my weight.

    Step-ups - 3 x 10 no weight, my arms were hurting. In order to make them harder I did them SUPER slow with as little push off as possible. I felt them working so that was fine by me
    DB bench press - 3 x 10 @ 14kg dumbbells

    Plank on stability ball - 1 x 30 secs, 1 x 20 secs
    Bird dog - 4 x 15secs

    Have a good weekend all
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Dawn - Glad you got some sleep. I can only imagine how long your days have been. Looking forward to the vid!

    Aigre - You said it! TGIF! Nice work on those intervals. Isn't it so nice to see some evidence that what you're doing is making a difference? I love seeing progress!

    Stephie - Glad the squats went better. Sometimes forgetting everything and starting fresh is the best approach. Sounds like you nailed it!

    I'll hit the gym on my lunch hour. Today will be stage 1, workout B - deadlifting, shoulder presses, lat pulldown, lunges, and swiss ball crunches. I hate lunges. A lot.

    I wanted to ask you guys about being sore. It's not like I'm not pushing myself - I'm lifting some heavy weights! - but I rarely get sore. I've been doing protein shakes and increased my protein intake, so maybe that's why?? I imagine that part of it is that I'm only doing two sets, but by the time I hit my final rep, I'm at failure...so any other ideas?