Daily Chat Thread



  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Julie - woohoo for PRs! Glad it didn't take you long to recover!

    Dawn - that sounds like an interesting, but super challenging event you are doing! How did you get interested in that? I'm sure you will rock it since you have so much strength going in. Which half marathon plan are you using? I did Hal Hidgon's 13 years ago...did a half marathon, then got achilles tendonitis, then got busy with school and stopped running over that winter (was doing a lot of indoor cycling). Another half is on my bucket list, maybe in a few years.

    Kim - I think walking is great exercise! Definitely way better than nothing!

    Stephie - glad you are getting better with squat form!

    Ran 2.5 miles this morning. Shin was tweaking the first 5 min or so then calmed down. Seems to feel ok now except for the first few steps after I stand up. May go walk today later on, as I have a fancy dinner tonight with a VIP/mentor of mine I haven't seen in a while so I need the extra calorie burn.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So....walked another 2.25 miles St lunchtime. Was aiming for 3 but unexpectedly met hubby so had a coffee with him. Then did 4 miles after work. 9 miles in total. It may only be walking but my body is feeling it!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    I might be able to post my response one of these days. Not sure how many times I will try this one. Anyways, on the topic of cardio... For the most part, as long as I didn't do the cardio before lifting, I didn't have many problems. Even running the day after squats wasn't bad as it was just some extra leg soreness but nothing that held me back. I was lifting 3 days a week then with the whole body for the most part, when I trained for the 10k.

    @AigreDoux - When I decided to get healthier and lose weight, I made a list of some things I wanted to do for the first time (5k, 10k, kayak, etc). I wanted some things to work towards that were not focused on weight and the scale because that gets frustrating at times, like now when it's so very slow to see any changes. I looked at tough mudder but found this local obstacle run where I could try out an obstacle run to see how it goes. Half marathon got added after succeeding on the 10k but probably won't go further than that any time soon.

    Rough day today. I didn't sleep at all last night. No reason, just couldn't fall asleep. Ended up going to the gym at 8 am, which is way early for me but knew I'd be too tired later in the day.

    No Sleep Mess Around

    10 minutes elliptical warm up

    chin ups - rep counts of 3, 2 and 3
    cable bicep curls 3x8 @ 60

    power cleans - worked on each part of the move with just the bar for a little bit then did 3x5 roughly with a couple struggled reps on different sets with 65 total weight. Oddly, felt it more in my quads but they have been getting worked the past couple of days. We don't have an area with mats or the bumper plates, anything like that, so I have to be careful in how I put the weights down. Started with stacks of 2 25 plates per side cause the 10 plates are small but ended up adding another plate per side to get the bar up a little higher on start. Kinda interesting though.

    pendlay rows - with straps did 3x5 @ 95. Tried 115 but no good. Hadn't done them in few weeks so need to be consistent if want any progress but 95 was pretty good.

    20 minutes elliptical then some random walking around stores before getting cold brew at Starbucks.

    Considering Texas Method. While I like the 4 days a week, upper/lower splits but full body would be three days a week, which might work better with the running. Not sure yet but we'll see. It's near the top of the list of potential options.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    That's interesting, thanks Dawn.

    I looked at Texas method too when I was trying to move on from stronglifts 5x5, but in the end switched down to 3 x 5 and then started "Strong" instead.

    Pretty bad gym again today. Squats were a little better, really felt them in my legs which I guess is the whole aim, so I think my form is better.

    Squats: 8 @ 20kg, 8 @ 30kg, 8 @ 40kg, 6 pause (2 secs) @ 50kg, 2 x 8 pause ( 2 secs) @ 40kg
    Pushups: 3 x 8 on level 4

    Then I tried to do the SL/SA deadlifts and kept falling over, so did

    OHP: 1 x 5 @ 20kg, 2 x 5 @ 25kg

    Which was pretty useless so then went and stretched and did ankle mobility for 20 minutes.

    Bleugh, I'll try again next week.

    That was technically the last work out of Stage 3 (I say technically as clearly I didn't really do it), but I'm moving on to 4 next week anyways - bring on the assisted pull ups.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Continuing with my walking, I did 2 miles before work and three miles in my lunchbreak. Tonight is cocktail night...Bring it on!!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Kim - oh yeah, cocktail night! My DH and I don't drink during the week, but Friday night we open a bottle of wine and it is so worth the calories.

    Dawn - That's awesome that you have been competitively weight lifting and running and everything else! I completely understand the blah feeling of not getting enough sleep. I googled the Texas method and I know nothing about the science of it, but the writing is pretty funny. "I'd also limit any excessive weekend frivolity that might affect the workout, like staying up all night Saturday chasing *kitten* with your wingman, Jim Beam." So make sure not to do that ;-)

    Stephie - I always put a stool next to me or stand next to a wall while doing SL/SA RDLs. Have fun with Stage 4!

    Anyway, I was supposed to do the first workout of Stage 5 today, but I ended up being out with work stuff until 10 pm last night. Arrived home and didn't sleep til 11. Baby woke up at 1:30 and was up for 2 hours. I ended up falling asleep on the hardwood floor next to her crib until she woke up at 5:15. So I handed her off to DH and went back to bed for another hour and missed the workout. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

    Giving a try of 12:8 intermittent fasting, first 3 days have gone well but I've been busy at work in the mornings, which helps me not focus on the hunger. I do like how I now have like 900 calories left for sushi and wine tonight though. We'll see how it goes tomorrow when I have to cook in the morning and then have my grandmother's 95th birthday party in the afternoon!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    A lot has happened since Tuesday! I have been busy and haven't checked in. I haven't been able to get to the gym since Monday. My usual days are MWF, but my daycare provider called in sick, so I ended up staying home with our four little ones. Tried to get to the gym that night, but it didn't work out. I did go to Zumba last night after almost talking myself out of it. I had planned on going to the gym today to resume where I left off, but I woke up with a dry mouth/scratchy throat, sticky/watering eyes, and feeling like I'm constantly on the verge of sneezing. I didn't work out, but did go over to meet with my trainer and take measurements.

    Took first measurements on 3/10, and measurements today, so 7 weeks ago. Everything was the same, including weight, except for waist - which went DOWN 2 inches! - and my bicep - which went down a quarter inch. My body Fat % went from 27.08 to 25.5!!! Super motivating!! I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow so I can hit the gym and pick up where I left off on Monday.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    A lot has happened since Tuesday! I have been busy and haven't checked in. I haven't been able to get to the gym since Monday. My usual days are MWF, but my daycare provider called in sick, so I ended up staying home with our four little ones. Tried to get to the gym that night, but it didn't work out. I did go to Zumba last night after almost talking myself out of it. I had planned on going to the gym today to resume where I left off, but I woke up with a dry mouth/scratchy throat, sticky/watering eyes, and feeling like I'm constantly on the verge of sneezing. I didn't work out, but did go over to meet with my trainer and take measurements.

    Took first measurements on 3/10, and measurements today, so 7 weeks ago. Everything was the same, including weight, except for waist - which went DOWN 2 inches! - and my bicep - which went down a quarter inch. My body Fat % went from 27.08 to 25.5!!! Super motivating!! I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow so I can hit the gym and pick up where I left off on Monday.
    Congratulations!! That's wonderful progress! So glad you measured, stupid scale isn't always the best measurement!! WTG!, hope you get some sleep!

    Kim-great job walking, you'll be losing that regain soon, walking is so good for that!

    Dawn-lots of options and love the variety you're getting! I'm just lifting and walking, yoga aggravated my back spams and sciatica, so that is out :( your race sound like a tough mudder-fun but hard! Go girl!

    Aigre-you're doing great!! Enjoy dinner and wine! If is working well for me too! Hope you get some sleep too!

    Stephie-at least you went! A bad workout beats no workout any day! You'll be back at it again and even better!

    Beeps-how's the job search going?

    Hope everyone is doing well. Got in my 3rd session this week,so back on track and in the zone. Feels so good!! This was my harder leg day and my favorite workout of the week! Squats, dls, whts, leg press, lying leg curls and calf raises. Felt proud of my weights today! :smiley:

    Now a few days off and back at it on Monday! Weight is going down too, which is a major bonus! All is well :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Stephie - I posted in a forum on bodybuilding.com and asked powerlifters what type of program they would recommend. One just mentioned a percentage range to do over 4 weeks and someone recommended to just run the Texas Method.

    Aigre - hehehe. Well, I work all weekend long and lift on the weekend so think I'm okay for the Saturday night. :wink: My days off are middle of week from work and end up not doing mon-wed-fri type of lifting routines. I also have to work the lifting and weights around things like freight day, which is now on Fridays. Makes scheduling interesting at least.

    Julie - :smile: We'll see how the obstacles are when it comes. Might consider an actual tough mudder in the future, never know.

    And I think I feel my traps now. Yesterday felt my quads when trying out the cleans but today, it's the traps. Should be interesting doing freight cause I do have to put away things on higher shelves cause I'm short. I've done shrugs and such before but not to the point of soreness so this is different. Might lift tomorrow and just try out the lifts at whatever weight feels okay and after LA start up something. Need to write too, so might do that after work.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Cocktail night was superb, as always!

    Today I had my first lifting session since getting the hip problem. Took it steady but was delighted to have done it. squats at 50kgs and DL at 65kgs so decent weights for a restart and am confident I can build back up slowly but surely to where I was.

    Then 4 miles of intervals on the elliptical and 10 lengths of the swimming pool, followed by a sauna.

    So so glad I've done it. I've really missed it and want my muscles back!!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited May 2016
    Kim, so glad it went well for you! I've had to take time off before and it is so frustrating, but life, right?

    I did the first two workouts for Strong Stage 5 this week (couldn't fit in three sessions this week) and I am really sore. The SL RDLs always kill my hamstrings, and today my glutes are really screaming from yesterday's reverse lunges. I did them with a preloaded 60# barbell and j was reminded that one leg is much stronger than the other. Same with the DB single arm push press. I used a 20# DB and could have definitely gone heavier on my right arm but my left arm was struggling. So annoying.

    Going away on a hot beach vacation in four weeks and need to do some shopping for that next weekend. I really would love to do a bikini but I've got that loose skin above my belly button and just don't think I would feel comfortable. Otherwise I totally would. I'm kind of frustrated because I really wanted to, and I know others do even with some loose skin, but I think I would be self conscious. Argh.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yesterday went to the gym after work. Tried out doing the main compounds all in one night, so squat, bench and deadlift. It did take me a while and I did 20 minutes cardio at the end since trying to increase my cardio a little right now. Tried out to guess what would be my 5 rep weight range.

    Squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x5 @ 135, 3x5 @ 165 (with belt and felt heavy)

    Bench 2x10 @ 45 and 3x5 @ 95

    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185 and 225 with belt for 4, 3, 3 reps.

    Tried to see if I could get 5 on 225 as it used to be my one rep max but couldn't get there yet. Squats are feeling heavy but it was also a little challenging because my shoulders were sore where I place the bar.

    Then went home and tried maple bacon poptarts. They were pretty good. The scent was mostly maple based with hints of the bacon. I did one toasted and one cold but I liked them both. I mostly go with brown sugar poptarts but once a year or less as I'm not that into poptarts in general, but it was fun to try this one.

    Today, I went on a grocery quest. Aside from veggies as I'm doing more volume through veggies instead of IF for right now, I found Ben & Jerry non-dairy ice cream. Yep, non-dairy. They used almond milk. I almost got the pb cookie one but it was 290 calories per serving and brownie was only 200. Will try the pb one next time. Looking forward to some ice cream one of these nights. mmmm

    I also am starting a youtube channel in relation to my blog, which is about fiction writing and fitness. I put up an quick introduction but will have the meet video up in the near future on my channel, once I film a small introduction to it. So weird to hear my recorded voice... Anyways, this is me and what I sound like(ish) along with a small introduction though I will have to do more information later.
    Link to channel -www.youtube.com/channel/UCmr1QVdR1ie0rvLSsTlfd1A

    Trying to not put the video in the forum like I did in Stronglifts group as just want the link in forums and not posting up the videos if I mention them. Just remove the - before www and it should work, hopefully.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Julie - i am working again! Thanks for asking....it is why I had to shelve "strong" and go to split-workouts.

    What is the "texas method"?

    I do three splits per week....and then one fullbody lifting day (which I do pull from "strong").

    And, no matter what, I need to dump five lbs this month, so i am officially dieting. Again. Blech.

    I just came off a four day bus trip, with my kids' school orchestra....so, bad food, no exercise, very little sleep, too much sitting - and the NOISE! oMG,! I am sitting in a silent room, alone, for the first time in five days. My ears are STILL ringing!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Texas Method focuses on bench, squat and deadlift that varies on the 3 training days based off a 5 rep max. Looks like this roughly:

    Day 1 – Volume Day
    Squat 5×5 at 90% of 5 rep max
    Bench Press or OHP 5×5 at 90% of 5 rep max
    Deadlift 1×5 at 90% of 5 rep max

    Day 2 – Light/Recovery Day
    Squat 2×5 at 80% of Mondays weight
    OHP (if you benched on Monday) 3×5 at a slightly lighter load than previous 5×5. Bench Press (if you OHP on Monday) 3×5 at 90% of previous 5×5 weight.
    Chin Ups 3x bodyweight
    Back Extensions or glute-ham raises 5×10

    Day 3 – Intensity Day
    Squats warmup, then work up in singles or doubles to one single, new 5RM
    Bench Press (if you bench pressed Monday) or overhead press (if OHP on Monday), warm-up, then work up in singles or doubles to one single, new 5RM
    Power Cleans 5 x 3 reps or power snatch, 6 x 2 reps

    Went to gym to do some accessory lifts and cardio. Tomorrow will be different too as I've never had a bikini wax, so decided to get that done just for the fun to see what it's like. Afterwards, I'm getting something from the french bakery that's nearby cause I can. Actually, one of the boy coworkers is meeting me at the french bakery as he likes it but can't get anyone in his family to go try it out. Should be an interesting day.

    Accessories and such:

    front squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 3x8 @ 85
    good morning 3x8 @ 85

    cable bicep curl 3x10 @ 60
    tricep pushdown 3x8 @ 80

    face pull 3x8 @ 70
    pallor press 3x10 @ 40

    20 minutes elliptical

    Now to showers and such, then get some sleep.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Happy Monday! It's so hard for me to check in on the weekends, I hardly ever sit down.

    Supermelinator - awesome on the body fat % loss!!

    Kim - so great that you are able to get back to weights. You'll be back to normal in no time I bet.

    Pudding - you are about at the same place in the book as I am! I am liking Stage 5 so far too.

    Beeps - OMG 4 days on a bus. I would get so carsick and lose weight from puking.

    Dawn - cool video! So nice knowing what you look like. I wouldn't use the words "bikini wax" and "fun" in the same sentence ;)

    Julie - woohoo on the weight loss! I kept up with the IF through the weekend, which was good since I had bday party on Saturday and then guests over yesterday. Logging was sort of tough but hopefully I stayed on track. Do you do anything special to get through the morning or does it get easier over time?

    I started Stage 5 this weekend. I am liking how the workouts at this point are shorter than the end of Stage 4. I was able to get through them in ~40 minutes, and that was with me consulting the instructions heavily for correct form.

    Saturday, Stage 5, Workout A, #1
    Valislide Mountain Climber - I have a mental problem with AMRAP instructions, so I aimed for 20, but probably could have done a lot more
    Single-leg RDL - 2x10@25 lbs
    Push up variation - 2x10 off my bar, forgot to record the level
    Front squat - 1x10@10 lbs, 2x10@30 lbs. This still feels much more awkward than back squats so chose a low weight to really dial in the form.
    Cable bent over rows - 2x10@45 lbs
    Intervals x10 min

    Sunday 3 mile run

    Today, Stage 5, Workout B, #1
    Suspended fall out 2x12
    Reverse lunges 2x10@30 lbs. Probably could have done more. Not sure how/why I can single leg lunge better than I can squat with both legs???
    Inverted row 2x10 off bar
    Kettlebell swing 2x10@25 lbs. I only have one kettlebell, so I guess I will stay with 25 lbs.
    DB single arm push press 2x10@15 lbs
    Intervals x 10 min
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    It's a bank holiday Monday here in the UK so no work for me today! I thought the gym might be quiet but I was very wrong! Still managed to get my lifting done....improved a bit more and heading back to where I should be, so I'm happy with that.

    Then 4 miles on the crosstrainer..... I'm hoping that by the end of May, I might be ready to bare some skin in summer dresses!!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a great - and productive - weekend! Ready to kill Monday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Texas Method focuses on bench, squat and deadlift that varies on the 3 training days based off a 5 rep max.

    Thanks for this! I am OUT on this method, lol.

    I did a chest/back split, today. With some HIIT thrown in at the end. (10 mins) And stretching.

    Tomorrow is legs/glutes/abs. Wednesday is rest. Then Thursday will be bis/tris/shoulders and Friday will be full-body.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Nice lifting Aigre, kimiu and Dawn! BOOM!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Aigre, I feel the same. Although I don't love the reverse lunges I can go much heavier on them for ten reps than squatting the same weight for as many reps. Annoying.