Daily Chat Thread



  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Supermelinator - Soreness is not an indicator of a good workout. The ideal position would be as you are now - lifting to failure but experiencing no soreness!

    I tend to have general aches the day after a hard workout, but rarely experience crippling DOMS anymore (although I'll let you know about my bum tomorrow as it's already feeling a bit tender)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre- Yeah, it wasn't super high in calories. More than my usual deficit and more carb concentrated, so bit less in protein than desired. But even with the liquid calories it was probably a day around maintenance.

    Super - Thanks. As for soreness, I don't get sore much unless I am not lifting on a regular basis or doing something different. I did get sore recently from trying out the power cleans but it was a very new move and the weight was only 65. As Stephie pointed out, soreness isn't a good indicator as to the quality of the workout. And mine is always just light sore feeling but nothing very challenging to work through.

    My weight is up a little, around 3 lbs, but so much is off right now. Had the night of no sleep, then around 12 hours of sleep and this morning, I got about 4 hours of sleep. Had to get up earlier than usual to take my little tablet in to a certain store to see if they could figure out why it keeps freezing. Want to take it with me to LA instead of my laptop as I plan to just have carry on luggage since it's only a 5 day trip. My sister should have some of the essentials that I can use, so it's mostly shorts and such. Hardest thing to pack is shirts as I need to get more but not sure what styles I want yet. For right now trying to make due with my limited and somewhat too big selection.

    No workouts today. Just work, which involves putting away freight most of the shift today. Tomorrow will do gym time again. Plan is to post the meet video tomorrow.
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    What a crappy lifting day! Ugh! I need improve my grip strength for deadlifts. And I need to learn to do math better...Twice now, I've put way more on the bar for various lifts than I should have. E.g. Today I was supposed to do lunges with 25 pounds total. So, not thinking, I loaded a small 5 lb bar with 25lb on EACH SIDE (55 total) and didn't realize what I had done until I got through my first set of 12 lunges. Then I did the second set because I was feeling too lazy to drop weight. I guess at least I know I can do it HAHA!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Super- that math can be a challenge at times. I've done lopsided squats and deadliest when I forget a plate too. Oops. My grip is okay except the calluses ache during lifts at times but grip strength is something to work on still.

    Today, it was so nice out that I decided to see how long it would take me to walk to one of the grocery stores in the area. There are two at that distance and the gym is next to one of the, so was a good little test. Took me around 45 minutes in the heat. Technically over 45 but I stopped at a store along the way to get a little bottle of water. Then walked around grocery store, got another little bottle of water, headed back and stopped at little coffee place for an iced coffee. Nice little walk. Going to gym after work as I have a shorter, 6 hour shift tonight.

    Also, I finally posted the meet video up on youtube. It's on the channel and I called it Dawn of Power, just for fun. :-) Will have to post links in a few places soon. Going to let family see it but have to warn them about youtube cause no comments really yet but some day, them internet comments will appear. Happy to have people see it though at long last.

    Now to leave early for work as I got asked to do an errand before going in. Maybe I'll also get a coffee. mmm coffee
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited May 2016
    I am crawling back with my tail between my legs. Nope, it's not the lifting. That's been great and although I am not doing NROL Strong right now, I've had some PRs and stupendous lifting sessions. But, as I posted on my wall, I am so inconsistent with food. It's not even rational. The "what" I'm eating isn't necessarily bad, it's the quantity, and the subsequent attitude. And then guilt, which then follows with "f*** it" until I am so disgusted I can't even look at myself.

    On Friday, we leave for our dream trip to Europe. Neither of us has ever been overseas, and we're doing a whirlwind tour of London, Paris, visiting my best pal in her hometown of Norwich, and our nephew who is stationed in Kaiserslauten Germany. We are going to the areas where both of our ancestors are first recorded - his in Baden Baden area of Germany, mine in Llanidloes, Wales - and we're making a special trip to Stonehenge!

    I had hoped to have a few pounds off before we leave. :/

    Hi to everyone. Dawn, I'm really looking forward to seeing your meet video!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hello all! Having a lazy Sunday today.

    Yesterday I did my first run outside in I think almost 10 years. It felt really good! I ran 2 miles and was 2.5 min/mile faster than I am on my treadmill! (11:30 vs. 14:17). Don't know if that's mental or that my treadmill sucks and is stuck on a relatively high incline so I am always running uphill. Unfortunately I came back and found the transom window over my front door is shattered! Not even sure how that would happen.

    Today I did Strong, Stage 5, Workout A, #3
    Valslide mountain climbers 2x35
    SL RDLs 2x10@35 lbs each side
    Pushups 2x10@ level 3, I think about 20 inches off the ground
    Front squats 2x10@40 lbs
    Low cable double arm row 2x10@65 lbs
    Intervals x10 min

    Took my kids to McDonalds today for lunch since it's been so yucky, cold and rainy here lately, and they have an indoor playground there. Had a Big Mac for 550 calories for lunch, not really my thing but the kids had fun. Making sesame chicken thighs tonight for dinner, and bought some Halo Top to have for a special Mothers' Day treat.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Ooh, @suelegal I live in Norwich!!! Have a superb trip :smiley:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I had a scary end to my week. :(

    I will post later....but, I have a tumor on my right ovary. 8 cm (size of an orange).

    Maybe this explains the bizarre string of (peri-menopausal) symptoms. ... Anyway, hope it is not cancer. :(

    Several dr's appts, this week. An MRI is the next step.


    i am still lifting. :) BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Rest day today. Correction on my last post. The video is called Dawn of Strength. My bad.

    Beeps - eeks, sorry to hear and hope things turn out.

    Aigre - Sounds like a nice day. Big macs never were my thing either but eh, sometimes it's what you get. The sesame chicken sounds good. I haven't tried Halo Top yet. Have one but tried the Arctic Zero first. It was okay, just not much flavor to it.

    Sue - ooo vacation is coming. Have fun!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Beeps, hope all checks out ok. Thinking of you.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Beeps - I hope it turns out to be nothing serious x

    Dawn - I can't wait to see the video, will watch later once I'm at home and Katy is in bed!

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Beeps - hope it turns out to be nothing! Sending you good vibes!

    Dawn - Halo Top was very good! Lemon cake flavor, yum.

    Rest day for me today, my legs are sore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Thanks, all....I don't even know when the MRI will happen. I was told "within the month".

    I feel "fine", and I am going to just keep acting like myself!

    Today is chest and back day. BOOM!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Sue - That vacation sounds awesome, whether you lost a couple or not! I've never been overseas either. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time!

    Beeps - I can't imagine how terrified you must be. I really hope everything turns out okay. Please keep us updated.

    Dawn - Looking forward to the vid. Post a link when you get the chance!

    Taking an extra rest day today. My knees were feeling it Saturday, but I went to Zumba anyway with the intention of taking it easy on them. They were fine during, but then starting giving me trouble after and again yesterday. Sat night they just ached and ached when I went to bed and woke up. Some days I wonder if I have Lyme's Disease and just don't know it. Eh, well. The extra day should help. I'll resume my regular schedule tomorrow :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio today. Walked to goodwill and ended up getting a pair of sneaker to replace the ones I was wearing that are like 10+ years old and have holes forming in the toes. Going to do a little elliptical after work too.

    Super - I tried to link before and it puts the full video in the forum. If I can figure out how to just do a regular link, then I'll get it in here too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Post today's dr visit: Here are the things that work against me, re: ovarian mass -->> a) it has a "solid" component (so, it is NOT a liquid/gel cyst), and b) it is LARGE (the whole mass is the size of an orange, the solid part is the size of a plum); and c) bloat (although this COULD be related to 100 other things...)

    Here are the things that work in my favour: i) no family history; ii) I am not obese; iii) I have no change in appetite - am still getting hungry and am still eating to full; iv) I have borne children; v) I have been on birth control pills for more than a decade (in my teens, 20's and 30's); vi) there is NO fluid in my belly; vii) I have not lost scale-weight recently (....who knew this could be a GOOD THING, lolololol); and viii) I am still a menstruating woman, so pre-menopausal tumors very often are NOT "cancer".

    I meet with a new-to-me gynecologist on Thursday. He will schedule the MRI - and we go from there.

    Basically, my own "Dr. Google" research (take it for what it is...) is maybe 5-20% chance that it IS cancer ...which means 95-80% chance that IT IS NOT.

  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    edited May 2016
    @DawnEmbers - nevermind! I found it!! Going to watch it right now.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Those odds seem pretty good to me, Beeps! Good luck on Thursday for a swift MRI appt.

    I'm still walking loads - my hip is not allowing me to run, but it is definitely improving and I am getting 2 or 3 decent length walks in per day - going before and after work, and also at lunchtime when I can. Several miles racking up, and loving how the steps accumulate on my fitbit, so I'll stick with this for now until I feel the urge to develop a jog again.

    I'm back in the gym, though - which is really good news. Lifting has resumed, albeit with a deload and care to watch form, but I am getting there. I had really missed it.

    Today I've decided to make it my first day of reducing sugar. Its difficult to cut it out completely, as we are fond of sweet treats, but for the most part, I am aiming to get rid of the excess, and at least monitor what I have and be more aware of it. I am prone to yeast infections, so really it is in my best interests to do this, and the years that I was doing the Atkins diet (way back when), that side of things really did clear up, so I know that it has a benefit.

    That said, I'm not prepared to cut out carbs as with Atkins. I am just reducing the sugar. So far so good - Shredded wheat and milk for breakfast and no sugar sprinkled on top! It's a start!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    @Beeps2011 well that is looking highly likely that it is not cancer! Excellent. However it does sound massive so I hope that they can remove it asap - you may find it has been affecting you very gradually so you didn't even notice.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Forgot to check in yesterday or today with my workout.

    Was deadlift day yesterday and squat day today.

    Squats are finally feeling better :) I have no idea what my form actually looks like - I will get someone to video me at the gym soon I think to have a look, but it feels good to have a little bit of squat form back!

    I'm back at my desk now and still sweaty, it's really gross. The weather has turned here after a lovely few days and it's really horrible and sticky now.

    Have a good day ladies