Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Please post some photos, Dawn. I like that stuff!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hello all! Happy Friday!

    Julie - how fun to go away for a girls weekend. I'm sure the hiking will offset any overeating :)

    Dawn - can't wait to hear how the meet went!

    Kim - sorry about the injury. Hope you get some answers or improvement soon!

    Today did Stage 4, Workout A, #4
    Suspended planks - 1x55s, 1x45s Was going for 2x55 but never felt comfortable on the second one
    Bird dog - 4x15
    Half-kneeling cable chop - 2x10
    Back squat - 2x15@50 lbs
    Lat pulldown/chin up - The book says it is better to do chin ups than pulldowns, and since I don't go to a gym and instead use resistance bands I'm never quite sure if I'm doing the right thing. So I bought a big band to do assisted chin ups. It was rated at 100 lbs. I weigh currently 155 lbs. I could barely do 2 and those were kind of half ones (not all the way down and chin not over bar). Not sure if I should buy an even bigger band (they are not cheap) or continue with the resistance band pull downs or what. A little frustrated over this.
    Step ups - 2x15@12 lbs. Getting a little better at these, at least my weaker left leg got through all the reps.
    DB bench press - 2x15@20 lbs. Remember when a set of 8 was a struggle with these, so at least that's progress!

    Only managed 4 intervals. Overall kind of a blah workout. Haven't had a full rest day since last Friday and have been on a fairly good deficit. Weight still stuck at 155, which is annoying, really want to hit 150 which will be normal BMI for me, and was hoping that by the end of April I'd achieve that. But doesn't look like it's going to happen.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Julie - that sounds like a great weekend, I hope you have a lovely time
    Dawn - ARGH I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU. If only I was good at lifting weights I think I would be signing up for a meet :)
    Kim - that sounds horrible, I really hope the Xray shows something (and that the somthing isn't serious)
    Aigre - great work. Personally I would persevere with the chin ups using the band you have and when you've done however many you can do, switch to pulldowns.

    Was not feeling up for today at all, but meh, I went, I did some things.

    Strong, Stage 3
    Alternating side plank - 2 x 12, never did look to see how to make these harder, really should
    Back squat with 2 sec pause - 8, 7, 7 @ 50kg. Oh. My squats have just gone rubbish again. The first couple are good, but then getting out the hole is a disaster, either my knees cave, or if I can stop that then my hips rise first, it's just a mess
    Incline push up - 3 x 8, first set on level 4 smith machine, second set was 6 on 4, 2 on 5 and last set was 8 on 5
    Pendlay row (supposed to be dead stop single arm row, but like I say, I wasn't feeling the gym today but fancied doing some pendlay rows) - 3 x 8 @ 29kg, bizarre weight, used the smaller oly bar which we weighed a week or so ago and it weighs 14kg (supposed to be 12.5kg) so meh, 29 it was.
    SA/SL deadlifts - 3 x 8 each leg @ 12kg kettlebell - these hurt my low back towards the end so I think my form was getting sloppy.

    No cardio, a little stretch and then back to work
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Unfortunately , I am to have second hip surgery this year. Reoccurent tear worsened and bursitis , scar tissue, and possible new tear in outer labrum.

    Keep lifting ladies. I'll be back ( in my best Arnold voice )
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    manic, sorry about your hip! Also, any update on your daughter?!?

    No lifting for me, today. Tomorrow is cardio. ZOOM!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    manic, sorry about your hip! Also, any update on your daughter?!?

    No lifting for me, today. Tomorrow is cardio. ZOOM!

    No. She is still rebelling as hard as she can. The last text I received was 2/15 said she had to get to bed, text tomorrow, and she loved me. No response to me when I text or call.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member

    I am glad she checks in now and then. :)

    Cardio, today. ZOOM!

    Also Nike "sculpt" capris totally fix all my figure flaws!! ;)

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    .... the photo is HUGE, I apologize...am texting from my phone while waiting to pick my daughter up from lacrosse practice, lol!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    .... the photo is HUGE, I apologize...am texting from my phone while waiting to pick my daughter up from lacrosse practice, lol!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Looking good. I had to look on my phone as there it's not huge photo. Pulling off the yellow on top too quite nicely there.

    Quick update from me. Weigh in this morning and came in at 129.8, which is both a new low for me and below the 132 max needed for the weight class. Eating today will make it back to above 130 for tomorrow but that's okay. Long as I made the class, all is good. Hoping to get back below 130 by LA in May but for now, need to eat and prepare to lift tomorrow. :-D
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited April 2016
    Beeps - wow you look amazing

    Dawn - congratulations! And ALL THE GOOD LUCK I can send you for your meet today. I hope you get 9 good lifts :)

    Manic - I'm so sorry about your hip and your daughter. I hope she gets back in contact soon
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm still here, moving/ working out/ studying. Tired.

    Good luck for your meet Dawn, can't wait to hear about it.

    Did my last combat class today :'( Gutted.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support. Video will hopefully be available in the near future. Had another lifter offer to have her friend film me too and email it to me, so that was super nice. I didn't get all 3 attempts on all of the lifts but overall am pretty pleased.

    Squat - 3 white lights on the first two but failed on near 210, started to lean forward when trying to grind it out but that's okay. Got 198 on second attempt and all of my attempts were kinda slow, so things to work on.

    Bench - First attempt 3 white lights, 1 red on second (not sure reason but eh, still counted) and failed the attempt at close to 125 (pesky kg conversions). That pause is just too long for me at that weight for now. 115 was my second attempt so that's still my max for good reps though I've done 125 touch and go.

    Deadlift - Got all three attempts with just 1 red light on one attempt. I ended up going for a little more than planned on the third attempt as the second went well and trying to pick a decent weight with the conversion. Managed around 248. Not quite at goal of 2 times body weight but getting closer.

    For a half minute or so, held a total record, which was kind of fun in the moment as he announced when your attempt was for a record before the lift.

    Results, I don't remember the exact kg total but around 560ish lbs. Ended up placing second in the open division for the 132 weight class. This meet was also a qualifier for a "world" meet that is held in the same location in October. So, I'm qualified to compete in that one and can focus my training in preparation for APA-WPA World. Maybe I can get my total to above 600 if I get those last attempts worked out in bench, squat (okay, increase a little on both) and get over 2xbw deadlift. #goals

    Really enjoyed the meet. Everyone is nice and encouraging. I had a good time, lots of nerves and energy and can't wait to compete again.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Way to go Dawn!!!! You are simply amazing :smiley:
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member

    I literally logged on as soon as I got to work so I could see how you did.

    You are phenomenal!!

    Thats so exciting to have qualified for another meet too :)

    You've got me looking up meets now.. haha.. there's one round me next February... maybe maybe
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    And I am back from the gym.

    Valslide pushaway 2 x 12
    Deadlifts 3 x 8 @ 65kg - I got them all, I think that means I have to up next time, yikes
    Incline DB bench press 3 x 8 @ 14kg dumbells, next up is 16's which is a pretty big jump. Will probably end up doing part of the set with 16's and part with 14's
    Rear foot elevated split squat 3 x 8 each leg @ 20kg barbell - hard, but done. Not sure what to do here, the next pre-loaded barbell is 25kg, or I could get 22.5kg if I used the oly bar plus weights
    Half kneeling cable X pulldown 3 x 8 @ number 5, will put it onto number 6 next time

    I have RIPPED up my hands doing the deadlifts :( sob

    Was worth it though :) I think my 1RM must be around bodyweight now. Will be tempted to test my maxes later on this year once I'm further through Strong - or maybe at the end.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Fantastic, DAWN! Really great to read your story....congrats on all your efforts! BOOM!

    Stephoe - you are also throwing big weight around! Fabulous! BOOM!

    Off to the gym, for me...chest/back day, today. BOOM!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Manic - so sorry to hear about your hip. Hope you recover quickly!

    Beeps - you look great!

    Dawn - wow! Great weights, great place, and awesome how you can continue in the next meet! So impressed!!!

    Stephie - Oh I can't deal with the possibility of ripping my hands! Your numbers look great though.

    Yesterday I did Strong, Stage 4, Workout B, #4
    Suspended side planks 2x30s each side
    Half kneeling cable lift 2x10 each side
    Deadlift from blocks (a.k.a. stools) 3x12@100 lbs. Lower back is a bit sore today.
    Push ups off bathroom counter (30 inches) 3x12
    Side lunge and touch 3x12@25 lbs each side
    Standing single arm cable row 3x12 each side
    Intervals x10 minutes (0.55 miles total)

    Spent the rest of the day at my parents' beach house playing on the beach with the kids. First good weather we've had here this spring!

    Today is a total rest day, first since 4/8, but nice weather so may walk for 30-40 minutes at lunch to burn a few calories.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Beeps - thanks, it doens't feel like much compared to others, but I guess it's quite good considering I only started lifting weights ~ 6 months ago

    Aigre - nice workout

    I've actually just read the below article and have realised I'm not holding the bar right for deadlifts and that's why I've torn my hands up! Definitely something for me to work on


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    ...Stephie, all your numbers are bigger than mine (I think....can't remember and not going to scroll back to check) and I started lifting more than 5 years ago....