Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Wow @ your bench Dawn.

    I did cardio today too. Combat and a fast hill walk - legs are sore today. Supposed to be DL day tomorrow but not sure I'll do that - may have a recovery day. Will see how I feel in the morning
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    edited April 2016
    JO! I have been researching and researching until I found the answer that would satisfy me about the arm in the single arm /leg dead lift. :smile: Yes, I understand you what to improve your grip , but I had to research WHY it was important.

    " The other lift is a single arm, single leg dead lift. Everything is the same with the lower body, but now the weight is only used in the hand opposite the leg that you are standing. This creates a cross body rotational torque that you are not supposed to yield to. A significant amount of rotation is generated when you stand on the left leg and pull a weight with the right arm. Core stability is being able to prevent the rotation. Creating a hip drive and not allowing any side bend or rotation is functional stability, this is life-like stability. It means you can use the power of your hip without yielding the stability of your torso."

    Here is the link to the article if you are interested in more reading. http://www.functionalmovement.com/articles/fitness/2011-12-12_balanced_body_series_-_dead_lifting

    Tomorrow begins the second half of stage 1! I was a bad girl yesterday. EEEEKKKK I made homemade biscuits, fried pork chops, white gravy, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower salad. AND made homemade strawberry jam. It sure was good on a warm biscuit.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member

    I am working full-days wednesday, so am mixing lifting, again, to a M/Tu/Th/F schedule. BOOM!

    I cannot even do 120 on a DL, dawn.....your bench is A-mazing! BOOM!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok Manic I can understand that. Personally, I'm avoiding SL DLs and wouldn't attempt SA DLs purely because of the force on my elbows - they tend to suffer holding weight for extended periods so I don't end up appreciating the benefits.

    DEXA results are in - back down to 19.9% body fat (from 22% 2 months ago). Phew! Lost 1.5kg fat, gained 500g lean tissue. Glad to be back on track without too much adjustment to life. Now to maintain/ improve it!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good news . I rocked the gym today! WOOOOO
    Bad news. I had a 3 month follow up about my hip. I have to do another arthrogram MRI and possible surgery. I am not progressing like I should.

    Jo, that is awesome!
    Beeps, yay for work!
    Dawn, impressive numbers.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »

    DEXA results are in - back down to 19.9% body fat (from 22% 2 months ago). Phew! Lost 1.5kg fat, gained 500g lean tissue.


  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hello all,
    I hope it's ok to join in.
    I will introduce myself briefly - I'm 36 years old, and mom of a 4 year old and 2 year old. I started on Strong at the beginning of January of this year. My goals are to try to maintain my muscle mass while losing my baby weight, which is way overdue :) I have about 25 pounds to my goal weight.

    I'm not genetically gifted athletically. I've been eating at a deficit so my lifts aren't progressing super quickly, and I'm ok with that. I do my workouts at home and I am gradually adding equipment as I go along, so sometimes I have to improvise. So please don't laugh at me :)

    I am currently on Stage 4, completed workout B yesterday.
    Here are my thoughts -
    Suspended side plank - very hard! Feet kept swinging around, had to use my other arm to balance. Managed 2 sets of 30 seconds each side
    Half-kneeling cable lift - weird motion, need to get that rope thing they have in the book instead of a handle for my resistance bands. On order from Amazon.

    Deadlift from blocks - don't have blocks, used kids' bathroom stools instead. 3x12@60 lbs.
    Push-up variation - used my TRX for suspended pushups. Have been working to get to the 18 inch bench level, but no way I could do 3x12, so stuck on the TRX.
    Side lunge and touch - Used 8, 10, and 12 lb dumbbells. Probably could have gone a little heavier. 3x12 each side.
    Standing single arm low cable row - Resistance band, can feel this in my back today.

    For intervals I use the treadmill. I feel like they get easier/shorter every stage. Currently doing 6.2mph/1.5 incline to 85% MHR (~30-45 seconds) then walking at 2.5 mph to 65%MHR. Covering less distance than I was in Stage 3 when I was running for 1 minute, but I will trust the program and go with it.

    My very own power rack should arrive on Friday, so hopefully I can set it up this weekend!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi Aigre - I'm stage 3 of strong so just behind you :)

    Had some fun with the pause squats today, 3x8 @ 40kg. Really trying to keep tight throughout and they are feeling much better. Fingers crossed I've sorted my squats.

    SA/SL deadlifts today. These are ok. They make way more sense to me than the SA DL I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow.

    Super super tempted to just pull regular ones from the floor. I love and miss deadlifts!

    Push-ups I am on rung 5 of the smith machine, getting ever closer to the floor!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    Great lifting, ladies!

    My split-days are leading to me being MORE tired immediately after a workout, but LESS DOMs overall. For now, this is my sched:

    Mon = back/chest/HIIT
    Tues = legs/glutes/abs

    Thurs = shoulders/bis/tris/HIiT
    Fri = fullbody

    Sat = cardio

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I'm a tad behind. Thanks everyone for the bench comments and such.

    Beeps - Interesting schedule. Have fun with it. I haven't tried HIIT yet but I suppose I should one of these days.

    I did deadlifts way back on Sunday night along with a little cardio but I was starting to get sick. Felt okayish but definitely now well during the session and by the end of cardio felt rather blah. Next two days, I worked despite having a cold with Monday being the worst day. Chills, fever, general blah and I couldn't take my break in our break room because it's freezing in there and I would have spent the time shivering. Tuesday felt better so still went to work but I skipped OHP day. I finally got to rest today and didn't go to the gym either. We'll see how tomorrow goes but here was sunday's session;

    Chapter 7: Deadlift

    low bar squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 3x6 @ 135

    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185, 1x3 @ 205 and 3x1 @ 230

    I didn't use straps and I'd forgotten my belt, so it was technically a small PR as before I'd only done 225. I have done 235 for 1x2 but with straps. The last one was really slow but considering I wasn't at my best, should be able to get 225 for the first attempt at the meet since you want something you can hit on a day when you aren't up to par even. Still have to decide on my opener for squats. hmmm
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi, Aigre! How long does it take you to do intervals? It seems like it is getting longer for me. I am only beginning Strong. I am in Stage 1 . Am I not understanding it correctly? Right now I am doing 4 intervals which take about 15 minutes. by the time I add the full 6 it will be around 22 minutes. It seems like I read intervals were only 10 minutes.

    I missed working out today. It will be MOnday, Thursday, Saturday workout for me. I hate working out on weekends. That's my day of rest. I worked really hard in the yard and garden yesterday; I needed the rest today and catch up on housework.

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hi Manic4titans! In stage 1, you do 1 min on, 2 min off. In Stage 2, you do 1 min on, 1.5 min off. In Stage 3, it starts going by HR. So 1 min on, then HR to 65% MHR, repeat x 10 minutes only. So after Stage 2 you really only ever do 10 minutes maximum. In Stage 4, you work until HR gets to 85% MHR then drop back down to 65% MHR until you do the next interval. For me, I guess because I am not very fit, this results in me only running for 30-45 seconds instead of 1 minute, so I'm covering less distance and using less energy.

    Hi Stephanie! I really liked Stage 3. I even liked both of the deadlift variations, but particularly the SL/SA ones. In fact, I kind of miss Stage 3. Impressed with your squats!

    Hope you feel better, Dawn!

    Yesterday I did Stage 4, Workout A, #2
    Suspended plank: I managed 2x45 seconds. These are hard!
    Bird dog: I can do the knee ones pretty well, but can't even start the toes ones, but will keep trying
    Half-kneeling cable chop: I like how this works the side abs. I still need a different handle though.

    Back squats: 3x10 @ 45 lbs. Don't laugh! :) This is the limit of what I can lift over my head, so hopefully I'll make more progress once I get my rack this weekend.
    Lat pulldown: Resistance bands, estimated at 60-70lbs, 3x10
    Step-ups: Oh, I hate step ups. My left leg is so much weaker than my right. 18 inch bench, 10 lb dumbbell, 3x10
    Dumbbell bench press: 3x10, 20 lbs each arm, up from 3x8 in Stage 3 but not quite able to do the 25 lbs yet.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    Aw, Dawn, my HIIT is more of a "cool-down"....not gonna lie. It is only "10 minutes", so some days I try and do 1-min hard run and 1-min not (for 10 minutes), but other days, it is just doing 1-minute on "10", then 1 minute on "9", and so on until I am doing 1 minute on "level 1", ha ha ha ha ha
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    I am glad that I got all my workouts in, this week, though. So, tomorrow is supposed to be "full-body" and i might reach back into "strong" and just pick up on the last day that i did.Who knows??!?!?

    As the weather starts to warm, I can feel the outdoors beckon me to "walk"....but "walk" does F-all for my FIGURE....so, blech.

    And, of course, as the clothes start turning to spring/summer wardrobe, I am reminded how much BETTER I would look if I could dump 5 lbs (which I seem incapable of doing) nevermind how STELLAR I would look if I could dump 10 lbs (IMpossible, I say!!!)

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Aigre, so each stage is only 10 minutes of intervals only? If so, How can a person increase the amount of intervals from 3-6? Less recovery time? Or am I really confused? LOL That's a great back squat! It is my nemesis. I didn't conquer it in NROL4W. I'll give it another try with Strong. I mostly do goblet squats or sitting squats (with the bench).

    Beeps, I hear ya! These dread 10 pounds I gained during surgery make feel yucky and clothes look horrid. Of course, the forever 20 I want to lose. I might as well give up realize I am just gonna be fat :(
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Aigre, so each stage is only 10 minutes of intervals only? If so, How can a person increase the amount of intervals from 3-6? Less recovery time? Or am I really confused? LOL

    Intervals don't need to go on for longer, just less recovery IMO. I don't follow strong, but I do HIIT at the end of my workouts sometimes. I do 30 secs on, 30 secs off running or bike. For 10 - 15 mins depending on how I feel.

    Upper body for me today - not time for intervals. Not sure if will get to gym tomorrow - parking is awful anyway as my gym is the state swimming pool and they have Olympic qualifiers atm - crowds and TV crews everywhere :s

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Manic4titans - yep, only 10 minutes max stage 3 and above! I actually like it much better. It was tough facing 20 minutes of cardio after lifting the first couple stages. Now I can usually convince myself that it's only 10 minutes and just do it. Yes, I think the theory is that as you become fitter, your heart rate will come down more quickly and you'll be able to do more repeats in the 10 minutes. Hasn't happened for me yet, though!

    Beeps - I've lost 10 pounds since January and I can't even hardly tell. So annoying. Hopefully the next 10 will make a difference.

    I set my alarm this morning for 4:30 but turned it off and slept until 6. Averaged only 6 hours of sleep this week, so the extra was really good. Will be back to lifting tomorrow, hopefully after DH helps me set up my power rack which arrived yesterday!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - Thanks for the well wish and I am slowly getting better. I know there is that meme image about how we take so many weeks to notice change and others take so many weeks longer. However, with my loss it's always other people who notice changes first before I see them in myself. Probably affected by seeing myself every day all the time. Even when the scale isn't budging much, I have coworkers and customers who will comment that I seem smaller, even now that I'm near the end. It's kinda weird at times.

    Beeps - I do the occasional jog but have never tried to go above that on any machine. Maybe after the meet I'll try it some time, the whole HIIT thing, either on treadmill and/or elliptical.

    Last gym session was Sunday night. I finally made it into the gym. Not quite ready for upper body as that takes a little longer for me to regain when dealing with a cold, so I attempted squats instead. I'm at the part in training where there are little to no accessories, which is kind of nice. I didn't hit the numbers on the prep plan but still happy that I got stuff done and it was good to know even receiving from a cold I was able to hit 200 for one rep.

    Chapter 8: Squat

    Squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185 and 1x1 @ 200
    185 and 200 were with belt

    overload @ 280 for about 12 count though didn't step back after unracking cause wow was it heavy

    Then just 35 minutes on the elliptical to watch food network.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yesterday was kind of an off day. Went to check weight since getting over cold and monthly cycle is at the very end (bit drawn out this month cause the worst days of the cold paused it for some reason, it was weird). Had weighed at 135 few days ago but yesterday the scale would not work at all. Though battery was dead but today it works. Kinda weird.

    Did go to the gym last night. Had belt in car but forgot it and didn't want to go out the locked door thing and then back in. The one near my apartment was having issues and buzzing the entire time (probably buzzed all night as staff wasn't there and not sure anyone even goes in on Sundays).

    Chapter 8: bench and deadlift

    bench 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 75, 1x5 @ 95, 1x1 @ 105 and 1x1 @ 115
    -this went pretty well, just feeling out cause upper strength is slow back after cold

    deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, 1x1 @ 230 and well that's all cause failed 240
    -tried to follow plan but couldn't get 2 @ 230 but tried 240 anyways. I was slow off the floor on 230, which was unusual too. 240 went a couple inches and no more.

    Today think I'll just do a little cardio. Tomorrow I'm going to wear the singlet and try all three lifts, playing around with just the first attempts. Nothing more above that until the meet. Oh and scale at 11 am was at 131.8, so seems on track. Have to weight that Saturday at 5pm in underwear, so we'll see how it goes. Plus a little excited just to get scale to 131 as that will be 80 lost since started back in September 2014.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well I replaced lifting weights with lifting boxes this weekend. Removals done. Only managed to get in 2 lifting sessions and 2 combat last week. Back to 'normal' this week I hope.