Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I don't have the book, I gotta know what this bird-dog thing is hahaha :D

    I did combat. It rocked. Devastated there will no combat when I move :'(

    On the plus side, I have found tenants for my house. Phew!!

    Weight is down again.... not cool. No way it is just fat at this speed (6 lbs in 3 weeks). My last lifting day was a struggle. It's like my muscles are deteriorating before my eyes.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-glad you found a renter. Sorry about the muscle loss. Already? Hope not! Also sorry no combat!! Noo! I know you love it. :(

    Beeps-yay for work!! Boo for soreness :(. Hope your week goes well.

    Manic-sorry for your soreness too, and I'm with Jo, what's a bird dog?

    Must be that kind of week, I'm sore too! Very odd for me. I added a 4th set, and am up to 185 on my WHTs, but could twht really make this much pain? I even stretched after like I always do. Strange. Off to do upper body. Hope it's not a new thing this soreness. I don't miss it!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Alternate sides and hold for 15 seconds x 4.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Need to catch up from my last two lifting sessions. Despite my right sinus swelling, have managed to go to gym and get things done. Was a little weakish last night but today's session went better. For some reason the upper body ones have been more difficult lately, though it's upper body so that's a reason in and of itself.

    Yesterday: My right sinus thinks something is there that shouldn't be (there might be, long story) so it's attacking and that causes swelling. It's looking better now than it did earlier today to the point I can barely feel it under my eye but for most of the day it was quite puffy. And since I was taking meds periodically through the night and morning, I suspended the IF in order to not taking a punch of pills on empty stomach. I don't have the best foods in my room as it's more where I store what I don't want to share with the roommates, so I have way too much candy while tired.

    Chapter 6: OHP - aka random upper body really

    10 minute warm up on elliptical

    OHP 2x10 @ 45, 1x6 @ 65 and 3x5 @ 75 - not too heavy but not the lightest either

    pull ups 3x1 barely, here was where my arms were just blah. Also 1 set of chin ups for 2ish reps. Talked some with gym owner during this time too about pull ups and such. He showed me a pick of him in his early 20's when he did competitions. Interesting at least.

    tricep cable pushdown with rope 3x8 @ 80

    bicep cable curl 3x10 @ 40 - gym got a new attachment for cables
    seated row 3x10 @ 70

    lateral raises 3x8 @ 10
    around world 3x8 @ 5 - tried just for fun

    30 minutes on elliptical. Also managed to hit my bag that had my notebook in it with elliptical pedal and dinged up the front cover. Poor book. Got to watch Chopped so that was fun at least.

    Today: Another day, another set of lifting. Face is getting a little better but still swollen and my right eye twitched a little during some of the lifting session. I also forgot my notebook so had to go back to apartment after starbucks to get it. And still managed to forget lifting belt. Managed without but it was rough on the last set.

    Chapter 6: Squats

    warm up on elliptical

    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 1x4 @ 165
    working set - 3x2 @ 190 - last rep was a grind for sure

    overload 260 for a count of 15

    pause squat 140 1x2 - easy since just 2 reps

    good morning 3x10 @ 95

    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 3x5 @ 195 - heaviest so far but managed okay

    30 minutes on elliptical while watching food network to end the session and legs were tired after all of that.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    You guys are lifesavers!!

    I was going to "skip" lifting, today....but you have compelled me to go and just get it done.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    You guys are lifesavers!!

    I was going to "skip" lifting, today....but you have compelled me to go and just get it done.


    Awesome! (I am already dreading tomorrow. My body hurts.)

    Has anyone tried the Bird Dog yet? Like I said, I can do the plank, bird dog x 4, plank, and then can NOT to save my life do the bird dog again! I fell over on my side yesterday. It was quite embarrassing. :p I'll get over it.

    I had physical therapy today. The assistant allowed me to try leg presses. I did a whole 10 pounds . bahahahahaha
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Normally I would do something like the bird dog but be on my elbows and toes..... not holding it for very long though. How long do you have to hold it for? I'll give it a go :)

    Squat day today. Front squats felt easy. Decided to try a back squat, haven't done them for ages. Not trained heavy back squats in about a year. Somehow managed to get 85 kg (187 lbs) - depth not awesome, but heck, that's a PR and >1.5 x bodyweight with no training!!

    Upped split squats to 10 x 50kg (110 lbs) for 2 sets
    Upped RDLs to 10 x 65 kg (143 lbs) for 3 sets

    4 sets calf raises on the leg press 10 x 170kg (375 lbs)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I was doing the bird dogs on stage one of Strong, and now again in stage four. And although I didn't do any through stages two or three, they feel easier now. I do them from palms and toes. I'm working my way up to doing the whole two minutes continuously, alternating fifteen seconds on each side as the book describes.

    I am two workout in to stage four and I love each new stage more than the last. I especially enjoyed workout B: side lunge and touch is almost fun. Workout B seemed not as fun, mostly because of fifteen eps of back squats. I did NOT enjoy :open_mouth:
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Went back to stage one of NRol4w today....felt good to be back in the gym again and I am confident my weights will improve over the next month or so. I've still got the hip pain, but not sure what it is, hence going back to basics a bit.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted before work today since I didn't have to work until later than normal as I had a shortish shift. Meant less calories before lifting but seemed to go just fine. I was worried since last week I failed on the 3 rep scheme on the last set with 110.

    Chapter 6: Bench Press

    elliptical warm up 10 minutes

    Bench 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 70, 1x6 @ 95, 1x2 105, 3x2 @ 115
    115 used to be my 1 rep max so woot for getting 3 sets of 2

    db bench 4x4 @ 40
    pull ups 3x1.5 and chin ups 1x3

    db fly 1x6 @ 30 and 2x10 @ 25
    one db row 3x8 @ 45

    face pull 3x10 @ 60
    pallof press 3x10 @ 40

    Tomorrow is easter candy, 9 hour shift at work then deadlifts.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello all I have not posted for a while.
    So I had about 10 months off from lifting gained five pounds and four inches on my waist. It seems impossible but I went from 109 to 113 and gained Four inches on my waist.
    I did strong curves at home for three months with no result. I probably did no go heavy enough.
    So I went back to the gym and promptly hurt my gluteus Maximus. So I have been resting for ten days and will start Strong soon.
    Glad to see all the heavy lifting!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh pmag - that sucks!!!! Good to see you back though, you'll be stronger and leaner before you know it :-)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Pmag-good to see you!! 4"? That can't be right? And you've been off lifting for 10 months! Really? Crazy! Glad you're back to it! Hope you like strong. We've missed you!

    Dawn-dang girl! Great lifting! Love the progress! Woot!

    Jo-that's some impressive weight lady! And no back squats for a while and you hit that? WTG!!

    Pmag-glad you're back to it, leg press slowly building up. Good. Those bird dogs look like a move from nrolfw. Can't remember what stage but I've done that before. I've got terrible balance!

    Kim-sorry about the hip, hope it's feeling better, back to basics is good! Congrats on the weight loss! Woohoo!

    Pudding-glad it's feeling easier in progressive stages. You're doing great!

    Beeps-how's the new work going? Hope you're doing well.

    I've been not as excited to lift lately, not sure why? I've dropped my cals a lot (scale finally going down! Yay! Lots of fat to lose still.) and think I'm not as into weights because of it? I've been walking a lot which is great, but I want to keep up with at least 3 sessions a week. I only got there twice last week :(. Made myslef go today, and it was a bit out of order since it was crowded! But I got it done and am glad I went. I'll lift again tomorrow and then Thursday :).

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Welcome back, pmag!! Why did you quit lifting, anyway?

    I lifted yesterday, and will try and lift tues/wed/thurs. cardio on saturday.

    I am working again (not full-time, but closer everyday!!) and am basically verrrrrry happy and excited for the work!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jo, 15 seconds per side x 4.

    Workout 5 tomorrow. Ugh. That means the dreaded step ups
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Good luck. I need to drop mine a little along with being more diligent on my calories but boo less calories.

    pmag - Good to see you at least. Welcome back.

    Beeps - congrats on the job. That is great.

    Catch up time for me. I've gotten a little behind lately just from always doing stuff and not doing much online when I'm at the computer. Had a fair bit of candy for Eaters and maybe a cupcake. It was good too. ;-)

    Getting closer to the meet. Under 3 weeks and I'm a bit up in weight but buckling down so still have good hopes to making 132 Saturday night. Gotta lock down the calories though and that is the plan.

    Chapter 6: Deadlift

    low bar squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 3x5 @ 155 with belt

    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, 3x2 @ 220 with belt

    And some cardio on the elliptical. Was lazy so didn't do any accessories, still waiting for pad for the hip thrusts. Plus it had been a long day since Easter Sunday I worked 9 hours before going to the gym.

    Chapter 7: OHP

    OHP 2x10 @ 45, 1x6 @ 65, 3x5 @ 80 - tough but managed

    pull-ups 3x1.5, chin-ups 1x3
    tricep push down 4x10 @ 80

    cable bicep curl 1x1 @ 80 for fun then 3x10 @ 50
    pallof press 3x10 @ 40

    30 minutes on elliptical watching Chopped on Food Network

    Trying to get a little extra cardio in on a regular basis but nothing crazy. Usually just 20 or 30 minutes. Though I did do about 45 minutes yesterday on the elliptical since it wasn't a lifting day. Have the next two days off, which is a relief. Plus tomorrow is squat and going to try it in singlet.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    HI, Ladies!!!

    Guess what the therapist started today!!! :s Freakin STEP UPS!!! As if I don't get enough of them at the gym LOL.

    I completed the bird dog today without falling over. MAJOR accomplishment.
    Plank 60 seconds! woooooooo It didn't take me long to get back to there.
    I lowered the pushup to a 24 inch table . Right proud of myself.

    PMAG, are you sure four inches on your waist? That's not a lot of weight gain. Could it be bloat?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Wooooo well done Manic. Had to laugh at the step ups!

    Combat last night was great. OHP today which could be interesting as my shoulders are sore. Getting my DEXA re-done Monday - hoping to get some good results given my recent weight loss, though could be muscle loss :-( That said, my lifts have improved/ stayed the same for the most part so hopefully the majority is fat loss. Feel like I look a bit leaner but sometimes your mind just plays tricks on you. Really I should wait until end of April to get it done but moving house and no idea if I'll have access to a DEXA. Even if I do, I need a baseline to compare to.

    So this week I have finalised tenant paperwork, got a better mortgage rate on my house, sorted insurance, sorted getting my house ready for tenancy (smoke alarms compliance etc), worked on my assignment, negotiated removals, delivered 3 babies and got my workouts in. Still so much to do! Oh, and I have packed the grand total of 2 boxes :D
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    YES! Yall know I hate those stinkin step ups!

    I would love to have a dexascan! Lucky dog, Jo!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member

    I completed the bird dog today without falling over. MAJOR accomplishment.
    Plank 60 seconds! woooooooo It didn't take me long to get back to there.
    I lowered the pushup to a 24 inch table . Right proud of myself.
