Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    Getting my DEXA re-done Monday - hoping to get some good results given my recent weight loss,

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-I'm sure this scan will be better :). Hope the moving is going well.
    Manic-ironic!! You'll be in great shape though :)
    Beeps-so glad the work is picking up! And good job on the workouts too.
    Dawn-3 weeks! Wonderful! You'll be ready and kill it! Kutgw!

    I'm down with a bad sinus infection, no gym for me. I feel terrible :(. Hope to feel better soon so I can get back to it.

    Kutgw girls!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Manic - nice work.
    Jo - good luck.
    Julie - hope you feel better soon.

    Had an okay day overall, since it's a day off. I ended up eating earlier than usual, which involved some cinnamon bun oreos but mostly protein and even some veggies. All the foods before the gym wasn't a bad idea though cause I had to do 200 for squats, which was my one rep max before that I have done one time. I also tried out lifting in the singlet and almost glad I left my phone at home so no pictures from it this time. Maybe Sunday when I wear it for deadlfits I will add on instagram evidence of how it looks with the big pink belt.

    Chapter 7: Squats

    warm up on elliptical for 10 minutes

    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185 with belt
    working sets with belt 3x1 @ 200 (1 & 3 were grindy)

    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 170 and 3x5 @ 195

    small amount of foam rolling

    20 minutes on elliptical but didn't care for the show on Food Network
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Wow I keep forgetting to check in :(

    Am onto phase 1, stage 3 of Strong now. Loving that front squats are no more, I accept that I am not set up to squat upright, it's why low bar squats feel so much better to me.

    Am getting a little concerned about some butt wink going on though. Everytime I fix one problem with my squat like 30 new ones appear :(

    Dawn - I would love to see your singlet and pink belt!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Stephie, Butt wink? hahahaha I truly do not know what that means.
    Julie, sorry. Hope you are better soon!

    Ladies, I need help understand how to interpret Strong Phases, stages, and workouts. Currently, I am on Phase 1 stage 1. I alternate those 2 workouts for four weeks correct? What about Stage 2 workout A/B and Stage 3 workout A/B? Each stage four weeks long?

    No weight loss this week. I am not discouraged. My muscles are sore therefore, I think my muscles are retaining water. Plus, I have eaten decent. Maybe the weight will come off later this weekend. It didn't take me long to put on weight when I was down during surgery, but it sure takes forever to come off, huh!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Squat problems - story of my life!

    Manic - butt wink is a term given to the tucking under of the butt at the bottom of the squat just prior to standing again. At least, that's how I've always interpreted it. quite why someone called it 'butt wink' is beyond me.

    Squats for me today too
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I will try and post a picture on instagram (fiction2fitness) on Sunday, when I wear it next as that is deadlift day.

    I am so tired. Today was no work and no gym but probably a good thing because I got around 1 hour of sleep last night. Had a headache most of the day too. Had one zero calorie energy drink and two vent cold brews as they are tasty and low calorie (the cold brew). Didn't get much done though as I don't function on such little sleep but did watch a lot of youtube. Did get blog post up and need to do another soon so I'll be caught up for the meet prep on my fictionandfitness blog over on blogger. Now I'm just wasting time as have veggies in the slow cooker with a spicy orange simmer sauce. Once it's done, bed time.

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Manic - yes "butt wink" is the tucking of the pelvis at the bottom of the squat causing the low back to round. I'm still not entirely sure that my back is rounding (which is the dangerous part) or if it's just going from arched to neutral - obviously the arch isn't exactly ideal but as long as I'm not hurting myself I'm ok with my form not being perfect (just adequate would be fine!)

    Strong - Admittedly I have only skimmed the stages I haven't done yet, but I am almost positive that each stage is 4 weeks long. At the start we have 2 workouts that alternate A & B so we do each 6 times, and eventually a third one gets added A, B & C that we do 4 times each.

    Watch out from stage 4 onwards as the number of reps you do changes each workout, so you need to be on the ball with that one :)

    Dawn - hope you got some more sleep
    Jo - hope the squats went ok! I am eternally frustrated by squats, especially since I have a long torso and short legs and I thought that was beneficial for squats? Although I have just googled and it is possible that I have long femurs causing all these issues. Nevermind. I love deadlifts and I guess you can't have it all.

    Will be back to the gym today, my quads are still dying from wednesday, I was doing rear foot elevated split squats and I love them, but god they are tough about 48 hours later!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited April 2016
    Single arm deadlifts are so difficult!

    I did 30kg ok, but tried 40kg and my left hand couldn't even get it off the floor. Good old right hand could. I guess that's the point... I'll try 35kg next time, see if lefty can manage that!

    Was pleased with my DB incline bench @ 12kg, I'm going to try 14 next time, see if I can get those too :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Single arm DLs? Why? What program is that in? What's the point????

    Squats were *kitten* today. So was work. That is all.

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited April 2016
    It's in strong - I suspect it is to correct imbalances in grip strength.

    If they continue to go that badly though I may just pull them 2 handed, I am a rebel >:)

    It's ok, it's Friday. Wine is very acceptable
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Stephe-I struggle with squat form too! But I'm short torso, longer legged, with a compressed disc in my low back. All that to say, I deloaded last year and am SLOWLY building back up, bit still struggle with form as I add more weight. My depth suffers. :( a work in progress! Kutgw!


    Manic-weight loss isn't linear, I know you know that. You've got the right perspective and that water retention will mess with the scale. It's frustrating though :). Kutgw!

    Dawn-I'm gonna start following you on Instagram :) thanks. You're doing great!!

    Still sick. Gave in and got antibiotics yesterday. Beginning to fee a bit more human today. Rest weeks are good once in a while, right? Hope to be back to it on Monday.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hello all. Welcome back Pmag! Good to have you around here again. Julie, sinus infections are brutal. Rest up and feel better soon!

    Back squats are not my friend either. I keep working on them but also suffer some butt wink and....I don't know exactly what else, but they need work. I'm in stage four of Strong now and it's hard to work on them when this stage is all about volume (sets of 10, 12, or 15). Blergh. But I am still LOVING the book. I loved those single arm deadlifts last stage and in stage 4 there are some lovely "side lunges with a touch" that I am enjoying.

    I have my annual physical next week so will be weighed. I believe I am around the same weight as I was a year and a half ago, but two pant sizes down :smiley:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yesterday was my official weigh in. Weighed this am and lost a pound. Yay
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Did someone ask why single leg dead lifts? For balance and core.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Did someone ask why single leg dead lifts? For balance and core.

    I asked why single ARM deadlifts. Legs yes. I can understand. Single arm seems like a waste of a deadlift IMO but I guess it depends what you want out of it. Personally I improve my grip strength by lifting heavy as frequently as possible - exercises such as rows, rdls, deadlifts all improve my grip. At the same time as working other parts of my body!

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    The single arm deadlifts still really worked my hamstrings. I could feel them there as well as in the working arm.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    The single arm deadlifts still really worked my hamstrings. I could feel them there as well as in the working arm.

    Yes that too. I think adding the weight to the arm adds more to the challenge of maintaining balance.
    Pudding, that is great!! That means you lost FAT.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Hello! Hello! Hello!

    I did cardio today and it WRECKED ME, lol. i want to zzzzzzzzzzzzz the afternoon away.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Good that someone did cardio, cause I skipped it today. Just did bench press and a few accessories but nothing else. Also been fighting the urge to snack. Pesky monthly cycle.

    Chapter 7: Bench

    Bench 2x8 @ 45, 1x6 @ 75, 1x5 @ 95 and 3x1 @ 120

    db bench press 4x4 @ 40
    bent over row 4x6 @ 90

    cable tricep pushdown 3x10 @ 80
    cable bicep curl 3x10 @ 60

    That is all. Very pleased that 120 went well as I didn't fail or anything on it. Once more weekend of lifting then it's rest until the meet. Getting closer, so quick and slow at the same time.