Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    DAWN-you're amazing!!! Soo proud of you!!! 2nd place in your first Meet? Qualified for world? What? Crazy girl!! So impressed and excited for you!!!! (I knew you'd do great!) woohoo! And you're in the 120's lifting that kind of weight!! Even crazier little lady!!! Woohoo!!

    Beeps-you look smokin'!!

    Stephe-I agree, you are lifting some heavy weight! So glad you can improve your dl and help your poor hands.

    Manic-((hugs)) I'm so sorry! You poor thing! Just got back to it and now this. :( hope it goes perfectly and you're on the mend again quickly!

    Kim-I was wondering if your hip was giving you trouble. Do you think all that running contributed to it? So hard on the joints. Hope the x-Ray helps, but I predict an MRI in your future. Rest and see what they say. (Hugs)

    Aigre-parents beach house...sounds lovely! A rest day is as (or some think more) important than the work days. Enjoy!

    I'm home, and way up on the scale. It'll come back down. I'm finally feeling much more like myself. Lifted today, first of 3 planned for the week. Felt good, almost back to where I was a few weeks ago and making progress. Beautiful weather out here, but hitting high 90's soon :(. Sigh. 3 weeks til Europe!! Still don't feel ready, but it'll happen anyway. It'll be amazing whether I'm ready or not ;).
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Beeps - I also weigh over 50lbs more than you, so you shouldn't feel disheartened!!

    Julie - glad to see you back, and glad you're feeling much more like yourself :) it's a good feeling to feel like "you" again
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Back from the gym, wore my squat shoes today (for squats only, back to converse for the rest), and my squats were definitely better. Still not what I could call "good" but better at least.

    Back squat with 2 sec pause - 3 x8 @ 50kg, still have some knee cave, but certainly not as bad as last week. Going to stay at 50kg until I can eliminate the cave - may drop back a little too
    Single arm dead stop row - 3 x 8 each arm @ 14kg dumbell, I can't get these to work for me. Everytime I pull the dumbbell I hit my boob and if I avoid the boob I hit my knee, it's very annoying
    Single arm & leg deadlift - 3 x 8 each arm @ 16kg kettlebell, I could not find the 14kg kettlebell so had to use 16 - my a*s is hurting already
    Incline push up - 3 x 8 @ smith level 4 - ARGH I GOT THEM ALL ON LEVEL 4. I was very excited by this, dropping it to level 3 next time, I am getting closer to the floor!!

    Alternating side plank - 2 x 12, forgot to do these at the start so did them at the end :)

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Good workout Steph!!! Good to hear the shoes helped! I squat in my converse :).

    I did a good lower body session today! Almost back to my PR weights! Yay! Surprised how long it takes to recover from a stinking cold! Anyway, at least I'm back at it and working hard! Whts at 155 today, better than last week, but not the 185 I was doing a few weeks ago. I'm ready to add more and work back up to it though. Squats are working back up and dls too. Feeling good :).

  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Hey, I'm just starting NROL4W and I want to get in on the lifting action! I did my first workout yesterday and my next one is tomorrow. 2 questions though. 1) How many of you followed the diet in the book to get results? 2) I've been lifting casually and with a trainer once a week for the last 6 weeks. I think I'm getting some results - I feel stronger and am lifting heavier, but need a structured program - and am really hoping New Rules gets me even better results. I've also been doing intervals and really enjoy them. I would hate to give them up for 8 weeks! Did anyone else do intervals while working through stage 1?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    pudding - Thanks.

    stephie - Aww, that’s very sweet of you. I recommend going to watch a meet first if you get the chance. It’s fun to see what it’s like and see some people lift super heavy weights. Yay for gym but aww to the hands. Hope they heal quick.

    Beeps - Thanks. :-)

    aigredoux - Thanks for the compliments. It was quite fun.

    Julie - *blushes* Awww, thank you. Well, 130 since 129.8 is basically 130 once get a few sips of water again but still, not too shabby.

    SuperMel - Hi there. I didn't follow the diet in the book as I'd already been doing a deficit using MFP when I went through Stronglifts, which was the lifting I did before going through NROLFW. I didn't do intervals but I did start the couch to 5k and trained for that during the lifting and didn't have any problems. Hope that helps.

    Now for today's lifting. Back in the gym though I don't quite have any plans yet as to how I'm going to go forward since it's a long time until the next meet. Need to figure out my training cycles for the next several months soon. For now, just did some different accessory type things.

    goblet squat - 1x10 @ 45 and 3x10 @ 50
    good morning - 3x10 @ 95
    romanian deadlift - 3x8 @ 115
    hip thrust - 3x8 @ 115

    pull ups - 2xalmost 2 and 1x1.4ish, chin ups - 1x3
    face pull - 3x8 @ 70
    tricep pushdown - 3x8 @ 80

    30 minutes on elliptical watching Food Network
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello all! Happy Wednesday! Weather is beautiful here - sunny and 60s.

    Stephie - wow, you only started 6 months ago??! I started at the beginning of January, so 4 months ago, and I think I lift about half of what you do! I can only dream of doing an actual regular push up at this point, so good for you for making progress. Thanks for the link about the hands. Makes sense. I'll definitely try that next time.

    Julie - I just hate it when the scale doesn't cooperate :) But a trip to Europe sounds awesome! I'm so glad you are finally feeling better.

    Supermelinator - I don't have NROLFW, but doing Strong. There isn't really a nutrition plan per se. I've been eating at a deficit and trying to keep protein levels up around 100 g/day. So far I've lost about 15 lbs. I think I would have made quicker progress with my lifting if I hadn't been dieting, but wanting to be thinner trumped wanting to be stronger. Like Dawn, I'm also doing C25k alternating with the Strong workouts. I'm almost done with it so I need to figure out where to go from here. Strong has you doing intervals after lifting in the first 6 months, so I would think you could continue.

    Dawn - good for you for getting back in the gym so soon. And even though it's far off, awesome to have a new goal to train for! Also love watching Food Network while doing cardio. Ironic isn't it?

    Yesterday ran 2.25 miles on treadmill.
    Today was Strong, Stage 4, Workout A, #5
    Suspended plank 1x60s, 1x50s. Getting closer to the 2x60s it calls for.
    Bird dog 4x15s
    Half kneeling cable chop. Accidentally got confused about my resistance bands and went down in weight on this when I meant to go up, then was impressed with myself, then realized my mistake. Oops.
    Back squat 3x10@60 lbs
    Chin up/lat pulldown. Did chin up negatives with the resistance band, 2x5, then the third set I switched back to the lat pulldowns. I feel so so so far away from doing an actual chin up that I wonder if it is actually genetically possible for me.
    Step ups. 3x10@15 lbs. Sort of getting the hang of these and hate them less.
    DB bench press 2x10@25 lbs, tried for the third set and couldn't get the dumbbells up :( 1x10@20lbs. However, in Stage 3, I only ever did 1 set of 8@25 lbs, so progress, right?
    Intervals x10 minutes
    Probably will walk at lunch since it's so nice.
    Scale is finally down a few - 152 lbs.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok, I'm officially a Queenslander! Moved yesterday. Hating living out of boxes already. Travelling today up to the town where we will be living - another hour away. Feeling fat and bloated after the travel and crappy eating/ dehydration. Need to get me a gym quick smart
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    I read back through a few of the pages to get an idea of what you guys are up to - you all are crazy awesome!

    What is this Strong program you guys are doing?

    I did deadlifts as part of my workout for the first time today (I tried them with my trainer last week).

    @Stephie You're right about the bar ripping up your hands. I read that link you posted. I'll have to look for some chalk next time I'm at the gym, but I don't think they have any. I have small hands, too, so that doesn't help. I might get gloves and just deal with the thicker bar/grip issue.

    Today I did NROL4W Stage 1, workout B.

    -Deadlift: 15@45(straight bar), 15@65 (hex bar) I have to try to remember the hip thrust at the top and the hex bar threw off my balance a bit and it was more awkward to use, but I got a better lift. The straight bar made me feel like I was rounding my back too much at the bottom.
    -Shoulder Press: 15@20, 15@25
    -Wide-grip lat pulldown: 15@30, 15@35
    -lunges: 2 x15@20
    -swiss ball crunch: 2x15@bw

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    "Strong" is the latest.book out by the authors of NROL4W.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Tomorrow is legs/glutes/abs day for me. BOOM!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-congrats on the move. Hope the transition time goes smoothly and you can find a new gym!!

    Aigre-nice workout and yay for a scale drop too!

    Steph-good job!

    Welcome supermel! I did NROLFW a year ago and it was good for learning about lifting and a scheduled plan. Strong is their latest and I may do that this summer. Kutgw.

    Doing fine, rest day today. Eating well as working off my weekend indulging. :)
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    That's what I thought - but when I was looking at it on Amazon, it's pre-order only, so I didn't realize there was already a version out.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Supermelinator - I think the paperback version is preorder. The hardcover is a few $ more, but I bought it around Christmas and started January 4.

    2.5 mile run this morning, and more HGTV.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Back from gym - everything is tired, my daughter is not sleeping well, up every 1 - 1.5 hours with night terrors which is heartbreaking. I tried intervening but that made it worse, so now I have to lie there and listen and time 5 minutes before I go in to her. She calms down within the 5, but it's still horrible. I really hope it stops soon :(

    Beeps - hope legs/glutes/abs goes well, Stage 3 of strong feels like it is just permanently leg day

    Jo - glad the move is done, I hate moving, it's too stressful!

    Aigre - 2.5 mile run is awesome. I can literally only run for 1 minute. I keep saying that I will do couch 2 5k but I never seem to make it, lifting weights is more interesting :)

    Supermelinator - I have the hardback book too, it's at least 9 months worth of routines (should be more as you're supposed to take rest weeks, but nah, rest weeks are boring)

    Deadlifts - 2 x 8 @ 70kg, 1 x 8 @ 60kg - meant to drop to 65 for the final set but apparently I can't add up (which is a problem as I have a mathematical job). Tried out my new grip - bar at the bottom of fingers, not palm, and thumb wrapped over the fingers, worked much better!!
    Incline DB bench press - 1 x 8 @ 14kg DB's, 2 x 6 @ 16kg DB's. Man 16's were HARD. Think I need to do 6 16's and then the final 2 using 14's, it's a big jump otherwise

    Rear foot elevated split squat 2 x 8 each leg @ 25kg barbell, 1 x 8 @ 20kg barbell - had to drop for the final set, I thought my legs were going to give in!!
    Crossover cable X pulldown 3 x 8 @ level 5

    I have a love/hate thing going with the RFESS - I feel like a badass doing them, and I think my technique is good, I have a very big range of motion, but god, sometimes I squat down and think, "well this is the end". And now I can't feel my quads, so yeah. Ouch.

    Back to work for COFFEE and FOOD (oh, still trying IF by the way, don't think it's negatively affecting gym yet, but we shall see)
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    edited April 2016
    Got intervals under my belt. Upped my max speed to 8.5mph today and held it for one minute! Never thought I'd be able to run this fast!

    Jo - I bet you're glad to be done moving. Now to unpack!

    Stephie - I'm fortunate that none of my kids have had night terrors. The idea of having to sit through while watching them be completely terrified is unbearable.

    Aigre - nice job on the 2.5!

    Any advice on macros? I've never thought about food consumption in regards to macros and I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to get enough protein while keeping carbs in check. I'm looking at a 40p-30c-30f ratio right now but not sure if that's where I need to be to gain muscle and lose fat. I do two protein shakes a day with fruit in them to help me get up there, but I'm still only getting 75-100g of protein a day and almost always going over on carbs and under on fat.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Did my legs/glutes/abs day, today. I only did 2-sets of my last 4 exercises (rather than 3 sets), because I was feeling pretty pooped. That isn't very good.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Macros wise I mostly try to get .8 to 1 gram of protein per lean mass, which I'm just going off 100 lbs cause that's easier and I don't have an accurate body fat measurement. I try to get 80-100 grams, though don't always make it. I try to get 40+ grams of fat since it's good for hormones and such but fall short some days (think if I could eat dairy more often and not have an allergic reaction, fat would be easier to reach all of the time). I let carbs fall wherever they may for now.

    Today though was low protein, high carbs and decent fat cause I tried Voodoo doughnuts. Don't often eat more than 2 donuts within a single day but went for 4 today to try a nice variety. Though took me two sittings as I've had issues with nausea ever since my cold. Even water makes me feel a little sick, which is a minor nuisance to say the least. I did walk in between donut eating sessions as it's really nice and wanted to enjoy time in the park before we had more rain. That walk was an hour, then later in the evening lifted some weights. Still doing random stuff cause don't have a plan yet for the next 5 months of lifting. We'll see what I figure out hopefully soon.

    front squats - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 3x5 @ 85
    sumo deadlifts - 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 165, 3x5 @ 195 - heavy but got it done
    seated row - 3x8 @ 80
    cable bicep curl - 3x10 @ 60

    20 minutes on elliptical for Food Network.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited April 2016
    Stephie - oh, poor little girl and poor you! Every 1-1.5 hours is pretty often, newborn level. It's so hard to see the little ones upset, even if they don't remember it later. My daughter is almost 2 but still wakes up and wants to be rocked/nursed back to sleep at least once a night. My son is 4.5 and often wakes up in the night and jumps into bed with DH and I. I feel like I haven't had a decent night's sleep in 5 years, since I never slept well while pregnant either!

    SuperMelinator - wow, 8.5 mph is very fast! I have been using 6.2 mph for mine, which I know for some people is a slow jog. It felt fast at the beginning and no longer feels that fast. But in Stage 4, I'm going by HR, so the 6.2 still brings by HR up to 85% MHR within ~45 seconds, so I'm staying there I guess.

    I also try to keep protein around 100g. Sometimes more sometimes less, but I usually get there. My total calories are around 1500-1600 most days. I let the carbs and fat fall where they may. I eat a lot of hardboiled eggs, greek yogurt, or cottage cheese for breakfast, and usually make some sort of poultry or seafood for dinner. Leftovers of that for lunch. I'm not big on sweets, but I do eat a cup of white rice a lot of nights with dinner.

    Beeps - You'll get them next time!

    Dawn - Bicep curls at 60 seems amazing to me.

    Today I did Strong, Stage 4, Workout B, #5.
    Suspended side planks 2x30s each side
    half kneeling cable lift 2x10@20 lbs each side
    Deadlifts off blocks 2x15@100 lbs. Tried Stephie's new grip suggestion. Ended up with blisters on my PIP joints instead of the MCP joints.
    Push ups 2x15@30 inches
    Side lunge and touch 2x15@25 lbs
    Standing single arm cable row 2x15@25 lbs
    Intervals x10 minutes

    Two more workouts left in Stage 4, which means it's time to print out the logs for Stage 5! And think about my reward gift to myself for finishing another stage. The obvious one is an Olympic bar, but for some reason that's not that appealing. I could get a stand for my Powerblocks, but that seems boring too. What I really want is some new exercise clothes but a) I really don't need any and b) I haven't changed size that much. Obviously, a first world problem :)

    Happy Friday, everyone!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I'm not going to report on today's gym, it was useless.

    I was messing around with my squats to see if anything helped.

    I have a choice of:

    1) Wide stance squat that is nice and deep, but knees buckle inwards at medium to heavy weights, the buckle doesn't happen at 40kg for example, but very much does at 50kg

    2) More narrow squat, just outside of shoulders, that barely (if at all) breaks parallel, but I have no knee cave.

    Which would you choose? Is it easier to stop the knee cave or work on sitting deeper? I feel like (2) is a better squat, but (1) is a compensation for not working hard enough at (2).

    Aigre - thanks, she actually only woke up a couple of times last night so I feel better today, she's almost 14months and hasn't slept through yet, so don't worry, you're not alone there. She wakes for a bottle around 3 usually. Good on you for still nursing, I gave up at 6 months as it just was not for me at all! I was proud to even make it to 6 months!

    I am sorry for your blisters though! :( I hope they heal up soon

    Supermelinator - I follow low carb, aiming for low carb, moderate protein, high fat. I can't eat too much protein as I am insulin resistant with PCOS and too much protein can act as a carb for me. My general aim is 25g carbs, 115g protein, 140g fat ~ 1800 calories. All are maximums, I don't often eat all my calories, but do try to get at least 70g protein a day.

    Beeps - sorry you were feeling pooped. I hope you're feeling better now?

    Dawn - I hate front squats, so good job on those! Also nice deadlift - my aim is to get 200lb (90kg) by the end of this year. I did 70kg for 8 yesterday which according to bodybuilding.com puts my 1RM at 88. But I doubt I could actually get that.