TDEE - What is it and why you should not eat below your BMR



  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    OMG thank you! So glad I found this group. I need a breakthrough to get rid of my last 10 pounds. I'm starting tomorrow!!
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks for this!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I see in the book Look Like A Goddess (THAT's the part I like to remember!:wink:) the 40,30, 30 distribution is recommended. I've been working with 40 (carbs), 40 (pros) and 20 (fat) for about three weeks now (I started with the MFP recs in Jan), thinking I could force my body into tapping into its fat "reserves." it is a real challenge (and I eat relatively clean) to keep the fats at 20%. Up until recently most of my workouts have been cardio, ranging from 40-60 minutes 3-4 x's weekly on either the elliptical trainer or treadmill. I added weights and now with the book, I have a program to follow.

    I see Lucia follow the 40,30, 30 distribution. What distribution do you follow? Have you experiemented with other distributions?
  • Quel1970
    Quel1970 Posts: 91 Member
    I have done the calculations and this is the result:

    BMR- 1263
    TDEE- 1727
    TDEE-15%-- 1467

    I have been eating 1200 (or under) since Jan 30 and have only lost 2lbs. I am working out (cardio and calisthenics?) 3-5 days a week.

    I have always believed in calories in- calories out. And quite frankly, my cardio only burns about 100-150 calories. I never 'eat back' my exercise. Since starting to work out, I do feel better. But increasing my caloric intake scares me to death. (Yes, I have some food issues)

    Do you suggest just jumping into eating the calories or slowly adding them into your diet? And does the same science apply if I eat 30-40-30 (I am hypoglycemic and feel better with more protein)?

    Thanks in advance for your direction and I will look for the book you mentioned.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have done the calculations and this is the result:

    BMR- 1263
    TDEE- 1727
    TDEE-15%-- 1467

    I have been eating 1200 (or under) since Jan 30 and have only lost 2lbs. I am working out (cardio and calisthenics?) 3-5 days a week.

    I have always believed in calories in- calories out. And quite frankly, my cardio only burns about 100-150 calories. I never 'eat back' my exercise. Since starting to work out, I do feel better. But increasing my caloric intake scares me to death. (Yes, I have some food issues)

    Do you suggest just jumping into eating the calories or slowly adding them into your diet? And does the same science apply if I eat 30-40-30 (I am hypoglycemic and feel better with more protein)?

    Thanks in advance for your direction and I will look for the book you mentioned.

    Me personally, knowing what I know now, I would just jump in and up the cals, but I can understand your concern/hesitation. I would say, if nothing else at least go up to 1350 to get over your BMR and then to eat back every bit of your exercise calories. But if you can, just go for that cut number, your body sure will thank you for it.

    Regarding the science behind, I believe eating a little less carbs and more protein is fine.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I see in the book Look Like A Goddess (THAT's the part I like to remember!:wink:) the 40,30, 30 distribution is recommended. I've been working with 40 (carbs), 40 (pros) and 20 (fat) for about three weeks now (I started with the MFP recs in Jan), thinking I could force my body into tapping into its fat "reserves." it is a real challenge (and I eat relatively clean) to keep the fats at 20%. Up until recently most of my workouts have been cardio, ranging from 40-60 minutes 3-4 x's weekly on either the elliptical trainer or treadmill. I added weights and now with the book, I have a program to follow.

    I see Lucia follow the 40,30, 30 distribution. What distribution do you follow? Have you experiemented with other distributions?

    The thing is good fats are healthy for you...I work to make sure to eat up all my fats... and I can honestly tell you my bodyfat is steadily decreasing. I just measured my waist this morning and I have lost another .5in. So that is a total of 1.5in over the last 3 mos.
  • Quel1970
    Quel1970 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks Lucia! I'm going to try to increase my calories and I did find the book at my Barnes & Noble.

    Btw- my doc told me the other day that 1200 is exactly where I should be to maintain my weight (when I told her I was trying to lose and not seeing any results). She said, and I quote:

    "You weigh about 120 pounds, so yes. 120 times 10 is 1200. That is how you determine how many calories you need to maintain your weight for anyone. You're not going to be able to lose weight anymore, thats just part of getting older."

    After 18 yrs with her, I'm looking for a new doctor.
  • clb51
    clb51 Posts: 23 Member
  • clb51
    clb51 Posts: 23 Member
    bump...this sounds like me
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks Lucia! I'm going to try to increase my calories and I did find the book at my Barnes & Noble.

    Btw- my doc told me the other day that 1200 is exactly where I should be to maintain my weight (when I told her I was trying to lose and not seeing any results). She said, and I quote:

    "You weigh about 120 pounds, so yes. 120 times 10 is 1200. That is how you determine how many calories you need to maintain your weight for anyone. You're not going to be able to lose weight anymore, thats just part of getting older."

    After 18 yrs with her, I'm looking for a new doctor.

    Oh wow someone told me that same thing this morning....that just sounds too generic...doesn't take anything into acct.
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    I *so* want to understand this, but I'm confused.

    I used the formula that Lucia posted at the beginning of the thread. If I didn't goof it up, my RMR is 1,589.2
    I'm 6' tall, 47 yrs. old, and weigh 190. I exercise 5-6/week and burn approx. 560/day. I had actually hoped to up my cals, and rest 2 days instead of just 1, but I"m afraid I'll go back the other way.

    MFP allows me 1700 cals/day. Have I been eating too much if my RMR is essentially 1580?

    I went to Fitness Frog and it had my BMR at 1,588 so I think my calculations must be okay.
    FF had my TDEE @ 2,461 (which includes all those exercise calories,) right?

    I promise I'm not normally a moron, but this whole concept, lingo, whatever has me baffled.
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    hi there..
    so i just did the calculations for myself and was shocked at how high it was!! so then i tested it with your info and again - wow, much higher!!

    maybe someone can take a look at both of them and tell me what they think?

    Me: (Lisa)
    weight in kg - 98 height in cm - 158 age 43 work out 2-3 times a week in a fitness class so moderate.

    655 + (9.6x98) + (1.8x158) - (4.7 x 43)
    655 + 940.8 + 284 +202 = 1678 RMR

    x 1.55 (moderate activity) = 2601calories
    +10% (260) for calorie burn eating = 2861

    -15% to lose weight = (429) = 2432

    So, my daily calories would be 2434 on a regular day. Which really, has me shocked.

    Let's look at Lori:

    weight in kg -86 height in cm - 910 age 47 work out 2-3 times a week in a fitness class so moderate.

    655 + (9.6x86) + (1.8x910) - (4.7 x 47)
    655 + 825 + 910 +319 = 2071 RMR

    x 1.725 (very active) = 3572 calories
    +10% (357) for calorie burn eating = 3929 calories

    -15% to lose weight = ( 589 ) = 3340 minimum calories a day to eat??

    Help! What am i doing wrong?? Or..could those numbers be right?

    Thank you thank you.
  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
    Like Lisa, I also figured out my TDEE which is 2382 after adding the 10%. After I subtract the 15% my calorie intake should be 2024. I do work out 5-6 times per week, have recently cut down my huge cardio calorie burns and continure with my weight training that I have been doing for about a year and a half. I usually burn around 350-500 cals a workout session. Even on my 500 cal days, if I subtract that from my calory goal 2024-500=1524 I am above my BMR which is 1398. So if I understand correctly, on work out days I should only eat 2024 (which makes my net calories intake 1524), and on rest days also eat 2024?
    It is only when your calorie deficit drops below your BMR that you should add on that extra amount of calories to your overall calorie goal, so that your net calorie intake equals or is higher than my BMR.

    My other does MFP fit into this equation. Should I custom set my calories counter so that my goal is 2024 and I will always have my work out calories "left over" and be under my goal; or should I set it for a .5# of weight loss a week and make sure that at the end of the day my "net" calorie intake equals 2024. (Or am I basically saying the same thing?)

    Please if anyone can shed some light!!

  • kazzamcamille
    kazzamcamille Posts: 117 Member
    So I Figured out my TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure) - Calories you burn in a day or also considered to maintain you're weight .......... AND BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)- Calories burned at rest by Harris Benedict Formula:

    BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    MY BMR= 1600
    MY TDEE= 2480

    For my body to do basic functions it needs AT LEAST 1600 calories a day. To lose weight you would create a deficit from you're TDEE. :)

    My plan is to eat 1800 cal/day for now and see how that works :) Plus some exercise cals back. I ate 1450 last week and gained .2 lbs. I'm thinking I need to up then because I'm not even eating my BMR but so many people eat only 1200 and a little above it is hard to get the concept that this is okay! Are my calculations correct or should I use MFP?

    MFP says my TDEE is 2120 and I will only lose 0.6 lbs eating 1800 cals/day

    Thanks !!!
  • kazzamcamille
    kazzamcamille Posts: 117 Member
    I know I posted on here before but I was using a site that did it for me. I actually calculated it out this time :D !
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I *so* want to understand this, but I'm confused.

    I used the formula that Lucia posted at the beginning of the thread. If I didn't goof it up, my RMR is 1,589.2
    I'm 6' tall, 47 yrs. old, and weigh 190. I exercise 5-6/week and burn approx. 560/day. I had actually hoped to up my cals, and rest 2 days instead of just 1, but I"m afraid I'll go back the other way.

    MFP allows me 1700 cals/day. Have I been eating too much if my RMR is essentially 1580?

    I went to Fitness Frog and it had my BMR at 1,588 so I think my calculations must be okay.
    FF had my TDEE @ 2,461 (which includes all those exercise calories,) right?

    I promise I'm not normally a moron, but this whole concept, lingo, whatever has me baffled.

    Ok so you need to subtract 15% from tdee which is your cut cals...your nonworkoutday cals.

    I suggest start lifting weight 3 days and add 200 to your nonworkout cals. On your 2 days cardio then need to Net at least your BMR...calc above.

    Think of it like this if you burn 600 and let's say Nonwkout cals is 2000, then your net is 1400. So you need to eat at least enough to get u over BMR.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So I Figured out my TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure) - Calories you burn in a day or also considered to maintain you're weight .......... AND BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)- Calories burned at rest by Harris Benedict Formula:

    BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    MY BMR= 1600
    MY TDEE= 2480

    For my body to do basic functions it needs AT LEAST 1600 calories a day. To lose weight you would create a deficit from you're TDEE. :)

    My plan is to eat 1800 cal/day for now and see how that works :) Plus some exercise cals back. I ate 1450 last week and gained .2 lbs. I'm thinking I need to up then because I'm not even eating my BMR but so many people eat only 1200 and a little above it is hard to get the concept that this is okay! Are my calculations correct or should I use MFP?

    MFP says my TDEE is 2120 and I will only lose 0.6 lbs eating 1800 cals/day

    Thanks !!!

    No use the 15% off tdee. Trust me this will give you fuel to workout, retain more muscle, have more energy. And loose fat. Starving o be skinny fat isn't good either. This will reset your metab to burn efficiently. Trus me it works!
  • kazzamcamille
    kazzamcamille Posts: 117 Member
    Okay thank you:)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Like Lisa, I also figured out my TDEE which is 2382 after adding the 10%. After I subtract the 15% my calorie intake should be 2024. I do work out 5-6 times per week, have recently cut down my huge cardio calorie burns and continure with my weight training that I have been doing for about a year and a half. I usually burn around 350-500 cals a workout session. Even on my 500 cal days, if I subtract that from my calory goal 2024-500=1524 I am above my BMR which is 1398. So if I understand correctly, on work out days I should only eat 2024 (which makes my net calories intake 1524), and on rest days also eat 2024?
    It is only when your calorie deficit drops below your BMR that you should add on that extra amount of calories to your overall calorie goal, so that your net calorie intake equals or is higher than my BMR.

    My other does MFP fit into this equation. Should I custom set my calories counter so that my goal is 2024 and I will always have my work out calories "left over" and be under my goal; or should I set it for a .5# of weight loss a week and make sure that at the end of the day my "net" calorie intake equals 2024. (Or am I basically saying the same thing?)

    Please if anyone can shed some light!!


    Yes set mfp goals to your 2024 cut val. Just ignore what it will tell you your loss will be.
    On workout days at least net BMR but eat up to you cut val if you can...I say net bmr bec you should never eat less than what your body needs to function. For me it is hard to eat back cals more than net bmr so I make that my min, but again if you can eat back up to your cut great!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    hi there..
    so i just did the calculations for myself and was shocked at how high it was!! so then i tested it with your info and again - wow, much higher!!

    maybe someone can take a look at both of them and tell me what they think?

    Me: (Lisa)
    weight in kg - 98 height in cm - 158 age 43 work out 2-3 times a week in a fitness class so moderate.

    655 + (9.6x98) + (1.8x158) - (4.7 x 43)
    655 + 940.8 + 284 +202 = 1678 RMR

    x 1.55 (moderate activity) = 2601calories
    +10% (260) for calorie burn eating = 2861

    -15% to lose weight = (429) = 2432

    So, my daily calories would be 2434 on a regular day. Which really, has me shocked.

    Let's look at Lori:

    weight in kg -86 height in cm - 910 age 47 work out 2-3 times a week in a fitness class so moderate.

    655 + (9.6x86) + (1.8x910) - (4.7 x 47)
    655 + 825 + 910 +319 = 2071 RMR

    x 1.725 (very active) = 3572 calories
    +10% (357) for calorie burn eating = 3929 calories

    -15% to lose weight = ( 589 ) = 3340 minimum calories a day to eat??

    Help! What am i doing wrong?? Or..could those numbers be right?

    Thank you thank you.

    I lift heavy weights 3x a wk, zumba 2x and I used activity 1.55. For exercise mentioned in first scenario I would have used a lower activity level and 1.55 for 2nd.

    There are other sites that will do cals for you as well. Ut bottom line based on age, wgt, hgt, activity ur body needs fuel a place to start with a cut is 15% to not shock the bodk with too steep a deficit. Try it for 4 wks with other suggestions on macro detting 6 meals etc. You may gain at first but it will start to go back down. Or you can start with 1800, eat back all wkout cals then when wgt loss plateaus then bump up 100, etc.