Non scale victories (NSV)



  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    I took the kids to Sea World the other day (we live close). Normally, we just stay about 1.5-2 hrs and then I'm way too exhausted and it's time to go home. This time, by the time we hit our standard time, we had to leave--but only because the park was closing! I was not tired at all! I was ready for some air conditioning, though, lol.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    I love everyone's NSV - brilliant :)

    I have two to report.

    1) My nails are longer than I've managed to have them for a very long time. They just 'feel' stronger and aren't splitting.

    2) Yesterday, for no reason whatsoever - we weren't talking weight/diet or anything along those lines - my mother in law told me that I looked really nice at the wedding we were at a couple of weeks ago. She said she could really tell that I have lost weight. This is a BIG NSV because she has never, in my 24 years of marriage, complimented me unless my husband has said something like 'Ang looks nice doesn't she?'. Honestly, I must have looked so shocked when she said it lol
  • shirellp
    shirellp Posts: 12
    I had my first NSV today!! I had a pretty ordinary week last week with poor food choices and therefore when I weighed in on Monday, not much had changed. I'd really love to throw away the scales but I'm just not ready yet!!
    Anyhow, on the weekend I dragged out my old per baby jeans, tried on a couple of pairs and one particular pair nearly fit but was just too tight for comfort. I thought I'd tr them on today to see if anything had changed and it had! Much to my delight I can get them on, get them done up, they are comfy and look pretty good even if I do say so myself! Feeling pretty good right now!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Hello, new here. I'm having a blast reading all of these NSVs, it gives me ideas on what to focus on besides the scale. I only officially started EM2WL today so I guess that is my NSV. I overrode all the voices in and out of my head telling me that the only way to do it was to starve myself. I'm enjoying the fact that I can eat.
  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    My NSV is when a few of my co workers from different departments in the hospital notice that i lost some weight. It made my day hell even my week. This motivates me to continue.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    my non-stretch skinny jeans that fit when i was 135 lbs fit perfectly, even though i now weight 145 and spend LESS time in the gym :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    I feel so much better physically. Just about to start month two of insanity. I have also got my running pace back. I managed 5.2miles in 50mins,havent been able to do this since oct last year when I was 10lbs lighter
  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
    Because of my resistance training my posture has dramatically improved. I have always been 168 cm tall. Today I had a session with my biokineticist and I am now 169 cm, apparently all because of my better posture :smile:

    In addition my body fat % used to be in the high 30's and is now 27.6! It also means that if I reach my goal of around 22% body fat I would still be "overweight" according to the BMI calculator. Yeah, right!
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    I started my fitness journey in March, after my 67th birthday on 02/22. I had a scary bloodpressure crisis and my doctor urged (ordered?) me to lose 25 lbs. or risk a stroke. So I joined MFP, then I joined the YMCA. My beginning exercise was only 1 hour in the aqua cardio pool. I was in a size 18 bathing suit at that time. I upped my pool time to 2 hours and got a new suit, size 16. I started EM2WL, added strength training/weight machines and today I wore a size 14, lipstick pink swimsuit to the pool!
    That is so AWESOME!!!
  • AngelDog1
    AngelDog1 Posts: 89
    I turned the big 40 (*yikes*gasp* LOL!) this year. And before I started EMTWL I was noticing less hair on my head and more in the drain and hairbrush. I also was noticing saggy tiny lines starting to set in around my eyes. I thought all of that was just natural occurences of getting older. NOW.... after eating TDEE for several weeks, there isn't as much hair loss, and I noticed yesterday that those tiny lines have almost disappeared!!!! Yeah!!
  • lika50
    lika50 Posts: 140 Member
    A non scale victory for me?

    Not feeling guilty when I eat.

    For so long, I either denied myself food and stayed hungry by not eating my fill or I gorged. Gorged a lot. On all the "wrong" foods. Knowing when and how much to eat had always such a struggle for me. Do I eat? SHOULD I eat? How many calories does that have? Oh, I can't have THAT. Crap, I ate too much of that! Why can she eat that but I can't? Oh, I'm still sooooo hungry. Binging or starving. A mental tug of war. Miserable.

    Food - just the tought of it - dominated my every waking hour.

    I know there may be ups and downs throughout this process. I'm constantly reading and re-reading all the tacked posts at the beginning of the group page for support and reassurance. I know I have a lot to learn. And that this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Since discovering this group, I feel like I'm finally finding my balance. Only a few days in and I feel more energetic and hopeful than ever before - not to mention that many of my body's usual aches and pains have disappeared. It's honestly been quite awhile since I've felt this good. This... free.

    But the best thing is... I eat when I'm hungry. And I eat my fill. I never "want" anymore. I feel completely satisfied - without the guilt.

    The stress of living with the mindset of only 1200 calories or bust is gone.

    A big 'ole fat cheers to you all for being so inspiring!!! :drinker:
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    @ AngelDog1 avatar: I love cute!!

    @ lika50: I know, I feel the same way. I've been weight training since the early 90's (my first group classes were when Step came out lol) and i've been up and down all the way. Totally restricting my intake to chicken, brown rice, broccoli, etc calories low then lose it all by having one big binge, saying "ah EFF IT I already blew it" then turning it into a long azz binge, til i get disgusted and try again....with the same caloric and treat restrictions.....lather, rinse and repeat for the past 20 years or so.

    I'm 47 y/o and have only just now grasped the concept of eat more to weigh less and it feels so.......freeing. Weight training with strenuous compound exercises are still my favorite (deads, squats, chinups, pushups, etc) and I can't wait to see my maxes when I start eating adequate fuel to support this. I'm excited about this journey again for the first time in years......YAY

    edit: also love this thread as I cannot stand the scale as it's so misleading. I'd rather use a tape measure and go by progress pics and how my clothes fit. scale = ugh.
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    I've pretty much always had a high cholesterol and my parents both do too but I can get my numbers down with diet and exercise. My turning point to wanting to lose weight was in Jan, I had my biometric screening and it was awful. My cholesterol was 268 and my LDLs (the bad cholesterol) were 186 (supposed to be under 100). So now 16 pounds lighter and 6 months later: my cholesterol is now 213 and my LDLs are 137! Still high but down and the good news is my doctor said no chol meds for me!!
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    This past week I went to visit my family in Indiana. I last saw them in April, and decided to get serious about getting fit on May 1. My mom and sister both asked how much weight i had lost (10 lbs) and my sister said her husband commented on it too. I took the opportunity to share about EM2WL since my sister just had a baby and is looking to lose some baby weight. I also took several pairs of pants i had worn last summer and found them to be pretty loose. All of the above have strengthened my commitment now that we have returned from vacation. Can't wait to get back to NROLFW either! :)
  • Sid422
    Sid422 Posts: 77 Member
    I had a great NSV today. We hiked to the top of a local trail that I would have never attempted 6 months ago. 5.30 miles and 2 1/2 hours of hiking. I sit here amazed at what I can now accomplish and wish I had started this journey when I was much younger. But, I'm glad I started it now. Better late than never. Happy 4th of July!!

    View from the top:

    Into the clouds...
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    A little NSV for me, but it means quite something: my mom looked at me and said "hey, I think your tummy is a bit slimmer?". I told her I did not lose any weight, but I felt a little bit more in shape.

    Made my day, because I always think my mom looks down on me because I'm overweight comparing to her and my sister.
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Here's a few-

    I can get my wedding rings off without lotion. (Still not easy, but I can do it! lol)

    I don't crave fast food at all anymore. We ran through McDonald's the other day and I realized there was absolutely nothing there I wanted to eat.

    I don't crave junk in general anymore, and if I do have a little treat, I can eat a little and feel genuinely satisfied.

    I moved down to size 16 a few weeks ago and they're already getting loose.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I am just returning from a 10 day vacation to Korea,

    During which time I drank A LOT, ate A LOT, but I also climbed a 470m high mountain, ran 10k 3 times around Seoul on my own, and 2 of the pairs of pants i brought with me were suddenly falling off me the whole time.

  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Needing to buy new cycling tights because mine are baggy.