Increasing Calories - What to expect & why you need patience...



  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    This isn't directly related to the thread, but I noticed that a few of you on here are Homeschool moms and I say "Kudos" to you all!!! I was home schooled from 7 years of age up through high school graduation (at the age of 16).. My mom (and dad) were so dedicated and worked so hard at giving me the best education and learning/experiential opportunities that they felt the good Lord wanted them to offer me (which, of course, varies from for each family looks different, whether private, public or home school). My sister who has four children is now home schooling them. I am 35 with no children(yet), but trusting God for a sweet little blessing to be sent one day, in which case, I plan to home school as well. Just wanted to encourage you and let you know that even if your kids don't tell you all the time now, they will certainly be ever-so-grateful as they get older for your sacrifices and your hard work on their behalf. I appreciate my dear mom soooooooo much - she taught me what it is to give selflessly. I salute you, strong women! <3
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Thank you for this post, I've upped my calories from 1210 to 1600 - 1700, managed to gain 5lb in 2 weeks and trying not to panic about it, started lifting this week. I am going to stick with it for a month (besides anything else I enjoy eating). This article is reassuring me that this is okay!

    Many thanks
  • jovanna911
    jovanna911 Posts: 15 Member
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    This isn't directly related to the thread, but I noticed that a few of you on here are Homeschool moms and I say "Kudos" to you all!!! I was home schooled from 7 years of age up through high school graduation (at the age of 16).. My mom (and dad) were so dedicated and worked so hard at giving me the best education and learning/experiential opportunities that they felt the good Lord wanted them to offer me (which, of course, varies from for each family looks different, whether private, public or home school). My sister who has four children is now home schooling them. I am 35 with no children(yet), but trusting God for a sweet little blessing to be sent one day, in which case, I plan to home school as well. Just wanted to encourage you and let you know that even if your kids don't tell you all the time now, they will certainly be ever-so-grateful as they get older for your sacrifices and your hard work on their behalf. I appreciate my dear mom soooooooo much - she taught me what it is to give selflessly. I salute you, strong women! <3

    Aww, how sweet! I do pray that I'll receive the gratitude that you have toward your day, lol.

    OK, so I just read the "what to expect" post again and I'm thinking I need to eat maintenance calories for 4-6 weeks to repair my metabolism. What are maintenance calories again? I have tried the low/no carb diets as well as been a binger on low calorie diets. The worst for me was the HCG diet. I felt awful and had no energy. It was 500 calories a day and I took the HCG drops. Talk about horrible!! I'm done with fad diets and ready to get my body healthy. I know you all have probably answered these questions a million times but I appreciate your input. Thanks!!

    Maintenance is your TDEE if you've done your BMR & TDEE calculations. If you haven't then head on over here and punch in your numbers:

    It will tell you what your maintenance cals are :)

    I think that if you have gone through HCG, low carbing, binging, and such, that setting yourself up to go through a metabolism reset would be a good idea. when our metabolisms take a beating like that, we have to give them the time they need to repair....

    I've never regretted doing mine :flowerforyou:

  • donna9089
    donna9089 Posts: 87
    Thanks for this group and this post. I am really having a hard time grasping the concept of eating more to lose this weight. When I first started MFP in Jan, I lost about 7# and have gained and lost back 2# since. I cannot get below that 7# and it is sooo frustrating as I am sure most of you can relate. Fat2Fit radio BMR calculator has me at 1438. When I first started here I was VERY lucky to see 1000 calories a day. I hit the gym 5 days a week doing cardio and also weights for between 30-45 min each time. I did get an HRM to get a better idea of the calories I burn each session because those cardio machines did not come close to the number MFP gives. The machines are much closer than logging in here however. I have tried to reach 1400 cals a day, and some days I make it, some I don't. I drink tons of water and 1 Diet Soda at lunch during the week. No alcohol, no tea or coffee. Not sure how to figure the TDEE since I have a desk job but work out 5 days a week. I think somewhere between sedentary and lightly active so was shooting for 1600 - 1650. I have gained and lost that same couple of pounds still and this is going on 4 weeks since I upped the calories. Am I still doing something wrong or do I need to try to increase calories again? I am getting very frustrated with not knowing what or how to change.

    CW: 180 +/-
    GW: 140
    H: 5'3"
    Age: 53
    Sex: F
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks for this group and this post. I am really having a hard time grasping the concept of eating more to lose this weight. When I first started MFP in Jan, I lost about 7# and have gained and lost back 2# since. I cannot get below that 7# and it is sooo frustrating as I am sure most of you can relate. Fat2Fit radio BMR calculator has me at 1438. When I first started here I was VERY lucky to see 1000 calories a day. I hit the gym 5 days a week doing cardio and also weights for between 30-45 min each time. I did get an HRM to get a better idea of the calories I burn each session because those cardio machines did not come close to the number MFP gives. The machines are much closer than logging in here however. I have tried to reach 1400 cals a day, and some days I make it, some I don't. I drink tons of water and 1 Diet Soda at lunch during the week. No alcohol, no tea or coffee. Not sure how to figure the TDEE since I have a desk job but work out 5 days a week. I think somewhere between sedentary and lightly active so was shooting for 1600 - 1650. I have gained and lost that same couple of pounds still and this is going on 4 weeks since I upped the calories. Am I still doing something wrong or do I need to try to increase calories again? I am getting very frustrated with not knowing what or how to change.

    CW: 180 +/-
    GW: 140
    H: 5'3"
    Age: 53
    Sex: F

    Ok. Know you will be shocked but you need to use the moderate activity level and sub 15% from that.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks for this group and this post. I am really having a hard time grasping the concept of eating more to lose this weight. When I first started MFP in Jan, I lost about 7# and have gained and lost back 2# since. I cannot get below that 7# and it is sooo frustrating as I am sure most of you can relate. Fat2Fit radio BMR calculator has me at 1438. When I first started here I was VERY lucky to see 1000 calories a day. I hit the gym 5 days a week doing cardio and also weights for between 30-45 min each time. I did get an HRM to get a better idea of the calories I burn each session because those cardio machines did not come close to the number MFP gives. The machines are much closer than logging in here however. I have tried to reach 1400 cals a day, and some days I make it, some I don't. I drink tons of water and 1 Diet Soda at lunch during the week. No alcohol, no tea or coffee. Not sure how to figure the TDEE since I have a desk job but work out 5 days a week. I think somewhere between sedentary and lightly active so was shooting for 1600 - 1650. I have gained and lost that same couple of pounds still and this is going on 4 weeks since I upped the calories. Am I still doing something wrong or do I need to try to increase calories again? I am getting very frustrated with not knowing what or how to change.

    CW: 180 +/-
    GW: 140
    H: 5'3"
    Age: 53
    Sex: F

    Ok. Know you will be shocked but you need to use the moderate activity level and sub 15% from that. Wrking out as you do you will constantly need to eat more anyway bec the current cut is right above your bmr. Eat your new cut everyday and make sure to always make sure you net your bmr on workout days.
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 97 Member
    I keep retreading this thread to keep my hopes up. It's been shark week and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale during it :noway: Omg, the number has not been this high in forevers :grumble: There should be a function on scales that disable them while it's shark week since it is not helpful at all. I realty hope the number...and my big belly...go away when it is over. :cry:
  • donna9089
    donna9089 Posts: 87
    Thanks for this group and this post. I am really having a hard time grasping the concept of eating more to lose this weight. When I first started MFP in Jan, I lost about 7# and have gained and lost back 2# since. I cannot get below that 7# and it is sooo frustrating as I am sure most of you can relate. Fat2Fit radio BMR calculator has me at 1438. When I first started here I was VERY lucky to see 1000 calories a day. I hit the gym 5 days a week doing cardio and also weights for between 30-45 min each time. I did get an HRM to get a better idea of the calories I burn each session because those cardio machines did not come close to the number MFP gives. The machines are much closer than logging in here however. I have tried to reach 1400 cals a day, and some days I make it, some I don't. I drink tons of water and 1 Diet Soda at lunch during the week. No alcohol, no tea or coffee. Not sure how to figure the TDEE since I have a desk job but work out 5 days a week. I think somewhere between sedentary and lightly active so was shooting for 1600 - 1650. I have gained and lost that same couple of pounds still and this is going on 4 weeks since I upped the calories. Am I still doing something wrong or do I need to try to increase calories again? I am getting very frustrated with not knowing what or how to change.

    CW: 180 +/-
    GW: 140
    H: 5'3"
    Age: 53
    Sex: F

    Ok. Know you will be shocked but you need to use the moderate activity level and sub 15% from that. Wrking out as you do you will constantly need to eat more anyway bec the current cut is right above your bmr. Eat your new cut everyday and make sure to always make sure you net your bmr on workout days.

    Good grief Lucia! Thanks for your guidance! :flowerforyou: With this information, it seems that I should be eating around 1727 every day. That is going to be tough to get down my throat, but I will give it a shot. I am almost desperate to get something right for a change. I lift heavy so I know down deep in there somewhere I have some definition I would like to see one day.
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    Love this group and these threads/sticky's. Have posted in the TDEE sticky and plan to start this in June- after my hols, am fully expecting a weight gain and dont want this before my holiday lol
    This has been a fabulous read, so I know what to expect. When I start Im going to start eating BMR + exercise cals so I always net my BMR. Then I will up this gradually. Am I right in thinking I need to up this until I reach my TDEE based on 15% fat loss as per scooby calc? This is 2139 cals, so this is my eventual daily calorie goal right? Do I eat this every day, whether Ive exercised or not? (because exercise is counted in my TDEE, though sometimes I take a cheeky day off).
    Also, can I ask why we are working TDEE based on 15% fat loss. The website gives a few options, is this just the one you guys would recommend as a start point?
    I hope to properly undertsnd this by June and will keep checking back for support and inspiration. Its especially helpful to hear from those of you who started this recently, as I'm assuming the first few months of this change are the hardest. Keep it up x
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I haven't had energy in years. I've been eating too little for too long. I could never figure out why I would not lose any weight but I'd eat a hamburger and gain 3lbs. It makes sense now.

    I have INFINITELY more energy and motivation. I worked out the other day and have enough energy to go for a run after! That's NEVER happened in my life before.

    I'm looking forward to this! Thank you.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Love this group and these threads/sticky's. Have posted in the TDEE sticky and plan to start this in June- after my hols, am fully expecting a weight gain and dont want this before my holiday lol
    This has been a fabulous read, so I know what to expect. When I start Im going to start eating BMR + exercise cals so I always net my BMR. Then I will up this gradually. Am I right in thinking I need to up this until I reach my TDEE based on 15% fat loss as per scooby calc? This is 2139 cals, so this is my eventual daily calorie goal right? Do I eat this every day, whether Ive exercised or not? (because exercise is counted in my TDEE, though sometimes I take a cheeky day off).
    Also, can I ask why we are working TDEE based on 15% fat loss. The website gives a few options, is this just the one you guys would recommend as a start point?
    I hope to properly undertsnd this by June and will keep checking back for support and inspiration. Its especially helpful to hear from those of you who started this recently, as I'm assuming the first few months of this change are the hardest. Keep it up x

    We suggest 15% bec it is a moderate cut. When cals are cut drastically(500 or more) it sends the body into shock. Many times the huge deficit takes you below your BMR. So we believe a smaller cut especially, when the body has been starved for so long, allows the body the fuel it needs to start letting go of the fat once it starts to trust you won't starve it again.
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks so much for the info Lucia x
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    hi! i'm new here too! just started eating more 2 days ago. i am so stuffed and so bloated. i'm pretty sure i'm retaining water too :-(

    normally, if my pants were to feel THIS tight, i'd immediately stop eating. i was a chronic under eater for 7 years. i came to mfp 105 days ago and realized just how bad it was. i hadn't really been "counting calories" i just had no appetite and never thought about eating much. i was NEVER EVER hungry. so, i just didn't eat much. after logging here for about a week i realized just how bad it was. i had been told it was bad by docs and trainers, but i never believed them.

    100 days on here, aiming for 1200 then 1300 then 1500. i did not lose any weight at all in those 100 days. not ONE SINGLE pound. i did change my body via weights. lost a bunch of inches ;-) but no pounds. i would like to lose inches, pounds and body fat! i want to go down a couple sizes in clothes and i haven't been able to do that so far.

    i got a body media fit and started wearing that 24/7. apparently i burn a lot of calories during my normal day. so, i figured i'd giving this eating more a shot. can't hurt at this point :-) my goal is currently 2000. yesterday was my highest day at 1890ish. i was soooo stuffed and bloated all day long. i actually got sick in the afternoon on the way to the gym.

    i know i'm looking at a long road ahead of me. i'm prepared for months of trying to fix all of this under eating. i don't know what i weigh, as i don't own a scale and i choose not to step on one, LOL! i not a huge fan of food. i don't like eating in front of people. i frequently forget to eat or get too busy to eat.

    i really do hope this helps me! i am lifting 3 days per week and running 2 days per week. but 24/7 i take care of 5 small kids, 1 cat, 1 dog, 1 bunny, and a whole lotta chickens! plus, i'm a single parent so i do all the chores and yard work, and house work, etc. i lead a very very busy life!!

    i'm glad there are others just starting out, and having issues too. i'm glad i'm not alone :-)
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    OK, so I just read the "what to expect" post again and I'm thinking I need to eat maintenance calories for 4-6 weeks to repair my metabolism. What are maintenance calories again? I have tried the low/no carb diets as well as been a binger on low calorie diets. The worst for me was the HCG diet. I felt awful and had no energy. It was 500 calories a day and I took the HCG drops. Talk about horrible!! I'm done with fad diets and ready to get my body healthy. I know you all have probably answered these questions a million times but I appreciate your input. Thanks!!

    Maintenance is your TDEE if you've done your BMR & TDEE calculations. If you haven't then head on over here and punch in your numbers:

    It will tell you what your maintenance cals are :)

    I think that if you have gone through HCG, low carbing, binging, and such, that setting yourself up to go through a metabolism reset would be a good idea. when our metabolisms take a beating like that, we have to give them the time they need to repair....

    I've never regretted doing mine :flowerforyou:


    Thanks for this Kiki!! :flowerforyou: I appreciate your advice and I know I won't regret my metabolism reset either! :wink:
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Hey all! I must have read this thread a million times for inspiration and motivation, but I'm sort of at a loss right now because I can't seem to figure out what my body is thinking. I starting upping calories a little over a month ago. I'm 5'2" was at 139lbs. I was netting around 1200 and it just didn't seem like enough. In order to utilize MFP the way its intended (and to stop myself from getting confused) I calculated my TDEE as though I was sedentary (because I do not work or anything like that) and then I eat back my work out calories... I increased my net goal by 50 calories each week for three weeks and I am now at a net goal of 1350. With exercising I eat 1400-1700 calories.. On Sundays I do not count calories for sanity and so my husband and I can enjoy dates without me worrying about what I'm eating (we are foodies)... or sometimes we will just get fast food so I can get a break from cooking. Because of this on Mondays I will have some water weight (like 2-3 lbs) but it usually goes away by my next weigh in. Sometimes I would see a loss... sometimes I wouldn't.

    I stopped increasing to give my body a break... but now I'm not sure it was the right choice... Two weeks ago I got my wisdom teeth removed and was not able to eat much... I did my best to eat between 1200-1300 each day for my week of recover.. I lost 2 pounds... figured it was a fluke and didn't record it. The next week I went back to eating normally (except I started watching my carb intake a little more closely I incorporating a meal replacement shake to increase protein intake)..and exercising again.. At the end of the week I got down to 136 and was ecstatic... and shocked that the weight I lost while eating mushy foods stayed off. I had my typical sunday (though I am trying to make them a little less insane with what I eat.. I probably go over 2000 for sure though)... went back up to 139... and have been holding steady at 138 the past couple days...

    So I suppose my question is whether this is just the water weight I've come to expect being stubborn? Or if my body is still reacting to the increase in calories compared to two weeks ago? Should I continue to increase? Should I stop stressing myself out?! (I know the answer to that). Any input would be great. My diary is open if you would find that helpful.
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    This isn't directly related to the thread, but I noticed that a few of you on here are Homeschool moms and I say "Kudos" to you all!!! I was home schooled from 7 years of age up through high school graduation (at the age of 16).. My mom (and dad) were so dedicated and worked so hard at giving me the best education and learning/experiential opportunities that they felt the good Lord wanted them to offer me (which, of course, varies from for each family looks different, whether private, public or home school). My sister who has four children is now home schooling them. I am 35 with no children(yet), but trusting God for a sweet little blessing to be sent one day, in which case, I plan to home school as well. Just wanted to encourage you and let you know that even if your kids don't tell you all the time now, they will certainly be ever-so-grateful as they get older for your sacrifices and your hard work on their behalf. I appreciate my dear mom soooooooo much - she taught me what it is to give selflessly. I salute you, strong women! <3

    I really appreciate this post!! :blushing: I homeschool and it is a lot of work! Thanks for the encouragement. I know my children will appreciate it and me when they are old enough to understand the sacrifice and work it takes! Thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    So I suppose my question is whether this is just the water weight I've come to expect being stubborn? Or if my body is still reacting to the increase in calories compared to two weeks ago? Should I continue to increase? Should I stop stressing myself out?! (I know the answer to that). Any input would be great. My diary is open if you would find that helpful.

    Yes, it was just water weight. Your body is actually reacting to the cal DECREASE from when you weren't eating. Whenever we drastically reduce cals the way that you had to after your dental work, our body reacts first by shedding water, that's how we get hooked on low cal diets for life. It's like crack. We'll keep going back seeking that first high. Don't do it. Don't be tempted by that measly water weight addiction that is trying to call your name right now. :tongue:

    Stay strong, give your body some time to recover from what it just went through, so that it doesn't think you're going through a binge that will end with you starving in a couple of weeks again.

  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    So I suppose my question is whether this is just the water weight I've come to expect being stubborn? Or if my body is still reacting to the increase in calories compared to two weeks ago? Should I continue to increase? Should I stop stressing myself out?! (I know the answer to that). Any input would be great. My diary is open if you would find that helpful.

    Yes, it was just water weight. Your body is actually reacting to the cal DECREASE from when you weren't eating. Whenever we drastically reduce cals the way that you had to after your dental work, our body reacts first by shedding water, that's how we get hooked on low cal diets for life. It's like crack. We'll keep going back seeking that first high. Don't do it. Don't be tempted by that measly water weight addiction that is trying to call your name right now. :tongue:

    Stay strong, give your body some time to recover from what it just went through, so that it doesn't think you're going through a binge that will end with you starving in a couple of weeks again.


    Thank you for that! It's just so hard when you see a huge drop and then it goes away.. I'm trying to care less about what the scale says.. but I don't know how to do that
  • I've been going by this method for about 6 weeks now. I've been eating healthy, unprocessed foods (for the most part), eating 15% below my TDEE, always making sure I eat above my BMR when I exercise, and going to the gym 5 times a week for an hour at a time. I've made 2 very important changes in my lifestyle and eating habits. I now go to the gym... and I also eat healthy. Whereas before I ate whatever I wanted and didn't go to the gym. I took a picture of myself before I started this, 6 weeks ago... and I took another picture this morning. The pictures look the same... and the scale has stayed the same. What am I doing wrong? It makes me want to give up and just eat all that yummy pizza, cookies, brownies, etc. that I was able to eat before! Here are some facts about myself if it helps at all figure out what I could be doing wrong to see absolutely no results at all in 6 weeks.

    weight: 145
    height: 5' 7"
    BMR: 1483
    TDEE: 2289
    Calories consumed per day: 1900
    Sleep: 7-8 hours per night
    Gym: 5 days a week. 30 mins cardio (2 HIIT sessions per week), and heavy lifting
    Water consumed: 8 cups per day

    I do not eat any kind of meat. I do drink a protein shake after the gym. I go to the gym at night time because it's the only time I can go besides weekends. I eat about an hour before the gym. I drink my protein shake 30 mins after the gym. I go to bed about an hour after coming home from the gym. I bought the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and I will incorporate all of those tips into my routines.

    I'm just really disappointed that after 6 weeks of eating healthy and exercising, I see absolutely no results at all.

    Any thoughts?:ohwell: