List of Things to Indulge In - THAT ISNT FOOD



  • bethiejean33
    bethiejean33 Posts: 2 Member
    Reading a book, training my dogs, photography, and spending time with others.
  • 77billie77
    77billie77 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there,

    I want to reward myself without overeating/consuming my favorite junk foods. Anything that gets in the way of my goal is a hindrance - so what else can I indulge in?

    Here is a personal list of things that make me just as happy as a french fries and a milkshake :)

    Please add on your "look-forward-to's" as well!

    - Watching that new episode of your favorite series
    -Taking a long, hot bath
    -Getting your nails done
    -Meeting up with friends for some good laughs
    -Buying a new pair of shoes

    Now, tell me yours!

    Go PLAY with my GRANDJOYS
  • 77billie77
    77billie77 Posts: 25 Member
    Go PLAY with my GRANDJOYS
  • jurapak9960
    jurapak9960 Posts: 32 Member
    I started a summer reading list to keep myself from snacking during the day!
  • Opalprincess99
    Opalprincess99 Posts: 88 Member
    I love to play violin or sing haha. Not so much a reward but it distracts me a fair amount.
  • dredzone71
    dredzone71 Posts: 16 Member
    I find that video games that suck me in, or cross-stitching, are both things I can do for hours at a time without thinking about whatever craving I'm having.
  • Desdemonad
    Desdemonad Posts: 30 Member
    Playing pyramid solitaire online, trivia online, checking MFP notifications, going to the beach, walking in the woods with my dog, watching a new episode of one of my fav shows.
  • Riplenater
    Riplenater Posts: 19 Member
    I am really just trying to find some new vices. Before I had kids I smoked for a long time. And I worked all the time. Once I got pregnant food replaced the smokes and I no longer worked outside the home so I was more free to eat any time of the day or night. My other vices like TV, the internet, going out with friends all are connected with eating, too. I have really had to trace my steps very far back to find what it is I even love to do anymore.

    So far I have started taking baths again, doing crafts (mostly for the kids scouts and school but I really like it), meditating again, hiking again, reading more, taking more walks.

    I remember how much I loved dolls when I was a kid. So I think I might try making a reborn doll or dollfie and see how that goes. I used to write a lot when I was a teen and young adult so I want to get back to that as well.

    it is truly amazing how much more of yourself you find when you stop covering it up with food.

    This has inspired me! Thank You!
  • Riplenater
    Riplenater Posts: 19 Member
    I love going on "Pinterest" and have a bulletin board full of tips and projects I want to try. I also love to bake .. and believe it or not, I don't really have a problem controlling myself or being around it. I leave a little at home for my kids to enjoy and I take the rest in to work and let my co-workers enjoy it. The fun for me is making it .. not eating it.
    Hi what is Pinterest and how do I get "on it"

    App. Download the app or Google search. It's amazing.
  • pattigorman
    pattigorman Posts: 33 Member
    How are you in ‘18?
  • Emeraldreign
    Emeraldreign Posts: 56 Member
    I love going on "Pinterest" and have a bulletin board full of tips and projects I want to try. I also love to bake .. and believe it or not, I don't really have a problem controlling myself or being around it. I leave a little at home for my kids to enjoy and I take the rest in to work and let my co-workers enjoy it. The fun for me is making it .. not eating it.
    Hi what is Pinterest and how do I get "on it"

    Sweety I don't think anyone knows what Pinterest is or how to define it. For me it's a bunch of fashion but no indication where to purchase specific items. Hateful site.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Hateful site? Lol
  • Emjae5
    Emjae5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I want to reward myself without overeating/consuming my favorite junk foods. Anything that gets in the way of my goal is a hindrance - so what else can I indulge in?

    Here is a personal list of things that make me just as happy as a french fries and a milkshake :)

    Please add on your "look-forward-to's" as well!

    - Watching that new episode of your favorite series
    -Taking a long, hot bath
    -Getting your nails done
    -Meeting up with friends for some good laughs
    -Buying a new pair of shoes

    Now, tell me yours!

    Hey, I know this going to sound kind of sad but I find it therapeutic to tidy up my house, cleaning, sorting things, tidying up the garden etc. Getting going can be tricky but once I do and I've done something I feel a real sense of achievement and a bit less stressed at the mess/clutter.
    My weight went up at the end of last year as I stopped running and tended to comfort eat in the evenings. I know I work better when I have a goal so I signed up for a half marathon in June. The thought of that scares me but I'm determined and am enjoying working towards it.
  • eleonora1809
    eleonora1809 Posts: 85 Member
    Oh my I LOVE this thread.
    1. Watching my favorite channels on Youtube
    2. A good book
    3. Watching movies
    4. Playing with my dogs
    5. Running
    6. Makeup
  • _calmjam
    _calmjam Posts: 18 Member
    This is a great discussion. I like to do many of those things already listed (mani/pedi, aromatherapy baths and others). I also like re-reading a book that I loved, or a children's or young adult book, mainly 'cause they're easy to read and get into and finish. I like to play around on photoshop and edit old photos, that gets me in the flow and my mind off food. Also reading health books and magazines. If I'm in the mood, sometimes I'll put on some good music and dance around my place! Hope these help!
  • jamilyn916
    jamilyn916 Posts: 8 Member
    1. Going for a walk 2. Manicures & pedicures
    3. Shopping 4. Bubble baths 5. Visiting w friends 6. Going to the gym 7. Watching a movie or one of my favorite tv shows
  • blackrosedalice
    blackrosedalice Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know if this counts as "not food related" but I bake - for others, so I feel bad to eat them because I want it to give as a gift.
    Ice-skating if the rink is open - but unfortunately the schedule often doesn't line up with mine!
    I've found dancing a nice distraction; or learning a new language or coding.
    Reading is always fun.
    Or oddly enough - meal planning/goals planning is good for re-focusing.
    Cleaning and reorganising are actually fun hobbies for me - because it's so satisfying!
  • sylvia270
    sylvia270 Posts: 33 Member
    I bought a little personal hand held atari video game system to occupy my hands and give me something to do during some down time. You can't eat a play video game at the same time.
  • FaithAnne04
    FaithAnne04 Posts: 13 Member
    Dancing on my own