Monday updates....



  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Ok well then - promise no shredding??? This is the guy I met at work in January. He's the one who had a girlfriend but right off the bat I knew they were not doing well. So I had been seeing him at the gym and we worked out a little bit and talked. Texted all the time but he never crossed any line. Long story short they broke up, we spent one day together, nothing happened other then kissing. He left for work for the next 3 weeks. Came home Friday. I brought Chinese food over and we watched movies. I left around 8:30 the next morning. I was SO excited when he opened his door he could feel me shaking when he hugged me. In the middle of the night he woke up and held my hand. That is by far one of the sweetest things a man has ever done to me. My ex husband used to kick me in the middle of the night.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Just an FYI, I am officially NOT friendzoned.
    Pretty much asked her straight out if we were both on the same page and her response is, "I wouldn't laugh so much and have such a good time if I wasn't interested" she also goes on to tell me she's not good about constantly reassuring, so I'm gonna need to just accept it and move forward. So time for me to get that intestinal fortitude.

    Woot!! :drinker:

  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well I bit the bullett and joined POF this last night since I have been on eharmony since october and had 1 date and barely get matched up. I can see why guys say they are fighting for everything on there. It has been overwhelming to the point I don't know where to start. I need to cull through the emails and respond to some that took more time then to send a "hey beautiful" message.

    So funny, I just opened a PoF account yesterday too. Eharmony sucks. Keep us posted.
    Eharmony sucks. Keep us posted.

    Uh-oh I need details on this... my friend who wants to go online is thinking about eharmony... she's convinced that's what she needs to do in order to find someone to marry rather than just a one-night-stand

    When you're on Eharmony, they send you lots of matches the first month, but if you're on any longer than that it goes down to 2-3 a week. And basically no one ever writes or responds to one another (I've heard both men & women say this). It just feels pointless and expensive after a while.

    I agree....eharmony is NOT the way to luck there ever.....and very little responses (I , too have heard this from both sides)
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Jaxdiablo - great news! Intestinal fortitude is required - remember: he who dares, wins!
    Ok well then - promise no shredding??? This is the guy I met at work in January. He's the one who had a girlfriend but right off the bat I knew they were not doing well. So I had been seeing him at the gym and we worked out a little bit and talked. Texted all the time but he never crossed any line. Long story short they broke up, we spent one day together, nothing happened other then kissing. He left for work for the next 3 weeks. Came home Friday. I brought Chinese food over and we watched movies. I left around 8:30 the next morning. I was SO excited when he opened his door he could feel me shaking when he hugged me. In the middle of the night he woke up and held my hand. That is by far one of the sweetest things a man has ever done to me. My ex husband used to kick me in the middle of the night.

    That's very sweet - after the ex, you so deserve being cared for that way Catherine :flowerforyou:
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Well, let's see. Where to start...

    Friday! Bachelorette party!!!! Woot! Well, you'd think so anyway, but it wasn't that fun. We went out, ate salads, convinced each other of how full we all were, and then crashed the bachelor party because the bride really wanted to see the groom, and they had fireworks. So they set the fireworks up, one falls over and sets the woods on fire! :noway: The boys all run and basically jump on it to get it to go out, which it does in about five minutes, one of the guys loses his wedding ring, and I'm holding the sobbing bride, doing my best to convince her the groom is still alive since he's the one I handed the gallon of water to a minute before...

    Saturday! Went to the hit on by the pastor's son (never gonna happen, something about 42 y.o. virgins that freaks me out :laugh: ) Dry wedding, so brother and I cleared out as soon as etiquette permitted and went to our bar with some really good friends. As always, I got hit on by about four girls and two creepy guys. One guy ran his foot down the outside of my thigh (he was sitting on a table) and told me how much I was turning him on :sick: , and another guy who would definitely be in the running to win a Stone Cold Steve Austin lookalike contest backed me into the corner when I was waiting for the restroom to ask if he could use it with, no thanks :embarassed:

    Sunday! I took a four hour nap...
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Jaxdiablo - great news! Intestinal fortitude is required - remember: he who dares, wins!
    Ok well then - promise no shredding??? This is the guy I met at work in January. He's the one who had a girlfriend but right off the bat I knew they were not doing well. So I had been seeing him at the gym and we worked out a little bit and talked. Texted all the time but he never crossed any line. Long story short they broke up, we spent one day together, nothing happened other then kissing. He left for work for the next 3 weeks. Came home Friday. I brought Chinese food over and we watched movies. I left around 8:30 the next morning. I was SO excited when he opened his door he could feel me shaking when he hugged me. In the middle of the night he woke up and held my hand. That is by far one of the sweetest things a man has ever done to me. My ex husband used to kick me in the middle of the night.

    That's very sweet - after the ex, you so deserve being cared for that way Catherine :flowerforyou:

    Thanks so much!!!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Kicked off the weekend with a nice dinner date w/an old friend (dinner, basketball), then headed out to Colorado for spring break kick off my friend's 30th birthday with a bang! This week's about her, not me, but I'll certainly let you know if I have any adventures.

    I don't think anything will come of the date, though. He's much younger than me and much less established in his career. I didn't realize I even cared (about stuff like that) until we were hanging out: I'm talking about retiring in a few years and he's talking about strategic placement for his next 20 years.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    The good, we spent the entire 48 hours together and get along great.
    The bad, I'm not certain she's serious about being exclusive.
    This was our first real date. We live about 7 hours apart.

    First date with a guy who lives 7 hours away and is out of country half the year.... I wouldn't give off "serious about being exclusive" vibes either, even if I liked him.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Ok well then - promise no shredding??? This is the guy I met at work in January. He's the one who had a girlfriend but right off the bat I knew they were not doing well. So I had been seeing him at the gym and we worked out a little bit and talked. Texted all the time but he never crossed any line. Long story short they broke up, we spent one day together, nothing happened other then kissing. He left for work for the next 3 weeks. Came home Friday. I brought Chinese food over and we watched movies. I left around 8:30 the next morning. I was SO excited when he opened his door he could feel me shaking when he hugged me. In the middle of the night he woke up and held my hand. That is by far one of the sweetest things a man has ever done to me. My ex husband used to kick me in the middle of the night.

    Awwwwwww! That is so sweet! My ex always fell asleep on the couch and I slept alone. lol.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Married men should not be allowed in bars. Period.
    Eh! They need an escape from the boring wife... So no, they definitely should be allowed in bars!

    my exhusband met the girl he cheated on me with at a gas station so its not just bars.

    Nothing this weekend. Nada. Nil. Zilch. I need to get out more

    Sorry to hear about the cheating but does prove a point I have made over and over about finding dates. A gas station is a part of every day life and it is a good idea to meet dates in day to day activities. I'd like to meet dates more often at places like the grocery store. That's efficiency to me!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I went on a second date with this guy on Saturday! It was pretty fun! We saw the Hunger Games. And then he dropped me off at home but since we have the same friends we ended up meeting out at a party and went to the bars together. :)
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    I've been "seeing" a much older guy (15 years my senior) who I met through work. He has 2 jobs (and is a single dad) and is really busy, so we chat on the phone often but between his schedule and mine (single mom), getting together to see each other has been a little limiting. Plus I start a new job next week that will keep me hopping busy during the day, so quickly meeting for a coffee or a kiss during working hours won't really be a possibility.

    I'm taking things easy, but he's moving things along at an insane rate. We've been talking for 3 weeks and he's mentioned a) me moving in with him, b) me working with him as part of a dynamic duo that takes on the world one custom home at a time, c) going on a weekend getaway together, d) him buying me a car, e) what I would think of living in a specific area of town with him, f) talking about more children & marriage. I'm okay with b and c right now. . And that's it. I constantly tell him that he's crazy. He knows that I don't want any more kids, period - As I told him he should get a vasectomy.

    I don't really take the things he says at face value - However, if he shows through his actions that he's serious about some things, I will learn to trust him.

    Slow and steady - I just have to get him to adopt the same philosophy.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Ok well then - promise no shredding??? This is the guy I met at work in January. He's the one who had a girlfriend but right off the bat I knew they were not doing well. So I had been seeing him at the gym and we worked out a little bit and talked. Texted all the time but he never crossed any line. Long story short they broke up, we spent one day together, nothing happened other then kissing. He left for work for the next 3 weeks. Came home Friday. I brought Chinese food over and we watched movies. I left around 8:30 the next morning. I was SO excited when he opened his door he could feel me shaking when he hugged me. In the middle of the night he woke up and held my hand. That is by far one of the sweetest things a man has ever done to me. My ex husband used to kick me in the middle of the night.

    Awwwwwww! That is so sweet! My ex always fell asleep on the couch and I slept alone. lol.

    That used to happen to me too. I would sneak into the living room and turn the volume down on the TV and get mad at myself if I was too loud and he'd wake up and come to bed!
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I had a date Saturday night with a guy I’ve been seeing off and on for the past five months. He’s perfect and I absolutely love hanging out with him. Problem….he has a lot of family and personal issues going on… he’s not at a place to have anything serious. It sucks and I know I’m setting myself up for heart break but I cant seem to stay away from him. :sad:

    This sounds like bad news written all over it.

    Unfortunately I agree with you! :grumble: :laugh:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    So I go to the YMCA 3-4x a week. I do weights, slog (I jog real slow) on the indoor track, lap swim and every Monday Zumba! There's this cute girl I seen frequently in the weight area. No ring on her finger but I have seen her PDA w/a tall, thin guy so I never gave much thought.

    Weeks go by and I still see her on occasion but not the other guy/bf. So earlier today I am in Zumba class, being awesome. And by awesome I mean sucking horribly. Picture a blind, stoned, drunk ape wearing roller skates attempting to dance and that's me doing Zumba. I enjoy it though and it helps me get out there so I go. Been going for a few months now.

    Working up a good sweat when I notice out of the corner of my eye the girl smiling. She's looking in @ the class through a window and smiling. I immediately start panicking. "Wait is she smiling at me?" Granted, being a 300 lb. man in a Zumba class with 20 or so other women, I stick out. Usually I am not the only male in class, sometimes there's 1-2 other guys, however today it was just me being the only guy.

    So with one eye I am trying to see if she is indeed smiling @ me while keeping another eye on the Zumba instructor so I don't mess up and fall on my *kitten*. Of course the loads of sweat on my face makes it even more difficult. The song ends, I wipe my face and look @ the window, she's gone. After class I look for her on the gym floor, she's nowhere. )= oh well…she probably wasn't smiling @ me anyways…
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    So I go to the YMCA 3-4x a week. I do weights, slog (I jog real slow) on the indoor track, lap swim and every Monday Zumba! There's this cute girl I seen frequently in the weight area. No ring on her finger but I have seen her PDA w/a tall, thin guy so I never gave much thought.

    Weeks go by and I still see her on occasion but not the other guy/bf. So earlier today I am in Zumba class, being awesome. And by awesome I mean sucking horribly. Picture a blind, stoned, drunk ape wearing roller skates attempting to dance and that's me doing Zumba. I enjoy it though and it helps me get out there so I go. Been going for a few months now.

    Working up a good sweat when I notice out of the corner of my eye the girl smiling. She's looking in @ the class through a window and smiling. I immediately start panicking. "Wait is she smiling at me?" Granted, being a 300 lb. man in a Zumba class with 20 or so other women, I stick out. Usually I am not the only male in class, sometimes there's 1-2 other guys, however today it was just me being the only guy.

    So with one eye I am trying to see if she is indeed smiling @ me while keeping another eye on the Zumba instructor so I don't mess up and fall on my *kitten*. Of course the loads of sweat on my face makes it even more difficult. The song ends, I wipe my face and look @ the window, she's gone. After class I look for her on the gym floor, she's nowhere. )= oh well…she probably wasn't smiling @ me anyways…

    I bet she was. ;)
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    I had 2 second dates this weekend...... Friday night, country bar with dancing, great band, met a few of his friends. Had a blast. Saturday night....he took me out to The Melting Pot for my bday dinner. (Seemed a bit extravagant for a 2nd date, but he totally surprised me with it!) Cozy booth in the corner. Then to his place where we watched Contagion. (I'd been wanting to see it.....)

    All in all a great weekend.....two totally different types of guys though. And now I'm at that point where I feel I need to pick one or the other - it doesn't feel right seeing two at once.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    So I go to the YMCA 3-4x a week. I do weights, slog (I jog real slow) on the indoor track, lap swim and every Monday Zumba! There's this cute girl I seen frequently in the weight area. No ring on her finger but I have seen her PDA w/a tall, thin guy so I never gave much thought.

    Weeks go by and I still see her on occasion but not the other guy/bf. So earlier today I am in Zumba class, being awesome. And by awesome I mean sucking horribly. Picture a blind, stoned, drunk ape wearing roller skates attempting to dance and that's me doing Zumba. I enjoy it though and it helps me get out there so I go. Been going for a few months now.

    Working up a good sweat when I notice out of the corner of my eye the girl smiling. She's looking in @ the class through a window and smiling. I immediately start panicking. "Wait is she smiling at me?" Granted, being a 300 lb. man in a Zumba class with 20 or so other women, I stick out. Usually I am not the only male in class, sometimes there's 1-2 other guys, however today it was just me being the only guy.

    So with one eye I am trying to see if she is indeed smiling @ me while keeping another eye on the Zumba instructor so I don't mess up and fall on my *kitten*. Of course the loads of sweat on my face makes it even more difficult. The song ends, I wipe my face and look @ the window, she's gone. After class I look for her on the gym floor, she's nowhere. )= oh well…she probably wasn't smiling @ me anyways…

    ooh laa laaaa, a gym crush!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    So I go to the YMCA 3-4x a week. I do weights, slog (I jog real slow) on the indoor track, lap swim and every Monday Zumba! There's this cute girl I seen frequently in the weight area. No ring on her finger but I have seen her PDA w/a tall, thin guy so I never gave much thought.

    Weeks go by and I still see her on occasion but not the other guy/bf. So earlier today I am in Zumba class, being awesome. And by awesome I mean sucking horribly. Picture a blind, stoned, drunk ape wearing roller skates attempting to dance and that's me doing Zumba. I enjoy it though and it helps me get out there so I go. Been going for a few months now.

    Working up a good sweat when I notice out of the corner of my eye the girl smiling. She's looking in @ the class through a window and smiling. I immediately start panicking. "Wait is she smiling at me?" Granted, being a 300 lb. man in a Zumba class with 20 or so other women, I stick out. Usually I am not the only male in class, sometimes there's 1-2 other guys, however today it was just me being the only guy.

    So with one eye I am trying to see if she is indeed smiling @ me while keeping another eye on the Zumba instructor so I don't mess up and fall on my *kitten*. Of course the loads of sweat on my face makes it even more difficult. The song ends, I wipe my face and look @ the window, she's gone. After class I look for her on the gym floor, she's nowhere. )= oh well…she probably wasn't smiling @ me anyways…

    I bet she was. Next time you run into her you should ask her to join you.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    No dates recently

    - the guy I have been seeing is sick so that throws any plans of taking care of feeling "twirly" , guess it is me, myself and I

    Would love to have a date!