Monday updates....



  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    So I go to the YMCA 3-4x a week. I do weights, slog (I jog real slow) on the indoor track, lap swim and every Monday Zumba! There's this cute girl I seen frequently in the weight area. No ring on her finger but I have seen her PDA w/a tall, thin guy so I never gave much thought.

    Weeks go by and I still see her on occasion but not the other guy/bf. So earlier today I am in Zumba class, being awesome. And by awesome I mean sucking horribly. Picture a blind, stoned, drunk ape wearing roller skates attempting to dance and that's me doing Zumba. I enjoy it though and it helps me get out there so I go. Been going for a few months now.

    Working up a good sweat when I notice out of the corner of my eye the girl smiling. She's looking in @ the class through a window and smiling. I immediately start panicking. "Wait is she smiling at me?" Granted, being a 300 lb. man in a Zumba class with 20 or so other women, I stick out. Usually I am not the only male in class, sometimes there's 1-2 other guys, however today it was just me being the only guy.

    So with one eye I am trying to see if she is indeed smiling @ me while keeping another eye on the Zumba instructor so I don't mess up and fall on my *kitten*. Of course the loads of sweat on my face makes it even more difficult. The song ends, I wipe my face and look @ the window, she's gone. After class I look for her on the gym floor, she's nowhere. )= oh well…she probably wasn't smiling @ me anyways…

    This sounds promising!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well I bit the bullett and joined POF this last night since I have been on eharmony since october and had 1 date and barely get matched up. I can see why guys say they are fighting for everything on there. It has been overwhelming to the point I don't know where to start. I need to cull through the emails and respond to some that took more time then to send a "hey beautiful" message.

    I am on POF as well - have met some winners and some not such winners (as you would find on any dating site) Good luck!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    So I go to the YMCA 3-4x a week. I do weights, slog (I jog real slow) on the indoor track, lap swim and every Monday Zumba! There's this cute girl I seen frequently in the weight area. No ring on her finger but I have seen her PDA w/a tall, thin guy so I never gave much thought.

    Weeks go by and I still see her on occasion but not the other guy/bf. So earlier today I am in Zumba class, being awesome. And by awesome I mean sucking horribly. Picture a blind, stoned, drunk ape wearing roller skates attempting to dance and that's me doing Zumba. I enjoy it though and it helps me get out there so I go. Been going for a few months now.

    Working up a good sweat when I notice out of the corner of my eye the girl smiling. She's looking in @ the class through a window and smiling. I immediately start panicking. "Wait is she smiling at me?" Granted, being a 300 lb. man in a Zumba class with 20 or so other women, I stick out. Usually I am not the only male in class, sometimes there's 1-2 other guys, however today it was just me being the only guy.

    So with one eye I am trying to see if she is indeed smiling @ me while keeping another eye on the Zumba instructor so I don't mess up and fall on my *kitten*. Of course the loads of sweat on my face makes it even more difficult. The song ends, I wipe my face and look @ the window, she's gone. After class I look for her on the gym floor, she's nowhere. )= oh well…she probably wasn't smiling @ me anyways…

    I would probably go with yeah she was smiling at you :wink:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I almost got into a bar fight with a man who claimed to have ties to the mafia.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I have been chatting off and on with a guy from POF for a couple weeks. He currently has a horrible schedule, 4am - 630 pm damn Navy, and we talked about meeting for drinks Saturday night. I took my son to BG, Jay knew, on Saturday and I was tired and feeling pretty ****ty about myself so I told him I couldn't find a babysitter. I probably could have. His response was, it's okay but now I have to wait longer to see you and that sucks. I thought that was sweet. I don't have my son on Wed. or Thurs. so we might get drinks then.

    I am not sure. I am feeling pretty ****ty about myself today too. He is really cute and I just don't think he would be interested in me once we meet. I am starting to think that I am the kind of girl guys sleep with but don't date.

    Hey babe, you really need to get some self esteem!! Remember, what you feel inside, is what you exude!!

    Now get confident and make that date, otherwise you'll never know if YOU fancy HIM!! Trust me, pictures dont tell the whole story! :wink:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I had a date Saturday night with a guy I’ve been seeing off and on for the past five months. He’s perfect and I absolutely love hanging out with him. Problem….he has a lot of family and personal issues going on… he’s not at a place to have anything serious. It sucks and I know I’m setting myself up for heart break but I cant seem to stay away from him. :sad:

    Its just bad timing. May or may not get better. Who knows? But, as long as your'e happy with what's going on, then be enjoy it!! :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    My Monday update....I met this guy on OKCupid a month ago and through all my apprehension and hesitation, I couldn't help it anymore and we made it official this past Saturday. Alas, my year of singledom has come to an end. I <3 my Single Peeps! group though and will continue to lurk here everyday. ;-) Haha.

    woooo hoooooo!!! Good luck, and lurk away!! :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Just an FYI, I am officially NOT friendzoned.
    Pretty much asked her straight out if we were both on the same page and her response is, "I wouldn't laugh so much and have such a good time if I wasn't interested" she also goes on to tell me she's not good about constantly reassuring, so I'm gonna need to just accept it and move forward. So time for me to get that intestinal fortitude.

    Woooohoooooo!!! Well done buddy, now in for that kiss :love:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Ok well then - promise no shredding??? This is the guy I met at work in January. He's the one who had a girlfriend but right off the bat I knew they were not doing well. So I had been seeing him at the gym and we worked out a little bit and talked. Texted all the time but he never crossed any line. Long story short they broke up, we spent one day together, nothing happened other then kissing. He left for work for the next 3 weeks. Came home Friday. I brought Chinese food over and we watched movies. I left around 8:30 the next morning. I was SO excited when he opened his door he could feel me shaking when he hugged me. In the middle of the night he woke up and held my hand. That is by far one of the sweetest things a man has ever done to me. My ex husband used to kick me in the middle of the night.

    haha! this is not shred material, this is cute and romantic!! Have fun :love:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Well, let's see. Where to start...

    Friday! Bachelorette party!!!! Woot! Well, you'd think so anyway, but it wasn't that fun. We went out, ate salads, convinced each other of how full we all were, and then crashed the bachelor party because the bride really wanted to see the groom, and they had fireworks. So they set the fireworks up, one falls over and sets the woods on fire! :noway: The boys all run and basically jump on it to get it to go out, which it does in about five minutes, one of the guys loses his wedding ring, and I'm holding the sobbing bride, doing my best to convince her the groom is still alive since he's the one I handed the gallon of water to a minute before...

    Saturday! Went to the hit on by the pastor's son (never gonna happen, something about 42 y.o. virgins that freaks me out :laugh: ) Dry wedding, so brother and I cleared out as soon as etiquette permitted and went to our bar with some really good friends. As always, I got hit on by about four girls and two creepy guys. One guy ran his foot down the outside of my thigh (he was sitting on a table) and told me how much I was turning him on :sick: , and another guy who would definitely be in the running to win a Stone Cold Steve Austin lookalike contest backed me into the corner when I was waiting for the restroom to ask if he could use it with, no thanks :embarassed:

    Sunday! I took a four hour nap...

    You're so funny.. sounds like fun though!!! I wanna hang out with all these men and your brother... :devil:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I went on a second date with this guy on Saturday! It was pretty fun! We saw the Hunger Games. And then he dropped me off at home but since we have the same friends we ended up meeting out at a party and went to the bars together. :)

    wooooohoooooo!! Sounds like lots of romances going on this weekend :love: Keep us posted!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I almost got into a bar fight with a man who claimed to have ties to the mafia.

    OMG! Pleease dont pick fights with men!! You will lose!! :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I almost got into a bar fight with a man who claimed to have ties to the mafia.

    what what?
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I had a date Saturday night with a guy I’ve been seeing off and on for the past five months. He’s perfect and I absolutely love hanging out with him. Problem….he has a lot of family and personal issues going on… he’s not at a place to have anything serious. It sucks and I know I’m setting myself up for heart break but I cant seem to stay away from him. :sad:

    Its just bad timing. May or may not get better. Who knows? But, as long as your'e happy with what's going on, then be enjoy it!! :flowerforyou:

    The problem is....... I'm not happy with what is going on at the moment. I want more and he is not capable of giving this to me right now. I know he likes me but his family life is a mess right now. I get it....but that dosent mean I have to like it!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I almost got into a bar fight with a man who claimed to have ties to the mafia.

    what what?

    I don't really remember what happened, but it was an older guy, probably about 40-50, and he came over and tried to hit on me and my roomie in a very vulgar way. So I told him pretty much to eff off, and he started trying to get in my face, and I got right back in his talking about how I work out and flexing my biceps and telling him I could kick his *kitten* LMAO. My friends ended up holding me back and the token big black guy friend got involved and told him to back off. Then he went back inside and came out with two more old guy friends and got me all riled up again. I ended up telling everyone at the bar that he was a ***** for not fighting me and for fighting me. Does that make sense? It's all kinda blurry lol.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I almost got into a bar fight with a man who claimed to have ties to the mafia.

    Sounds dangerous! Be careful out there .....

    I had a weird phase of ex (insert random adjective here) guys when I did online dating (ex-gangster, ex-monk, ex-psychotic). Made me want to demand of people before a first meeting: "yes but what did you USED to be?" :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    So POF girls. Do you send a message to the guys you don't want to communicate with? I had almost 40 emails and only really want to respond to 3 of them.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    So POF girls. Do you send a message to the guys you don't want to communicate with? I had almost 40 emails and only really want to respond to 3 of them.
    Don't bother. Men have integrated that there will be a high percentage of rejection on these websites...
    Plus if you reply to everyone, you'll have creepos.

    Thus why half of the men here don't even bother going there anymore. :laugh: Just poor ROI.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    So my weekend was entertaining to say the least....
    Friday night was the rock concert for my boys and I rode up there with this guy who is also friends with the band. We had a blast but I think I missed something cause my girlie came up to me and asked do seriously what are D chances. I just looked at her blankly for a minute and was like hes really nice and has great taste in music thats all I know about him lol. Well the show went great got my shirt signed a guitar pick signed and I new Cd plus about 150 pictures. He dropped me off and I gave him a hug lol. He has asked to see me again so we will see if anything develops.

    Now Saturday I went out with that old FWB/ semidated guy. We had a blast and got trashed lol I was out til 830 in the morning (I know some 24 places). Nothing happened with us which is good I think....

    Oh and on a side note current FWB blew up my phone the whole weekend but I couldnt see him lol cause I was out. Tonight however he and I are going to the bar were my girl is DJing so it should be interesting.... All in all I'm glad I have alot of energy or I think I would have collapsed by now lol
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Gym boy wasn't there today. :explode: :mad: :angry:

    I'm starting to lose my patience.