Red team!



  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Wow! What an awesome, lively, team we have...I love it! Good luck everyone! Let's blow this challenge out of the water!! :bigsmile:
  • Boolahboo
    Boolahboo Posts: 97 Member
    Right Ang! :bigsmile:

    And hello to everyone! So great to meet you all!!
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 87 Member
    HI guys! So sorry I'm just now checking in here. I'm Sheila:) I've been out of town the last couple days and only had my phone so I wasn't able to check in w/the team & challenge. I have been under my calorie goal each day & plan on kicking butt!!! Good luck & looking foward to this with you all!!! Gonna go catch up on everything now:)
  • clantiguap
    clantiguap Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Red Team!!! my Name is Carolina! I have lost 35 pounds! my goal weight is 125, so 15 more to go but these are really hard to get off! I hope this challenges help me rich my goal and get fit!
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Carolina, it looks like our goal and the amount we have to lose is about the same. We should do it within this challenge (I hope!!!!) best of luck!
  • fitquest27
    Hi everyone my name is Rachael. I have a lot of weight to lose. I am excited about this challenge and determined to do well on it. Go Red team!!!!
  • floridacna
    Hi Everyone! My name is Mickey and I'm excited to be part of this challenge! I have gotten rid of 33 pounds and need 48 more gone to reach my goal weight. We are going to blow this out of the water!
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Hi Rachel and Mickey! I'm glad you are on the red team!! I like your attitudes!! Awesome!!
  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 94 Member
    So excited to have you all as a team!! We can rock this!! :) Stay positive and true to yourself and you can do this!!
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Teammates! Just checking in to see how you are all doing!!! Just a few more days til WI....let's do this!!!!
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    I love it that the red team is talking more! In our last Biggest Loser Challenge there was only a few of us that posted! I like to hear how everyone is doing! I'm struggling....I just want to eat all the time! I guess I should drink more water when I think I'm hungry. Any other tips?
    :heart: ang
    p.s. Babbgirl how are you doing? You didn't say...?
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    Im doing well i already have 45 min. of exercise today hoping for 1 more hr today eating well drinking tons of water. I cant wait til mondays weighin<3
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 87 Member
    I love it that the red team is talking more! In our last Biggest Loser Challenge there was only a few of us that posted! I like to hear how everyone is doing! I'm struggling....I just want to eat all the time! I guess I should drink more water when I think I'm hungry. Any other tips?
    :heart: ang
    p.s. Babbgirl how are you doing? You didn't say...?

    Ang: I'm doing GREAT:) Thanks for asking. I'm so motivated by this challenge I can't even believe it!!! I work midnight shift which is tough. Sitting on my bum all night. So I've started taking 5 minute walks every hour or 2 as I'm able to get away. I dispatch & it's usually just me so it's hard to get out sometimes. But I've been making it work. Joined a gym w/my hubby & we just started together this morning. So yeah, I'm all kinds of stoked! Looking forward to Monday's weigh in. My 2nd week on MFP. My 1st I lost 8!!!! Wish that coulda counted to this challenge!
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 87 Member
    :heart: Go Red Team!!!
  • Boolahboo
    Boolahboo Posts: 97 Member
    Hey everyone!!
    I'm doing great with the staying under my calories challenge, but i have a pulled muscle in my back from being so sick and coughing...who would have thought that could happen!!! So all I can do is walk, I really miss running :( But at least i'm not feeling sick anymore!! So just need to let my back get better!
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Babbgirl-I love your new picture! Wow! 8 lbs. the first week that is incredible!
    Boo-I'm so sorry about your back :noway: U poor girl, it's just one thing after another for you lately! Way to go on the cals though!!
    I'm thinking about getting that fit bit, do you think I should invest in it? I have to wait till I get some money! I have a job interview on Sunday-weird huh? and a phone interview on Wednesday, I'm not getting my hopes up though! I've had so many interviews up till now and not gotten hired....I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me....:cry:
    :heart: ang
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 87 Member
    Good luck on the interview ang! I've been looking at that fitbit as well. I want one too:)
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. My mum took both kids last night - to get my little one used to it as she will take my daughter when we go to London for 3 days next week. Soooo...I thought I'd get loads done....but I FELL ASLEEP!!!! I'm delighted everyone is talking - as others say, last time no one talked. I really do think it works - on good days you feel energised and that passes to others and on bad days you get encouraged through the bad patch.

    Boo, I hope that you feel better soon - tough to deal with that on top of having been sick already. You're great to keep walking.

    angie - goo dluck wiht the job search. Hopefully they will pick up on how driven you are because you seem to have good determination :smile:

    Babbgirl, It's great that you can fit in the walks at work. good thinking! Best of luck.

    Today I am celebrating 175 days here - so as you can see, my loss is slow enough...but consistent and my habits are so much better. I am a bit worried about London next week - so hard to stay under when you are away and grabbing food as you go. I will have to estimate...I'll do my best. But at least we will be doing a lot of walking so that will help, and being on mfp will help me to limit the dameage. Getting a bit fed up waiting for my treadmill - I guess it will probably be week after next now after I get home :mad: I'n need it then I guess. Wishing everyone a geed Saturday - better go do a lot of stuff before I collect the kids. x
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 87 Member
    Good luck on your trip & have fun fifi. How nice it must be to be able to travel like that. I'd love to be able to afford that one day!

    Nervous & excited for Monday's WI! I've done really good. Stayed under goal. Met challenge each day & exercised everyday!
    Haven't weighed at home which is where I normally do but out of curiosity stepped on the scales at my new gym. It showed me at my starting weight 8 pounds ago!!! I've never weighed on those scales before and mine match the ones at my doctors pretty close so I'm hoping they were just off. I think hubby said they weighed him high too so we'll see! Can't wait! I hoping at least by the end of this challenge I'm finally back out of the 300s!!!! It's not a happy place to be :cry:
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Babbgirl - it's not so expensive from her (Ireland) so London is just next door :smile: I used to go a lot but not since I had kids so I am really looking forward to it.

    Best of luck for weigh in. I am keeping under calorie goal all week - scales has shown a 1lb drop. That's fine. After 6.5mths of this I am happy to drop slowly for now. I would love to be down a little more by weigh in if possible. Is everyone else doing o.k?