Anyone starting on the 9th of April?



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 6 done. I was really tired yesterday morning when I did the workout (cardio1). I couldn't really push myself much but at least I did it. Today it is rest day. Nice! I am looking forward to being able to chose my recipes more freely again! I love muesli for breakfast and will have that tomorrow again!

    How is everyone else doing? It's been quite here recently...

  • teach2121
    teach2121 Posts: 17
    Hi everyone!!! It's finally rest day and the last day of eating the SAME food!!! I completed all of the workouts and stayed on track with my food. I had my first weigh in today and I lost 5.6 pounds this week!!! I'm so excited..I'm also going to do measurements so I will post those updates a little later. How did everyone else do their first week??
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Hi everyone!!! It's finally rest day and the last day of eating the SAME food!!! I completed all of the workouts and stayed on track with my food. I had my first weigh in today and I lost 5.6 pounds this week!!! I'm so excited..I'm also going to do measurements so I will post those updates a little later. How did everyone else do their first week??

    That is an awesome loss!! I did a sneak peek today too. No real weight loss, but feeling good. I played golf yesterday, so I condsidered that to be my cardio! My daughter who is 14 has been doing the last two workouts with me. She is sore! I am just a little sore! Ha ha.....It's great having her workout with me! I really am not so concerned about scale as I am about the inches. I can't wait to do the measurements after the first phase!
  • thetoolqueen
    Hey everyone! Ok so I fell off pace a bit toward the end of the week food wise, but it's also my TOM so I'm holding off on weighing in again until my cyle is through. On Wednesday night I had dropped 3.5 pounds, but it's hard to tell now. Looking forward to some more food variety. At least I have SEVERELY cut back on sugar and diet soda, so a win is a win in my book. Took my day of rest yesterday because I have a Zumba master class tonight, and it's usually 90 minutes, so that's not very resty.

    Gonna precook for week now!,

    Congrats to all still hanging in there.
  • Missy5792
    Missy5792 Posts: 22 Member
    So just as I'm about to start week 2, I notice that my dogs ate CDs 1,2 and cardio for phase one :( now I don't know what to do!!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Workout 1 complete tonight! Can't believe the dogs ate your CD's! Wow!....I am already ready to move onto the next workout types.... but I have to say I am glad the two a days are done. That was hard for me to get those in!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hey guys, I did disc 3 today! I totally love it, it is quite different than 1&2. Can't wait for disc 4 in the AM :))
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    Did workout 1 yesterday and 2 today. I really liked it. I can definitely feel an improvement. I also love the fact that I will only do them one more time and them move on. It just keeps it exciting knowing a new workout is coming up soon!

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I have a bad feeling though. it is TOM so I had cravings for bad food and gave in to a pizza on Sunday. Also my weight usually goes up. I think I will still weigh in and just have to be prepared and not get discouraged!

    I can't believe the dogs ate the DVD's poor you! Why don't you try and email customer service to see if you can replace them? I would probably move on to workout 3&4 and do another cardio DVD instead of Cardio 1. Hope you'll find a solution!
  • Missy5792
    Missy5792 Posts: 22 Member
    That's a good idea! I'll try to email customer service!!! If not I'll just move on! Kinds bummed out, I really like the cardio! Thanks for the suggestion!
  • thetoolqueen
    Ok, so week one results appear to be 3 pounds lost. However, when I showed up for an event last night, an acquaintance who saw me two weeks ago asked me how much I lost since he saw me. My spare tire is shrinking. No I don't have measurements. Gotta get a tape measure this week! So it's working. Just gotta remember its a 90-day program and we've barely started.

    Also, the better food has me in a better mood, so everyone says. I'm guessing it's more like endorphins from working out so much.

    Looking forward to cardio tonight -- might do a group fitness instead of CD. Later!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Cardio day today!! yeey, I will be doing the DVD and then playing indoor volley later tonight! :)) did workout 4, love it! discs 3/4 has a lot of balancing moves and surprisingly I can do them in the "advanced" way.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    Cardio 1 today and it was great! I could really push myself today. I managed to do all the exercises without having to stop early. That is such an improvement! I couldn't do that last week. I wonder how much of that was because I did the workout in the pm rather than am. I am just not a morning person, Looking forward to tomorrow. It is weird but I am actually looking forward to the workouts. I am not lying I have moments were I can't be bothered but it is easy to motivate myself knowing it is only 30mins and also it is motivating to see the improvement in my performance.

    In regards to weight loss I was actually up today but it is TOM for me and I always gain (sometime up to 3lbs).
    I feel so much better already though. It is amazing that it is only been 1.5 weeks but I am already feeling so much better about myself. I can't wait to see what the following weeks will bring :smile:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    That's a good idea! I'll try to email customer service!!! If not I'll just move on! Kinds bummed out, I really like the cardio! Thanks for the suggestion!

    I hope they'll help you out! I know Beachbody replaces DVD's might be worth dropping that in the conversation as they must be one of the main competitors. :wink:
  • Missy5792
    Missy5792 Posts: 22 Member
    They emailed me back and are sending out the replacement CDs for the ones my dogs chewed!!! Thanks again for the suggestion!!!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    They emailed me back and are sending out the replacement CDs for the ones my dogs chewed!!! Thanks again for the suggestion!!!

    That is awesome!! Glad they were willing to work with you. Cardio done tonight. Wish I had done it this morning! Whew
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi group! I got my JMBR today and did Phase 1 Workout 1 AND Cardio 1.
    I did not find this to be to too hard and am excited to try tomorrows. I am OFF with the Monday through Saturday scheduling but next week I will be on it!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    They emailed me back and are sending out the replacement CDs for the ones my dogs chewed!!! Thanks again for the suggestion!!!

    Great news! :smile:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    How is everyone doing? I have been away for the weekend and only came back today. I had to miss Saturdays workout and it looks like I might not get todays in. Feel a bit rubbish about it but not much I can do about it. I am very excited to get started on the new workouts. Workout 4 for the first time tomorrow! Yay!

    Has anyone done workout 3 today? How did it go?
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member

    How is everyone doing? I have been away for the weekend and only came back today. I had to miss Saturdays workout and it looks like I might not get todays in. Feel a bit rubbish about it but not much I can do about it. I am very excited to get started on the new workouts. Workout 4 for the first time tomorrow! Yay!

    Has anyone done workout 3 today? How did it go?

    Hey I missed a few workouts last week due to the flare up with the plantar fasciitis after the cardio on Wednesday. I am thinking of starting WO 3 tonight anyway and just go forth..see how it goes. Nothing ventured nothing gained mentality here. I didn't really want to go back and do wo 1 and 2. I have really been eating like terrible today. Starved for some reason!! Time to get back on track
  • Missy5792
    Missy5792 Posts: 22 Member
    I thought week 3 was doable but def a step up from weeks 1 and 2. I had to take a 25 second break halfway into circuit 3... Oh least I got through it!!