May and June 2012

clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
Let's continue on MFP's. I still have more squats to do. I do so appreciate you joining me on this challenge. Hopefully some newcomers will join us. Yea team!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Clover, thanks for starting the new "day" for lunges starts when I brush my teeth at night so I'll be reporting on the new thread tomorrow:bigsmile:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    21 - 4/24 - 100
    22 - 4/25 - 100
    23 - 4/26 - 100
    24 - 4/27 - 100
    25 - 4/28 - 80 -- Oops
    26 - 4/29 - 100
    27 - 4/30 - 100

    Also, did a 35 minute run.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today is day #30 of the 100 day challenge :bigsmile: 140 lunges today (40 of them during weight training, done with a 15 pound dumbbell in each hand) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: here are my goals for May

    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Woohoo! Day 01 - 05/01 - 100
    I went for sets of ten. Also found out that I was distributing my weight incorrectly when one (and only one) knee started to hurt. Readjusted and felt much better!

    Oh, I also attempted week 1 day 1 of C25K. I'm feeling positive about these goals.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    21 - 4/24 - 100
    22 - 4/25 - 100
    23 - 4/26 - 100
    24 - 4/27 - 100
    25 - 4/28 - 80 -- Oops
    26 - 4/29 - 100
    27 - 4/30 - 100
    28 - 5/1 - 100

    Also, played on the basketball court for 45 minutes. Loved being outside yeterday, and today looks like another gorgeous day.

    Jem_Girl - great start! Yes, form is important. The fitness guru's all say not to let the knee extend beyond your toes. My thighs got sore during the first week, and so I didn't squat quite as deeply for a few days. No problem now though. I'm so glad you're joining us. We are a small group, but committed and consistent.

    Barbie - nice set of goals you've got there. I like the last one - act the way you feel. My grandma used to tell me 'you're as young as you think you are.' It didn't mean much to me when I was 13, but it does now. It is that very philosophy that allows me to do many of the exercises and activities that you see me post. And thank you for all the cheers! Each one goes straight to my head.:laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: Clover, my goal, "act the way I want to feel" is from a great book, "The Happiness Project".....I highly recommend the book.....right now I am writing my own "Commandments for Happiness" first commandment is "Be Barbie" and "Act the way I want to feel" is one of the others.

    :bigsmile: Jem_Girl, I started slowly with squats and found that the ones that worked best for me were plie squats (also called sumo squats).....gradually I could do more and more......after finishing the squats challenge I moved on to lunges.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: today (Wednesday) 100 lunges---- 40 while brushing and flossing my teeth and 60 while walking one of my dogs this morning. :bigsmile:
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    @Barbie I didn't even think about looking at different types of squats! Going to make it a goal to check some out tomorrow to see what would work best. Knees were a bit sore today, so I didn't go quite as deep this time.

    Day 1 - 5/1 -100
    2 - 5/2 - 100
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    21 - 4/24 - 100
    22 - 4/25 - 100
    23 - 4/26 - 100
    24 - 4/27 - 100
    25 - 4/28 - 80 -- Oops
    26 - 4/29 - 100
    27 - 4/30 - 100
    28 - 5/1 - 100
    29 - 5/2 - 100

    Also last night, while watching TV, I did 100 leg curls with ankle weights on, 100 toe raises with the ankle weights on my feet, 100 wrist curls each side, and 60 bicep curls with 5 lb weight - all while laying against the back rest pillow on the bed.

    This is my general weight loss plan:
    10,000 steps or more on my pedometer - yesterday was 11,800 - I report this on the step challenge thread
    30 minutes or more of cardio - Lately, I have been trying to make this a 200 calorie burn, and adjust the time to make that happen.
    Stay close to the MFP calorie budget.
    My strength training efforts are sporatic, at best, but the squats help with that.

    Having a well thought out plan has never been one of my strong suits. But here are some personal priorities
    Keep up with the housework
    Cook healthy meals for my family
    Get the garden in
    Keep up with my online class
    Get my desk cleaned off
    Keep my bookwork up to date
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    05/01/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/02/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/03/2012 - 300 squats and lunges

    Hey everyone! It has been such a long time. Tomorrow is the last day of school, but I have finals next week. I have been pretty busy. I cut down on my squats and lunges since I have been doing other exercises as well. It is good to be back :).
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: clover, you have amazing goals.

    I recently read "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" that recommends lifting much heavier weights for fewer repetition for the best results so my weight training is done with the heaviest weights I can handle (dumbbells and ankle weights) and 8-12 repetitions.

    :flowerforyou: MuffRuff, good luck on your are so focused and hard working, I know you'll do well.....the exercise will keep your brain active and doing it's best

    :flowerforyou: 140 lunges today
    20 of them with dumbbells :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I taught a dance at my line dance class today and it went well :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    21 - 4/24 - 100
    22 - 4/25 - 100
    23 - 4/26 - 100
    24 - 4/27 - 100
    25 - 4/28 - 80 -- Oops
    26 - 4/29 - 100
    27 - 4/30 - 100
    28 - 5/1 - 100
    29 - 5/2 - 100
    30 - 5/3 - 100

    Also, ran 35 minutes.

    Thanks Barbie! I have the nicest MFPs. :heart: I've never shied away from heavy weights (or pushing a car), I just don't have any at home. I'd probably have to get off the bed to use them too. haha

    MuffRuff, good to see you again. It is good to switch up your exercise routine now and then. You can share your other exercises with us if you want. Good luck on your finals. Do you take the summer off from school?

    Jem_Girl, you're doing great.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Last night was old version of squats, although I did do some research and founds some tips. Looking forward to putting them into practice tonight. Movie time is turning out to be the perfect time for squat exercises.

    Day 1 - 5/1 -100
    2 - 5/2 - 100
    3 - 5/3 - 100

    @Muff Impressive squat numbers!

    Keep up the good work, everyone! I love seeing the updates and knowing I'm not alone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 100 lunges today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    lots of line dancing and dog walking. :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    21 - 4/24 - 100
    22 - 4/25 - 100
    23 - 4/26 - 100
    24 - 4/27 - 100
    25 - 4/28 - 80 -- Oops
    26 - 4/29 - 100
    27 - 4/30 - 100
    28 - 5/1 - 100
    29 - 5/2 - 100
    30 - 5/3 - 100

    Also, ran 40 minutes.

    Daughter's soccer this morning.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    :noway: I'm starting to get worried about my knees. One in particular (the one that hurt a couple days ago) was getting pretty painful. I tried taking longer breaks and putting my weight more on the other leg, but no luck. I did try plie squats for a while, and they seemed to help. I'm going to go with those tonight and see if it solves the problem. I damaged my knees a bit in high school from snowboarding, but I haven't really run into any issues lately because I haven't done anything to stress them. I'm hoping that as I strengthen my legs, the knees will hurt less. Otherwise I'm not sure what to do. :grumble:

    Day 1 - 5/1 -100
    2 - 5/2 - 100
    3 - 5/3 - 100
    4 - 5/4 - 100

    @clover I hope the weather is better where you are than here in WV. Otherwise you will have one soggy daughter by the end of the game. :laugh:

    @barbie Good work on the lunges! We're planning on getting a dog this year and I look forward to having a walking partner (hubby doesn't count!).
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    :noway: I'm starting to get worried about my knees. One in particular (the one that hurt a couple days ago) was getting pretty painful. I tried taking longer breaks and putting my weight more on the other leg, but no luck. I did try plie squats for a while, and they seemed to help. I'm going to go with those tonight and see if it solves the problem. I damaged my knees a bit in high school from snowboarding, but I haven't really run into any issues lately because I haven't done anything to stress them. I'm hoping that as I strengthen my legs, the knees will hurt less. Otherwise I'm not sure what to do. :grumble:

    Hey Jem_Girl. I won't tell anybody if you march in place or swap in a different exercise. Knee injuries can be serious. It was scorching hot at the game.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :noway: I'm starting to get worried about my knees. One in particular (the one that hurt a couple days ago) was getting pretty painful. I tried taking longer breaks and putting my weight more on the other leg, but no luck. I did try plie squats for a while, and they seemed to help. I'm going to go with those tonight and see if it solves the problem. I damaged my knees a bit in high school from snowboarding, but I haven't really run into any issues lately because I haven't done anything to stress them. I'm hoping that as I strengthen my legs, the knees will hurt less. Otherwise I'm not sure what to do. :grumble:

    Hey Jem_Girl. I won't tell anybody if you march in place or swap in a different exercise. Knee injuries can be serious. It was scorching hot at the game.

    maybe a smaller number of plie squats and something else to total 100
    don't hurt yourself........this is a challenge to make things better, not worse.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: weight training today so I did 40 lunges with dumbbells in addition to the regular 100 :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    31 - 5/4 - 100
    32 - 5/5 - 100

    Also, gardening for an hour and a half - pruning enormus lilac. It was a big job, and I'm not quite done yet.

    Happy Sunday gals!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: Clover, lucky you to have a lilac.....we moved to a new house in August and one of the things I miss about my old house is the big lilac bush.

    :flowerforyou: this morning I slept late ( 6:00 :laugh: :laugh: ) and my hubby got up and walked the dogs one at a time......that's when I usually do 60 of my lunges and I wondered when I'd do them......fortunately the dogs were mellow when I walked them together and I got to do the lunges then.....I did the other 40 while brushing my teeth last night.....I count my day going from evening to evening rather than from wakeup to bedtime.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: today I am doing an Isagenix cleanse so I make it a real rest day with no exercise except my lunges and walking the dogs.