May and June 2012



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100
    Day 46 - 100
    Day 47 - 100

    Good exrcise routine Barbie.
    MuffRuff, hope you'll get a little break from school.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Happy Beginning of the Week, ladies! (Ok, I'm definitely not a Monday person, but something about MFP always makes me feel chipper.)

    Good job on staying active and involving your guest, Barbie!
    And grats on the clothes fitting better and measurements changes, Clover and Muff! I'm really looking forward to that.

    For Clover, here's the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch. I feel like I'm doing a double version of the new walk being proposed in the sketch. lol

    I found a new activity to try! Was having some knee and ankle trouble on Sunday, so I did side-lying leg raises that i remember my mom showing me before. OMG!! I knew my side/outer thigh muscles were weak, but it was still shocking how hard they were! I loved it! They really made me feel like I was working for it. I only managed 50 per leg (spaced out in sets of 10) before my legs were just flopping around with barely any control :laugh: , but I plan on improving that to 100. Here's a link to the activity (be warned that I watched it without sound on, so I don't know what the audio is like):

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
    13 - 5/15 - 100 knee raise pairs
    14 - 5/16 - 100 knee raise pairs
    15 - 5/17 - 100 knee raise pairs
    16 - 5/18 - 100 knee raise pairs
    17 - 5/19 - 100 knee raise pairs
    18 - 5/20 - 50 side-lying leg raises

    Hmm, I think I'll put in a suggestion for the Android app to have the ability to show Groups and let us post there. Then I wouldn't have to save these updates for Monday on weekends where I'm not sitting at the computer.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jem_Girl, I watched the video of lying side leg raises...great idea.....I'm not a big fan on anything that you have to do on the ground (although I'm doing a plank a day challenge)

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges

    :bigsmile: the dogs are home again...we took three walks together and a nap and now we're going to watch DWTS together:bigsmile:
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    @Barbie Ah, I look forward to getting a dog either this year or next and having a walking partner. Actually, after taking a walk with me this weekend, the hubby agreed to walk with me several days a week after work, too. I'm pleased but realistic and am waiting to see if it lasts. :laugh: Positive thinking!!

    Oh god, those side-lying leg lifts... I may have to do those only a couple times a week. My outer thigh/butt muscles were so sore that I couldn't do more than 20 per side this time. Filled in the rest with my knee lifts. What a weird muscle. I don't feel sore there just walking around. It's like it's hardly used except when I specifically target it. I still need to make up for Sunday's missing 50, so going to try to get in extra tonight.

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
    13 - 5/15 - 100 knee raise pairs
    14 - 5/16 - 100 knee raise pairs
    15 - 5/17 - 100 knee raise pairs
    16 - 5/18 - 100 knee raise pairs
    17 - 5/19 - 100 knee raise pairs
    18 - 5/20 - 50 side-lying leg raises
    19 - 5/21 - 20 side-lying leg raises, 80 knee raise pairs
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100
    Day 46 - 100
    Day 47 - 100
    Day 48 - 100

    Oh my gosh Jem-girl, the silly walk video was so funny LOL! The only thing that would have made it better is to see YOU doing the silly walk! Congrats on more weigh loss, by the way. I like those side leg lifts, and do them sometimes, but always in sets of 20. My routine when doing those is 20 side lifts, 20 inside lifts, 20 donkey kicks. With the squats added, I get all the way around my leg.

    Barbie, glad you got your dogs back! You are doing great with your lunges. You are at the half way point - YAY!!!!
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    My routine when doing those is 20 side lifts, 20 inside lifts, 20 donkey kicks. With the squats added, I get all the way around my leg.

    Oh I like it. It's a mini-circuit for the leg.

    And there's no way anyone's going to see me doing the silly walk anytime soon! :laugh: I even wait till the hubby's upstairs before I'll do them. :blushing:
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    05/20/2012 - 500 squats and lunges
    05/21/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/22/2012 - 500 squats and lunges
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Jem_Girl, I watched the video about silly walks and thought that I probably look like that in the morning when I walk my dogs one at a time…..I do 60 lunges, march or jog in place, and dance to the music on my mp3 player. If anyone is watching, I’m sure they get a good laugh.

    :flowerforyou: MuffRuff, your numbers of squats and lunges are amazing especially because I know that you do so much else for fitness and have such a busy life.

    :flowerforyou: Clover, I looked at your exercise diary and you are doing some great stuff.

    :flowerforyou: In my weight training routine I do side leg raises and back leg raises with hamstring curls with ankle weights……I do 2 sets of nine of each exercise. I started with lighter weights and gradually increased.

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    51-5/22-140 lunges

    :flowerforyou: It has been raining today canceling all the plans I had to work outside so I used the time to take care of a long list of little chores that have been piling up on my table and to spend time with my hubby doing some things we never have time for….the dogs can’t decide whether to be on the bed or the couch or the carpet and keep changing places. After lunch I did my weight training routine and moved up to 10 pound ankle weights.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100
    Day 46 - 100
    Day 47 - 100
    Day 48 - 100
    Day 49 - 100

    MuffRuff, glad to see you check in with us now and then. You are doing very well!

    Barbie - good thing someone's keeping an eye on me.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Last night was weight machines at the gym and then a walk with the hubby when I got home. Took advantage of the gym and did my 100 as leg presses again. Upped the weight so now I'm at 130 lbs on them. I know it's not impressive to someone who's been doing them for a while, but I was pleased. It's the only weight machine I can do at over 100 lbs!

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
    13 - 5/15 - 100 knee raise pairs
    14 - 5/16 - 100 knee raise pairs
    15 - 5/17 - 100 knee raise pairs
    16 - 5/18 - 100 knee raise pairs
    17 - 5/19 - 100 knee raise pairs
    18 - 5/20 - 50 side-lying leg raises (still need to make up for these!)
    19 - 5/21 - 20 side-lying leg raises, 80 knee raise pairs
    20 - 5/22 - 100 leg presses

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :drinker: :bigsmile: Jem-Girl, I don't work out at a gym so everything sounds impressive to me......I work out at home with dumbbells and ankle weights. Usually it is great, but occasionally the dogs or the cat or the phone creates an interruption.

    :flowerforyou: I have been reading a couple of books that recommend heavier weights and fewer repetitions to build muscle and boost your metabolism. The lunges are the only things I do with so many repetitions.....The way I do them (while brushing and flossing my teeth and while walking dogs) makes it impossible to them with dumbbells.....I do 40 lunges with a 15 pound dumbbell in each hand as part of my weight training three days a week but the regular 100 are without extra weight.

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    51-5/22-140 lunges
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning, everyone.

    So hungry... can't make witty comments without food... :sick:

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    Day 11 - 20 (5/13 - 5/22) 950 (marching pairs, knee raise pairs, side-lying leg raises, leg presses) *make up for missing 50!!
    21 - 5/23 - 100 knee raise pairs
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    @Barbie *nod* I've heard the same with higher weight and less reps. And I would love to build some muscle as I'm a complete weakling. Of course, when I mentioned this tactic to my husband during one of our walks, he then had to weigh in with his thoughts on the most effective weight training workout during which I constantly had to remind him that I do machines that work isolated parts of the body, not free weights. Well, *sniff* we both did our weight workouts on the same day and I wasn't the one who hurt their muscles. :devil:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100
    Day 46 - 100
    Day 47 - 100
    Day 48 - 100
    Day 49 - 100
    Day 50 - 125

    Jem-girl, I don't go to a gym and only have a few weights: 3, 5, 8 lb dumbells, and a pair of ankle weights. I do a lot of calisthenics which build strength without any weights at all. Every 5 to 10 years, "new" exercise data is presented to the public. That's great! Helps a lot of people. I always do best when I just do my own thing. Then I am self motivated. That will produce results for me. But I have always been a "march to my own drummer" sort of person.

    In your case, I see that you have been doing something everyday for 21 days. And I see that you are losing weight - success!! If you want to try something new, go for it. If you like the routine you are in now, stick with it - it seems to be working. What's most important is knowing what exercise you will actually do.

    By the way, tell me about this new picture in your icon. Is it charcoal, pencil? Is it a portrait of someone you know?
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    It's just me! I realized that I still feel really self-conscious with full body shots, enough that I wanted to change my profile pic, so I switched over to a face shot. I spent a lot of time playing with the different camera effects apps on my phone last night, and that's the one I came up with. It's supposed to be like a sketch, but it's purely digital. (It hides the blemishes the best, hah!) Thank you for asking. :happy:
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    05/23/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/24/2012 - 300 squats and lunges

    Jem_Girl, I totally feel you on the full body shots. I am also too self-conscious to post full body shots. Even so, we should all be happy with our progress. I believe it takes time to build up enough confidence. I just recently had enough courage to wear some clothes that I would not normally wear because I though "what the heck. I have been working hard. Why should I look like a mummy when Summer is coming up?" Still, there are things that I am too afraid to wear, but slowly I am gaining more confidence. I like your face shot!

    clover5, I also have ankle weights, but they are so bulky and big that I can barely keep them on. They looked great on the picture on the box, but when I tried to workout with them on it was a disaster, and this is the same with my wrist weights.

    barbiecat, you are doing great with your lunges. I love how you incorporate your weight training with your lunges.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at 8:15 PM I suddenly realized that I was supposed to do my weight training today and had completely forgotten.....probably because of the beautiful weather and the long dog walk, working in the yard, walking with a friend, and walking with my hubby, but I did do my lunges and my daily plank and walked over 34,000 steps.

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    51-5/22-140 lunges
    53-5/24- 100

    :bigsmile: I am in complete agreement with doing your own thing
    if it works don't fix it
    I love sharing what I've learned and if anyone can use the information, great, and if they aren't interests, that's fine too.....I am always looking for new ideas and I use some of them and discard the rest.

    :bigsmile: even after losing 70 pounds I still wear the same sorts of clothes only in smaller sizes and now I tuck in my shirts and wear a belt sometimes....I have always been a modest person and tend to wear long sleeves, long pants and high necklines and I'm fine with who I first commandment of happiness is "Be Barbie" :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100
    Day 46 - 100
    Day 47 - 100
    Day 48 - 100
    Day 49 - 100
    Day 50 - 125 - Half way!
    Day 51 - 125

    Everyone is doing very well!
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    I managed to get back to the gym yesterday and do my weights again. That's two times in one week! Goal is to do weight training 3 times a week, but next week will be a bit busy so we'll see what happens.

    @clover Oh, I forgot to say "Grats" on passing your halfway mark!! Aaah, puppy pic! I'm a sucker for doggie pics right now as the hubby and I are planning on getting one in the next year or so. I've started on allergy shots so it won't hit me so hard. (Hubby has always wanted a dog, and now that he lives in a place with room for one, I don't have the heart to say No because of my allergies. *sigh* Doc says I absolutely can't have a cat, though, which is what I would pick.)

    @Muff Good for you for trying some new outfits! You do deserve to wear fun things, we all do. I have stuff I've bought because it was so cute that I never fit into, and I swear I'm going to wear them in my 30s. I completely understand about being a mummy in the summer. My dressing rules have been "Arms always covered. Knees always covered." I want to take some full body shots in tight exercise clothes as a set of Before pics... but I don't know if I'd ever be able to share them even when I get to After pics. I can't predict what my mindset will be at that point.

    @Barbie Sounds like you had an active day even with forgetting the weight training. I've thought about trying to find some at-home weight work to do since I would like to stop paying for my gym membership once my contract is up. Ah, the self-control it would need! I'm just going to vicariously train through you for now.... :laugh: ....Ah, you hit the halfway point a few days ago, too! Grats. :happy:

    Sorry for the excessive blather. Been an emotionally trying day and you all are a great support not just for legwork. Good just to have someone to chat at. :flowerforyou:

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    Day 11 - 20 (5/13 - 5/22) 950 (marching pairs, knee raise pairs, side-lying leg raises, leg presses) *make up for missing 50!!
    21 - 5/23 - 100 knee raise pairs
    22 - 5/24 - 100 leg presses
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love this group......your support and encouragement mean a lot to me.:bigsmile:

    today after line dance class there was a line dance party and I ended up being one of the dance organizers which meant that I got to choose the dance (ones I like) and be a leader...It was great fun and the part went on for over two hours with a break to eat the potluck lunch.

    it's a beautiful day so now I'm going to work in the yard for an hour and then take the dogs on another walk.

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    51-5/22-140 lunges
    53-5/24- 100