May and June 2012



  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Some days I try to a set each time I go to the loo. Ha

    :laugh: I've actually done that at work just to get a few done during the day.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    31 - 5/4 - 100
    32 - 5/5 - 100
    33 - 5/6 - 100
    34 - 5/7 - 100
    35 - 5/8 - 100
    36 - 5/9 - 140
    37 - 5/10 - 100
    38 - 5/11 - 100
    39 - 5/12 - 100
    40 - 5/13 - 100

    Also, we went for a little family hike. My teenagers always ho-hum when I suggest these things, but they had to go because of mother's day :-P Beautiful overcast day. And I did my breast lift trio - pull overs, push-ups, and pec flys.

    I like your not-give-up attitude Jem-girl. I did a search on knee raises. That looks like a good exercise. Can't do those in the bathroom stall though! :laugh: Congratulations on 3 pounds lost so far!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges

    :bigsmile: we had delightful warm weather today----too warm for the dogs....they liked their walk this morning until about 7:30 AM and then asked to go home.....later in the day they went out for a few minutes and wanted to come back in and rest in a cool spot.

    :bigsmile: Clover, you are a genius if you can get teenagers to do anything :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Jem_Girl, I think the most important part of this challenge is the doing of 100 somethings every day, no matter what (like when you got out of bed to do your 100 squats or when any of us does a set of squats or whatever in the privacy of a public rest room stall :laugh: :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: when the 100 squats for 100 days challenge started in December there were over 100 people who signed up for it.......100 days later there were fewer than 10

    :flowerforyou: I just joined (late) a challenge to do a plank at day every day in May and there are over 100 people signed up for that and two weeks into it only about 10 are actually posting.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: we are the winners:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Days 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.

    I joined a challenge called 50 days of something right when it started. The idea was to do some sort of exercise everyday for 50 days. I have been reporting my cardio stuff there. There were dozens of folks who started at the beginning. We are on day 36 now and only 2 of us remain. One more has joined about 10 days ago. Lots of folks start challenges. Not so many stick it out and do the work. Congrats to us! We are the winners!
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

    @Barbie I understand what you mean. Just getting myself in the habit of moving and sticking with it is important. Not giving up!

    @Clover :laugh: Yeah, I thought I could squeeze some knee raises in while hiding in a bathroom stall, but I realized that even if I took the big stall it would look pretty weird for my feet to be picking up over and over. Usually there's no one else around, but I can't help but feel silly... :laugh:

    I'm liking the knee raises so far!

    Day 1 - 5/1 -100
    2 - 5/2 - 100
    3 - 5/3 - 100
    4 - 5/4 - 100
    5 - 5/6 - 100
    6 - 5/7 - 100
    7 - 5/8 - 100 leg presses
    8 - 5/10 - 100
    9 - 5/11 - 100
    10 - 5/12 - 100 marching pairs
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges

    :bigsmile: I found a challenge for a plank a day in the month of May so I took the plank out of my weight training routine that was getting too long and switched to doing one plank a day and I'll increase the time by five seconds each day.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.

    And 45 minutes of soccer in the girls team vs parents game, half hour gardening, 20 crunches, and 3 sets of my pec trio.

    Great work on the plank Barbie. You must be over a minute now.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Wow, you've been active, Clover! Good job.

    Barbie, is the plank you're doing similar to this one? I didn't know if it was a yoga pose or just a normal exercise. (Woops, forgot to put in the link.)

    I'm feeling fairly good today. I'm a soda drinker (love HFCS and bubbles), so to both cut back and still give myself what I like, I've given myself the goal of having only water and 1 other drink (non-soda) at work, and then I can have a few sodas once I get home. I'm not so worried about water intake, which I don't mind getting from flavored drinks, as I am with calorie content. If I drink as many sodas as I usually do, I take up a huge chunk of my calorie quota with drinks, and I'd like to use more of it on food. (Plus it's not so good for my GERD.) .........I think I'm sharing all this because I really want a soda right now, but I'm not going to have one. I just keep telling myself "6pm, 6pm, 6pm...". :laugh:

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
    13 - 5/15 - 100 knee raise pairs
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Clover, that's a great varied workout you did :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jem_Girl, yes, that is the plank I'm doing....I had my hubby watch me to make sure my back was straight and that I was doing it right. :bigsmile: congrats on your success at cutting down on soda.....that is a tough thing to hubby gave up his beloved Diet Pepsi cold turkey about three years ago and doesn't drink any soda at all.......I gave up coffee by tapering off gradually and now drink plain water and a special flavored water with calcium on my line dance days

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
    13 - 5/15 - 100 knee raise pairs
    14 - 5/16 - 100 knee raise pairs

    Went over to a friend's house last night after work for a "girl's night" (her fiance drove out to share pizza with my hubby, so it was great). The girl who didn't show up was our drink-bringer, so we didn't have any soda in the house. My friend has a Sodastream, so we had bubbly water with dinner. It was pretty interesting. :laugh: I only had one soda the entire night, and that was when I finally got home!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120

    And 50 minute bike ride and 40 minute walk with friend.

    Jem-girl, I greatly reduced my pop consumption a couple years ago. I used to easily drink 2 or 3 32 oz cups of diet pop every day. At first I was buying into the 'diet pop making me fat' theory. (You can find "evidence" for any hair-brained idea on the internet:smile: ). Now I often drink one can of pop in a day. I have switched to ordering iced tea in restaurants, which I have always drank unsweetened. I didn't lose any weight after I cut my diet pop; but, I did wake up to just how much of it I was drinking.

    Barbie, looks like you've been back at the line dancing again! I like to be active, but it's not always consistent, so I keep my MFP set-up at lightly active, keep an eye on my pedometer to make sure I get 10k steps every day, and log everything else.

    Have a great day gals!
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 110 Member
    Morning everyone! I realized this morning that I look incredibly silly trying to do my knee raises while doing another activity. I look like a member of the Ministry of Silly Walks. :laugh:

    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    11 - 5/13 - 100 marching pairs
    12 - 5/14 - 100 knee raise pairs
    13 - 5/15 - 100 knee raise pairs
    14 - 5/16 - 100 knee raise pairs
    15 - 5/17 - 100 knee raise pairs

    TGIF, girls!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120

    Jem - I'd like to see a video of that silly walk.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges

    we have house guests and lots planned to do but I wanted to report to you.:bigsmile:
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    05/09/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/10/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/11/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/12/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/13/2012 - None
    05/14/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/15/2012 - 300 squats and lunges
    05/16/2012 - 600 squats and lunges
    05/17/2012 - 400 squats and lunges
    05/18/2012 - 600 squats and lunges

    Hey everyone! Thank you all for the messages. I was busy with school and with finals, but now my tests are over. I was extremely stressed out, especially since I missed most of one of my finals because I thought it was the next day. Everyone is doing an amazing job. I have been using weights while doing my squats and lunges, but if I do more than 300 I do not use them the whole time. That would be too much. I measured myself and noticed I lost some inches. I am glad to be back!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: MuffRuff, I'm glad to hear you survived your has been decades since I was in college but I remember the stress as if it were's great that you are using weights with your squats and lunges

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges

    I took my house guest to line dance with me this morning....she had fun and said she might look for a line dance class over where she lives....I walked the dogs this morning and went to line dance and got my 17.000 steps but sat most of the rest of the day including dinner at a restaurant..
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100

    It's raining like crazy here today, so I probably won't be doing any cardio. Must be a strength day.

    MuffRuff, glad to see you back. Congratulations on losing some inches! I too have noticed my clothes are fitting better.

    Gosh Barbie, *only* line dancing, 100 lunges, and 17000 steps? You are doing very well my friend.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    05/19/2012 - 500 squats and lunges

    barbiecat, line dancing sounds like fun, and you did 17,000 steps, wow! clover5, I am glad your clothes are fitting better.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good moring pals

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Day 41 - 40 -- Oops! I'll need to dip into my extras above, and work to refill the bank.
    Day 42 - 125 - 5 reps of 25 to make up some of my missed squats. I like having a little in the bank, so to speak.
    Day 43 - 120
    Day 44 - 120
    Day 45 - 100
    Day 46 - 100

    5k completed in 33.23. Tried to steer clear of the munchies at the finish. I did have a few, but not too bad.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges

    :bigsmile: MuffRuff, you continue to do great

    :bigsmile: Clover, congrats on your race

    :bigsmile: house guests went home....I had time to walk and get 17,000 steps and do 100 lunges then interrupted by several phone calls I did most of my weight training including 40 lunges with a 15 pound dumbbell in each hand :bigsmile: