May and June 2012



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: good to see us all posting our success :bigsmile:

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges

    All the yard work I'm doing is wearing me out.....I skipped my weight training on Tuesday and today when I did it, I was dragging but persisted and finished almost everything :bigsmile:
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    June 7..... 50 squats 50 crunches
    June 8.....50 /50 here i come...25 completed this morning and later this eveing of each ....feels good!
    June 9.....50/50 upper body weight workout done also and will be busy in the yard today..walked 50 minutes
    June 10...50/50 squats crunches more planting and working in my garden happy sunday
    June 11... 50/50 complete took a walk and did my weights
    June 12 ...50/50
    June 13 ...5/50 walked 25 minutes after dinner and 5 minutes at work
    June 14 ...50/50 done for the start of this day...wakled 25 minutes after i did a massage ..some yoga before bed
    June 15...50/50 this morning...:)
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: good to see us all posting our success :bigsmile:

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges

    All the yard work I'm doing is wearing me out.....I skipped my weight training on Tuesday and today when I did it, I was dragging but persisted and finished almost everything :bigsmile:

    I did lots of yard work this past weekend and just seem to be dragging all week :bigsmile:
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    Day 11 - 22 (5/13 - 5/24) 1150 (marching pairs, knee raise pairs, side-lying leg raises, leg presses) *make up for missing 50!!
    23 - 6/5 - 100 knee raises
    24 - 6/6 - 100 elliptical steps (from therapy)
    25 - 6/7 - 100 knee raises
    26 - 6/8 - 100 knee raises w/ dance video
    27 - 6/10 - 100 knee raises and a walk w/ the hubby
    28 - 6/11 - 100 elliptical steps
    29 - 6/14 - 100 knee raises and a walk w/ the hubby

    I'm thinking of adding in crunches as part of my 100. I know they're not really a leg activity, but I think working on my core (which is very weak) will help with everything else I do. Plus I just hate pooching out below my waist. :grumble:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Days 41 - 50 - 1030 - Half way! 5,110 squats so far.
    Days 51 - 60 - 1050
    Days 61 - 70 - 1000

    Day 71 - 100 - half with my weights.
    Day 72 - 100 - some with weights, 25 crunches, 25 bicept curls each arm, and 125 standing calf raises while folding the laundry.

    My yard is trying to get my attention. I've been a little lax the last few days. I like gardening. Gardening is a hobby. Yard work is a job.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    06/15/2012 - 500 squats and lunges
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges

    no yard work today.....just dog walking in the morning, then line dance class and then after lunch i taught a two hour beginner line dance class.....I plan to spend the evening sitting :bigsmile:

    doing part leg and part crunches sounds like a super idea----it's the challenge and the consistency that really matters....I'm thinking of doing something more core oriented when I finish my 100 days of lunges

    what I do in the yard I call "garden puttering" and i enjoy every minute of it and take great pride in the results.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Days 41 - 50 - 1030 - Half way! 5,110 squats so far.
    Days 51 - 60 - 1050
    Days 61 - 70 - 1000

    Day 71 - 100 - half with my weights.
    Day 72 - 100 - some with weights
    Day 73 - 100

    Soon as I get my coffee, I'm off to go run.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges
    100 regular, 40 with dumbbells

    I was dragging again with my weight training but I did almost all of it and walked the dogs and worked in the yard.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    06/16/2012 - 500 squats and lunges

    I finished the first week of Jillian Michaels's Ripped in 30 today. It was a bit tough in the beginning, but got easier as the week went on.
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    Day 1 - 10 (5/1 - 5/12) 1000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs)
    Day 11 - 22 (5/13 - 5/24) 1150 (marching pairs, knee raise pairs, side-lying leg raises, leg presses) *make up for missing 50!!
    23 - 6/5 - 100 knee raises
    24 - 6/6 - 100 elliptical steps (from therapy)
    25 - 6/7 - 100 knee raises
    26 - 6/8 - 100 knee raises w/ dance video
    27 - 6/10 - 100 knee raises and a walk w/ the hubby
    28 - 6/11 - 100 elliptical steps
    29 - 6/14 - 100 knee raises and a walk w/ the hubby
    30 - 6/16 - 150 various (55 squats w/ Buns of Envy video, 75 crunches, 20 pairs side-lying leg raises)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Days 41 - 50 - 1030 - Half way! 5,110 squats so far.
    Days 51 - 60 - 1050
    Days 61 - 70 - 1000

    Day 71 - 100 - half with my weights.
    Day 72 - 100 - some with weights
    Day 73 - 100
    Day 74 - 100
    I was dragging again.......
    I hear you Barbie. There are days when I think to myself " Oy... more squats." But with all the squats, standing calf raises, and running, my legs are looking pretty nice - if I do say so myself. My abs could use a little attention though. I've lost inches there, but it's still flabby.

    MuffRuff, you are doing amazing, and getting great results. I loved the story about visiting your dad and showing how many push-ups you can do.

    I am taking a rest day today, so no major exertion. Maybe a little light gardening and a walk.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :bigsmile: Clover, This is a rest day for me, too.....We're doing an Isagenix cleanse day so I'm consuming very few calories and doing a minimum of exertion. I walked the dogs this morning but hubby will do the other walks during the rest of the day. I did some puttering in the yard but now I'm settled with hubby for his Father's Day treat----watching the final round of the US Open golf tournament. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: MuffRuff, congrats on your success so far with the Jillian Michaels' program....I've never done any of her stuff but I've heard that she's really tough.

    :bigsmile: Jem_Girl, I like your mixed bag of activities for the challenge ("Buns of Envy" :laugh: :laugh: ) I'm feeling ready for something new.

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    06/17/2012 - 300 squats and lunges

    barbiecat - Yes, Jillian Micheals is tough. I do not like her attitude, but her workouts gets the job done. I hope you and your husband enjoy your day together!

    clover5 - You definitely deserve a break with everything that you have been doing.

    Jem_Girl - I love how you add variety to your exercises. It is always interesting reading about what you are doing.

    I hope everyone enjoys their Father's Day!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Days 41 - 50 - 1030 - Half way! 5,110 squats so far.
    Days 51 - 60 - 1050
    Days 61 - 70 - 1000

    Day 71 - 100 - half with my weights.
    Day 72 - 100 - some with weights
    Day 73 - 100
    Day 74 - 100
    Day 75 - 100 - 75 with weights

    This may not be the right place, but I've got something on my mind. My husband was depressed yesterday, and wouldn't say why - claimed he didn't know. I always know what's bugging me. I may not want to say, but I know. He had a high blood sugar reading about 2 months ago and has lost about 40 pounds since then. He had the test for diabetes which came back normal, but he doesn't believe it. He's kind of a hypochondriac - I don't criticize. I think 40 lbs in two months is too fast, and I wonder if that could be affecting his outlook.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    06/18/2012 - 300 squats and lunges

    clover5, this is always the right place. We are all pals here. That is quite a bit of weight to lose in two months. However, some people who are heavier lose weight quickly a first. This could be your husband's problem. Do you two ever exercise together? Maybe that will help. A lot of people are hypochondriacs, and I have some in my family. Sometimes people need to start with little changes. I know my father had problems like this, but started to brighten up when I had a talk with him about how he should be more positive and started to spend more time with him and be more encouraging. I really do hope both you and your husband will figure out what the problem is, and I wish you the best.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: Clover, my husband is a grumbler about every ache and pain.....I ignore him when he does that and just talk to him like he's said nothing about his aches and pains. Please continue to use us as a sounding board....we have very broad shoulder.s.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: my knees are getting too much asked of them with all the kneeling I'm doing with my garden/yard/rocks project so I have suspended doing lunges and switched to something I think is good for hamstrings even though I can't find it on any website or in the books I's the balancing on one leg that you do for "one point dumbbell rows" without the dumbells
    lift one leg, behind you, lean forward and make a letter T with your hamstrings can feel it........also great for balance :bigsmile: takes longer than a lunge and definitely needs a piece of flat ground or floor. I'm going to count them as if they were lunges because they don't have a short name.......I liked them today and they will probably roll over into being my next 100 day challenge.

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    Days 21 - 30 - 980
    Days 31 - 40 - 1040
    Days 41 - 50 - 1030 - Half way! 5,110 squats so far.
    Days 51 - 60 - 1050
    Days 61 - 70 - 1000

    Day 71 - 100 - half with my weights.
    Day 72 - 100 - some with weights
    Day 73 - 100
    Day 74 - 100
    Day 75 - 100 - 75 with weights
    Day 76 - 100

    Thank you both for your support. He seemed happier yesterday, which I am glad of. I'm still worried about his weight loss though. I'm sure he has lost a lot of muscle. I've said so a couple of times. He doesn't care. He doesn't exercise much.
    I felt ok posting this here because our little group feels private and safe. Very few others ever check in on us.

    Barbie, I can picture the exercise you're describing. It sounds like a good one. I'm thinking I need to ad something for abs. I need to quit talking about it and just do it, but I havn't decided if I want to add it to my squats, or wait until my squats are done and then make crunches my next thing.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: Clover, after 23 years of marriage, I have finally found some balance in letting my husband figure things out for himself :laugh: perhaps your hubby will figure out the exercise connection on his own.

    :flowerforyou: my new exercise is definitely foo for my hamstrings----they told me so this morning when I started doing them I've made a good choice......while working on my rock project this morning I noticed how many variations of squats I was doing as part of the project so I definitely don't need to be doing extra squats or lunges right now.

    :bigsmile: I love my new challenge exercise----it's another interesting variation of a silly walk :bigsmile:

    days 1-10 1180 lunges
    days 11-20 1200 lunges
    days 21-30 1160 lunges
    days 31-40 1160 lunges
    days 41-50 1120 lunges
    days 51-60-1160 lunges
    day 61-70-1160 lunges
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    @Clover :frown: I hope he perks up more or at least shares what the problem is. I sometimes just have down days when it's best that I'm left to my hermit ways because it's more likely that I'll upset someone else than they'll cheer me up. However, after this long I suspect you'd know if that was what he was going through, so I just hope he spills the beans or takes it into his hands to fix whatever's bothering him. Usually when I'm upset and don't want to talk about it, it's a money issue, but that's because I have security issues. :laugh: 20 pounds per month is super fast, but my father's mentioned over the years that when he puts his mind to it he can lose weight quickly. (I go :huh: at this because I've never seen him actually do it.)

    @Muff I have the first part of the 30 Day Shred on my youtube playlist, but I'm afraid of tackling it for the moment. I think it might be taking on more than I can chew until I drop more pounds. Kudos to you for sticking with it, though!

    @Barbie Hats off to you for doing a stretch that takes such balance! I may steal it from you provided I incorporate a chair for stabilization into the mix. :laugh:

    Day 1 - 30 (5/1 - 6/16) 3000 (squats, leg presses, marching pairs, knee raise pairs, side-lying leg raises, elliptical steps, crunches)
    31 - 6/18 - 100 various (leg presses, leg scissors, seated leg raises)

    I think I do such a variety because I get bored SO easily. Btw, sitting in a chair and then raising the legs till they're straight then lowering till almost touching the floor... repeat 24 times... feels like a really good exercise for upper thighs and the abs. Not sure if it is, but I liked it. :laugh: