May Progress



  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Has anyone gained weight doing this, even with calorie deficit???

    I started SL the first week of May and weight was 173. One week later down to 172 and the past 10 days weight is holding steady at 175, which is 15 pounds higher than I was a year ago. THe scale is totally giong in the wrong direction and I am getting freaked out.
    Measurements are about the same. Hard to tell, because not sure if I measure in exactly the same spot, but if there is change, its negligible.
    My clothes have been getting tighter as the scale has creeped up.....The past 2 weeks I cut back cals a little and this week I am cutting back more.....

    Yes, and it is creeping off slowly. The size should start decreasing for you soon even if you don't see a drop on the scale. I took pictures when I started sl then I took pictures at my 1 month mark and saw no change. I took my 2 month pictures this weekend and even though the scale and measuring tape showed very little change, the pictures showed loss in areas I didn't even consider. You have to have a little faith in the process. It is hard to be patient when you don't see quick changes or fat/weight isn't falling off of you as fast as it seems to for others but things are happening.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,550 Member
    Squats 5x5 #90, BP 5x5 #65, Rows 5x5 #85

    Weight and inches holding steady.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Has anyone gained weight doing this, even with calorie deficit???

    I started SL the first week of May and weight was 173. One week later down to 172 and the past 10 days weight is holding steady at 175, which is 15 pounds higher than I was a year ago. THe scale is totally giong in the wrong direction and I am getting freaked out.
    Measurements are about the same. Hard to tell, because not sure if I measure in exactly the same spot, but if there is change, its negligible.
    My clothes have been getting tighter as the scale has creeped up.....The past 2 weeks I cut back cals a little and this week I am cutting back more.....

    I stayed in the same three pound range (187-190) for about . . .3? 3.5? weeks. The scale is finally moving (down) now.

    In the beginning, you will hold on to water when your muscles are recovering and such. Don't worry about it unless it lasts longer than 4 or 5 weeks.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My water retention lasted longer than 4 weeks, for the record, it basically lasted the whole time I was doing the program (6 weeks) and it only dropped when I took my vacation (Which has turned into a pretty dang long break from lifting for that matter).

    Actually the first 2 weeks when it was still really light (for me) I was still dropping but when the weights increased my weight shot up like 3-5 lbs and stayed there.

    and on that note I am FINALLY getting back to the gym today. We had a nearly 21 day break because of vacation + getting sick, soooo we'll see how it goes.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Squats: 100
    BP: 75
    DL: 145

    Sorry, while waiting in line at El Pollo Loco, I realized I recorded last night's workout wrong. I posted OP's when I actually did BP. I know nobody really cares, but since I'm just getting started here, I wanted to get my starting stats right. :-)
    Any reason why you did bench on deadlift day? You mentioned earlier about the starter program. Is that different than the online program? My understanding is you want to do bench followed by rows. Then workout B has OHP followed by deadlifts.

    I am doing the program from Rippetoe's Starting Strength, which is in a different order. Everything else is the same. But deadlifts follow bench press and BO rows follow OHP. I'm thinking this Mehdi guy doesn't want Stronglifts to appear to be a direct rip off of Starting Strength, so he switched up the order. It won't matter.

    Squats: 105
    OHP: 50
    BO Row: 85
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    Ok so I'm a MORON and I waltzed in, did 2 empty bar sets while I was waiting for a rack, thought "oh well its a deload so that's enough warmup" and the empty bar sets felt FIIIIINE, loaded up my 130, and basically DESTROYED my hamstrings in 2 squats. It probably would have been fine if I'd been lifting for the last 3 weeks. It probably would have been fine if I'm done a serious proper warmup before I went to my work weight. but neither of these things was true. And therefore, it hurt, oh god did it ever hurt.

    I deloaded to 115 and figuratively limped through 3 sets of those before I was done with that.

    Rest of it went fine, bench went surprisingly well because I think that's not something where you can get quite so stiff being as you use your arms and shoulders all day. Heck I dunno. but OW. OW. OW OW.

    I don't think its an injury, per se, I just think I pulled them a bit. I'm off to foam roll.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    do you guys think i should just go and work back up from 120 on my squats or jump back up to 130 with a proper warmup? I can't decide what might be best.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    In the beginning, you will hold on to water when your muscles are recovering and such. Don't worry about it unless it lasts longer than 4 or 5 weeks.
    My water retention lasted longer than 4 weeks, for the record, it basically lasted the whole time I was doing the program (6 weeks) and it only dropped when I took my vacation (Which has turned into a pretty dang long break from lifting for that matter).

    "I will not freak out about this; I will not freak out about this; I will not freak out about this..."

    It's been over 2 months. The scale has not budged. My measurements haven't changed either, even though I look better in my "after" pictures.
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Finally squatted the empty bar! Yay!
    There were one or 2 where I wasn't sure if I hit parallel but overall went well.

    OHP: Really struggling with this. Got it up but I'm doing this weird head thing and it's uneven. Basically my form is atrocious. A friend said it's probably because the 30lb is a tad too heavy, my form is good with 20, but the 20 is too light and no 25. So I'm gonna keep going with 30 til I can sort the form.

    Dead: 75. It felt heavy but good.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    In the beginning, you will hold on to water when your muscles are recovering and such. Don't worry about it unless it lasts longer than 4 or 5 weeks.
    My water retention lasted longer than 4 weeks, for the record, it basically lasted the whole time I was doing the program (6 weeks) and it only dropped when I took my vacation (Which has turned into a pretty dang long break from lifting for that matter).

    "I will not freak out about this; I will not freak out about this; I will not freak out about this..."

    It's been over 2 months. The scale has not budged. My measurements haven't changed either, even though I look better in my "after" pictures.

    :heart: I'm right there with ya.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    do you guys think i should just go and work back up from 120 on my squats or jump back up to 130 with a proper warmup? I can't decide what might be best.

    It sounds like you were killing your hamstrings, no? I say drop the weight and work back up to 120. You'll be back up to your 130 in no time! I'm kind of a wimp though...:wink:
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Finally squatted the empty bar! Yay!
    There were one or 2 where I wasn't sure if I hit parallel but overall went well.

    OHP: Really struggling with this. Got it up but I'm doing this weird head thing and it's uneven. Basically my form is atrocious. A friend said it's probably because the 30lb is a tad too heavy, my form is good with 20, but the 20 is too light and no 25. So I'm gonna keep going with 30 til I can sort the form.

    Dead: 75. It felt heavy but good.

    Doing great! Congrats on squats. OHP is a tough one for me too. I say if you need to work on form with a lighter weight, then do so! The last thing you want is to progress with bad form because you'll end up injuring yourself or have to retrain to correct down the road. Patience is hard, but wins in the long term!

    Score on 75. Rock star!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    9 days after surgery (tubal ligation), I finally got the strength/courage to lift again.

    Squat 80 (same as last workout, no deload but no raise either, I got through them all pretty good)

    OHP 30 (was supposed to attempt 40 but feel I need to work back up to that, got through them easily so maybe I could have)

    Deadlift 80 (did 100 2 weeks ago but by this point in the workout I was getting crampy in the midsection so decided to go with 80 and did those ok)

    Tummy is a little sore now, but I don't think I did TOO much. Glad I didn't go with the full scheduled weight though, even if I didn't have surgery, that might have been too much after 9 days off...
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    "I will not freak out about this; I will not freak out about this; I will not freak out about this..."

    It's been over 2 months. The scale has not budged. My measurements haven't changed either, even though I look better in my "after" pictures.

    :heart: I'm right there with ya.

    me too..I've actually gained weight on the scale since I started lifting and no change in measurements but I like the way I feel when lifting heavy things so I'll keep at it!
    Also, it may be my imagination, but some of the cottage cheese on my thighs appears to have wandered off...hope it stays wherever it that from the squats?
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    do you guys think i should just go and work back up from 120 on my squats or jump back up to 130 with a proper warmup? I can't decide what might be best.

    personally I would have gone 120 or even 110, but I'm a wuss and terrified of injury. What did you decide and how are your hamstrings feeling now?
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Today's workout:

    Squats 110 @ 5x5, 115 @ 1x5
    Overhead Press 50 @ 5x5
    Deadlifts 125 @ 1x5, 130 @ 1x5

    Overhead Press after transitioning from push press is felt good today! I am really loving that core piece to it because my abs need a little TLC.

    Seeing above posts about not losing...water retention? Enough protein? Eating small portions throughout the day to keep metabolism going? Hum...not losing pounds...okay, but not losing pounds and inches with heavy lifting would make me change something up. I'd probably do more cardio on the off lifting days and cut my cals a bit. I know, eat more to weigh less, but if something is not working then you gotta change it up, right? Then again, I do see people on the site constantly changing up their routines without giving their routines a chance to actually work so I guess it depends on how long you've been at plateau for.
  • valerieschram
    valerieschram Posts: 97 Member
    I will be at the beach Friday and Monday, so these will be my last May numbers:

    Squat: 85
    Bench: 65
    Row: 70
    Overhead Press: 50
    Deadlift: 120

    I went up a little in everything except for overhead press. I guess I need to get some fractional plates to move up any.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    do you guys think i should just go and work back up from 120 on my squats or jump back up to 130 with a proper warmup? I can't decide what might be best.

    personally I would have gone 120 or even 110, but I'm a wuss and terrified of injury. What did you decide and how are your hamstrings feeling now?

    thanks doreen and robin - my hamstrings feel fine because I stretched and foam rolled the hell out of them - the rest of my is DOMS all over though. Ha.

    130 was already a deload for me so I figured that'd be safe to jump back in on, but i think now I'm going to just work back up from 115 (so 120 tomorrow) until my body gets used to the movement again.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I *almost* did 130 on squat then took 1.5 weeks off. I went all the way back down to 115 when I came back and they felt way harder than they should.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    So I am late posting but yesterday results:

    Squats 110
    OP 55 (I failed my last time on the 4th and 5th reps and I was sore from bootcamp on sunday so I just went down to 55)
    deadlift 95

    @tameko: I am so new to this, so cant offer any advice, but hope you feel better!!!