May/June BED Conversation Thread



  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    Thanks everyone for the great posts! You are all so encouraging to me. Just knowing you guys/girls are out there is SO Helpful. I've said it before, but it's true.

    So here is my story for today. It was my mother's birthday, so I brought a cake over. I told myself I wouldn't eat any. Then of course I ate almost my entire day's worth of calories in cake. Later, when I got home my boyfriend had cooked chicken baked in EVOO, and a salad on the side. Not bad, but mentally when I feel like "'I've already done myself in for the day", it's really hard to stop. I decided at some point to go crazy eating since I was already over my calorie limit. I was able to stop myself after 5 peanut butter cookies, about 1/2 cup of salad dressing (with a smidgen of lettuce), and about a cup of raw almonds. Now normally my binges consist of ALL the cookies, ALL the ice cream, the chips, crackers, dry cereal, and literally, everything in sight.

    I think the difference this time was I thought of all you guys here on the forum. Reading the posts helped calm me a little. I walked over to the sink and crushed the rest of the cookies with the garbage disposer. :)
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    You're absolutely right. It's hardest to stop when you're already over your calories. I pat myself on the back even if I had a binge, but did better than I did last time by maybe not eating as much as I normally would, or being able to stop myself. So good job of keeping the damage less than usual. A step in the right direction!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great posts! You are all so encouraging to me. Just knowing you guys/girls are out there is SO Helpful. I've said it before, but it's true.

    So here is my story for today. It was my mother's birthday, so I brought a cake over. I told myself I wouldn't eat any. Then of course I ate almost my entire day's worth of calories in cake. Later, when I got home my boyfriend had cooked chicken baked in EVOO, and a salad on the side. Not bad, but mentally when I feel like "'I've already done myself in for the day", it's really hard to stop. I decided at some point to go crazy eating since I was already over my calorie limit. I was able to stop myself after 5 peanut butter cookies, about 1/2 cup of salad dressing (with a smidgen of lettuce), and about a cup of raw almonds. Now normally my binges consist of ALL the cookies, ALL the ice cream, the chips, crackers, dry cereal, and literally, everything in sight.

    I think the difference this time was I thought of all you guys here on the forum. Reading the posts helped calm me a little. I walked over to the sink and crushed the rest of the cookies with the garbage disposer. :)
    Awesome Kaila!!:flowerforyou: My binges are nothing like they used to be either.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am not sure if all of you know it or not but there is another BED Group also. If you want some additional support please feel free to join this group also. There was no way to combine the groups so I joined it also and go to both for support. I found below thread very usful to me in May.

    Please join us, see link below for the BED challenge. If you have any questions please let me know.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I am not sure if all of you know it or not but there is another BED Group also. If you want some additional support please feel free to join this group also. There was no way to combine the groups so I joined it also and go to both for support. I found below thread very usful to me in May.

    Please join us, see link below for the BED challenge. If you have any questions please let me know.


    I have found the thread helpful as well. Checking in is a good thing. Taking it one day at a time.
  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    Hey guys!! I don't know how you all feel about posting links in the thread, but here's one I really want to share. It breaks down the reasons behind our cravings. For example, my weakness is CRUNCHY!!! If I start eating crunchy foods I'll usually have an all out binge. Sugar also sets me off like a gun, I can't stop at one taste or bite. I have to have it all. This website was really helpful for me figuring out the reason behind my cravings.

    Here's the link,

    According to this site, crunchy cravings means I want attention or am possible angry with someone. Today after reading the article I counted out 14 almonds, ate them slowly (to try to quiet my crunchy-tooth), and then was done. Didn't even grab another handful! :D
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hey guys!! I don't know how you all feel about posting links in the thread, but here's one I really want to share. It breaks down the reasons behind our cravings. For example, my weakness is CRUNCHY!!! If I start eating crunchy foods I'll usually have an all out binge. Sugar also sets me off like a gun, I can't stop at one taste or bite. I have to have it all. This website was really helpful for me figuring out the reason behind my cravings.

    Here's the link,

    According to this site, crunchy cravings means I want attention or am possible angry with someone. Today after reading the article I counted out 14 almonds, ate them slowly (to try to quiet my crunchy-tooth), and then was done. Didn't even grab another handful! :D

    Thanks. Interesting. I am a sweet craver, but could identify with all 5 of their headings. I also am someone who craves chewy food (sweet or not), I wonder what they'd say about that.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I am feeling back on track this week after a few not so good weeks. It feels so good to be in control.

    Throughout the past 2+ yrs that I've been on the healthy track I have had many ups and downs. MANY. Days, weeks, even months that have been good, and days, weeks and months that haven't. When I'm struggling it feels so helpless like I'm never going to get better - but then it does. I am glad I haven't given up.
  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    Well, I blew it. The worst part is I knew it was gonna happen. This morning I left the house knowing I wouldn't have access to food all day. It actually caused a morning binge until I was forced to leave. As soon as I got home I fell snout first into a binge, and then my boyfriend ordered pizza. I felt helpless to my binge. Tummy ache :(

    How are you all feeling? What is everyone planning on doing this weekend?
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    pressure and unknown expectations were my downfall this week. tried to get back on board several times poor planning did me in. I have to remember to pack my lunch, have my meals planned ahead.....otherwise.....I am in trouble. Today I have someone coming over to help with housework.....she "borrowed" some money from me and paid me back with a bad check.....stressful to call her and arrange this barter. Also it is awkward........anyhow you guys know the routine makes me want to squelch any emotional discomfort down with food. Hope I will be gracious and kind. richie
  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    Sounds like we are in the same boat on this one. If I don't pack or plan meals, then oh boy. It's the curtains for me. I struggle with the emotional part too. If something good happens, I eat. If something bad happens, I eat. It's almost as if emotions are uncomfortable and food distracts from feeling.

    One of the members (I don't remember who) posted "if hunger is not the problem, eating is not the answer". I try to keep that in mind when the binge monster pops up.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    thanks for the advice. doing better today...stay busy.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am new to this group but not new to binge eating. i just started a new plan called No S Diet and it's been going ok. Still had some troubles with binging this weekend but i'm thinking this new way of looking at it will help me. We have a group on here if you want to read about it - just search for No S Lifestyle
    anyway, so been doing my best to avoid binging and face what emotions are bothering me really. mostly it's just boredom and the idea of what something would taste like. i think i just need to get some new hobbies or find stuff to fill time.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yesterday was a rough day. Triggers everywhere.

    I hate when people ask if or assume I am dieting. People do not understand the notion of learning how to eat like a normal person. It feels really strange trying to explain it. That is what I feel like I'm doing though. I don't feel like I'm dieting. In fact, the moment I go to that mentality it is bad news. I believe in order to recover from BED we all have to learn to eat like normal people. Normal people who use their natural hunger to gauge how much and when they eat. Normal people who can enjoy a treat and leave it at one. Normal people who don't obsess about food all day long. Normal people who aren't thinking about what they can eat next before they're even finished with what's in front of them. Normal people who allow themselves to feel emotion instead of burying it with another feeling - which we get from bingeing.

    I've never been a big fan of conformity, but in this case I long to be normal.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    People do not understand the notion of learning how to eat like a normal person. It feels really strange trying to explain it. That is what I feel like I'm doing though. I don't feel like I'm dieting. In fact, the moment I go to that mentality it is bad news. I believe in order to recover from BED we all have to learn to eat like normal people. Normal people who use their natural hunger to gauge how much and when they eat. Normal people who can enjoy a treat and leave it at one. Normal people who don't obsess about food all day long. Normal people who aren't thinking about what they can eat next before they're even finished with what's in front of them. Normal people who allow themselves to feel emotion instead of burying it with another feeling - which we get from bingeing.

    I've never been a big fan of conformity, but in this case I long to be normal.

    I so agree with these statements! I have some friends who can really do a good job controlling themselves. But I can't... it's like I am just not tuned into my natural hunger. My husband, for example, turns down yummy things all the time saying he doesn't want any or he's not hungry. This is because he knows he doesn't really need or want it right then and there. but not me. i swear i'll take anything offered to me at any time, hungry or full... well maybe not anythign but definitely yummy treats. that is why i had to start the No S Diet. It was the only way for me to allow myself some indulgence on the weekends (with moderation) and also be strict during the week and have some rules, knowing that I get to enjoy somethign at some point. just not always! but yeah, it's because I cannot "eat like a normal person" i just know i can't do that and even if i try to convince myself i can, it just doesn't happen that way. despite my wishful thinking! so i have to train myself if i ever hope to be there. and maybe i can if i set some ground rules. maybe it will just become habit to eat in moderation. that is my hope!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I hate when people ask if or assume I am dieting. People do not understand the notion of learning how to eat like a normal person. It feels really strange trying to explain it. That is what I feel like I'm doing though. I don't feel like I'm dieting. In fact, the moment I go to that mentality it is bad news. I believe in order to recover from BED we all have to learn to eat like normal people. Normal people who use their natural hunger to gauge how much and when they eat. Normal people who can enjoy a treat and leave it at one. Normal people who don't obsess about food all day long. Normal people who aren't thinking about what they can eat next before they're even finished with what's in front of them. Normal people who allow themselves to feel emotion instead of burying it with another feeling - which we get from bingeing.

    I've never been a big fan of conformity, but in this case I long to be normal.

    I've known I'm not normal with food and now I *really* know that I'm not normal!

    I think part of my problem is the diet mentality. I have GOT to get out of that! My restrict/binge/restrict/binge pattern is NOT normal!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    So true, it is a whole new mind set. portion control is so important......I just keep that on my mind most of the day. Sure there are two poptarts in the package but you only need one. Take care you guys the weekend is coming and that is my worst time. I am going to really try hard to stick with the program. Richie
  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    Do you ever feel like if you could just make it to your goal weight you would stop binging? I have this idea that once I reach goal weight my life will be perfect, and the urge to binge will evaporate. Probably not gonna happen. I am in my last 10 lbs of weight loss, but every time I lose a few lbs, I sabotage myself and gain it back. I've been stuck in my last 10 lbs for about 6 months now. I just wish everyday that I could have developed ANY other disorder. Sometimes I wish I could have been an alcoholic, or even anorexic. I wonder why I didn't pick up smoking. Why, why, why.

    All these questions, and no answers...
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i did make it to goal weight or 1 lb within and the binging actually got worse!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Watched Dr.Phil today....a women who weighed lots was on. He said "it isn't about changing your diet, it's about changing your life style.
    He also talked about emotional baggage ,my actions don't reflect what I tell myself I want. I say I want to be healthier and then turn around and binge........addiction sucks. Richie
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