Mission not Impossible



  • Meades236
    Meades236 Posts: 11
    Yikes! The case to my 30DS DVD was empty. I did it before work so I didn't have much time to look so I did Ripped in 30 instead. Just curious what everyone thinks is the hardest part to Jillian's work outs? The ab part is what kicks my *kitten*!

    The push-ups kill me. I hope I build my strength in that department quickly! I'm struggljng with the modified ones!
  • janiemae2007
    Iuse three pounds. I have been doing it off and on for two months, but decided today no if ands or but's, gonna do it every single day.
  • shaggy420p
    shaggy420p Posts: 2
    Hello all. Today is my first day on this site and I am needing people to help me keep motivated.
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    So I finished Day 1 yesterday. It was so cute my 3 year old came in and did it with me. He finished it too. I am so happy I did it. The hardest part for me was the side lunges in part 3 I'm a sweaty mess by then! :)

    What is your favorite/worst move?
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Hello all. Today is my first day on this site and I am needing people to help me keep motivated.

    Sending you a friend request! Woo Hoo! Let's shred!
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 130 Member
    day 2 done...........not as sore as i thought i would be and i think the stretching has helped my sore knee result :)
  • beachlover718
    So I finished Day 1 yesterday. It was so cute my 3 year old came in and did it with me. He finished it too. I am so happy I did it. The hardest part for me was the side lunges in part 3 I'm a sweaty mess by then! :)

    What is your favorite/worst move?

    I crack up when my 4 1/2 tries to lift my 4lb wts above his head- it's SO heavy to him lol. i agree with the side lunges- it's the arms that do me in tho, cant do the full set with both arms, end up alternating arms about half way thru
  • taylmarie
    taylmarie Posts: 161
    So I finished Day 1 yesterday. It was so cute my 3 year old came in and did it with me. He finished it too. I am so happy I did it. The hardest part for me was the side lunges in part 3 I'm a sweaty mess by then! :)

    What is your favorite/worst move?

    I crack up when my 4 1/2 tries to lift my 4lb wts above his head- it's SO heavy to him lol. i agree with the side lunges- it's the arms that do me in tho, cant do the full set with both arms, end up alternating arms about half way thru

    Ahhh, side lunges with the arm raises kill me too! I also alternate arms :)
  • beachlover718
    So I finished Day 1 yesterday. It was so cute my 3 year old came in and did it with me. He finished it too. I am so happy I did it. The hardest part for me was the side lunges in part 3 I'm a sweaty mess by then! :)

    What is your favorite/worst move?

    I crack up when my 4 1/2 tries to lift my 4lb wts above his head- it's SO heavy to him lol. i agree with the side lunges- it's the arms that do me in tho, cant do the full set with both arms, end up alternating arms about half way thru

    Ahhh, side lunges with the arm raises kill me too! I also alternate arms :)

    glad to hear I'm not alone!
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    So I finished Day 1 yesterday. It was so cute my 3 year old came in and did it with me. He finished it too. I am so happy I did it. The hardest part for me was the side lunges in part 3 I'm a sweaty mess by then! :)

    What is your favorite/worst move?

    I crack up when my 4 1/2 tries to lift my 4lb wts above his head- it's SO heavy to him lol. i agree with the side lunges- it's the arms that do me in tho, cant do the full set with both arms, end up alternating arms about half way thru

    Ahhh, side lunges with the arm raises kill me too! I also alternate arms :)

    glad to hear I'm not alone!
    I so do not like those side lunges! But the hardest for me is anything abs!
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    squats and Lunges with weights are killing me, my arms are sore, great workout:smile:
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Definitely felt it today! My favorite part was the stretching LOL! Lunges are killing me too. But love a good challenge. :)
    What's your favorite move?
  • mamabird07
    mamabird07 Posts: 18
    Being the queen of excuses, I had a good one and was tempted to leave the group. Woke up an hour early today and started a load of wash so there wasn't anything to distract me (no kids, couldn't shower, etc.). I feel good (and sore ;) ). The hardest part for me was knowing that 5 years ago before I had kids I would have laughed that this was a challenge. So I am glad that I did it today and look forward to this group so that I can report back and stick with it. :smile: I liked the stretching the best.
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Being the queen of excuses, I had a good one and was tempted to leave the group. Woke up an hour early today and started a load of wash so there wasn't anything to distract me (no kids, couldn't shower, etc.). I feel good (and sore ;) ). The hardest part for me was knowing that 5 years ago before I had kids I would have laughed that this was a challenge. So I am glad that I did it today and look forward to this group so that I can report back and stick with it. :smile: I liked the stretching the best.

    Awesome! I'm really happy you stayed. You've got what it takes and I can't wait to see the results. I am babysitting today and am trying to fit in my workout while the kids are napping. Wish me luck!
  • YetAnotherSusan
    YetAnotherSusan Posts: 9 Member
    I am struggling with WHEN to do it!!

    I want to get up and do it in the morning but my husband has problems sleeping. so if he is still asleep when I should be getting up to start, I feel guilty and don't want to wake him. figures he starts to sleep when I have something to get up for!

    in the evenings before starting dinner, homework, etc, I do a 3ish mile walk with the dog. by the time everything is settled back down, it is too late to think about doing something like this. I am thinking that as the weather heats up I'll take the dog for her walk later and do the dvd right when I get home. (if I can't get it in first thing in the morning)

    I know these sound like excuses, but I haven't missed a day. fitting things in with the family has always been the biggest obstacle to my working out.
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    I am struggling with WHEN to do it!!

    I want to get up and do it in the morning but my husband has problems sleeping. so if he is still asleep when I should be getting up to start, I feel guilty and don't want to wake him. figures he starts to sleep when I have something to get up for!

    in the evenings before starting dinner, homework, etc, I do a 3ish mile walk with the dog. by the time everything is settled back down, it is too late to think about doing something like this. I am thinking that as the weather heats up I'll take the dog for her walk later and do the dvd right when I get home. (if I can't get it in first thing in the morning)

    I know these sound like excuses, but I haven't missed a day. fitting things in with the family has always been the biggest obstacle to my working out.

    Awesome job for not missing a day! You inspire me! You are so doing this! Great weight loss by the way!
  • beachlover718
    I am struggling with WHEN to do it!!

    I want to get up and do it in the morning but my husband has problems sleeping. so if he is still asleep when I should be getting up to start, I feel guilty and don't want to wake him. figures he starts to sleep when I have something to get up for!

    in the evenings before starting dinner, homework, etc, I do a 3ish mile walk with the dog. by the time everything is settled back down, it is too late to think about doing something like this. I am thinking that as the weather heats up I'll take the dog for her walk later and do the dvd right when I get home. (if I can't get it in first thing in the morning)

    I know these sound like excuses, but I haven't missed a day. fitting things in with the family has always been the biggest obstacle to my working out.

    Awesome job for not missing a day! You inspire me! You are so doing this! Great weight loss by the way!

    I agree! It's hard to fit everything into one day! So often I wish I could clone myself lol. If youre worried about waking up your husband has he ever tried earplugs? and an eye mask? silly I know but I cant sleep unless it's totally silent and pitch black. So whenever I travel or sleep anywhere strange I have my trusty earplugs and eye mask (make sure you get one that's dark colored, bought a light green one at first b/c it was cute and IT DIDNT BLOCK THE LIGHT!!! so sad) Keep up the great work! :smile:
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    I am struggling with WHEN to do it!!

    I want to get up and do it in the morning but my husband has problems sleeping. so if he is still asleep when I should be getting up to start, I feel guilty and don't want to wake him. figures he starts to sleep when I have something to get up for!

    in the evenings before starting dinner, homework, etc, I do a 3ish mile walk with the dog. by the time everything is settled back down, it is too late to think about doing something like this. I am thinking that as the weather heats up I'll take the dog for her walk later and do the dvd right when I get home. (if I can't get it in first thing in the morning)

    I know these sound like excuses, but I haven't missed a day. fitting things in with the family has always been the biggest obstacle to my working out.
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    I am struggling with WHEN to do it!!

    I want to get up and do it in the morning but my husband has problems sleeping. so if he is still asleep when I should be getting up to start, I feel guilty and don't want to wake him. figures he starts to sleep when I have something to get up for!

    in the evenings before starting dinner, homework, etc, I do a 3ish mile walk with the dog. by the time everything is settled back down, it is too late to think about doing something like this. I am thinking that as the weather heats up I'll take the dog for her walk later and do the dvd right when I get home. (if I can't get it in first thing in the morning)

    I know these sound like excuses, but I haven't missed a day. fitting things in with the family has always been the biggest obstacle to my working out.

    Great ! This group is all about not missing a day, no matter what. I feel mornings are the best.
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    Definitely felt it today! My favorite part was the stretching LOL! Lunges are killing me too. But love a good challenge. :)
    What's your favorite move?

    Lunges and squats with weights, because that's where I feel like I am putting strain on my arms. I feel my arms are getting a good work out. I am glad that I took up this challenge.